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1) Which one of the two is generally considered "better", Alakazam or Gengar?

2) If I opt to use Life Orb Gengar, is Explosion superior to HP Fire to lure and destroy Blissey and clear a path for a special-based sweep?

3) Should Hypnosis be used on Gengar? Even on the SUpPunch set, I feel bad losing the Electric-type move...

1. Gengar. While they're both extremely frail and Alakazam has better SpAtk and Spe, Gengar has 3 nice immunities to switch in on and gets perfect coverage with its STAB and Focus Blast, while Alakazam still has to watch out for Psychic types (although, they are fairly rare).

2. It really depends on whether you want to take out Scizor or Blissey.

3. I'd only use Hypnosis on a set with Substitute since Gengar is far too frail to be able to afford a miss. Sleep is nice because you can instantly cripple most Pokemon, but I'd rather not worry about it missing, even with Substitute, because hax rules my life.
Scizor can Just Bullet Punch anyway...lose speed for HP Fire? Must I keep it? I really feel luring Blissey can benefit me alot...

If a scizor is choice banded it can:
-BP and kill you
-Try to pursuit and you kill it

Or if it's a SD variant:
-BP and kill you
-Try to pursuit or SD and you kill it.

Basically a 50/50 chance depending on how you play.

If you really want to lure Blissey, it's your choice. IMO both sets are good to use :)
question: are there any members with knowledge about building a great team, with knowledge about the strategic side of pokémon who want to help me (by email, for example), because I'm not yet used to it and I want to build a good and balanced team.
Can someone help me with this team?

Scarf-Lead Jirachi
Specs Jolteon
Bulky Gyarados
Rest-Talk Milotic
Standard Celebi (Earth Power, Leech Seed, etc)

What would work well in the last slot here, assuming I keep all the other teammates? Thanks, I'd post a RMT, but I need a 6th first!

I was considering physically-inclined Swampert, but I'd like to hear your ideas!
question: are there any members with knowledge about building a great team, with knowledge about the strategic side of pokémon who want to help me (by email, for example), because I'm not yet used to it and I want to build a good and balanced team.

Try the battling 101 program (sign ups aren't open now)
I have a sort of long short question...

Well I started on a new team a couple of days ago because of the release of HG/SS and quite frankly I suck so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm not looking for specifics or a RMT just suggestions on what Pokemon work well with what I've got because well since I beat Platinum again these are the only pokes I have finished.

Weavile@Focus Sash
Hasty Nature
4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

Fake Out
Night Slash

Rotom-A@Choice Scarf
Modest Nature
4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe

Shadow Ball

Infernape@Life Orb
Naive Nature
64 Atk/252 SpA/192 Spe

Nasty Plot
Close Combat
Grass Knot
I was just wondering, i know XD has exclusive moves but does Colosseum?
If so, please post the link as i couldn't find one anywhere.
Thanks ^^
WHat are the best moves smeargle can use for catching legendaries? I know spore and false swipe, but are there any more? Or is that good enough?
Mean Look or similar, to stop runners.
For the fourth move, there's Heal Block to thwart healing, something stat changing to help Smeargle's survivability (perhaps Double Team), a high-powered attack to hit Resters enough if you don't plan on Smeargle being a much higher level than the legends, or Foresight/Odor Sleuth to be able to False Swipe Giratina.
EDIT: Taunt is good too, but Ingrain might be better?
yeah, I'm gonna try that 101 thingy, but I dont have 15 posts yet :'D oh well, I quess I'll have to be a little bit more active then.
Okay for the third time,


I never get the answer and I searched everywhere. There is no coin flip in the game so how do you do the above for eggs and legends?

In a Bold Suicune, what are the most important IV's? I'm SRing like crazy and it's driving me crazy... I'm thinking that HP and the defenses and speed and SpA are all very important, but I'm not that dedicated to SRing to get perfect stats in all of those.
Okay for the third time,


I never get the answer and I searched everywhere. There is no coin flip in the game so how do you do the above for eggs and legends?

This question belongs in the PRNG Help thread but I'll answer it anyway.

If you look here: All Generation PRNG Help / Information

On the second post it will talk about RNG abuse in HGSS. For eggs:

Hatching for shiny Eggs\Eggs of a certain nature

Unlike DPPt, HGSS does not have the benefit of coin flips and happiness taps, which were used to skip through eggs until one of the desired nature and\or shininess is found. In HGSS, eggs must be hatched one at a time until the desired egg is reached. RNG Reporter (link in signature) has an option to search for very low egg PID frames, making it possible to find a shiny egg on the very first.

Hatching for flawless-IV eggs

Breeding for flawless IVs in HGSS uses very much the same procedure as that in DPPt, save for a few differences.

In DPPt, there were many wandering NPCs that made it a requirement to "calibrate" for the starting frame of an egg received from the Daycare Man. In HGSS, there is only one NPC on that route to worry about, and as a result the starting frame is usually 3 and there is no need to calibrate. To hit higher frames you have to open the Pokegear very quickly (before the NPC moves) and advance the RNG via the radio.

Furthermore, the method of IV inheritance has been changed, so all IVs have an equal change of being passed down. The Breeding (HGSS) option reflects this.

The effects of Power Items on the RNG and egg IVs is yet to be understood.
Does a Fast Ball work better on Abra than a regular Poke Ball? I'm thinking no because it doesn't truely run away but I want to be sure.
If I battle with someone who uses hacked Pokémon (either a "legal hack" or an "illegal hack"), whether through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, DS Wireless Communications, Battle Tower Wi-Fi, or the Viridian City Trainer House, there will be no evidence of hacked data on my game whatsoever (unless I choose to record the battle), correct?

Would the same apply to interacting with a PokéWalker containing a hacked Pokémon or doing a Pokéathlon or Contest with someone else who uses a hacked Pokémon?

I just want to make sure... I don't hack whatsoever and don't want to let someone else's hacking get me disqualified from VGC or anything like that.
Does a Fast Ball work better on Abra than a regular Poke Ball? I'm thinking no because it doesn't truely run away but I want to be sure.
No, i don't think so. Abra "runs away" by using a move. It's like saying you switched out a pokemon of your own accord when your opponent used Whirlwind.
If I battle with someone who uses hacked Pokémon (either a "legal hack" or an "illegal hack"), whether through Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, DS Wireless Communications, Battle Tower Wi-Fi, or the Viridian City Trainer House, there will be no evidence of hacked data on my game whatsoever (unless I choose to record the battle), correct?

Would the same apply to interacting with a PokéWalker containing a hacked Pokémon or doing a Pokéathlon or Contest with someone else who uses a hacked Pokémon?

I just want to make sure... I don't hack whatsoever and don't want to let someone else's hacking get me disqualified from VGC or anything like that.
Nah, that shouldn't leave anything on your game. And even if it did, it would clearly show up on the hack checks that it wasn't you that was using the hacks, so there's no way that would get you disqualified over something like that. But in any case, I'm practically certain that it would leave no such data on your DS anyway.
Can anybody explain why the GTS cloning glitch doesn't work in Platinum (and presumably doesn't work in HG/SS)? Isn't the glitch mechanic a side effect of lag in uploading a Pokemon to the GTS?
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