Wi-Fi Blacklist: as of January 30th, 2014

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Probably with Pokesav. :)

You see, since it IS hacked it means that you are lying about what you own and don't own. Understand? Now we can certainly argue back and forth about that, but the fact is that you traded a Pokemon that can't exist without using one of these external devices. So we are done here. I'm entertaining no more discussion on the subject.
what if i am lying about ownership and soft resetting, you probably would still blacklist me, my OT;29262, My Secret ID; 46548, compare that and the Registeel,the regirock, i will hapily give up the regirock his OT is LOGAN and ID is 13682
Let's not forget something, you are responsible for what you trade on smogon. No ifs, ands, nor buts.
Every time you post here, in the blacklist thread, asking to be removed extends the amount of time before removing you is actually considered. You are really not doing yourself a favor by continually asking here.
I'm here to report psykeii for disconnecting. Psykeii has DCed on me at least 2-3 times. In each situation I had the upper hand, there was no lag with an almost perfect connection. Psykeii claims not to have DCed intentionally yet circumstances seem suspicious considering other people have said that Psykeii has DCed on them. I don't mean to be a minimod, this just seems strange considering I'm not the only one who claims he's DC'd on them.
I'm here to report psykeii for disconnecting. Psykeii has DCed on me at least 2-3 times. In each situation I had the upper hand, there was no lag with an almost perfect connection. Psykeii claims not to have DCed intentionally yet circumstances seem suspicious considering other people have said that Psykeii has DCed on them. I don't mean to be a minimod, this just seems strange considering I'm not the only one who claims he's DC'd on them.

No, you are not.

Adding Psykeii to the blacklist.
the player Juzblazed on 6-2 for me D/ced...

juzblazed was battling me also and he was beating me I had 1 last pokemon right about to die and he disconnected so it was his connection and it got messed up, no big deal! he mentioned having 2 people on the account so he was battling us both at the same time no need to report the dude as a disconnector without getting all the facts straight! CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!! if you disconnect your a fool! thats why they invented the RUN button! DUH! and if you are a disconnector then your going to HELL!!! lol
Lizard man when our battle was finish he D\ced! :(
the battle was win 5-0 by me.

please put lizard in black list.
Ok, number one I did not d/c. I turned the game off at the save a battle vid screen. You should have contacted me first, so I could explain before just jumping the gun like that. =/

Very gg though, your a much better player than I thought. You did 5-0 me, and I let it happen. I did not turn off in the middle of the game.

If I did anything wrong though, I truly apologize and it won't ever happen again.

I have battlers that can vouche for me if needed as well.
Every time you post here, in the blacklist thread, asking to be removed extends the amount of time before removing you is actually considered. You are really not doing yourself a favor by continually asking here.

Sorry, i'm not a Spammer usually, sorry, but for some reason, i couldn't and can't see a line, where something like the amount of time before somebody can removed is described. So, can you please say me, when i can get removed?


Ok, number one I did not d/c. I turned the game off at the save a battle vid screen. =/

Very gg though, your a much better player than I thought. You did 5-0 me, and I let it happen. I did not turn off in the middle of the game.

If I did anything wrong though, I truly apologize and it won't ever happen again.

I have battlers that can vouche for me if needed as well.

I'm just one of them ;)

What just happened with the Competitive Battling.. everyday senseless assumptions like "You are a D/Cer, i report you!".. NOBODY can't know, if one is a D/Cer, only the indicted one. It's just not a fair thing, that you assume one as a D/Cer, so he can't have fun more with Competitive Battling, even when it's not sure, if he is one. Instead of just don't battling the "bad man" not more, the Blacklist just grows and grows, but nobody cares, if the listed persons are really D/Cers or not.)
Ok, number one I did not d/c. I turned the game off at the save a battle vid screen. =/

Very gg though, your a much better player than I thought. You did 5-0 me, and I let it happen. I did not turn off in the middle of the game.

If I did anything wrong though, I truly apologize and it won't ever happen again.

I have battlers that can vouche for me if needed as well.

I've battled LizardMan multiple times. The first two times we battled I beat him down pretty hard yet he took the losses like a man. It doesn't seem likely he'd D/C when he's going to lose sometimes yet not others.
i've battled LizardMan dozens of times and he's not disconnected once.

although, it's better to wait until it gets to the "would you like another battle?" screen before turning off your game.
I do agree to this as well. I've battled Lizardman um-teen times and have beaten him all those times and no D/C..

but i don't know, I wasn't there so I can't say if it was Intentional D/C against zx93.
I'd like to take this time to announce a change in policy for the Wifi forum.

Until now, when a trader was blacklisted for hacking, they were actually allowed to operate a trade thread. This changes now. WiFi moderators now have the authority to disallow the creation/operation of trade threads by these members. I think this is something that we can all appreciate.

Users on the probationary blacklist are not covered by this new policy.

Please note that if another member trades the Pokemon of a blacklisted member, whether the Pokemon are hacked or not will get said member moved to blacklist.
I'm so sad but I must put in black list cristiano, he lost vs me and near at the end he D\ced vs me and vs another people. is not correct.
I'd like to take this time to announce a change in policy for the Wifi forum.

Until now, when a trader was blacklisted for hacking, they were actually allowed to operate a trade thread. This changes now. WiFi moderators now have the authority to disallow the creation/operation of trade threads by these members. I think this is something that we can all appreciate.

Users on the probationary blacklist are not covered by this new policy.

Please note that if another member trades the Pokemon of a blacklisted member, whether the Pokemon are hacked or not will get said member moved to blacklist.
I'm on the Blacklist, and I was planning to start a new thread (I have already created on, so I can add my stuff). But I'm not allowed to start one, am I correct?
Okay, I had to disconnect back then, but that was just because I had to leave the game in an instant because of dinner and I wasn't thinking. Therefor I disconnected, but I know I did wrong. I should have fled, but because I had to act fast I just turned off my DS as a reaction. I did send a (short) message to my opponent why I disconnected. It was a short message, but that was because I had to go.

I can assure you that this only happened 1 time, and 1 time only. Some people on this forum have disconnected on me as well, but I didn't report them because I spoke to them first and I wanted to hear their side of the story. My opponent never asked me why I disconnected or something like that. I just found my name in this forum today, even though the disconnecting accured some time ago.

I know I did wrong and I will send a message to my opponent to say I am sorry for disconnecting, but in my opinion he should have talked about it with me first before posting it here.

So how long will I stay on this blacklist?

Just a little confused. Did Viletung change his name to hide from something, or did he just feel like a name change?
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