(Archive) Small Objective Changes Thread

Baton Pass teams must be carefully played if they're to work properly; they also must be played very carefully.
You only need to state how carefully they must be played once. Remove the 'they also must be played very carefully'.

it has just the right amount of HP to set up a 101 HP Substitute it and its team to use once Baton Passed.
'for' it and its team to use.

What makes Gliscor’s job even more of a success is because it has access to the move Taunt and the ability Hyper Cutter,
What makes Gliscor's job even more of a success is the fact that it has access to the move Taunt and the ability Hyper Cutter,

It should probably be 'What makes Gliscor a successful Baton Passer' or 'What gives Gliscor the potential to be even more of a success'. You could say 'What makes Gliscor's job successful usually', but I'm sure the above just doesn't work.


Scizor also makes a great partner in this scenario as it can pick of Choice + Trick Rotom-As thanks to Pursuit.
I have no idea what any of this is referring to but I'm sure 'pick' should be 'take your pick from', and then I have no idea what goes after that
the Opinion paragraph for the GSC review of Moltres (http://www.smogon.com/gs/pokemon/moltres) is written very poorly. It has two syntax errors ("it's" and "2") and contains irrelevant/unhelpful information. The author also used first person.
ete handled this but never bothered to delete this post.
salamence's analysis has an annoying grammar mistake. it is my most hated mistake other than the word 'your' being used incorrectly
Ok sure.
ete handled this but never bothered to delete this post.
I only did a quick fix on it since tbh almost the whole thing needs reweiting, so left it incase someone else wanted to improve on it a bit more.
Solrock analysis said:
Gastrodon is unlikely to be 2HKOed by it, and It only does an average of 40% to Claydol.

Why the capital letter?

Bellossom analysis said:
There may be no such thing as a "Bollossom,"
The comma should be outside the quotation marks.

Bellossom analysis said:
It doesn't have much in terms of offensive options, but its support move pool is great, as expected of a Grass Pokémon. All in all, Bellossom seems pretty ho hum...
Movepool is one word. Ho hum? I think another word here would be better, as not many English speakers will know what that means. Boring? Unoriginal? Average?

Bronzong lacks a reliable recovery move outside of Rest; meaning repeated attacks will eventually bring it down.
The semi-colon used in this context is incorrect - a semi-colon denotes a relationship between two independent clauses; 'meaning repeated attacks will eventually bring it down' is not a clause. The semi-colon should be replaced with a comma, or the 'meaning' should be removed.

Slowbro is one of the best bulky Water-types found in UU, thanks to its ability to boost its lower defense, recover off any damage it takes, and access to status-inducing moves.
'access to status-inducing moves' isn't an ability that one can possess; 'access status-inducing moves' is, however. Remove the 'to' and this will make sense.

Question: Am I justifying my changes too much?
Why the capital letter?

The comma should be outside the quotation marks.

Movepool is one word. Ho hum? I think another word here would be better, as not many English speakers will know what that means. Boring? Unoriginal? Average?

fixed but remember to link to the analysis

The semi-colon used in this context is incorrect - a semi-colon denotes a relationship between two independent clauses; 'meaning repeated attacks will eventually bring it down' is not a clause. The semi-colon should be replaced with a comma, or the 'meaning' should be removed.

'access to status-inducing moves' isn't an ability that one can possess; 'access status-inducing moves' is, however. Remove the 'to' and this will make sense.

Question: Am I justifying my changes too much?

These have been fixed. Thanks.
While Swords Dance Heracross's priority is to sweep a team, this set is almost entirely based around wall breaking while doing as much damage as is humanely possible to conceive.
On Heracross' Flame orb set, 3rd sentence, Heracross's should be Heracross' and humanely should be humanly.

The STAB Fire-type move is up to the user's jurisdiction.
This one comes from Arcanine's Bulky set, where jurisdiction should be discretion. This is going to sound really nerdy, but I have noticed that typo for quite sometime and has tortured me every time I think about it. I wish I had known about this thread before so that it could get fixed, but I beseech anyone that reads this to take pity on a poor nerd and correct this awful mistake.
I have solved those problems TRX, thanks.

However, I kept the "Heracross's" part because that is actually correct. It's a stylistic choice writers may prefer.

Hi Smogon,

The first small error (kinda) I'd like to point out is in the "Sandstorm Basics" section of the "Playing in the Sandbox - A Guide to Sandstorm Teams" article (link above):

The evasion of a Pokémon with the Sand Veil ability is increased by 20% when a sandstorm is in effect.
This is quoted from a list which starts off explicitly stating "The following effects occur in a sandstorm: ". Therefore, to me, the "when a sandstorm is in effect" part in the above quote is redundant.

Next, the first sentence of the third paragraph of the "Strategies with Sandstorm" section:

Offensive sandstorm teams use the sandstorm to nullify the opponent's Focus Sashes, and use the sandstorm to allow the offensive Pokémon to sweep easier,
The repetition of "use the sandstorm" is also redundant, and should be ommited the second time around: "Offensive sandstorm teams use the sandstorm to nullify the opponent's Focus Sashes, and to allow ...". Also, I believe the comparative adjective "easier" should be switched to the comparative adverb "more easily", since the act of sweeping (verb) is what is being modified, not the sweep itself (noun).

Finally, the article is not very consistent with its use of either "you" and "yours" or "one" and "one's". For example, as quoted from the final sentence of the same "Strategies with Sandstorm" section:

This will also work in one's favor, as it can stop the opponent from trying such a sweep.
compared to:

All good sandstorm teams require a Pokémon with Sand Stream, and you only have two options: Tyranitar and Hippowdon. These Pokémon are more than good enough to warrant a spot on your team though, so don't fret.
as quoted from the introduction in section "The Sand Streamers".

Perhaps the "one"s and "one's"s should be changed to, since they are not as prevalent as, "you"s and "your"s? I haven't been able to look at the article long enough to locate all the occurrences though, as well as any other small errors that may be in it. I shall do that soon.

In the Overview section:

He also won't be getting past Blissey anytime soon either. Furthermore, he has to compete with Latias often for a team slot, as her (should be his) sister is usually easier to fit in a team thanks to her superior bulk. Despite these flaws, Latios is still a great Pokemon to consider using in any Ubers team.

Transform set, last paragraph.

Since Mew could wind up as any common Pokémon in the Ubers metagame, it is best to have Pokémon who resist the common attacks, them being Ice-, Dragon-, Dark-, Ghost-, Ground-, and Water-type attacks. A combination of Scizor and Latias can resist all of these attacks quite easily; Scizor handles the Ghost-, Dark-, Dragon-, and Ice-type attacks, while Latias deals with the Water- and Ground-type moves. The biggest users of Dark-, Ice-, and Dragon-type moves are Darkrai, Mewtwo, and Garchomp/Rayquaza, respectfully, all of whom Scizor can deal with. As long as the Sleep Clause is activated, Scizor can switch in on anything that Darkrai can use, barring a +2 Focus Blast, and kill it with either U-turn or, if its weakened, Bullet Punch. Mewtwo can also be dealt with by using U-turn, Bullet Punch, or Pursuit, as long as it doesn’t have a Fire-type move. Finally, Scizor can switch into any Dragon-type move from Garchomp or Rayquaza, provided it’s not too badly hurt, and pick them off with Bullet Punch or U-turn. Not only this, but, by using U-turn, you can scout your opponent's switch-in. If they send in a Pokémon who you want to Transform into, you can then send Mew in without have to worry about it taking damage while it switches in. On the other hand, the biggest users of Ground- and Water-type moves are Groudon and Kyogre, respectively, both of whom Latias deals with quite easily. Latias is the best Kyogre counter in the game, as it can switch into even Water Spout and Recover off the damage before Kyogre can attack again. It also has Grass Knot to weaken not only Kyogre, but also Groudon, after it switches in on any support move, Earthquake, or Fire Punch. Latias can also take the Fire-type moves aimed at Scizor.

I what they meant was, "The biggest users of Dark-, Ice-, and Dragon-type moves are Darkrai, Mewtwo, and Garchomp/Rayquaza, respectively,".
Got that too, Scoopapa.

Edit: @ Phantom IV

| Starmie | Item | Leftovers | 34.9 |
| Starmie | Item | Life Orb | 29.0 |

Looks like Leftovers is still more popular than Life Orb.

EDIT2: Fixed -Meowth-'s post below.

In the final slot you can choose Fake Out to get in a free hit, or U-turn get in a light hit while switching.
"In the final slot you can choose Fake Out to get in a free hit, or U-turn to get in a light hit while switching". You missed out a 'to'.


Dugtrio is also very effective revenge killer, OHKOing Espeon with Earthquake, and carrying Sucker Punch for Choice Scarf variants.
You need an indefinite article in there. "Dugtrio is also a very effective revenge killer"


The remaining 4 EVs should be placed into Speed, as this will it allow Uxie to out speed several base 90 Speed Pokémon that do not invest in much Speed EVs.
Unnecessary insertation of a pronoun. 'It' should be removed. "as this will allow Uxie to out speed several base 90 Speed Pokémon"


Max Speed is also recommended on Choice Specs set too"
There appears to be only one Choice Specs set - therefore, this should be changed to "Max Speed is also recommended on the Choice Specs set too". If, however, you mean the Choice Specs set of Pokémon trainers everywhere (which you may), it should be changed to, "Max speed is also recommended on Choice Specs sets too".

Being only Bug-type, Kricketune should be able to shrug off a weak Earthquake or two, where as Beedrill wouldn’t.
'Whereas' should be one word.

Put in minimally enough for 250 Speed and max Attack for Choice Band set, and toss leftover EVs put in HP.
The second part should be changed to, "and toss leftover EVs into HP." or "and put leftover EVs into HP."


136 EVs is enough to beat out Adamant Crawdaunt's as well as Modest Omastar and Gorebyss."
'Crawdant' should have no apostrophe or s on the end.


You should run Adamant and max Attack for every set, barring the Support one where you'll want to focus on HP and defensive stats. first.
Full stop before 'first' should be removed.


And Seadra's stats don't come close to make up for the lack of a better movepool, as they are quite mediocre.
Should be "And Seadra's stats don't come close to making up for the lack of a better movepool"

(just be careful switching Zapdos in a Blizzard due to its Ice weakness).
Blizzard isn't a weather condition - it's a move. Should be (just be careful switching Zapdos in on Blizzard due to its Ice weakness)


Therefore, if you want to sweep, you will probably want to spread as much paralysis before hand as possible because Slowbro is slow
Before hand is one word - beforehand
I'm looking at the Venusaur analysis at the moment, under "Other Options" it lists the possibility of a SubSeed set, when the last set is a SubSeed set. SubSeed doesn't need to be under "Other Options" then, does it?
Team Options said:
Support sets work best on teams with sweepers that can take advantage of it the best. Cubone, Numel, and Bidoof are excellent Baton Pass receivers. Cubone's low Speed but high Attack with Think Club makes it an excellent Agility receiver. Bidoof and Numel both have Simple, doubling the boosts they receive. However, only your creativity limits what you can pass to. Nasty Plot Houndour is a great partner to the dual screens set. It can use Fire-type moves thrown at Ledyba for a Flash Fire boost and set up. Dratini can come in on Fire- and Electric-type moves and use Dragon Dance, as can Larvitar. Aron easily switches in on Rock- and Ice-type moves. Totodile, Chinchou and Mantyke also greatly appreciate dual screens, so they are fine options.

In the Ledyba Analysis, Cubone's signature item is misspelled the "Think Club" in Team Options.
i know this is cap-related but it's still a small change on site


other options third paragraph

Rain Dance and Sunny Day are definitely viable options Fidgit can run on the Field Effect Supporter set. Since Fidgit packs a multitude of support options, a fantastic typing, and a great stat spread, many rain and sun sweepers will definitely enjoy having Fidgit’s supporting capabilities to aid them in their sweep. Sadly, Persistent doesn’t increase the duration of Rain Dance or Sunny Day, meaning Fidgit will have to use Damp Rock or Heat Rock to set up 8 turns of rain or sun.

this was evidently written in the old days when fuzznip couldn't spell

edit: fuzznip what why aren't you in #cap i could've just asked you there