The Everything NFL Thread - 2010 Season

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Ruled a fumble if the Steelers had recovered it TBH.
I dont know if I would go that far E, but you never know, Pittsburgh as a city seems to get favor in a lot of leagues, including the NFL and NHL.
This has to be the most laughable refereeing I've seen in a long time
Yeah, there have been some questionable calls for sure, like the facemask against green bay earlier in the game. This is the biggest stage for football players, and they need to make sure referees are making the best possible calls, there was a ref right there watching the "facemask" play and it was fairly obvious that there was no contact to the mask at all. Those kinds of calls can ruin a game over the long haul.
Green Bay needs to consider running the ball a few times here if they want to try and run down the clock a bit and still get some yards.
Fucking Packers, boo.

Well, Steelers have no one to blame but themselves, 3 turnovers and all those stupid penalties killed them.
Okay Steelers are 5-3 (lost to Seahawks) in super bowls now, Cowboys 5-3....tie game! Now Steelers just need to lose a bunch of conference championships so I can call the Cowboys the best again.
Okay Steelers are 5-3 (lost to Seahawks) in super bowls now, Cowboys 5-3....tie game! Now Steelers just need to lose a bunch of conference championships so I can call the Cowboys the best again.


Anyways, I dunno. This superbowl didn't have "it". Usually there's that one play that you remember. Last year, the onside kick or the tracy porter INT return. The year before that you had the catch by Holmes, and if I remember correctly, the year before that there was the catch by Plaxico.

It was a pretty evenly matched game though.
Hope the Packers plane crashes. They can all survive, but have the trophy be damaged beyond repair.

I can admit they do deserve it. I just hate them all the same.
MVP was Clay Matthews. That forced fumble literally won them the game, and Matthews played a heck of a game besides that one play.
Have you ever stopped to realize that most people are fucking stupid

Yeah because most people sportswriters are stupid, as well as nfl analysts (most have rings/are HOFers) who have actually played the game. They clearly have no credibility when it comes to talking about football. In any case youre the one who's stupid for bringing up a dead arguement that is like 5 pages ago.

Anyways back to talking about the Superbowl. Matthews was pretty much invisible all game long, but the Mendenhall fumble was the turning point of the game as the Steelers had all the momentum. Should have gotten some consideration for MVP.
Yeah Rodgers won MVP even though the defence won Green Bay the game. They always favor the QB.
They as in the fans?
do you not remember them telling us to vote? lol

Go Pack go! Best day of my life...yes for other reasons than the Super Bowl.

Rodgers does get MVP...His stats were incredible...imagine how they'd be if Jordy and James Jones could catch...and better yet...if Donald Driver were in the game...and did I mention this was on the number 1 ranked defense?

Jennings had two TDs...but only 4 catches....Nelson...maybe if he would have caught them all...Collins...yeah but no...and same with Matthews...tho both those defensive plays saved the game, that was Aaron's show.

Still I think it's a turning point in Jordy nelson's career...140 yards in the Super Bowl with 3-4 dropped passes....Impressive for a number 3/4 receiver. Congrats to him. Can't wait to see him next season.
maybe then I can stop this love/hate relationship I have for him

"zomg he fucking dropped that?!?! nooooooooo!!"

"omg touchdown on 4th down! packers tie it! Jordy is beast!!!!"

he drives my heart nuts.