Pokemon Platinum - The definitive thread: Mach 2 (In-Game Discussion)

Nope. My timid ralts is first in party even when talking to Oak.

Still works on other legends though, so at least the Regis are synch-able.
Yes he was. He lived in Eterna, southwestern most point of the town.

EDIT: I personally think that the unsyncheable Birds are not a big loss. I mean Zephyros just got an awesome Timid Hp Ice one, Kara got a nice bold one, wildrush has a good Bold Moltres and a good Articuno (somewhat), and SS4Azelf has a great offensive moltres.
Get a Brave Synchronizer and you'll start getting Timid Zapdos!

lol. I put a brave syncher at the front and haven't got a brave Zapdos since, haven't got any timid either though. I am getting calm Articunos very often though, about 1 in 3.

Yeah 0mastar, have you checked any of their IVs yet?

Yeah. SR'ing for a Registeel and Birds haven't given me any IV spreads that are the same, nothing spectacular though, so I doubt the RNG is glitched like Emerald.

edit: In case anyone didn't know Registeel now gets Magnet Rise from the tutors along with Snore/Iron Head/Iron Defence/Ice Punch and ThunderPunch. No Knock Off =/
Also, still wondering if theyve done anything to make the first slot of the back pack not so tedious to scroll through? Like adding more sections or allowing ou to deposit stuff??
You can't deposit stuff.

And the scrolling speed is much faster, but it already was in Japanese D/P -__- They'll end up reducing its speed in the US version once again, I bet.

@ 0mastar: ...Try to use a Calm Syncher now! I bet you'll start getting Timid Moltres :D
This game is quite dissapointing to be honest, but I can easily say I am not surprised in the least.

The only thing that excites me is, as my colleague Unown Lord pointed out to me the other day, that the abscence of the Ledgendary Beasts (the only unavailable trio in Sinnoh) points to a GS remake perfectly.

With that, I leave you to squander Platinum hoping for some amazing new content, but I am afraid you will find none. Platinum is completely dry now, and it is likely it will gather dust within a month of its release.
Whatever happened to the rumor about getting a Shinx egg with a special move (possibly Volt Tackle) for preordering Platinum? Most people here are playing roms, does anyone with a real game or who can read japanese sites know for sure?

To Mr. Doom and Gloom above, D/P has kept most of us entertained for 2+ years so I doubt we're all going to be bored as fast as you.
What do I do now? I just caught Giratina in Torn World, and ended up in Sendoff Springs or somewhere? Where do I go now? I can't go to Sunnyshore, some fat guy is still blocking my way.
What do I do now? I just caught Giratina in Torn World, and ended up in Sendoff Springs or somewhere? Where do I go now? I can't go to Sunnyshore, some fat guy is still blocking my way.
Go to Prof. Rowan and talk to him. Then you should be able to go to Sunnyshore.
Serebii said:
According to the games code, you can fight the rival until his team is like this

Staraptor Lv. 81
Rapidash Lv. 79
Floatzel Lv. 79
Snorlax Lv. 83
Heracross Lv. 81
Torterra Lv. 85

Staraptor Lv. 81
Roserade Lv. 79
Floatzel Lv. 79
Snorlax Lv. 83
Heracross Lv. 81
Infernape Lv. 85

Staraptor Lv. 81
Roserade Lv. 79
Rapidash Lv. 79
Snorlax Lv. 83
Heracross Lv. 81
Torterra Lv. 85

God damn, your rival have been hauling ass since the last time you met him.
Serebii said:
According to the games code, you can fight the rival until his team is like this

Staraptor Lv. 81
Rapidash Lv. 79
Floatzel Lv. 79
Snorlax Lv. 83
Heracross Lv. 81
Torterra Lv. 85

Staraptor Lv. 81
Roserade Lv. 79
Floatzel Lv. 79
Snorlax Lv. 83
Heracross Lv. 81
Infernape Lv. 85

Staraptor Lv. 81
Roserade Lv. 79
Rapidash Lv. 79
Snorlax Lv. 83
Heracross Lv. 81
Empoleon Lv. 85

That looks like some mighty good experience there :) On that note, wouldn't Pearl's Starter be the most powerful non-Battle Frontier Pokémon? IIRC Red's Pikachu in GSC was only level 81.

Also, since we're talking about Synchronize, can anyone confirm/deny whether Synchronize works on Dialga and Palkia yet?
I was playing around with the move modifier in Diamond and it seems that Rampardos already had the data to learn all three of the punches seems they planned the release of plantinum i havent tested it out yet but im sure i could see if zapdos really learns heat wave and all the other moves.

yes i action replay only pokemon with legit move-sets and moves and stats IVs/EVs some like to breed i dont
You can hack any move onto any Pokémon whether or not they were able to ever learn it at any point in time legitimately. There's no "hidden move data" anywhere in the game.
You can hack any move onto any Pokémon whether or not they were able to ever learn it at any point in time legitimately. There's no "hidden move data" anywhere in the game.

Lawl ur not understanding what im saying i was using the alternate move modifier which wont allow pokemon to learn moves that arent already programmed