Top Five Bands

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If you are trying to judge my musical taste by my musical progression, then you made a baseless accusation (though I assume you were trolling; I only keep giving serious responses since this is a 'serious', non-trolling forum!). I was banned from all but Christian or classical music as a kid; about exactly turning 14 (November 2001? maybe 2002) I found pop punk through Simple Plan; from Simple Plan I found Bad Religion and abandoned pop punk for punk entirely (December); the next month I checked out metal because all the punk people hated metal and by another couple months was listening to 75% metal and 25% punk. This was all I listened to for about a year - death/black/heavy metal and punk with a couple Dream Theater songs and other lighter metal. All I listened to were songs - never albums. I just tried to find the best songs, so my musical collection was very bizarre and unworkable really (I would never have been able to appreciate, say, Meat Loaf - Bat out of Hell at this point). By that time I was about 16 and found power metal. By the time I was 18 I still basically ONLY listened to power metal, death metal, and punk with the occasional 'greats' mixed in. Now I listen to a wide variety and will at least 'try' any music and try to approach bands on their complete discographies (impossible in the cases of bands where disco destroys them midway through, for instance, but then I consider the 'good' part as the complete). I listen to probably about 30-40% metal (barely any death or black), about another good 30-40% progressive and hard rock, and then a glut of the 'greats', jazz, classical, whatever. I mean, Queen has been my favorite band since the first month I heard them in December 2007. If that does not show my taste changed, then nothing does.

Of course, none of this has to do with me being fickle or anything like that - it was an evolution of my taste, and certainly, sometimes I had to reevaluate what was good. That was why it rose from my 15th~ favorite song to 1st/2nd - because I discovered why parts of it were better than I could have as the musically inexperienced kid I was. I hated Zeppelin, Metallica, and other great music. I think the main change was that working the sound board at my church forced me to really, really listen for individual parts of music, and when I returned to Zeppelin and Metallica and whatever other bands I dismissed before (Queen foremost among them), I suddenly heard the individual performances mesh in a different way and could judge the 'technical' individual performances alone as good or bad much better.

unless you actually think that your musical taste is fully evolved and as perfect as it can possibly be, surely you have to admit that it might evolve once again and leave any number of these bands in the dust.

i really don't see how anyone can say good music is timeless; it is completely subjective, and as such depends upon people. people obviously change. they mature. their musical taste evolves. you yourself have said that you're not immune to it, so why is this phase where you like this type of music any different?

you seem to think you can dissect a song and explain why, and exactly why, it deserves an 8/10. i seriously can't tell if you're trolling me or not.

Thank you CK for defending good music/metal. BG is one of the most remarkable and consistent bands with a vocalist that is as talented as they come.

As for the fool Glen, saying my music taste is pussy is just laughable. Please enlighten me on the 'hardcore metal' you listened to when you were '14'. I'm sure they don't have anything on Necrophagist, Psycroptic, Death, Athiest, Amon Amarth, Decrepit Birth, Arsis, Bathory and countless others that couldn't fit into my top 5.

i would respond to you seriously but i'm too busy trying to figure out what's more hardcore, synchronized head-twirling or singing about the land of the runes
Can we stop pretending that the term hardcore isnt pejorative.

"I am a tough guy and I will prove it by writing songs"

It just doesnt work..

i really don't see how anyone can say good music is timeless; it is completely subjective, and as such depends upon people. people obviously change. they mature. their musical taste evolves. you yourself have said that you're not immune to it, so why is this phase where you like this type of music any different?
Possibly true, but there is a point where music becomes timeless enough. When people in 2009 can listen to and love something like Palestrina you'd have to say that anyone suggesting music cant be timeless is just being a little anal.

Music is timed in a similar way to how relationships are timed, and people still get married.

Have a nice day.
Can we stop pretending that the term hardcore isnt pejorative.

"I am a tough guy and I will prove it by writing songs"

It just doesnt work..

Have a nice day.

as someone who doesn't even listen to metal anymore, i thought it was kinda understood that when i say hardcore i'm being a bit sardonic!
Of course I am not trolling. I will never get sick of the songs Blind Guardian - And Then There Was Silence, Beethoven's Ninth/Fourth, Mars Volta - Cassandra Gemini, Yngwie Malmsteen - Far Beyond the Sun, Dream Theater - The Glass Prison, and so on and so forth. My taste will become more comprehensive and nuanced, but I already have heard more than enough that it is hard to imagine another great shock to my musical taste system (where progressive rock was the only real shock up till now). The closest to a massive change that might come is more of an eminence of jazz and classical in my life, but even then there are songs and bands that it would be impossible for me to abandon. I can never be sick of certain bands either - Queen first and foremost, but even a band that I am not even sure on how much I like right now, such as Electric Light Orchestra, I can already tell I could never be sick of the album Twilight. It is just TOO good. The songs are too powerful, cohesive, and filled with talented playing. Of course I cannot tell exactly what an '8/10' is. The problem with music is that most of it is tolerable - that is why I balance my listening with some mixture of listening to whole albums of bands I like with particular songs I am obsessed with (though in rare cases like Scenes from a Memory by Dream Theater, Meat Loaf - Bat out of Hell, Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium, I am already obsessed with nearly the whole album).

I treat my #/10 more like an analysis of how good or bad it is with something like how much I will or will want to listen to it. A 10/10 is a song that is essentially perfect and could not have been created by any other band and has almost no flaws, or at very worst has no major flaws (like one instrument, say drums or bass, that is a lame duck, but not in an intrusive way). A 9/10 is a song that is about as talented, well arranged, or broad and sweeping, just a bit more flawed. An 8/10 is a song that I like and could listen to tons of times, and usually do. A 7/10 is a song that I like that has too many flaws to listen to tons of times. A 6/10 is a 7/10 that does not excite me at all for whatever reason, and also the cutoff for where I stop considering songs below, since everything below is either basically mediocre relative to great music, actually terrible, or only has maybe 1-2 good instruments with something else horrible. For instance, something like a bad 'disco beat' will destroy nearly any song; only the greatest bands could still make good music through that. My biggest emphasis, since music is so hard to accurately judge, is pretty clearly on flaws (though excitement/delight is factored in a bit on all levels above a 6/10).
Eh, I like too many bands across too many different genres. But whatever, I'll throw out my list.

Coheed and Cambria: Most people hate Claudio's voice and the I've heard them be referred to as 'epically gay'. Honestly, they were my intoduction into music in 2002 with The Second Stage Turbine Blade. I was only 10 IIRC, but I still fell in love with their music. Their music helped me get through my first year in high school when I was outcast and mocked, and they have also been a great influence on my drum playing and song writing. I don't care if you think they're emo because with them, I don't even use stupid genre labels. I know that I like their sound, their lyrics and don't even care what other people think of them. I just shrug and say 'Good for you :)'.

Alice in Chains: Do I need to explain this? I respect Layne Staley more than any other musician in history. A combination of powerful hard rock with the moody tones of the 90s grunge scene. Songs like 'Rain When I Die', 'Rooster' and 'Sludge Factory' have helped develop me into the young man I am today. Really dark and emotional, I always get right into the music whenever I listen to AIC. They also helped my find connection with my bandmates as we jammed out an acoustic version of 'Slude Factory' the first time we met.

: Danny Carey is my favourite drummer of all time. I don't care if they're a bunch of assholes, they're music is amazing. Complex time signatures and changes, along with the fact that everyone in the band is extremely talented. I also think Maynard has one of the best voices in rock right now (not including the deceased). I try to incorporate Danny style grooves into my playing and love to jam out to them on my kit and and just try to keep in time throughout the whole song :P.

Mastodon: Another GREAT drummer in Brann Dailor. Their new album has me shaking with anticipation. Like with Tool, I love not only Brann but the powerful riffs and chugging lines. IMO, the best heavy metal band at the moment (I don't count Tool as heavy metal :)).

Rush: I have a thing for good drummers :3 Neil Peart is also another drummer whom I have incorporated styles from into the music I play. Songs like 'Closer to the Heart', 'Fly By Night' and the entire Moving Pictures album actually made me appreciate every part of the music I was listening to. I can literally just get baked and listen to Rush all day. In fact I have, except take listen to and replace it with play. Greatest jam session ever!

Yup. I love drums.
Glen not only did you not answer my question but you made the oh so predictable response in reference to Amon Amarth. I've heard it before and it is a pitiful comeback.

The fact that a mod of a pokemon forum can dismiss fantasy based songs and lyrical content in the genre of Power Metal is a little funny.
The fact that a mod of a pokemon forum can dismiss fantasy based songs and lyrical content in the genre of Power Metal is a little funny.

Maybe if like a moderator of a pokemon forum had found a post on a deathmetal forum about peoples favourite video games and he thought that as a moderator of a pokemon forum he could look down on people who liked other games, agreeing with other posters that the reason pokemon is better than those other games because of how badass it was then that would be funny.

To be honest it would be hilarious..

Have a nice day.
ohoho all right i need a little critique again.

Lets address the metal. I am in no way endorsing power metal or death metal because i think it's cheesy as well...cheese. I hate dragonforce for one. But you can't just openly dismiss a whole genre like that. For instance i hate a lot of country but i'd be lying if i said i didn't like George Straight.

SO for some real metal that might interest you glen. Check out emo hardcore. Listen to some underoath, between the buried and me, Every time i Die, or maybe some Sky Eats Airplane.

for my top five again

Underoath - the emo metal that's hard but has lighter choruses with Aaron Gillespie ( the drummer ) singing lead vocals. Whoever was loving the drummers needs to listen to Aaron. He's one of my biggest influences. He also is the man who made The ALmost.

Scary Kids Scaring Kids- ohohoh the keys player is a god. THese guys are decently heavy with good vocs and great screams. Like Underoath they have some deep powerful meanings.

IN:Aviate- check them out on
Easily some of the best vocals i've heard in a while. Listen to redefining automation and try and convince me you weren't aroused. they are light

Jimmy EAt world- Jimmy has been with me for so long. ALways a powerhouse and never gets old. It's just good classic emo punk. What punk used to be anyway.

August Burns Red- Glen this is for you. They are way metal and "hardcore"
Don't dismiss them. GO listen and experience. Great drummer he is amazing.
Underoath is about as 'weak' as metal gets, so if you are trying to get Glen to do something which he has no inclination to do, then that is a pretty bad way to try. Their only even possible accomplishment is When the Sun Sleeps.
Capt. Kirby: reading too much into instruments and too little into emotions since well whenever the fuck he was born!
i'll bite.

Bright Eyes
Conor Oberst often comes across as a whiny little bitch, especially in his earlier works. but if you can "get past" his vocals (which i personally think are some of the most passionate and evocative i've ever heard) and focus on the music, you'll see what a brilliant muscian he is. and if you focus on his lyrics, you'll see what a fucking genius he is. some of his songs leave me speechless for no other reason than i can't believe he's nailed a thought or musing with such effective insight. and for those who say he can't sing, you're very wrong. he has perfect diction, great control, he just lacks the "tone" that most consider "good". he is sometimes called the Bob Dylan of our generation.

I could not agree with you more. Bright eyes is a fantastic and extremely talented band, not to mention Conor Oberst is a beastly lyricist. My favorite album of Bright Eyes is Im Wide Awake its Morning, excellent stuff
Streetlight Manifesto

Unlike many ska bands, their songs are all different sounding. They are creative and aggressive with their horn section, not just tossing it aside into a generic sounding insertion between skunk guitars and songs about weed. Yeah, I'm stereotyping the ska music that I love, but I hate 99% of ska bands. SLM really stands out with it's style, their songs even switch tones and pace throughout the 4 minute or so runtimes.

Yeah pretty standard pop punk/hard rock fushion band, but I fell in love with them almost a decade ago and I won't stop now! Plus, I've been on stage with them and they are amazing live. They just sound good, not much thought needs to be put into it.

The Creepshow
Just picked a good Rockabilly band out of a hat really, Horrorpops are almost the same thing. The upright bass is what does it there I think, plus I like the vocals. It just sounds good, again, not much thought need go into it.

I am Ghost
Their older stuff had a violin in the post hardcore/gothic music. Really aggressive and fun, the female vocalist (the violinist) played off amazingly well with the male vocalist. She left because she was a hardcore christian it seems. They've been a band with potential since I started listening to them; they recently released the CD I had always hoped they would, but the fucking hook was gone! No more violin, replaced instead with weepy high pitched guitars. You can sure tell that the songs were written to have that violin in it. Still, good music nonetheless.

Vendetta Red
This now defunct band is just incredible. They have some amazing lyrical and vocal talents and somehow manage to make songs sound creepy like no other band. It's just too bad they reformed (sans one member) and made a fantastically mediocre if not all out lousy band called Sirens Sister, completely revamping their sound into something a little more condusive with being a vagina. Either way, their stuff under the name Vendetta Red is certainly great music.
wow mom wow

Underoath is about as 'weak' as metal gets, so if you are trying to get Glen to do something which he has no inclination to do, then that is a pretty bad way to try. Their only even possible accomplishment is When the Sun Sleeps.

Underoath is weak? good gravy train you must listen to the worst metal ever then. GO listen to Everyone looks so good from here from define the great line. Then go listen to it's dangerous business walking out your front door from they are only chasing safety. After that take a gander at breathing in a new mentality from lost in the sound of seperation. ONce completed come back and tell me they aren't metal. ANd then try and sleep at night. As for the sun still sleeps it's a good album but by far the least mature and pleasing of the albums. Dallas Taylor , who was the screamer on that album, does do vocs for Maylene and the Sons of Disaster now. A little southern rock. They are pro.

Anyway i also referred him to August Burns Red. Noone breaks it down harder than ABR. Not one single band. So if you or glen want real metal you'll listen.

ONce again i'm gonna assert that bright eyes is terrible. Listen to Death Cab instead. Far superior. Almost as good as my incomplete sentences.
Metalcore is not fucken metal. Take your semi metal and get out of my fucken stereo, Ronny.
The Sound of Animals Fighting
No real explanation needed, i would suggest looking them up if you've never heard them, and be prepared for Anthony Green's voice.

Rusted Root
Great music. Great lyrics. These guys are the ultimate hippie jam band.


These guys have played every genre under the sun, and have excelled at all of them.


Not very well known. I saw them live, it was amazing. Definitely one of the greatest shows I've ever been to.

Fair to Midland

This guy's voice is almost as crazy as Anthony Green's. That is except when they play live. Live he sounds, bad, but the rest of the band still sounds phenomenal

The Sound of Animals Fighting
No real explanation needed, i would suggest looking them up if you've never heard them, and be prepared for Anthony Green's voice.

Rusted Root
Great music. Great lyrics. These guys are the ultimate hippie jam band.

These guys have played every genre under the sun, and have excelled at all of them.

Not very well known. I saw them live, it was amazing. Definitely one of the greatest shows I've ever been to.

Fair to Midland
This guy's voice is almost as crazy as Anthony Green's. That is except when they play live. Live he sounds, bad, but the rest of the band still sounds phenomenal

incubus ftw and the sound of animals fighting is amazing. Saosin is dominant and needs the mention right now.
You're an idiot. Obviously, it's Poison and Warrant!

On a more serious note: Manowar is fucking metal!

Whatever the fuck it is, metalcore isn't fucking metal. Neither is nu-metal. If you want a fucking genre dissection, this is the wrong topic. Just don't call bands metal that aren't metal (most of the bands you mention are hardcore punk influenced more than metal).
1) System of a Down. There is no doubt in my mind that SOAD is one the best bands ever. They also were my gateway to EVERY metal band I now know. Main Reason: Chop Suey. 'nuff said.

2) Sonata Arctica/Blind Guardian - These bands are equal IMO, they are both INSANE at what they do.

3) Bullet For My Valentine - They are t3h shit. The majority of their songs feel energetic, and what can I say Ihazadhdlol. And of the songs that are calmer (The End, Hearts Burst Into Fire, ...), most of them are good, IMO.
Also, they can cover solos damned well (Creeping Death, Crazy Train, etc..)

4) Megadeth - Agression. Tornado Of Souls. basically, 'nuff said. Mustaine is a monster with a guitar, and his voice fits the agressive style of the band. The rest of the band is also talented (but nothing like Sonata, or Blind Guardian)

5)Metallica - Death Magnetic, sporadic songs from Black, Load, Reload..., and pre-Black album metallica... Go listen to Dyers Eve NAO (it's from ...And Justice For All). The solos on their first four albums were insane, especially when compared to what came after AJFA, though Death Magnetic takes a step in the good direction again.

Honorable Mentions: Lamb of God, Atreyu, Devildriver, Static-X, Trivium (go look up detonation, and then the first solo. those squealies are GODLIKE) and the most honorable mention of all. so honorable, in fact, ill even make a number 6 :P

6) Raintime - these guys have made two albums so far, and besides Burning Doll and Matrioska, I like every one of them (thought Moot-Lie, Flies & Lies, Rolling Chances, Another Transition and Beat it are my favorite songs, yes the last is a cover, and no, it does not suck like Fall-Out Boy's version)
Because it is starting to pile up.

Philia-because Luke Owen is a Freaking Rock Poet.
"I cut my feet, and I wound my toes; so I have to walk on my hands.
The easiest way was never an option; kill the cattle, burn the crops, sit there and watch'em."
-FROM:Home is where the heart is.

the Beatles-what?


Dylan-again FRPoetry.

Jethro Tull-you have a problem with jazz flute?

My first Smogon post. Y=eah!
Metalcore is not fucken metal. Take your semi metal and get out of my fucken stereo, Ronny.


Please stop defending your average emo bands, Son of Disaster, because I'm going to assume from the reactions you are attracting with your posts the majority of people in here are not interested at all.

Okay, list your bands, but don't keep telling people 'Listen to this! Listen to it! It is good, stop saying it sucks!'. Shut up please :).

On another note, I also have to say that The Sound of Animals Fighting it great. I liked Saosin when they had Anthony but now they're still just above average. :/
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