The Everything NFL Thread - 2009

Eh... not to rain on the Saints parade but this Super Bowl was a major let down compared to the past two. There was no dramatic catches, ect. it was almost like a regular football game :(.

I did enjoy the lack of refs for the most part. Grats to Saints I guess... their city really needed that.
I thought it was a great game. With Manning at the helm they(Colts) were bound to catch up and tie it up before he threw that interception. The onside kick was ballsy and the 4th down attempts made it pretty exciting imo.

Congrats New Orleans
it wasn't a letdown. yeah, there wasn't a last minute TD catch for the win but it was still a very well played game for both sides. the INT return was just as intense as the holmes/burress catches imo. honestly though, we have been kind of spoiled with the past two SBs. :P

although i wonder if Porter doesn't pick that off, the colts might score a TD and we might go into was still great the way it turned out though. each offense completely dominated a quarter of play in the first half and the second half was a great back-and-forth up until that INT.
it wasn't a letdown. yeah, there wasn't a last minute TD catch for the win but it was still a very well played game for both sides. the INT return was just as intense as the holmes/burress catches imo. honestly though, we have been kind of spoiled with the past two SBs. :P

although i wonder if Porter doesn't pick that off, the colts might score a TD and we might go into was still great the way it turned out though. each offense completely dominated a quarter of play in the first half and the second half was a great back-and-forth up until that INT.

I guess... but tbh it was still a game after that INT. The colts do have Peyton Manning after all...
Yeah, how dare teams go out there and produce a fairly normal game of football. How uninteresting is that! It is almost like both teams wanted to win!
Replace Jags fan with Ravens fan and that sums me up. Just cause people are supporting one team over another in the Superbowl doesn't mean that they all of a sudden support that team completely so seriously tad shut the fuck up, your whiny posts already annoy me enough as it is and even when you're done complaining about your team (the third best team in football!!!) you still manage to find something to bitch about. Seriously give it a rest...

Seriouisly? Shut the fuck up. I didn't say a single thing about you in my post did I? No, I don't think I did. The only people I was addressing are the people who are suddenly saying things like YEAH GO SAINTS WOOOOOO I LOVE THE SAINTS etc. The Vikings are absolute shit and if you honestly think that they are the third best team in football then you are quite possibly mentally retarded. I am not "whining", I am making an observation on how desperate some people are to be a "fan" of a winning team. I would be whining if I was like you and I made bitchy posts blaming outside sources after every single on of my team's losses. However, I have never done that once, so maybe YOU should shut up and never speak about things you clearly don't understand.

I'm not really a Saints fan, but I like Brees, so I wanted them to win. Just glad it was good game until the Colts got penalty haxed in the last 5 minutes, but at that point it didn't really matter.
@TAD - You were alluding to me I'm pretty sure because I did say WHO DAT and go new orleans earlier in the thread. And tbh even if you weren't, pretty much everyone you were referring to was in the same boat as me. The Vikings are easily the third best team in football, maybe 4th if the Chargers didn't choke. Maybe if you weren't so fucking pessimistic about your own team you'd see that. And just because I'm a Ravens fan and we are notorious for that, do not make it out as if I do that (or if so barely at all). More often I direct my anger at the players for making fucking dumb ass decisions rather then the referees so don't go talking shit you can't back up. And if we win I actually know how to be positive about my team... At least I can (and everyone else who frequents the thread) prove that you don't stop fucking complaining in general even if your team is doing well, so I'm sticking with my original comment.
won a brees jersey, after the past 10 years of being disappointed in the playoffs for my two teams not doing shit it finally pays off.

lol at all of the Saints bandwagoners coming out of the woodwork (akuchi doesn't really count because she admitted that she doesn't really follow the sport, she just likes one particular player)... This isn't to say that the Saints didn't deserve to win, because they most certainly did, I'm just enjoying the fact that everyone is suddenly becoming a Saints fan.
Well I don't reelly follow the season, since I've got a life a can't watch matches until 3 or 4am, but I do watch some. But I was rooting for the saints since the playoffs.
It's difficult not to support them after what happened 5 years ago.
It's difficult not to support them after what happened 5 years ago.

How is it difficult not to support them because of a hurricane? Sports have nothing to do with real disasters, and anyone looking for sports for relief from distressing problems is deluded anyway. I am sure there are some genuinely very shattered people who have nothing to cheer them up, so maybe some amount of people genuinely do "need" the Saints, but I certainly did not feel 1% compelled to root for them because they happen to play in a city where a hurricane also hit.

ultimifier should feel stupid for making wild predictions as if they were fact and this game were not basically a 50/50 tossup for who would win, not over the actual prediction being wrong. Him defending his wild prediction after it already failed is, however, fucking utterly moronic!
I still stand by my stance that this superbowl should have been vikings/colts if not for some disgraceful refereeing in the NFC championship game.

But it wasn't. Please do not turn this into another Super Bowl XL where people bitch and speculate for years about what could've/should've/would've happened. The Super Bowl is over, the names of the winners are solidified for prosperity. Just look forward to next season.
I... thought about it and was shocked about how nobody attempted to jump on Peyton about that INT that cost his team a chance to win (VIKINGS ANYONE???) hehe.

But I thought about it more, and the reason it really was boring to me as there wasn't any major shifts in momentum. There was an occasional push by the colts, but from the 2nd Quarter on, the Saints controlled that game.
umm they were literally one QB scramble away from probably making the Super Bowl
Hes not what you call an optimist. They may have dissapointed again, but to say they are shit is just stupidly pessimistic. Sure, they handed the Saints the NFC championship game on a platter... But the Vikings stomped on the so called hottest team in football by 31, and out played a Saints team by holding them to under 80 yards in the second half at their home field. They did lose that game, but I still like this team over most others in the NFL
@TAD - You were alluding to me I'm pretty sure because I did say WHO DAT and go new orleans earlier in the thread. And tbh even if you weren't, pretty much everyone you were referring to was in the same boat as me. The Vikings are easily the third best team in football, maybe 4th if the Chargers didn't choke. Maybe if you weren't so fucking pessimistic about your own team you'd see that. And just because I'm a Ravens fan and we are notorious for that, do not make it out as if I do that (or if so barely at all). More often I direct my anger at the players for making fucking dumb ass decisions rather then the referees so don't go talking shit you can't back up. And if we win I actually know how to be positive about my team... At least I can (and everyone else who frequents the thread) prove that you don't stop fucking complaining in general even if your team is doing well, so I'm sticking with my original comment.

It's not called pessimism if you know what's going to happen. It's not called complaining if you're simply stating facts. There's no way any sane human being could be positive about the Vikings. By the way, looks like someone else agrees with me.
Well see most of us aren't Vikings fans, so it's hard for us to understand the feeling of being constantly disappointed (unless you're maybe a Cleveland sports fan in general) again and again. We are more used to our teams having ups and downs where as (depending how old you are especially) you've had pretty much all downs, or ups that end in disappointment. So forgive us non Vikings fans about being optimistic about a team who on paper is up there with the best and play like it too as opposed to being reminded of their history every time they look like doing something great.
nice. insult someone over the internet.

I still stand by my stance that this superbowl should have been vikings/colts if not for some disgraceful refereeing in the NFC championship game.

first off, i wanted the vikings in the super bowl since they drafted p ercy harvin(GATR BAIT) and secondly 106.5 million people watched this superbowl, not just the most watched superbowl, but the most watched program in tv history, so dont be a whiny bitch cause the colts lost.
doesn't every super bowl break the previous year's "most watched ______ ever" record

anyways i rooted for the saints simply because they did not have a super bowl, and had never been to one

let's go detroit/cleveland/jacksonville/houston
It's not called pessimism if you know what's going to happen. It's not called complaining if you're simply stating facts. There's no way any sane human being could be positive about the Vikings. By the way, looks like someone else agrees with me.
This is why you cant live in the past.... Maybe the Vikings have dissapointed, but until they suffer half of what Cubs fans have in terms of a Title drought, I still like this teams odds to do something in the next 5 years. Calling this team one of the worst in football is just ludacris, and basing it off past history isnt fair. Teams in a drought like that win eventually, and it doesnt help if you are just pessimistic about a team. Why even call yourself a fan if you ant be positive? Do you go to games and just point out everything they do bad instead of the things they do right?

How can you seriously claim to know what's going to happen when you've been consistently wrong about the Vikings' games all season long?

As a long-time Vikings observer, I can honestly say that the addition of Brett Favre will not make for much improvement. They will certainly win a few more games than they would have if they had not had him, but he is not going to lead them to the Super Bowl, and possibly not even the playoffs. The Vikings had a pretty terrible offseason, losing several key players and adding nobody important. E.J. Henderson returning from injury (injured in week 2 or 3 last season) will be helpful for the defense, but the offense will continue to be woefully inept outside of 1 or 2 big plays from Adrian Peterson every game.

Um WRONG. Only thing that kept them from the Superbowl was 1 play. Favre led the team not AD.

I just wanted to note how you predicted them to do better than they did last year (10-6) when the team actually got worse over the offseason (losing Matt Birk, Darren Sharper, and more). The only player they really got over the offseason was Brett Favre, who isn't much of an improvement. It doesn't matter how good their players are on offense, Brad Childress is still calling the plays, which means the offense is going to be terrible no matter what. There's a reason Andy Reid never let Childress call the plays in Philly. The Vikings will be 10-6 this season at best.

hmm WRONG again TAD.

I think he was being sarcastic >_>

Anyway, why are people picking the Vikings to win? Obviously you guys don't watch enough Minnesota sports to know that teams from Minnesota, especially the Vikings, are the most disappointing teams in all of sports. They also tend to lose to god awful opponents such as the Lions, and have records set against them (Tony Dorsett 99 yard TD run, Cromartie 109 yard TD field goal return or whatever it was, etc.)

WRONG again.

Do you see a pattern developing here? Or should I go through 60 pages just to show how inconsistent you are on everything you say concerning the Vikings team?

The Vikes are my number 2 team behind San Diego and, to be frank, you're an awful fan. You do realize the vast majority of teams screw up in the play offs yet you only call out the Vikings on that. How the hell is what happened 20, 30 years ago even relevent to what's going on today? You're the type of sports fan that looks at the history of a team like it means shit today and base your opinion on that.

The only worthwhile prediction you've made all year was saying the Saints would beat the Vikes. Let's not forget you picked the Cowboys to destroy them and you picked the Colts to murder the Saints because they berely beat a "shitty team."

A ton of people have called you out on your whiny attitude and you still act like people are just doing that to push your buttons. I'm not holding my breath on you not being a whiny bitch next year either.
I'm a lifelong Bills fan, so if you're going to talk about downtrodden cities/fans and title droughts, you might want to include us.

I have told tad repeatedly that seeing the Bills in a championship game, let alone the playoffs, would give me an immeasurable boner. Nothing the Vikings ever do will be good enough for him, so I suggest again that everyone just ignores him and his trolling from now on.