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Also am I mad if I use a endeavor starly. (Like do you look down on people who use one?) Note: This starly would be used in game.

No, i think thats pretty funny.. you finish everything off with quick attack? :P
No, i think thats pretty funny.. you finish everything off with quick attack? :P
They switch out, then what? You finish a full health Pokémon with Quick Attack? Because if you Endeavor again, they will have time to take out your Quick Attack and Endeavor user. Or they bring in a Ghost type and you can't touch it at all
They switch out, then what? You finish a full health Pokémon with Quick Attack? Because if you Endeavor again, they will have time to take out your Quick Attack and Endeavor user. Or they bring in a Ghost type and you can't touch it at all
If the rocks are up though who cares if they switch out to another pokemon. And what if you predict the switch and endeavor again? (Obviously if they send out a ghost that would be useless.)
Okay, well so far this is the pokemons I definitely want in my team. Breloom and vaporeon. And to support those two, I have heatran and electivire. And my last two I currently have as mamoswine and dusknoir. They are all offensive, minus vaporeon and somewhat heatran. Heatran will lead it off and throw some stealth rocks onto the ground. I'm considering switching a couple of those, possibly for another wall.
If a Pokemon uses Rest, then uses Sleep Talk and hits Psycho Shift, will the opponent gain sleep as if it had used Rest (and therefore only sleep for 2 turns) or will it gain a random Sleep counter?
If a Pokemon uses Rest, then uses Sleep Talk and hits Psycho Shift, will the opponent gain sleep as if it had used Rest (and therefore only sleep for 2 turns) or will it gain a random Sleep counter?

It will be put to sleep for a random number of turns.
If a Pokemon has learned via breeding a move (for example, Agility piplup), and i teach him other move over it, could i re-teach him the move that he adquired when breeding with the tutor move?
Also am I mad if I use a endeavor starly. (Like do you look down on people who use one?) Note: This starly would be used in game.
FEAR Pokemon can be effective, especially against an opponent not used to facing them or who doesn't notice the Clefable is level 1. However, the best is the Cleffa line in the hail. Pack a solid ghost counter, since ghosts counter FEAR very well.
In-game, it's a one-shot deal, so probably not good.

pokeMONstar, you need to say more about the movesets you're using. A Choice Specs Vaporeon is very different to a defensive Vaporeon, for example.
chansey will act as the female, but if ditto holds the everstone it will have the 50% chance to pass down the nature.
I have a male dratini and a female piplup in the daycare, waiting for an egg, but the old man says they prefer to play with other pokemon... whatever he said, the egg never appears. What is the reason? According to Bulbapedia, Piplup can breed with Dratini (i'm trying to hatch an Agility Empoleon :P)

Oh and thanks to all people who helps here, lots of questions with lots of good answers ;)
For moveset questions, try reading the Strategy Pokédex. (For the Pokémon you asked about in particular, see Blaziken and Sceptile.) Which set is best depends on the rest of your team (each set will list the team-mates that are likely to be helpful), but the ones towards the top of the pages are the ones which are more generally likely to be useful.
I have a male dratini and a female piplup in the daycare, waiting for an egg, but the old man says they prefer to play with other pokemon... whatever he said, the egg never appears. What is the reason? According to Bulbapedia, Piplup can breed with Dratini (i'm trying to hatch an Agility Empoleon :P)

Oh and thanks to all people who helps here, lots of questions with lots of good answers ;)
Next time, use Serebii's pokedex.

Dratini and Piplup aren't in the same egg group, even further you can tell that by the daycare man's text.

Edit: I just checked and they are in the same egg group, I'm not sure why they won't mate however.
Next time, use Serebii's pokedex.

Dratini and Piplup aren't in the same egg group, even further you can tell that by the daycare man's text.

Edit: I just checked and they are in the same egg group, I'm not sure why they won't mate however.

Yeah, thanks, but that's the problem, i have tried with other pokemon that learn agility and are in the same group (mantine, horsea...) but the old man always says the same... And nothing about the egg... Is there other way to obtain an Agility Empoleon? Has this strange problem a solution?
What is the best moveset for Blaziken and Sceptile in the current UU metagame?

As is practically always the answer, it depends on what you need them to do.

For Blaziken, the most popular set, which is not necessarily the best, appears to be the Mixed set from the top of the analysis, based on these data:

| Blaziken | Item | Life Orb | 60.3 |
| Blaziken | Item | Choice Scarf | 20.6 |

| Blaziken | Speed EV | Max | 74.7 |
| Blaziken | Speed EV | Very High (200+) | 9.8 |
For Sceptile, it's more divided, although the Specs set seems to win out:

| Sceptile | Item | Choice Specs | 34.1 |
| Sceptile | Item | Leftovers | 29.3 |
| Sceptile | Item | Life Orb | 21.5 |
| Sceptile | Item | Other (5) | < 5.1 |

That said, it all depends on your team. If you want them both to be sweepers, then those two sets are great ways to go. But if you need a revenge killer, a Scarf Sceptile is blisteringly fast and has the perfect neutral coverage Fighting/Dragon combo using Focus Blast and Dragon Pulse, in addition to the severe hurt it can dish out with STAB Leaf Storm. Its speed also makes it one of the best SubSeeders available in UU.

Similarly, Blaziken can run a great Scarf set. It can also run a Specs or Band set to some pretty brutal results, with STABs on killer moves like Flare Blitz and Superpower for the Band or Fire Blast, Vacuum Wave, and even Focus Blast for the Specs.
Yeah, thanks, but that's the problem, i have tried with other pokemon that learn agility and are in the same group (mantine, horsea...) but the old man always says the same... And nothing about the egg... Is there other way to obtain an Agility Empoleon? Has this strange problem a solution?
Take both Pokemon out of the Daycare, check them, and put them in the 'other way around'.
I know it sounds like a dumb question, but are you sure the Piplup is female?

Hahaha yeah, and the dratini male. I don't know what the problem is, because with a female dratini and a male piplup it works... Also they don't carry any objects... Maybe they don't like each other, they don't feel love...but i need an agility empoleon...

Exactly the sentence that the old man says is: "The two don't seem to like each other" (my game is spanish, btw, i think these are the words... :S)

Also, i checked this page ( and in the "Advance Breeding Information" there is a thing about percentages very weird... can anyone explain/confirm that?

EDIT: Yeah, i should read before start breeding... They took a long to make the egg. Now i'm riding with the bike, waiting for the egg. Thank you guys ;)
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