5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

Just a quick question for you guys.

I understand that saving bumps the nature frame... But what exactly does Chatot provide you? Is it the same thing (Just easier)?
yes but, to advance it by one, you can also turn yourself in an area in wich there are wild pokemon (in a route, only in the grass\sand\water, not on the road), or listen to chatot's cry after you registered one with the move "chatter".
yes but, to advance it by one, you can also turn yourself in an area in wich there are wild pokemon (in a route, only in the grass\sand\water, not on the road), or listen to chatot's cry after you registered one with the move "chatter".
Actually, turning in an area with wild Pokémon advances it by about two, not one.
in standards, do encounter slots work the same as in 4th gen?
Where can I find them?

And how do PIDs work for eggs? Do I use everstones?

You can use everstones if you want; there's an option in RNG Reporter for that.
Ok, so I found a shiny spread with an IV frame of 6 and a shiny frame of 274. I plug in both the long and short seed into the main window, and I'm not seeing the shiny frame at all. Instead I get one that's in the thousands and four thousands. Is this just a bug, or can I actually hit frame 274 and still get a shiny?
How does catching Shiny Legendaries differ from Shiny Starters?

I used Researcher to catch my Snivy, but can't figure out how it would correspond to legendaries.
Any help with the encounter slot?
How do you find it in RNG Reporter?

Find your seed in Time Finder. Copy that and paste it in the main window. Make sure it's on Method 5 PIDRNG. Hit generate, and you'll see different results below. Just right click one of them and hit Calculate Encounter Slots. It will then show you the slots, and there are also links there which show you the different slots for each game.

Question: If I miss my seed, is there a way I can punch in the IVs for the Pokemon I caught to see what Timer0 I hit so I can try to adjust accordingly next time?
Ok, so I found a shiny spread with an IV frame of 6 and a shiny frame of 274. I plug in both the long and short seed into the main window, and I'm not seeing the shiny frame at all. Instead I get one that's in the thousands and four thousands. Is this just a bug, or can I actually hit frame 274 and still get a shiny?

this is the same problem ive been having, the wild pokemon standard seeds generated by rng reporter is the same for stationary pokemon, so no it wont be shiny for a stationary only a wild pokemon, ive done this twice with cobalion and it was not shiny for my low hundreds shiny frame to advance to easily, but was for a wild pokemon, only the nature was correct, AND I still hit a shiny frame apparently confirmed in the thousands on the stationary seed by rng reporter and Still no shiny, so i would not waste my time if i were you, i assume it is a bug
hey guys =] totally new to all things rng and i got it down mostly, just having this problem, any help would be greatly appreciated. i am using the non c gear method, mac address D86BF7006FD7, seed df7715f9:

im consistently hitting my seed, always getting my 31/31/31/x/31/31 spread. when i start i use sweet scent, i ALWAYS get lv30 female woobat, adamant, often dozes off, i check it and yes flawless. if i start my game, hit my seed and turn i always find a boldore, depending on left or right, its lv 28 or lv30, adamant, somewhat vain, flawless. my question then is how am i supposed to get axew? the pokemon i am to encounter seems to be set and if i move the frame moves right? bcuz ive tried moving and i sometimes encounter lv30 axew flawless but its always bashful nature. ive tried saving and then moving but that just doesnt work, never seen an axew when trying that... this axew is the only giving me a problem, everywhere else ive managed to get myself several flawless pokes, any ideas whats going anyone?
Find your seed in Time Finder. Copy that and paste it in the main window. Make sure it's on Method 5 PIDRNG. Hit generate, and you'll see different results below. Just right click one of them and hit Calculate Encounter Slots. It will then show you the slots, and there are also links there which show you the different slots for each game.

Question: If I miss my seed, is there a way I can punch in the IVs for the Pokemon I caught to see what Timer0 I hit so I can try to adjust accordingly next time?

Thank you !

My next question is how to use the encounter slot to make that pokemon appear. Do I advance the PID to the frame or what sorry for asking so much but I just want to learn.

Plus I'll be giving back by makin a video on how to do it.
Encounter slots determine what Pokemon appears on a particular frame. Exactly like last generation.

Right click a particular frame and calculate encounter slots. It will be 0-11.

Look at the tables. Columns 0 -> 11 will tell you what appears, and what level it will be.

Once you find out what encounter slot your target Pokemon will be, find a frame in which that encounter slot will appear.
Hit that frame and that encounter slot Pokemon is yours.
If the nature and ability aren't to your liking, look further down the frame list.
I did some research on RNGing the Genies. After finding a flawless HP Flying frame for my Thundurus, I tried a lot of times and now I always hit it, so the only thing I need is the nature.

As already said in this topic (I used the smogon search on the whole endless topic), the rain messes up the PID Frame due to raising it hundreds of times per second, making it impossible to hit the same frame twice, even if doing everything at exactly the same speed.

My question would then be (and someone mentioned it in the other topic already), if I can use the house for this:

1. When is the frame for the Genie chosen?
b) the moment I leave the house to visit the Genie
c) The moment the Genie jells at me
d) other timing?

I did research on my own (again) and found out that the frame is not chosen with entering the cut scene, but with one of the other options. I saved inside the house and get the same correct IV frame almost every time.

But in bearsfan's video guide, it is told that same actions should bring same results as regards the PID frame. This does not seem to be the case with the Genies, because even if I DO the same route and turns every time, I get different results. I do not even have a clue about in which corner my frame could be located. I did the same movements 4 times and as results I got Serious, Brave, Naughty and Adamant (all of them standing for similar values exept Serious). I now wonder if this is pure randomness...

The main point is: could there be anything in that house or related to leaving the house that screws up my frame? I could think of the television there, but as I do not get constant results, I can not prove it...

Hope someone can help me with that.

edit: I forgot to mention that I use NON-CGEAR-RNG. Sorry for that ^^"
would RNGing a gift pokemon count as RNGing a stationary poke?

also im doing C-Gear abuse and wondering about the roamer. should i take my steps near the door so i can walk out or can i just take the steps anywhere then walk out? im also wondering if its ivs are solid once i step outside and encounter it
I think I'm staring to get it.

Alright so my Flawless Seed is on frame 6 for IVs. My Encouter Seed is on Frame 18 Slot 6.
How do I advance the Encounter Frame without Advancing the Flawless Seed Frame 6?
How do shinies work for non Cgear? Do I just input my SID and check shiny only? Or more importantly, can you catch shinies with any spread regardless of ID/SID?
So this is probably a really stupid question, but how does one convert a seed to a time (standard abuse)?

The "BW (Standard Seed)" option is grayed out on my RNG Reporter.

[Edit: Okay, I just saw that date/time is listed in the seed finder. Darn--I wish I'd realized that before closing the window.]
Okay after reading a bit more I think this is what I need to do. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm going this in a Cave

My Stander Seed frame is 6 (I do my 128 step with 5 pokemon in my party to Advance to 5) ( NO TURNING)

After That I advance the PID Frame 12 with a encounter slot of 9 by saving the game 12 times.
When I was searching through the Natures/IV Inheritance of seeds I notice that the Ditto Parent is messed up giving me the IVs of a regular parent and it works the other way around when I use a different parent and the same goes with the gender, but the nature and ability is predicted correctly. Has this been happening to anyone else?
Okay after reading a bit more I think this is what I need to do. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm going this in a Cave

My Stander Seed frame is 6 (I do my 128 step with 5 pokemon in my party to Advance to 5) ( NO TURNING)

After That I advance the PID Frame 12 with a encounter slot of 9 by saving the game 12 times.

If you're sure you know what your starting PID frame is, and that 12 advances is gonna give you want you want, then yeah.
Shouldn't the starting PID frame be 0?
When I turn the game on?

And since Im in a cave when I do my 128 steps it advances my PID by 2 frame per step?
I'm confused on how to do shinies, since I get two sets of frames. I thought that if I had both frames at 1, I'd get it no problem, but that's not working.

Or, how do I check my starting PID frame?