World of Warcraft

So this game isn't that popular but I find it kind of fun

With more than 12 million subscribers as of October 2010 World of Warcraft was estimated to hold 62 percent of the MMORPG subscription market

It's not that popular?

yeah I've played I've got a level 55? character - human female mage - Xonmean

you could look it up along with a human female warrior Lorista he is my friend who owns the accounts, I just play with him (spelling?)
Is it really that good? A few of my friends play it. I call them gayfor playing it. I'm in uni so they can't use Pokemon as an insult.

That's my main, Troll Shadow Priest. I've been playing since about mid '06, right before BC came out. Got this guy to 85 about a week after Cata came out, but I kinda burnt out on him. I guess the thought of facing the gear grind again was just too much :x

My next highest character is a BE Warrior at 82, but I've been mostly focused on my Goblin Mage, who's sitting at 33. At first I was more into the Worgen, but Goblins have totally grown on me.
I can't seem to get Armory to work right now, so I'll just list what I've got.

On Dark Iron (PvP):
Waiklef - 85 Troll Prot/Fury Warrior
Paumanok - 85 Tauren Enhance/Resto Shaman
Mcdarko - 80 Orc Affliction Warlock
Nesconset - 77 Tauren Balance/Feral Tank Druid
Zampanò - 75 Troll Blood/Frost Death Knight
Pras - 70 Troll Disc Priest
Joancrawford - 66 Forsaken Frost/Fire Mage
Eddiedean - 40 Goblin Survival Hunter
Paladerp - 27 Blood Elf Prot Paladin
Loryn - 20 Troll Sub Rogue

On Zuluhed (PvP):
Gnosis - 15 Gnome Disc Priest

Waiklef is my main, and I'm currently sitting at 350 iLevel. My guild's lack of healers and the difficulty in finding pugs is making me play my Shaman a bunch more, though. Other than that, my current projects are getting my Druid to 85 so I can farm more with it, and then getting my DK and Priest to 85 because I actually enjoy playing those classes. I love my Goblin, too, but he's been kind of pushed off to the side recently.
I can say with much satisfaction that I've never played this game before and probably never will.

thanks for your valuable input.

I play on Sen'jin US with a couple of other smogoners - Glalie and meddle, was playing with Lesm as well until recently before he became too busy.

I started a fresh account again in late wrath, so I'm down a few toons. Current main is:

Been pretty busy with work and the likes IRL so I haven't been able to settle into raiding since the launch of Cata, which is a shame, but I've come to accept it.

are my other current projects, though I hope to level some more toons again when I get the chance, it's one of my favorite things.

and this is my random gnome priest that I don't show enough love to ^___^.

Feel free to drop by and say hi if i know/remember you. cheers
so word has it Goblin Rogues are totally amazing - but I'm really really poor so i don't have cata yet.

Anywho, I actually just started a couple weeks ago, here are my characters:

On Hydraxis (non-pvp):
Fagnir, lvl 10 Dwarf Rogue

On Alexstrasza (non-pvp):
Jaacober, lvl 26 Human Hunter
Durbitwaz, lvl 6 Troll Druid (started him yesterday)

all names are randomly generated please don't kill me
I used to play very religiously during the start of Burning Crusade.

My main was Millionaire - 80 Holy Paladin (US) Spinebreaker-PvP and a whole other bunch of level 80 alts that I don't remember.

I thought about playing again in Cataclysm but I don't want to get the addiction again.
I've played on and off since closed beta. I used to play on Malygos with Synre, MrE, Khold, and a few other people back right after launch. I've been playing pretty consistently since early 2008 on Icecrown, though. My guild is currently 10/12 in 25 man nonheroic -- we didn't start raiding until 1/11, or we'd more than likely be working on heroics now. We've only got Al'akir and Nefarion left, the latter of which we're working on. We'll probably kill Nef this Sunday, given our progress last night.

Resto main spec, btw :D I end up going boomkin quite often though since we have an abundance of healers.
EU player here, but I don't suppose many others play from EU?

Anyways, my characters are:
Kaikuri - Human Warrior, Prot/Arms
Tulzukra - Night Elf Death Knight, Blood/PvP Unholy

Kaikuri is my main, and is getting pretty well geared as of now (Screw you blizzard for no str rangeds -.-). Also friggin awesome to do Tol Barad dailies as prot; I can't be killed :) Arms is PvE if anyone was wondering, since I absolutely loathe the playstyle of Fury; way too big dependance on procs.

I also rock with the DK when I feel for PvP, been doing some 2v2 with a holy pala. Shit is awesome, and I am still learning it. Sadly, half of my gear is still tanking gear, but we get by. Somewhat pumped for next week, when I can buy the Viscious weapon; probably going for axe, since it looks the best.

And Wer:
Waiklef - 85 Troll Prot/Fury Warrior
When you go troll....
can we get married

not in most states

Exarius said:
When you go troll....

I actually love playing Trolls (which is why I have 4 of them). I also collect Troll stuff on my Warrior. I've got most of the stuff from ZG, including the original Zin'Rokh, the raptor mount and pet, and a lot of the gear. Sadly the tiger never dropped for me. I've been trying to grind out the new Zin'Rokh, but it's been slow going for the shards...
not in most states

I actually love playing Trolls (which is why I have 4 of them). I also collect Troll stuff on my Warrior. I've got most of the stuff from ZG, including the original Zin'Rokh, the raptor mount and pet, and a lot of the gear. Sadly the tiger never dropped for me. I've been trying to grind out the new Zin'Rokh, but it's been slow going for the shards...

I have over 3000 fragments and 12 tablets. If I could trade you for some dwarf shit, I'd gladly do so.

Fucking staff >:(
i stopped playing after i killed the LK... wasnt too interested in starting all over again for Cata

I played the trial version in december and I liked it, so after some goading by my roommate I decided it pick it up for real a couple of days ago. So far I've only got a level 12 space goat priest not even out of starting zones--I wanted to play Worgen but I didn't feel like dropping over $100 just to get all the Cataclysm content so early in the game when I could pick up a WoW+BC boxset from WalMart for $30 and get by just fine to 60--and it's pretty fun, although I've found that Minecraft has been taking up the majority of my time. Still, it's something to do since I really don't have any reason to play Maple Story until March or so when Lionheary Castle comes out in GMS.
I actually love playing Trolls (which is why I have 4 of them). I also collect Troll stuff on my Warrior. I've got most of the stuff from ZG, including the original Zin'Rokh, the raptor mount and pet, and a lot of the gear. Sadly the tiger never dropped for me. I've been trying to grind out the new Zin'Rokh, but it's been slow going for the shards...
You haven't heard "When you go troll, you never reroll?" :p
And I know exactly what you mean with that; if I was Horde instead of alliance, most (if not all) of my characters would be trolls. They are simply too awesome to skip on.
And the new Zin'Rokh... Ugh. I got 1k shards at the moment, with 30 or so tablets, and skill 440. Probably going to grind up to 1500 shards and start mass solving and hoping to get lucky. Would love it for my Arms spec.
