Official Nintendo Pokemon Tournament

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It's times like this I'm glad I made a double battles team, and then I remember that there's no possible way I can participate in these tournaments.
lol, and people said in 2000 that having just 4 tournament stops sucked

< proud winner of the only nintendo tournament not to have sucky rules >
You can't abuse OHKO moves in a Double Battle without using Gravity.
The accuracy of OHKO moves is not affected by accuracy modifiers. They are only affected by the level difference between the user and the target. Their accuracy is 30+Your Level-Foe Level, unless the user's level is less than that of the foe, in which case an OHKO would fail.
Gray areas / points of clarification:

When they say your team must consist of 4 Pokemon, do they mean that like JAA was (bring 6, see their team, select 4) or you have to just put 4 Pokemon in your team?

The site says "A player’s team must consist of exactly 4 Pokémon. Players may change Pokémon between rounds, though each Pokémon must still meet the rules outlined in this document." My reading of that (I used to read the rules to MTG for fun o_o) is that you could theoretically EV train a Pokemon for every box slot on your cart before the tournament, and make a party out of any four of them to use for each round. Between rounds, you can switch Pokemon, or items on the Pokemon or (I suppose) apply new TMs or Move Tutors to any of your Pokemon, so long as you start the next round with a legal party of four.

These rules were just MADE to be broken. They're giving you an infinite sideboard.
That's not really that big of an issue unless you are able to watch your future opponent's fight.
è_é these rules greatly sucks =x

And the random drawing to select the participants sucks too.

I predict 128 of the participants will be n00bs, or so with these stupid rules this tournament is way too random -_-

The use of external devices to alter a player’s Pokémon game is expressly forbidden. Random checks will be performed throughout the tournament to determine whether or not an external device has been used to modify a player’s game or Pokémon. Players found to have games that have been tampered with will be disqualified from the event, regardless of whether the player tampered with his or her game, or received a Pokémon or item that was tampered with by someone other than the player. It is the player’s responsibility to have legal Pokémon. Event officials have the final determination regarding the legality of a Pokémon.
If the checksum is perfect and IVs are good (pids etc) they can't see anything ~
WTF, that test was bullshit. I clicked submit with 2 minutes left. The site froze like it's been doing all day, the clock ran to 0, and then it froze again with a blank screen. I refreshed the page, and a few minutes later, my quiz results came up and it said I got a 0/20 x_x
I guess I'll try emailing them, but I doubt that will work, and I don't even know what their email address is.
Ok, that's good, I was able to email them and they said due to technical difficulties, they reset the accounts of everyone who was in the same boat I was. Time to take the retarded test again.
I'm pre-qualified to be in the LA tournament. I'll probably have to buy a DS and D/P if I make it. If someone is really nice and wants to lend me theirs...
I actually pretty psyched about this, mainly because of the Prizes and the fact that I didn't go to JAA(I didn't even play competitive Pokemon then and didn't know of this site, or the JAA event for that matter), even though it'll be all luck for who makes it in, which sucks compared to the JAA, but if I don't get chosen, I might drive to NY to try and get an on-site qualification since I live in NJ.
Anyway, I'm considdering using a team based solely around Smeargle(Sort of like how Obi based his JAA team around him), or a Trick Room team, with Bronzong, Smeargle, and I have no clue who else. I guess I'll have to test them with the PBR that I won from the gamestop tourney(It has a use after all!)
i remember one event i went to way back in the days of G/S was like a mini one to celebrate coliseum release or something, and they had a tourny there, the first rounds was random battles or something either way, it was not battling with own pokes until second round which i found stupid
Remember not to reveal your true identity if you hack, lest a Nintendo employee DQ's you! /lol

I signed up and passed the test. I guess if I am lucky enough to be randomly selected and don't show up, some lucky person will take my spot on the day of the qualifier.
If there is a decent prize, I am determined to win this.

You better be, the grand tourney prize is a nice vacation package for 4 to Hawaii or Japan (to vacation in NYC sucks to be honest) plus some prize pack. Winning first at the qualifiers nets you a complete Wii set with controllers. Runner-ups get custom DS systems? Not too shabby.

Just registered and passed the test, got 20/20 for the NYC stop. I hope the better you answered gets you a better chance for being selected.. :\
You have qualified to be entered into a random drawing to select the participants for the Pokémon Video Game Showdown Qualifier Tournament being held on July 19, 2008, in New York, New York.
Participants will be randomly selected and notified via e-mail on or about June 18, 2008. If you are selected to participate in the Pokémon Video Game Qualifier Showdown Tournament, you will receive an e-mail confirmation. If you are not selected, you will not receive an e-mail.
If you would like to confirm the results of the drawing, log in to your My Pokémon account at, beginning June 18, 2008. Your account status will be updated beginning on that date.
Thanks for participating!
Please choose me Showdown!
Honestly, the only reason I don't want to do this tourney other then the fast that it's 2 hours away is that it's only 2-Pokemon battles. It should at the very least be a 3-Pokemon battle and a 6-Pokemon battle would be even cooler. Plus the fast that you have a very low chance or making it into the Qualifier Tournament- and most likely some of the people picked won't show up.
Honestly, the only reason I don't want to do this tourney other then the fact that it's 2 hours away is that it's only 2-Pokemon battles. It should at the very least be a 3-Pokemon battle and a 6-Pokemon battle would be even cooler.

The tournament format is double battles, but there are 4 pokemon on each team. I agree with most everything else you said (aside from traveling 2 hours :P ).
I took the test, which was really easy, and got a 19/20. lol 25 minutes for that quiz. Should have been more like 5 minutes.

I am pre-qualified for the LA tournament. =)
Man I live in Georgia I can't find a ride why Nintendo why couldn't you make the finals in Japan and have 128 people for Flordia, California, and New York argh now I won't get a chance to compete and show off my medal.
I am really happy to see that Nintendo is hosting a tournament again. I do, however, feel that you guys need to stop whining about the rules. I agree, they certainly aren't what they could or should be but just the fact that they're putting this thing on has me very excited.

I'm going to register for New York and hope that I'm one of the 128 out probably at least 10,000 people to register to be selected.
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