CAP 10 CAP 10 - Art Submissions

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I think Movepool will probably come before the art poll.

here is my entry:​

main design:

supporting material:


Your final design is too small. Must be 320 x 320 or bigger.
Chomzloh said:
Will we given at least a one day heads up before the thread is closed?
The secondary ability poll ends in 5 hours, and the movepool discussions begin after that. I imagine you will be given notice by BEEJ, but I would recommend getting it done sooner rather than later, for sure. The art polls will begin sometime not too far after the ability poll concludes.
Your main design needs to be at least 320x320 pixels.

OK, somehow missed that. Should be Edited by tomorrow.

@TFG: A light in it's eye might indeed help. I'll fiddle around with it if I have time after resizing it. +)

@ Everyone: I'm up for a day's advance notice myself. +)

MOR SUPPORTIN' MATERIALZ! This time in Anime Warstory Script form! Warning: This is very long. It took a full front and back sheet of college ruled notebook paper to write it.

[Player 1: Thoughts] Okay, looking bad for me. My opponent still has half of his team left, and I only have one Pokemon. Not the best of odds, but it'll have to do...

[Player 1]Go, Christ!

From out of the Pokeball emerged a never-before seen Pokemon. It resembled some sort of lizard, possessing large webbed feet and tribal markings covering its body from head to toe. Its arms each had a small, black protrusion emerging from the back of its three-clawed hands. It had a large black crest emerging from its head, with blue stripes marking the upper edges. This same material also jutted from its upper back, while a yellow stripe ran down the rest of his back and onto its tail. Its tail was as long as its body, if not longer, with a row of webbed spines running along its end.

[Player 2] WTF is that?!? Some kind of game hack?

But before Player 2 could finish his sentence, the Pokemon had already started to charge at the opposing Breloom. The trainer was only able to watch as it nailed his opponent with an icy jab to the gut [Ice Punch]...

...only to have the Breloom disappear into midair [Substitute]. Before Christ could realize what had happened, he recieved a powerful blow to the back, delivered by an airborne Breloom [Focus Punch]. Angered, Christ jumped high into the air, hurtling straight for the enemy Breloom. Despite its best efforts, the Breloom takes a heavy blow to the back from a great whiplash of Christ's tail [Aerial Ace]. The Breloom soon fell unconscious.

[Player 2] Frick! I need to KO that thing, and fast! But how can I when I don't know what it can do?

[Player 2]Go, Mamoswine!

[Player 2] Let's hope that this can save my team...

[Player 1 smiles.]

The Mamoswine soon followed its Trainer's orders to the letter, beginning the battle with a massive stomp that caused the Earth itself to crack [Earthquake]. Christ quickly jumped to escape the raging earth, only to get pelted by a large sphere of Ice [Ice Shard].Realizing that he was not safe on the ground or in the air, Christ ran to the nearby river. Chasing after him, the Mamoswine and its Trainer were soon amazed to find Christ standing on the rapid water. He ran towards the Mamoswine on a steadily building wave, finally tackling the Mamoswine with the full force of the river behind him [Surf]. The Mamoswine soon recovers from the blow, only to realize that Christ has latched onto its back. The Mamoswine frantically tried to shake it off, while Christ, still holding his grip, extended the protrusions on the backs of his hands into wicked blades. He slashed thice, and the Mamoswine fell [Cross Chop].

[Player 2] Crud! What can't this thing do?

[Player 2] You can do it, Metagross!

As the Metagross emerged from its Pokeball, it immediately started to levitate in midair [Magnet Rise]. Christ charged at it, only to recieve a fierce headbutt, followed immediately by a strong punch to the face [Zen Headbutt >Flinch >Meteor Mash].Weakened from the assault, Christ quickly retreated into the nearby forest with its Trainer. The Metagross soon followed, only to get jumped by a waiting Christ. The Metagross' Trainer had seen this tactic before, though, and, with a blast of telekinetic energy, the Metagross sent Christ flying through a nearby tree [Psychic].

But they had not won the battle yet. Unknown to the enemy Trainer, Christ had sent an electrical current through Metagross during the mayhem, Paralyzing it [Thunder Wave]. Christ stood up again, seemingly on his last leg, and started to limp towards the Metagross [Endure]. The Metagross tried to finish him off, but realized, to its astonishment, that it could not move a single metallic muscle in its body. Christ stopped within twenty feet of the Metagross, and raised his arms up to the heavens, where clouds had started to gather [Thunder]. Sensing Danger, the Metagross did all that it could to pull off one final attack. Just as Christ was about to call forth the Metagross' doom, the Metagross summoned up the last of its energy to create a massive explosion, annihilating the surrounding forest and knocking both contestants unconscious.

Final Result: DRAW.

[Player 1 has left the room.]

[Player 2] Darn! He left before I could ask him what the heck that thing was... +(

[Player 2 has left the room.]

Tell me what you guys think!
Final Submission

Main Design


Supporting Material

As I was brainstorming ideas for an Electric/Water design, I kept thinking of hydroelectric dams. But, there was no way I was going to make a dam into a pokemon! So, instead -- I asked myself this question:
"In the world of Pokemon, what kind of creature might make a hydroelectric dam?"
An electric beaver, of course...

CAP10 makes big dams in the rivers of Sinnoh, and uses bioelectricity to stun fish as they encounter the dams. The faster the water flows, the more fish the CAP10 eat, and the more electricity they produce. Some communities in Sinnoh have tapped into these natural hydroelectric dams, and use the electricity to light and power entire cities.

Whiscash are the bane of CAP10's existence. When Whiscash happen upon a CAP10 dam, they are immune to the electric shocks and create huge earthquakes to completely destroy the dam and everything in it.

The hydroelectric beaver produces natural bioelectricity that energizes the pokemon. This constant internal power source makes the pokemon incredibly active. Ever hear the term "busy as a beaver"? The only way this pokemon can sleep at night, is to burrow into the mud inside its dam, effectively "grounding itself" to dampen the constant flow of electricity through its body and tail. When not grounded, the pokemon is almost in constant motion.

CAP10 is naturally very focused. When it sets its sights on a goal, it will work obsessively until that singular task is completed. In the wild, CAP10 normally focuses on the building of its dam. But Pokemon trainers have discovered that if young CAP10's are captured or bred, they can be trained to focus on beating specific pokemon in battle. When properly trained, a CAP10 can be taught to counter almost any Pokemon in existence. Unfortunately, due to the singular obsession of CAP10's instinctive work ethic -- it is not very useful for handling a variety of battle threats. But, for Pokemon trainers with specific battle goals in mind, a well-trained CAP10 is a valuable battle ally.

Alternate Coloring

I usually have fun making my CAP designs, and this one is no exception. Once I got the idea of a beaver that makes hydroelectric dams, I really couldn't consider anything else. It's been great fun, and I appreciate everyone that has given me support and feedback. There are numerous fantastic designs submitted so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing who wins!
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