Pokemon Black & White, aka Gen 5. Coming to Japan in Fall 2010.

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Keen Eye is already confirmed as one its abilities (see how it's like, searching for something?), which is not only boring but terrible, so unless its secondary ability happens to like, one of Bibarel's abilities-type awesome, then I'm not getting my hopes up on it.
Perhaps they'll improve Keen Eye in generation 5?

Or here's another hypothesis: they might be making Keen Eye more relevant by making accuracy-reducing moves more powerful. Perhaps Octazooka will gain a 100% accuracy-reduction rate, or more base power? Maybe Mud Bomb or Mirror Shot as well? Perhaps Grass Mixer will be useful.

Now that there exists at least one move that raises accuracy, perhaps they'll be willing to give accuracy-reducing moves a little more oomph.
@A.K.47: Mightyena...?

@TheMaskedNitpicker: I wish they would improve all the useless abilities, like Illuminate, Run Away, etc. But they haven't changed abilities (albeit there's only been one generation since they've been introduced), so I don't feel they will now, but anything is possible I guess. Personally, I wouldn't mind if Keen Eye was just another version of Compoundeyes. That would be nice with Minezumi somehow getting Hypnosis, and I'm sure it'll have other moves where it might be helpful.
@A.K.47: Mightyena...?
Yeah, Poochyena kind of fills that 'first rodent' role, along with Zigzagoon. Just like Wingull kind of fills the 'first bird' role along with Taillow. Still, if by 'first stage' Pokémon, you meant unevolved Pokémon, Mightyena definitely is not that.

@TheMaskedNitpicker: I wish they would improve all the useless abilities, like Illuminate, Run Away, etc. But they haven't change abilities, so I don't feel they will now, but anything is possible I guess.
They've made at least some small changes. Shadow Tag now allows you to switch out even if the opponent has Shadow Tag, for instance.
Yeah, Poochyena kind of fills that 'first rodent' role, along with Zigzagoon. Just like Wingull kind of fills the 'first bird' role along with Taillow. Still, if by 'first stage' Pokémon, you meant unevolved Pokémon, Mightyena definitely is not that.

They've made at least some small changes. Shadow Tag now allows you to switch out even if the opponent has Shadow Tag, for instance.

Shadow tag didn't suck. Though wob vs wob was horrible, at least shadow tag does something good.
Can't furret trick scarves and bands? Also can run random gimmicky crap... passes subs and amnesia (lol); use end-reversal but everything else does it better.... uh super fang, u-turn and knock off?

Anyway, that unnamed poke looks very meh; unlike every single poke released, it looks the least like a pokemon to me :/. I also just realized that that green "cell" poke revealed a while back is starting to grow on me....

Does anybody else think it looks like a skeleton in jelly?
Yeah, Poochyena kind of fills that 'first rodent' role, along with Zigzagoon. Just like Wingull kind of fills the 'first bird' role along with Taillow. Still, if by 'first stage' Pokémon, you meant unevolved Pokémon, Mightyena definitely is not that.

I was thinking that first stage meant stage one which would be Mightyena. It evolves at level 18, so if it's an argument for balance early game that doesn't really matter, either.
Yeah, Poochyena kind of fills that 'first rodent' role, along with Zigzagoon. Just like Wingull kind of fills the 'first bird' role along with Taillow. Still, if by 'first stage' Pokémon, you meant unevolved Pokémon, Mightyena definitely is not that.

Ehhh, I guess you're right. Though I was wrong either way, at least one first stage Pokemon gets it-- Shinx.

Also, thinking about it I think, he maybe meant that shitty abilities can change upon evolution. Which is true but I'm not expecting it for Minezumi.

EDIT @A.K.: I hate the card game's system-- it makes no sense whatsoever. Why would the second form be called "first stage"? Whatever, what I meant was the first Pokemon in an evolution line, but as I said I was wrong anyway, Shinx can have Intimidate.
Well, each transition to a new generation implemented a huge competitive change. Who knows what it will be this time :P

Can't furret trick scarves and bands? Also can run random gimmicky crap... passes subs and amnesia (lol); use end-reversal but everything else does it better.... uh super fang, u-turn and knock off?

After Platinum, everything and it's mother got Trick. >_>
Yeah, Poochyena kind of fills that 'first rodent' role, along with Zigzagoon. Just like Wingull kind of fills the 'first bird' role along with Taillow. Still, if by 'first stage' Pokémon, you meant unevolved Pokémon, Mightyena definitely is not that.

Actually, I think that there is a concurrent early(-ish) canine pattern as well.
Growlithe->Houndour->Poochyena->Shinx kind of fit into it.
Interestingly, three of the four get Intimidate somewhere along their evolutionary line.
Actually, I think that there is a concurrent early(-ish) canine pattern as well.
Growlithe->Houndour->Poochyena->Shinx kind of fit into it.
Interestingly, three of the four get Intimidate somewhere along their evolutionary line.

IIRC, Houndour can't be caught in GSC until Kanto anyway. Though I guess it should fill the role of early dog Pokemon, Gamefreak decided to make it "Early post-game dog Pokemon".
Not to mention Growlithe, as far as I recall (but it's been a long time) isn't caught anywhere near the "early game" of RGB/FRLG either, and is replaced by Vulpix in both RGB/FRLG and GS/HGSS, where it IS relatively early game. Shinx is also feline in both the Japanese (where it's called as a tiger) and the English (where it's a lion) versions, but that's not really that big of a differentiation for Gamefreak.

The only other "early game" archetype I can really noticed is an "early Electric-type". And Electrike really isn't super early.
IIRC, Houndour can't be caught in GSC until Kanto anyway. Though I guess it should fill the role of early dog Pokemon, Gamefreak decided to make it "Early post-game dog Pokemon".

Yeah, Growlithe does double duty as early canine in GSC Johto though it's a Gen I Pokemon.
The problem with that is nailing the perfect stat spread for evolution; it always sounded like a crap shoot one step away from Wurmple. Personally, I've had an idea for Pokemon who evolve based on their nature, or what stat is boosted/hindered; it'll limit their competitive uses, but the flavor is definitely there! More Pokemon who evolve by contest stats might be interesting, but that might be more tedious than it's worth.

something evolving based on natures seems really cool to me. some natures seem quite negative (Lonely, Naughty, Impish, etc.) which could relate to a dark type evolution, while others (Brave, Bold, etc) could relate to a fighting type. throw in Clam, Quite, Relaxed and whatnot and we have a Psychic type evo. that relationship of types seems to be popular. neutral natures would make it evolve into a Normal type.

Pokemon evolving based on contest stats would imply that contests return, which is an absolutely horrible idea that should never come to be. if the stats return but are given a new purpose than it sounds like a good idea, but contest are a no go (for me at least).

>_> How can anyone honestly say that the unnamed Pokemon looks cooler?

personal preference? I don't know how anyone can honestly say that Magmar looks cool, but those people exist. the unnamed Pokemon is probably one of my favourite new Pokemon, and the reasons I have for that are probably why others don't like it. this chipmunk is definitely cool, but for me it's only because it looks so derpy, which I find funny because it seems to have some good moves (it looks unassuming and then kills you). if it evolved to be more pirate like it would be bad ass, however I think a Parrot based pokemon would make more sense for that.
Not to mention Growlithe, as far as I recall (but it's been a long time) isn't caught anywhere near the "early game" of RGB/FRLG either, and is replaced by Vulpix in both RGB/FRLG and GS/HGSS, where it IS relatively early game. Shinx is also feline in both the Japanese (where it's called as a tiger) and the English (where it's a lion) versions, but that's not really that big of a differentiation for Gamefreak.

The only other "early game" archetype I can really noticed is an "early Electric-type". And Electrike really isn't super early.

Yeah the only clear arch-types we've really had time and time again are:
- The early bird Pokemon (Pidgey, Hoothoot, Tailow, Starly)
- The other bird Pokemon (Spearow, Natu, Wingull, [Gen4 doesn't really have one])
- Early rodent Pokemon (Ratata, Sentret, Zigzagoon, Bidoof)
- Early sucky bug types (Caterpie+Wurmple, Spinarak+Ledyba, Wurmple[Counts as 2 because of it's multiply evolutions], Kricketot [Lacks a "partner" because of Burmy and Combee])

There is also a few others but they aren't as clear-cut (IMO) as the ones above (The fish you caught with a great rod, The normal-type cat [replaced by Snubbull in gen2 >_>]).

tl;dr : yeah we could sit here all day and try to find a pattern in Pokemon, but there really isn't outside of the early bird/rodent/bug. Which could be said is a good thing, because it would be lame to just have extremely exact roles fulfilled each generation, would make the designs a bit too cookie-cutter.
Natu isn't that early, is it? It's in Ruins of Alph, but you can't actually get to the part it's in until later, IIRC.

Anyway, I think having clear-cut positions for Pokemon to fill would be nice-- knowing they have to do something, maybe they might feel that they need to try and make each one very unique and different. But then again, they should feel the need to do that now. I just would just like things more organized and predictable, I guess.
Lol wait so in the end Serebii actually used W-P-M's photo with Minezumi? Such an awesome day.

And Zekrom looks so OMG BADASS GRIMDARK LIKE MY SOUL in that trailer.
ok that is fucking it can someone show me the damn trailer already!? people are saying zekrom look epic on that but i still have to see! he is probably my favorite legendary so far on all pokemon story.

edit:forget it, after 20 minutes of search i found and i gotta say....he look like my dog when mad(this means he look pretty fucking epic).
I'm sure they'll be a 4 legged dog thing pretty early in Isshu.
Always been that way.

On another note, I wonder if there'll be another 720 BST legend.
Or will Arceus remain unique in that way as the God of Pokemon.
Lucalibur, Pokébeach has a few pictures of the trailer. It doesn't show much (orly), but you can see Zekrom's badassery quite clearly.

I never understood where Serebii said anything against WPM - Bulbapedia did, but all Serebii did was pretend the pictures didn't exist, which just says "neutral" to me - he just didn't want to get himself in shit like WPM by posting the pics. He didn't "condemn" WPM at all, unlike Bulbapedia.

Serebii and Archaic (Bulbagarden's webmaster) said in their forums and somewhere else that they "condemned W-P-M's actions" or shit like that.

Anyway, I think it's interesting how Serebii refers to WPM as his "friend" in the news post. I don't know if there's hostility between them or not, but I think calling him his friend was sorta funny.

Well, they are kind of competitors but don't hate each other... there's not much terms he could come up with, I guess.

They're just rumors from random people on 2ch. I'd say no, but you never know.

Just pointing out: Those first rumors Pokéjungle posted (Heracross evo, etc) were made up by Korobooshi Kojiro (sp?) from Serebiiforums, who passed up as a NoA insider to Pokéjungle, only to fool around. Now, this new "summary" Pokéjungle posted really comes from 2ch and from the same guy who posted those pictures from the demo floor the day before. So it actually has credibility, you see.
Just pointing out: Those first rumors Pokéjungle posted (Heracross evo, etc) were made up by Korobooshi Kojiro (sp?) from Serebiiforums, who passed up as a NoA insider to Pokéjungle, only to fool around. Now, this new "summary" Pokéjungle posted really comes from 2ch and from the same guy who posted those pictures from the demo floor the day before. So it actually has credibility, you see.

Well, I know that-- but the latest set of rumors on Pokejungle are just a collection of random ones from 2ch, like I said. Well, maybe not as random as I was thinking based on what you're saying, but whatevs.





those 2 are actually pseudo-wyverns buddy. but yeah he does resemble a wyvern to a extend, so i guess he IS a pseudo-wyvern.

what? are trainers gonna start using long swords and bows too? anyway until now the most awesome thing about gen 5 is IMO the guy that was dressed like zoroark while the characters of the movie were being announced.
those 2 are actually pseudo-wyverns buddy. but yeah he does resemble a wyvern to a extend, so i guess he IS a pseudo-wyvern.

what? are trainers gonna start using long swords and bows too?

There's no differentiation between Barioth or Tigrex or Nargacuga and, say, Rathalos or Rathian, nor Akantor or Gravios in-game-- they're all Flying Wyverns, no matter what the fandom says.
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