
I havent seriously used shibi. I used a gimmick coil + zap cannon set and I actually got pretty lucky with zap cannon. thunder seems more reliable though and a 30% chance to paralyse is not bad either. Shibi really likes para support.
After one coil thunder has approx 93% meaning a 28% chance to get the para hax and a 7% chance to miss
zap cannon has about 66% and therefore a 66% to get the para hax, but at the same time a 34% chance to miss
I dont know atm if zap cannon got the power buff to 120, but if not thunder does more damage.
So zap cannon is more like high risk high payoff. thunder is more reliable and by the time you hit a zap cannon, you might have gotten a para hax with thunder anyways.
The problem with coil is that shibirudon's physical movepool is mostly inferior to his special movepool. So he doesnt get much from the attack boost (because running wild bolt and thunder/zap cannon does not make much sense)
His physical options are:
Rockslide, Crunch, Return, Brick Break, Dragon Claw, maybe Dragon Tail
Dragon Claw get's nice coverage with flamethrower and crunch hits ghosts and psychics but the rest doesnt help him when he has better special moves
He is still hella cool and has decent bulk so I guess he could be a nice option for lower tiers
I happen to like a bulky, mixed attacker coil set:

Shibirudon (lefties)
Quiet (252 HP, 252 SpA, 4 SpDef)
-Flamethrower/Grass Knot
-Dragon Tail

Quiet nature to boost SpA without losing any of its nice bulk. Speed really doesn't matter with this guy unless you run Trick Room and then qiuet works even better. Coil to boost defense, accuracy and attack. This helps with Thunder, overall bulk and gives dragon tail a little more power when pseudo-hazing. Flamethrower for the popular fire weaks (Aianto, Nattore, Scizor, Metagross, etc). Grass Knot is an option if you want to hit grounds, especially water/grounds, but flamethrower seems better coverage wise and you can always use dragon tail to knock them out anyway.
I'm going to opt out of the coil path. Thunder can be appropriately managed with a half-decent Rain Dance team, and Shibi here has a greater Special Attack moveset than a physical one. He wont be tanking for sure so here are my movesets for our electric lamprey. I italicized and bolded whatever moves work best together.

Shibirudon (Rainy Wall Breaker)
Expert Belt/Life Orb
252 SpA, 92 Def, 160 Atk
Rain Dance/Thunder Wave
Grass Knot/Flamethrower
Dragon Tail/Brick Break/HP Ice

This set hits for SE damage on a good amount of types, and hits for neutral on everything else out there. Thunder Wave is for those who want to spread around paralysis and rely on your other rain dancers to get Shibirudon the support it needs. If you REALLY want it to get around Chansey (instead of letting one of your Swift Swimmers do it, eg. Floatzel) then you can use Brick Break. I personally recommend against it.
I havent seriously used shibi. I used a gimmick coil + zap cannon set and I actually got pretty lucky with zap cannon. thunder seems more reliable though and a 30% chance to paralyse is not bad either. Shibi really likes para support.
After one coil thunder has approx 93% meaning a 28% chance to get the para hax and a 7% chance to miss
zap cannon has about 66% and therefore a 66% to get the para hax, but at the same time a 34% chance to miss
I dont know atm if zap cannon got the power buff to 120, but if not thunder does more damage.
So zap cannon is more like high risk high payoff. thunder is more reliable and by the time you hit a zap cannon, you might have gotten a para hax with thunder anyways.
The problem with coil is that shibirudon's physical movepool is mostly inferior to his special movepool. So he doesnt get much from the attack boost (because running wild bolt and thunder/zap cannon does not make much sense)
His physical options are:
Rockslide, Crunch, Return, Brick Break, Dragon Claw, maybe Dragon Tail
Dragon Claw get's nice coverage with flamethrower and crunch hits ghosts and psychics but the rest doesnt help him when he has better special moves
He is still hella cool and has decent bulk so I guess he could be a nice option for lower tiers
Rock Slide would be pretty good on him. It's decently strong, and while it is a touch redundant with Electric as far as Flying types go, it's a good attacking type, and if you get some paralysis going, that flinch rate could pay off.
The sets that I've seen suggested so far are pretty interesting, but they don't really help his speed. Unfortunately, the metagames today are all about speed, and for that reason, I think a choice scarf is probably the best way you can go with him. A naughty nature is probably the best for him, but a naive nature works well too if you're concerned he won't have enough speed.

I'm really bad at formatting, so if someone can help me out with this that would be great.

Set-Choice Scarf
Item-Choice Scarf

-Wild Charge
-Dragon Claw
-Brick Break/Crunch/U-Turn/Rock Slide
-Flamethrower/Grass Knot

EV's-I'm not sure exactly how much speed this set should have. As the metagame gets settled we'll have a better understanding of how many EV's he should run. You're definitely going to want to max out attack, and for the time being, give it as much speed as you think it will need. The rest of the EV's should be put into special attack.

Wild Charge is your primary STAB attack on this set. Flamethrower is included to deal with annoying walls like nattorei, skarmory, and foretress, but if swampert, hippowdon, etc are causing problems for you grass knot is certainly an option. The rest of the attacks are for coverage. Also, I slashed in U-turn if you're playing by the honor system on wifi (no peeking at your opponent's team!) as he also makes an excellent scout.

Also, I just wanted to point out (totally unrelated to competetive battling) that this is an electric fish (according to the pokedex) that gets no water attacks (attacking water moves anyways). I sort of lol'd when I noticed that (they should have at least given it surf if you ask me).
May I ask for your opinions please? :P

I've been wondering how effective this particular set would be. From my perspective, it's seemingly worthwhile, but i'd like someone else's opinion about it before I make it. :P

Quiet Nature
Either Expert Belt or Leftovers
EV's: either 252 ATK/ 252 Sp.A/ 4 HP or 252 HP/ 252 Sp. A/ 4.. anywhere, really.
Flamethrower/Brick Break
Dragon Claw/ Dragon Tail
Grass Knot/Substitute

meant for trick room, obviously. xP

Well, it's quite vague, but what do y'all think? Any suggestions or such? :3
I fought this set on Random Matchup, it was a huge stall-war between this and my Cotton Guard/Double Team Subseeder Whimsicott.

Eelektross @ Chesto Berry
Brave (I think)
I don't know the EV's that the guy used, but I would suggest 252Atk/196HP/60SpA (although I just made this up, I haven't proven it to be good; just seems like it'd work lol)
Zap Cannon
Dragon Tail

Sorry if this set has been posted already, I haven't seen the exact set anywhere.
I want to use this guy, his design and the whole having no weaknesses is awesome. But he just feels like he's not quite good enough at anything :\. Offenses aren't good enough to use on TR when you have stuff like Reuniclus, Defences aren't good enough to go bulky well, too slow and not hard hitting enough to use in a normal offensive capacity... Feels like he doesn't quite have a niche, which is disappointing. Is there anything he really excels at in OU that nothing else does better?
I want to use this guy, his design and the whole having no weaknesses is awesome. But he just feels like he's not quite good enough at anything :\. Offenses aren't good enough to use on TR when you have stuff like Reuniclus, Defences aren't good enough to go bulky well, too slow and not hard hitting enough to use in a normal offensive capacity... Feels like he doesn't quite have a niche, which is disappointing. Is there anything he really excels at in OU that nothing else does better?

The set that I fought against (That I posted previously) works really well as I've seen. I couldn't get past it, I could only stall until WiFi messed up and D/C'ed me and gave me that "Turn off the power" error since the stallwar was taking too long (If you don't believe me, then why would I D/C when I have a +6 Def, +5 Evasion Whimsicott with a Subseed up? Heck, why would I D/C at all, I'm a pretty honorable person; one can't always win anyway) :L
@ Virizion - hmmm, it seems like it could work, but I dislike the lack of SpDef and reliance on a single Rest for recovery. Also, Zap Cannon seems obsolete since D-Tail moves last anyway, so I'd go with a physical attack maybe, especially given the boosts... only his only physical attack is Wild Charge.

Anyway, after some research he's the highest SpAtk Pokemon (joint with octillery who has worse Def and some weaknesses) who can use Acid Spray, which halves the opponent's SpDef. If you come in on something which can't hurt you or you force out, AS the switchin and unless it's able to OHKO you, chances are you can easily OHKO it unless its a Heatran, or at the least force it out so you get to maim the switchin (as well as racking up hazard damage). Something like Thunderbolt/Flamethrower and maybe HP Ice since all dragons wall those two attacks as coverage?

Edit: the other option is just to go with a Sub set ofc, letting you see your switchin and counter appropriately.
I'm going to assume you meant only physical electric attack, as he has much more physical attacks than that. Dragon Claw, Dragon Tail, Rock Slide, U-Turn...

Indeed, my mistake, sadly Coil's accuracy boost doesn't help them too much :\. I suppose something like the set above with Coil/D-Tail/Rest is the best physical or mixed option really.

Acid Spray seems like a good idea since steels aren't going to switch into this period, given that all of them are easily 2HKO'd at worst by Flamethrower/Thunderbolt and can't significantly damage Elektross back, courtesy of its typing.

Acid Spray/Flamethrower/Thunderbolt/HP Ice would give you the best coverage

Yeah, that was my logic. Acid Sprayed things will often die to a single hit even when running Lefties (though Expert Belt is an option) - you do 150%+ to Chomp with HP Ice for instance, and will be able to OHKO all but the bulkiest Mences with it too.

Maybe the best draw is his bulk - with max HP and no weaknesses, he can take any attack barring a LO/Specs D-Meteor from Latios, CB Outrage, CB Flare Blitz, etc - the strongest ones in the meta, and can OHKO back on most offensive mons at least (the defensive ones won't be hurting you too much, hopefully). As an example, ScarfChomp's Outrage does a max of 76%, so he can certainly take a hit to dish it back against all but the most powerful hitters of the meta.

Now I just have to fit him into a team so I can see if these calcs mean anything in practice...

If that fails, the next best thing may be a bulky Specs set with U-Turn. The problem with the above set is that the opponent can double switch to remove the -2 SpDef, so you rely on prediction to do your damage anyway, and U-Turn can help with this as well.
What about Acid Spray AND U-turn? With entry hazards you could use him on some kind of balanced stall team or something. I'm not sure how well it'd work, but you would use Acid Spray as they switch to something, then U-turn as they switch again? That only leaves you with one coverage move, though..
What about Acid Spray AND U-turn? With entry hazards you could use him on some kind of balanced stall team or something. I'm not sure how well it'd work, but you would use Acid Spray as they switch to something, then U-turn as they switch again? That only leaves you with one coverage move, though..

Hmm, could do, but leaving yourself open to either Steels not named Tran or Dragons isn't a great idea in this meta..

Personally I think he'll prove a demon in UU once it's created since he can almost do well in OU, which should hopefully be soon after the server stats are collected sometime next month.
I think Flamethrower is almost necessary for Ferrothorn. Thunderbolt + U-turn hits most dragons for neutral, and you get to switch to something that can handle them anyway.
I've been wondering how effective this particular set would be. From my perspective, it's seemingly worthwhile, but i'd like someone else's opinion about it before I make it. :P

Quiet Nature
Either Expert Belt or Leftovers
EV's: either 252 ATK/ 252 Sp.A/ 4 HP or 252 HP/ 252 Sp. A/ 4.. anywhere, really.
Flamethrower/Brick Break
Dragon Claw/ Dragon Tail
Grass Knot/Substitute

meant for trick room, obviously. xP

Well, it's quite vague, but what do y'all think? Any suggestions or such? :3

You would not want to run discharge as the paralysis would be detrimental to a trick room team. I'm going to try a mixed set on my trick room team
with thunderbolt, flamethrower, brick break and hp ice. This gets great coverage especially against stall teams with flamethrower (or brick break) for steels thunderbolt for bulky waters and brick break for blissey/chansey. Hp ice shoots down dragons and gliscor. His biggest problem would be ground waters particularly quagsire who can set up stockpiles on him though they may be scared off by the possibility of grass knot.
You know, this guy works well under a trick room team. I've had success with it in my trick room team. I used a defensive coil set. It works wonders, with its wide movepool, awesome attacks stats, average defenses (which are pretty good after a coil), and no weaknesses.
I bred one on my Black Japanese cart, using the Acid Spray set from the Analysis. I haven't used it too much in competitive battles, but I love it in the Battle Subway, and on paper it sounds perfect (i.e. Acid Spray on anything, if they have a steel type use Flamethrower, rinse and repeat.)
I bred one on my Black Japanese cart, using the Acid Spray set from the Analysis. I haven't used it too much in competitive battles, but I love it in the Battle Subway, and on paper it sounds perfect (i.e. Acid Spray on anything, if they have a steel type use Flamethrower, rinse and repeat.)

The only problem with that is that it can be taken out by something faster (which are most opponents you face on wifi). However, with no weaknesses and decent defenses, it can shrug off the weaker hits.
Just used Coil Eelektross in the RU tier, and I have to say, it's awesome. Swept half of my opponents team before going down.
I tried one with Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Grass Knot/Acid Spray and I really liked the results. Many people don't know what to expect of it and stay after the Acid Spray, which tends to be a very big mistake. I'd like to try how it fares with Trick Room support.
I'm crusina.

TE]Battle between Crusina and Vile started!

Tier: DW OU
Mode: Singles
Variation: +16, -16
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause

Vile sent out Forretress!
Crusina sent out Kecleon!

Start of turn 1
Kecleon used Magic Coat!
Kecleon shrouded itself with Magic Coat!

The foe's Forretress used Toxic Spikes!
The foe's Forretress's Toxic Spikes was bounced back by Magic Coat!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of Vile's team!

Start of turn 2
Kecleon used Magic Coat!
Kecleon shrouded itself with Magic Coat!

The foe's Forretress used Stealth Rock!
The foe's Forretress's Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Coat!
Pointed stones float in the air around Vile's team!

Start of turn 3
Kecleon used Magic Coat!
Kecleon shrouded itself with Magic Coat!

The foe's Forretress used Rapid Spin!
Kecleon lost 13 HP! (4% of its health)
The foe's Forretress blew away Toxic Spikes!
The foe's Forretress blew away Stealth Rock!

Vile: lols

Start of turn 4
The foe's Forretress used Volt Switch!
Kecleon lost 32 HP! (9% of its health)
Kecleon's Color Change changes its type to Electric!
Vile called Forretress back!
Vile sent out SourDiesel! (Scrafty)

Kecleon used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Vile's team!

Start of turn 16
Sigilyph used Calm Mind!
Sigilyph's Sp. Att. rose!
Sigilyph's Sp. Def. rose!

The foe's Gyarados used Roar!
Eelektross was dragged out!

The foe's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 17
The foe's Gyarados used Stone Edge!
Eelektross lost 157 HP! (43% of its health)

Eelektross used Zap Cannon!
It's super effective!
The foe's Gyarados lost 87% of its health!
The foe's Gyarados fainted!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Vile sent out Landorus!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Landorus!

Start of turn 18
The foe's Landorus used Earthquake!
It had no effect!

Eelektross used Coil!
Eelektross's Attack rose!
Eelektross's Defense rose!
Eelektross's Accuracy rose!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 19
The foe's Landorus used Hammer Arm!
The attack of the foe's Landorus missed!

Eelektross used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Landorus lost 35% of its health!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Forretress!
The foe's Forretress was dragged out!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20
Eelektross used Coil!
Eelektross's Attack rose!
Eelektross's Defense rose!
Eelektross's Accuracy rose!

The foe's Forretress used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of Crusina's team!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 21
Eelektross used Coil!
Eelektross's Attack rose!
Eelektross's Defense rose!
Eelektross's Accuracy rose!

The foe's Forretress used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Crusina's team!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 22
Eelektross used Coil!
Eelektross's Attack rose!
Eelektross's Defense rose!
Eelektross's Accuracy rose!

The foe's Forretress used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective...
Eelektross lost 17 HP! (4% of its health)
Vile called Forretress back!
Vile sent out Gengar!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Gengar!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 23
The foe's Gengar used Shadow Ball!
Eelektross lost 138 HP! (38% of its health)

Eelektross used Zap Cannon!
The foe's Gengar lost 68% of its health!
The foe's Gengar is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 24
Eelektross used Zap Cannon!
Vile: arggghhh
The foe's Gengar lost 19% of its health!
The foe's Gengar fainted!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Vile sent out Chansey!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Chansey!

Crusina: mhmm

Start of turn 25
The foe's Chansey used Thunder Wave!
Eelektross is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Eelektross used Coil!
Eelektross's Attack rose!
Eelektross's Defense rose!
Eelektross's Accuracy rose!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 26
The foe's Chansey used Wish!

Eelektross used Rest!
Eelektross went to sleep and became healthy!

Start of turn 27
Vile called Chansey back!
Vile sent out Landorus!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Landorus!

Eelektross is fast asleep!

Chansey's wish came true!

Start of turn 28
The foe's Landorus used Hammer Arm!
Eelektross lost 38 HP! (10% of its health)
The foe's Landorus's Speed fell!

Eelektross is fast asleep!

Eelektross restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 29
The foe's Landorus used Hidden Power!
Eelektross lost 61 HP! (16% of its health)

Eelektross woke up!
Eelektross used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Landorus lost 83% of its health!
Crusina: no
I've been using this coil/rest/zap cannon/dragon tail set to great effect as you can see, it caused a rage quit when he still had over 4 pokemon left.
I dislike the fact that I need to Coil up before being able to use its STAB move, but that's interesting. Surprise factor was a big help at setting up Coils, though. Props to your success, regardless.