


Dark Type

Weaknesses: x2 Fighting x2 Bug
Resistances: x0.5 Dark x0.5 Ghost
Immunities: x0 Psychic

Hp: 64 / Atk: 88 / Def: 50 / SpAtk: 88 / SpDef: 50 / Speed: 106

Unburden: This Pokémon obtains a 50% Speed after it loses it's item

Limber: This Pokémon cannot be paraylzed

Mischievous Heart: Non-attacking moves have a "higher speed priority" (+1 priority?)
Taken from :

Level Up Moves
Lv1: Scratch
Lv1: Growl
Lv1: Assist
Lv1: Sand-Attack
Lv3: Growl
Lv6: Assist
Lv10: Sand-Attack
Lv12: Fury Swipes
Lv15: Pursuit
Lv19: Torment
Lv22: Fake Out
Lv26: Claw sharpen
Lv31: Assurance
Lv34: Slash
Lv38: Taunt
Lv43: Night Slash
Lv47: Snatch
Lv50: Nasty Plot
Lv55: Sucker Punch

TM/HM list
TM01: Claw Sharpen
TM06: Toxic
TM10: Hidden Power
TM11: Sunny Day
TM12: Taunt
TM15: Hyper Beam
TM17: Protect
TM18: Rain Dance
TM21: Frustration
TM27: Return
TM30: Shadow Ball
TM32: Double Team
TM40: Aerial Ace
TM41: Torment
TM42: Facade
TM44: Rest
TM45: Attract
TM46: Thief
TM48: Troll
TM49: Echo Voice
TM63: Embargo
TM65: Shadow Claw
TM66: Payback
TM68: Giga Impact
TM73: Thunder Wave
TM77: Psych Up
TM85: Dream Eater
TM86: Grass Knot
TM87: Swagger
TM90: Substitute
TM94: Rock Smash
TM95: Back Out
HM01: Cut

Egg Moves
Pay Day
Faint Attack
Fake Tears

Note: All set are based on two assumptions. #1 Dream World Abilities are breedable, and #2 Mischievous Heart makes all non-attacking moves a +1 priority. If anyone has any proof otherwise please PM and I will tweak the sets.

Cons: Every Pokémon has some faults, even if their fault is being too good! I think it's best to begin here and get it out of the way. Leperadusu has some big faults, starting with it's typing. Mono-Dark meaning U-Turn is eating chunks out of this pokemon, if not OHKOing it. Leperadusu also detests Mach Punch. It's not exactly winning any awards with that BST spread either. 64/50/50 makes Porygon - Z look like a tank and 88/88 is pretty low, considering the beasts of this generation, sporting anywhere from 135 all the way up to 147. And lastly, it's attacking movepool looks like they picked out of a hat. He doesn't even get a STAB dark type special move outside of Hidden Power Dark.

Pros: I wouldn't be writing this if there weren't a least a couple of these. Thankfully there's quite a bright side to this dark feline. It's support movepool is amazing, and, assuming Egg Moves and Dream World Abilities can mix, Taunt + Encore + Mischievous Heart is an incredible combo. She might not be able to run with the big bad sweepers of this, or last, generation, but her role of cleverly crippling and shuffling Pokémon is very well suited to an evil feline.

Leopard Spotted Anti-lead
Jolly, Leperadusu @ Focus Sash
Mischievous Heart
~ Fake Out
~ Taunt
~ Encore
~ Night Slash/ Shadow Ball
252 Atk/ SpAtk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp
Set Comments
Now as far as I know the combo of Taunt+Encore (assuming Taunt was used on a non-damaging move) should either force the opposing pokemon to struggle, or switch out, effectively being the best Anti-Lead in the BW meta game (assuming Leperadusu is the only pokemon the generation to get the Mischievous Heart+Taunt+Encore combo). Of course if your opponent knows this set he's likely to start firing off attacks in the hopes of riding himself of Leperadusu. Unfortunately this is were this lead falls short. Leperadusu's offensive movepool is maddeningly bad. No Heatwave no Elemental Fangs, she doesn't even have a special STAB outside of Hidden Power.

Edit: Bad news, according to shoddy the Taunt + Encore combo doesn't work the way I expected, however having access to both moves is still great for an Anti-Lead, and as long as I haven't tested this on the actual game or retested it in Black and White I won't say for sure that this doesn't work, however:

pkmntaicho321 sent out Alakazam (lvl 100 Alakazam ♂).
taico321stester sent out Azelf (lvl 1 Azelf).
Alakazam used Taunt.
Azelf fell for the taunt!
Azelf used Stealth Rock.
Azelf can't use Stealth Rock after the taunt!
Alakazam used Encore.
[B]But it failed![/B]
Azelf used Explosion.
Alakazam lost 1% of its health.
taico321stester's Azelf fainted.
The EVs here are pretty simple, just put 252 into SpAtk or Atk depending on your filler move of choice and the rest into Speed. The last 4 can go anywhere. I chose Hp.

Nasty Leopard
(By VaxtinTheWolf)
Timid / Modest Leperadusu @ Petaya Berry / Salac Berry
Unburden / Mischievous Heart
~ Substitute
~ Nasty Plot
~ Shadow Ball
~ Hidden Power Fighting
252 SpAtk / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Set Comments
A potentially potent set, thanks to Nasty Plot. The formula is the same as any other SubPinch set. Substitute on something you can potentially force out, something that might not be too hard considering Leperadusu's possible uses, Nasty Plot while they break your Sub and either proceed to immediately attack, or Sub down to a berry boost. While Shadow Ball / Hideen Power Fighting gets good neutral coverage, it's a bit vexing that Leperadusu doesn't get STAB special moves outside of Hidden Power.

This set has the ability to play in two very different ways. Use the above formula for Timid, Petaya, and Unburden. However when using Modest, Salac, and Mischievous Heart it's necessary to sub down to the boost, or risk being outsped

Vengeful Kitty
Jolly, Leperadusu @ Focus Sash
Mischievous Heart
~ Psych Up
~ Encore
~ Sucker Punch
~ Giga Impact
252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP
Set Comments
Psych Up ensures that Dragon Dancing Bastards are slower then our Leopard. DDing the turn that Leperadusu uses Psych Up spells doom, thanks to our +1 priority Encore. The biggest down fall is that even with a +1 Sucker Punch Leperadusu can't manage to OHKO our bulkier dragons, an absolute must, and that Dragonite walks all over this set, even with our priority Encores, thanks to Extreme Speed. This set's best utiliy is against something that's already managed to amass a large offensive boost, and tear it to shreds. Our last move, Giga Impact, is really your only hope if you have only managed to acquire a single boost. Poor Kitty wants Ice Fang badly, as a +1 Ice Fang is a guaranteed a OHKO on DDMence without Rocks or Sand Storm, doing about 118%-140%

Damage Calculations

252 Jolly Leperadusu +2 Sucker Punch
vs. 0/4 Jolly Salamence : 72.5% - 85.5%

252 Jolly Leperadusu +1 Giga Impact
vs. 0/4 Jolly Salamence : 68% - 80.1%

-More to come-

Physically Burdened Feline (Fangren)
Jolly, Leperadusu @ Liechi Berry
Mischievous Heart
~ Substitue
~ Night Slash
~ Return
~ Pursuit / Sucker Punch
252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP
Set Comments
Not really an OU contender, however it looks good in UU were there are fewer Steels

UU Rain Dance/ Sunny Day Leperadusu
Jolly, Leperadusu @ Focus Sash / Damp Rock / Heat Rock
Mischievous Heart
~ Taunt
~ Encore / Yawn
~ Rain Dance / Sunny Day
~ Pursuit / Sucker Punch / Fake Out
252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP
Set Comments
Leperadusu's ability allows her to be a nice utility to Rain Dance and Sunny Day teams, however, with our new Drought / Drizzle users such a lead is somewhat obsolete in OU (assuming that they stay in OU). But in UU Leperadusu can shut down leads and use both of these set up moves before being taunted. Fake Out is useful for riding the opposition of Focus Sashes while Pursuit can catch crippled Leads trying to turn tail. Night Slash is only if you care about having some form of reliable attack.

Discuss =D
Mischievous Heart is a great ability. A fast Taunt and Encore you've covered, but there's also Thunder Wave as a last-ditch effort against something like an Agiligross that's already set up. Unfortunately this leopard doesn't have any other really interesting support moves (like a sleep move, Will-o-Wisp, dual Screens, or Gravity) or even U-turn, which is somewhat of a disappointment.
That just made me "=D" when I saw my set in there.

it's a good set, it deserves to be on site.

Mischievous Heart is a great ability. A fast Taunt and Encore you've covered, but there's also Thunder Wave as a last-ditch effort against something like an Agiligross that's already set up. Unfortunately this leopard doesn't have any other really interesting support moves (like a sleep move, Will-o-Wisp, dual Screens, or Gravity) or even U-turn, which is somewhat of a disappointment.

I think is has Yawn (very fitting if you ask me) but Burn support would be nice, and U-Turn of Baton Pass (Baton Pass might work with Mischievous Heart) would be god send. I think there are plenty of better options for setting up gravity though.
This pokes got some terrible bad faults. Considering it's my 4th most fav pokemon I can only assume that the troll move was used significantally on this pokemon. Anyway, This thing can make a mediocre support sweeper with claw sharpen and t-wave, stopping those faster than it while increasing it's attack to good levels.

Leperadusu @Life Orb
Ability: Mischevious Heart
Nature: Adamant
Ev: 4 HP, 252 Atk, 252 Spd
Attacks: Night Slash / Shadow Claw / Claw Sharpen / T-wave
Info: This is by no means a great set but it can be good if used with the right support. With Mischevious Heart both Claw Sharpen and T-wave get priority which makes it a good late game sweeper in the lower tiers. If it even makes the higer tiers it has to make T-wave a priority and become a mid game sweeper. Also your gonna need a steel trapper for support.
Persian is typically more useful because of her higher base speed but Leperadusu's hotter. Who should I choose...

On a more serious note, Leperadusu's movepool is quite lacking, which hurts her quite a bit. She also lacks the speed of other similar leads like Ambipom and Persian, though she makes up for it with priority on her non-attacking moves. But seriously, Nintendo, no other support moves? Not even u-turn? ;(
Persian is typically more useful because of her higher base speed but Leperadusu's hotter. Who should I choose...

On a more serious note, Leperadusu's movepool is quite lacking, which hurts her quite a bit. She also lacks the speed of other similar leads like Ambipom and Persian, though she makes up for it with priority on her non-attacking moves. But seriously, Nintendo, no other support moves? Not even u-turn? ;(

The Vengeful Kitty set is pretty potent, but the lead set is basically it's niche. It has a thing or two over Persian thanks to Taunt+Encore+Mischievous Heart
As a lead, this thing faces some trouble in that it can't do anything if the opponent decides to attack (which they probably will, given the risk of priority Taunt halting setup). It can't stop them, it can't kill them, it can't even switch out using U-turn. I think it will probably be useful for forcing switches with priority Encore (switch in on a DD from a dragon, Encore it, etc.), but it looks like it might be limited outside of the roles already listed. There are much better options in other Pokemon for anything relating to sweeping Lepradusu, even the Nasty Plot set as nothing likes being without STAB (just take a look at 3rd gen Absol).

Not trying to bring it down, personally I like this Pokemon (though I liked the first form more), but I'm just trying to be realistic about it.
The Vengeful Kitty set is pretty potent, but the lead set is basically it's niche. It has a thing or two over Persian thanks to Taunt+Encore+Mischievous Heart

I can't wait to use this, and the Dark/Dragon or Dark/Ground in my Dark typed Mono team. It'll be great to get quick power, instead of trying to boost slowly.

I don't use T-Tar though.. Ew. Or that Weavile thing..
I can't wait to use this, and the Dark/Dragon or Dark/Ground in my Dark typed Mono team. It'll be great to get quick power, instead of trying to boost slowly.

I don't use T-Tar though.. Ew. Or that Weavile thing..

either the lead or the Vengeful Kitty set is going to be on my first team. I haven't decided which I like better yet. My first Gen 5 team is most certainly going to be Generation V only, thats for sure.

As a lead, this thing faces some trouble in that it can't do anything if the opponent decides to attack (which they probably will, given the risk of priority Taunt halting setup). It can't stop them, it can't kill them, it can't even switch out using U-turn. I think it will probably be useful for forcing switches with priority Encore (switch in on a DD from a dragon, Encore it, etc.), but it looks like it might be limited outside of the roles already listed. There are much better options in other Pokemon for anything relating to sweeping Lepradusu, even the Nasty Plot set as nothing likes being without STAB (just take a look at 3rd gen Absol).

Not trying to bring it down, personally I like this Pokemon (though I liked the first form more), but I'm just trying to be realistic about it.

It's certainly not going to make OU by much if it makes OU at all, but it's something thats not Broken Mole/ Fire Gorilla/ Pure Dragon/ Hydra/ Chandelier Ghost, which everyone will be using.
either the lead or the Vengeful Kitty set is going to be on my first team. I haven't decided which I like better yet. My first Gen 5 team is most certainly going to be Generation V only, thats for sure.

I NEED to have Houndoom. That's what I say I am so that's one. Drapion was very handy, so was spiritomb. But that means I'd lose Claydol, which isn't bad since it was a spinner/screener and it would make it full mono. But I'd lost my precious Umbreon.. Honchkro was a gimmick custom set lead, so I dont mind losing that for something else.

But with the Fgt/Drk Pokemon, it could give me a bit more defense. Or something new to use. Either way, this gen gave me some neat things to use for sure.
Choroneko/Leperadusu are my favourite Pokemon design wise this gen. She does have some potential, but probably won't make OU. There are just too many powerful Pokemon introduced this gen.

The anti-lead looks like it has potential, as does the Nasty Plot set. I like the weather set-up sets, since my favourite "kinds" of teams to build are weather teams(mainly sunny day).
As a note, Erufuun will be competing with it for the Anti-Lead position, as they both get Encore + Taunt + Mischievous Heart, and Erufuun actually has way more support options (U-turn, Leech Seed, Memento, Switcheroo, etc) and higher base speed.
As a note, Erufuun will be competing with it for the Anti-Lead position, as they both get Encore + Taunt + Mischievous Heart, and Erufuun actually has way more support options (U-turn, Leech Seed, Memento, Switcheroo, etc) and higher base speed.

Is that the grass type? The cotton sheep thing right? I haven't really looked at it, but if that's true then that's too bad. I was looking forward to the combo being Leopard-unique.

Erufuun does get that combo without having to resort to possibly non-breedable dream world abilities too, making it more viable. Might write up a thread on her later, if there isn't one. Though it has notably crappier stats in everything but Speed. Nothing like the "Vengeful Kitty" set would work with that, so I still have a nice niche for my leopard.
Is that the grass type? The cotton sheep thing right? I haven't really looked at it, but if that's true then that's too bad. I was looking forward to the combo being Leopard-unique.

Erufuun does get that combo without having to resort to possibly non-breedable dream world abilities too, making it more viable. Might write up a thread on her later, if there isn't one. Though it has notably crappier stats in everything but Speed. Nothing like the "Vengeful Kitty" set would work with that, so I still have a nice niche for OUR leopard.


EDIT: Serebii finally gave details on unknown moves. Worthwhile moves are:

"Trickery" Egg move Details are -It uses the opponent’s strength. The higher the fighting opponent’s attack is, the greater the damage. Dark type physical move with 100% acc and 95 Base power and 15 PP

The weird thing is some moves show to have 101 Accuracy. And Toxic claims to be 90% accurate now

"Bark out" -
It yells at an opponent for a long time and lowers their Special Attack. It is 55 base power special dark type move. 95 acc with 15 PP

EDIT: Serebii finally gave details on unknown moves. Worthwhile moves are:

"Trickery" Egg move Details are -It uses the opponent’s strength. The higher the fighting opponent’s attack is, the greater the damage. Dark type physical move with 100% acc and 95 Base power and 15 PP

The weird thing is some moves show to have 101 Accuracy. And Toxic claims to be 90% accurate now

"Bark out" -
It yells at an opponent for a long time and lowers their Special Attack. It is 55 base power special dark type move. 95 acc with 15 PP

the 101% moves are now the always hit moves (Aerial Ace and the likes)

Trickery Sounds like a possible replacement for Sucker Punch on the Vengeful Kitty set if it work like I think it does.

Bark Out sucks, too bad I thought it would be a dark type roar or something (getting a neutral priority on roar would be awesome)
Torment would be a very interesting option with Mischevious Heart. In this gen, Torment will cancel out the opposing move if they used it previously, similar to how Taunt works.
IE Opposing Infernape uses Fire Blast on something, Necroleo switches in, uses Torment, Fire Blast fizzles.

That's an unlikely and very basic example, but I'm sure you could find some use out of a priority Torment.
Those are pretty good sets! And a Taunt on an Aerodactyl may really cause people to RQ lol. Mischievous Heart is gonna be revolutionary in battle now.
Those are pretty good sets! And a Taunt on an Aerodactyl may really cause people to RQ lol. Mischievous Heart is gonna be revolutionary in battle now.

Who cares if it has bug/fighting weakness and is fragile. This female leopard is beautiful and a dark type. I just adore dark type pokemon. Except Weavile and T-Tar.
I don't think Taunt + Encore works like that. Since Taunt seems to prevent the use of non-damaging moves, which seems like it would prevent Encore from repeating it. Does anyone know if that combo works if you Taunt first, or do you need to Encore first?

Also, how do you deal with the opponent just switching?
I would assume you would Encore a non damaging move then Taunt so they proceed to Struggle.

But isn't that useless on an Anti-Lead? They still get up Stealth Rocks and can switch, and Leperadusu can't really KO much outside of Azelf...
But isn't that useless on an Anti-Lead? They still get up Stealth Rocks and can switch, and Leperadusu can't really KO much outside of Azelf...

Wrong order, you Taunt (the game text would be something like "azelf can't use Stealth Rocks!), then you Encore (since encore goes first is should force them to use Stealth Rocks, which they can't use thanks to Taunt).
Wrong order, you Taunt (the game text would be something like "azelf can't use Stealth Rocks!), then you Encore (since encore goes first is should force them to use Stealth Rocks, which they can't use thanks to Taunt).

But since they couldn't use Stealth Rocks, does that work?