Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

Is there any way to lower the Happiness counter clicks on the RNG reporter or any way to tell how many clicks you've made? Some of mine are in the thousands and... D:
:O Really?

Does anyone have a foreign Ditto they'd like to trade me? ^^;

Easiest way to obtain one (i got mine on accident) is to go into a trade thread where people are making pokesav pokemon and have them flag you foreign ditto.

Natures don't mean a thing because your taps/flips will have the actual nature of the shiny.
Nexus, this way isn't working out either.
My target frame is 129, the actual frame is still 105.
129-105 = 24
Then it's 6 advancements to the next piece of grass.
24-6 = 18
then 4 pieces of grass shake, plus the extra -6
18-10-2 = 2
So I just open up my journal, close it, then walk there, and the smeargle I get is on frame 131, only 2 over.

Then I tried it again, without that journal flip (to go two frames under what I did the last time) and got either frame 110 or 130 (they have the same spread)

Since when did one journal flip only advance the RNG by 1 and how can I fix this?

As a side note, there is the spread I am aiming for on a higher frame, should I try for that?

EDIT: I just did the same thing, except I took a more direct route to the patch (5 advancements instead of 6) and I got frame 128....
Is it me or is 129 just an impossible frame to hit?
I'm RNGing for a fully flawless egg, and the only spread I want is on an odd-numbered frame. When calibrating my frame, I've gotten 5, 4, 4, and 5. Can I go ahead and start RNGing with 5 as my starting frame, do I need to calibrate a bit more, or is it too inconsistent and I need to get a different save?
Nexus, this way isn't working out either.
My target frame is 129, the actual frame is still 105.
129-105 = 24
Then it's 6 advancements to the next piece of grass.
24-6 = 18
then 4 pieces of grass shake, plus the extra -6
18-10-2 = 2
So I just open up my journal, close it, then walk there, and the smeargle I get is on frame 131, only 2 over.

Then I tried it again, without that journal flip (to go two frames under what I did the last time) and got either frame 110 or 130 (they have the same spread)

Since when did one journal flip only advance the RNG by 1 and how can I fix this?

As a side note, there is the spread I am aiming for on a higher frame, should I try for that?

EDIT: I just did the same thing, except I took a more direct route to the patch (5 advancements instead of 6) and I got frame 128....
Is it me or is 129 just an impossible frame to hit?
The same thing happened to me. Here's my example of this phenomenon:

This just happens sometimes without any real explanation. If your spread is available on a higher frame, then try and go for that. It worked for me once I tried a different frame.

I'm RNGing for a fully flawless egg, and the only spread I want is on an odd-numbered frame. When calibrating my frame, I've gotten 5, 4, 4, and 5. Can I go ahead and start RNGing with 5 as my starting frame, do I need to calibrate a bit more, or is it too inconsistent and I need to get a different save?

You should calibrate more. 4 times is not a big enough sample size in my opinion.
Heh, well, it appears the frame DOES advance randomly
I went for my higher one (137) and the flips I was supposed to do was 5, but when I did that I got frame 140, so rather than take the direct route and do one less flip, I took the same route with 1 less flip which should have given me 135, but going off the 140 it should've given me 138, but instead I hit my target 137!
I would say that when you can get relatively consistent results, that's when you should stop. It's different for each person.
Is there any way to lower the Happiness counter clicks on the RNG reporter or any way to tell how many clicks you've made? Some of mine are in the thousands and... D:

Aside from getting a foreign ditto, if you understand the basics of RNG abuse, you could try the Shiny Finder Application found in this post.

I find it easier to just hit my target delay and flip/tap a lot less. Do note though that this does not work with international breeding.

Edit: Sorry Nexus, should have been a little more clear :P It doesn't work for two parents with different nationalities.
actually it does I have bred two international parents with this method worked for me

Oh, but it won't show you all the available shiny eggs, it'll just show you the shiny eggs you would already get with non-international parents.

I have a modified version of RNG Reporter that handles international breeding pairs, if someone will give me some webspace to post it on. (It also does low egg frames for HGSS, like Viletung's mod above, and lists natures\IVs for chained Pokemon if you want to find out if you can chain a perfectly flawless Hasty Salamence or whatever.)
Oh, but it won't show you all the available shiny eggs, it'll just show you the shiny eggs you would already get with non-international parents.
true I was just saying you can breed with them with this method just not get all the frames until now with your modifications

Edit: Sorry Nexus, should have been a little more clear :P It doesn't work for two parents with different nationalities.
well I answered in my PM that you can use this method to breed with two parents of different nationalities
so it's actual frame minus the frame correct? if so what do i do if my actual frame is higher than my frame
ok I'm using method J and let's say when i come in i sweet scent for the poke i want does that mean my formula should look like this 234 (frame)-2(monster frame)-5(wandering npcs)=227rng advances ?
Okay, I'm having some trouble here. Two of my most common delays via button mashing with a GBA game inserted are 595 and 597, and my seconds is 15. The delay I'm after is 596, and the time I'm after is 14:01:15 on 2/1/2010. I remove the GBA game, power on my DS, set the date to 2/1/2010, set the time to 14:00, power off/on, and load the game. The instant I see my Pokétch Digital Watch app roll over to 14:01, I SR, button mash, and go to the Coin Flip app. The flips I'm getting are not anywhere in the adjacent spreads list, so I go to catch a level 50+ Magikarp at the Resort Area. I input its stats and capture info into RNG Reporter, which tells me that no reasonable initial seed was found. I use Rare Candies to check the exact IVs, put them into RNG Reporter, and get the same error message. The date I put into RNG Reporter matches the date on Magikarp's catch data, and I'm positive that I have the correct time (14:01) since I watched the DS roll over to that minute and then immediately SR'd and proceeded through the menus as quickly as I could. I'm also positive that I'm entering the proper IVs/stats.

Anyone have any idea what could be going on for me? I've been RNGing successfully ever since the D/P/Pt RNG was cracked and have never had this trouble. Thanks!
Maybe it's just bad luck... Or maybe it's not.

I got a problem on Emerald trying to RNG a HP Ice 70 Timid Treecko.

There is a topic on Smogon with some Emerald RNG spreads for breeding. I picked this one: A-10-B-B-31-31 (Frame: 10851) (180.83 Seconds).
Problem is... I don't seem to hit it in some way. I've been trying this for days. Though there is a frame I do hit a lot. Funny thing is that I can't find that spread on the RNG reporter. This are the stats I get a lot: 30 - 31 / 20 - 24 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 25 - 29 / 20 - 24. (@ lvl 20.). There are also ofcourse other spread I hit, but I can't find those in the RNG reporter either...

I'm not new at Emerald RNG.. I've succeeded 31-4-31-A-A-B (Frame: 2391) (39.85 Seconds) a lot. It usually takes me a hour.

Does anyone know what it could be? Or is it just very, very bad luck?

You might be hitting split frames or be in alternate mode. It seems like you're using an actual cartridge, so I suggest you do the following:
- Use rare candies to determine the exact IVs of 31 / 20 - 24 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 25 - 29 / 20 - 24.
- Search for these exact IVs in both Emerald split frames and alternate mode frames, in RNG Reporter.

If you find the frame is in split or alternate mode:
- Based on my experience, there is no specific way of getting out of these modes. On a cartridge, I found that after switching the GBA on and off multiple times, hatching a few eggs, entering a few wild battles, and taking the parents in/out of the daycare centre, eventually I got out of alternate/split mode and entered 'regular' mode again.
- Or, you can search for an HP Ice 70 spread in alternate/split mode (whichever you're in) and try to aim for it.
Originally Posted by Fat Chronix
Is this some sort of conspiracy against me? E'm doing egg abuse, and I've done it countless times before, this time my target delay is 612. I go through the shiny process and everything, then move onto IV abusing. I must have tried at least 30 times, I cannot hit 612. It is always 614 or 610, but never in between. And I am asking if this is some kind of glitch? There were a few time where it said that my delay was 610 but that is really not possible imo because I paused a lot when SR'ing.

Originally Posted by Fat Ferrouswheel
It just happens sometimes. And it sucks.

Originally Posted by Fat Chronix
Well I am really getting pissed now because it has been like 2-3 days and it hasn't stopped. I had to quit the BP I was doing and start again, and now the shiny egg delay doesn't even work. Anyone know what is going on? Maybe this is an outdated RNG Reporter?

anyone? :(
I changed some things

-I removed the; Flip Sequence, Taps, Flips
-I added a checkbox to search for all possible seconds, but it can slow down your PC!

Thanks! Yeah, I was thinking about that. But maybe it's easier to tell you what I changed, since I changed only a few lines. And my App uses RNG Reporters Registry keys.

Oh, and isn't it a good idea to make people insert a max Happiness taps? I can do that, if you want?

Haha, you're welcome =)

Oh, didn't know that was necessary.

Hmm...I don't think sorting is much of use, because what's the possibility of getting more then 20 Shiny Adamant Egg on a frame lower then 10? I don't think the possibility will be high, but I need to admit, I tried to get is sorted to, but couldn't get it working.

If this is meant for me, then no, you can still use the Right mouse button and then click on Generate times, and there you can alter the year.

Believe me, it helped a lot. I did one search, and got LOTS of results, since I was searching in a very wide delay interval (I enabled RNG reporter to search in higher delays, above 999). So, it took me quite some time to find the seed with the lower frame.

I even started modifying the code for the IV Search functions in DPPt Egg IVs tab, but since mingot asked me to wait, my code is waiting right now.
I was wondering is it possible to gain a perfect iv Jolly or Naive Azelf with a reasonable date? I thought I heard a perfect Azelf was not possible and I'm trying to make sure I don't search for crazy delays for no reason.
There aren't any (31/31/31/31/31/31) spreads in the wild for Jolly or Naive, but there are some that are very close. They might have one or two of the 31s as 30, but that's not a problem. And with the PikaTimer or Emloop (see first page), it's pretty easy to get a flawless wild with a regular date. Also, it helps to use Wichu's finder, it works alot faster than the RNG Reporter and searches higher delays too.
Well, perfect is only available with a few natures (modest, timid, calm off the top of my head) but you can get a "perfect" azelf in the sense that you don't care about some of the stats.
And as far as I know you can get any pokemon with a normal date as long as you can hit high delays and have a 3rd gen cart, if not then you may have to change the year.