Scared to Death

OH MY FUCKING GOD. The scariest thing just happened to me about 10-15 minutes ago.

Sometime between 9am and 10am, can't remember when, I got hungry and decided to make hard boiled eggs, since they make me full. I go to the kitchen, and I put cold water in a pot and put two eggs in it, and set the burner on high. So I go back to my room, onto my computer, and start playing Minecraft.

Naturally, I forgot about something...

So, a little while ago, I hear this awfully loud noise, like a bunch of dishes just broke. I head to the kitchen to see what happened, and there's this smoking pot with the burner still on high, and egg shell/egg white/yolk disseminated all over the stove top. The eggs had exploded all over the place. I turn the burner off and set about cleaning up the mess. The pot wasn't horribly scarred, so I think my parents won't notice. So, all's well that ends well...except for one teeny thing: above the stove, there's a grate that absorbs the heat, kinda looks like this.



It appears the bottom one, which was above where the eggs were boiling, is missing. I just hope it wasn't there before I had my accident.

So, I'd like to ask you all...what scary, stupid, spontaneous shenanigans have you got caught up in?
I apologize if this isn't thread worthy. I'll edit the OP to make it so people can share their scary, stupid situations. If any moderators feel this isn't a rabian forum worthy, feel free to close up shop.
well one time i had a dream that i went into labor and gave birth to fatecrashers. then i raised baby fate but one day we went to the park and i misplaced him and this was terrifying because it meant i had failed in my duty as a parent
sometimes when im waiting for the subway i think what would happen if i fell on the tracks and the subway hit me or if it hit my leg only or some other body part. i have no desire to die or lose a limb, but the stray thought invades my mind out of morbid curiosity and it kinda frightens me.
glen is about to not like me a lot


Didn't happen to me personally, but my best friend was opening a toy package for his little brother and nearly sliced off three of his fingers, and it's not healing right. And he's a drummer. I've never seen the man scared at all before this.
sometimes when im waiting for the subway i think what would happen if i fell on the tracks and the subway hit me or if it hit my leg only or some other body part. i have no desire to die or lose a limb, but the stray thought invades my mind out of morbid curiosity and it kinda frightens me.

It's actually not that bad. You just bounce back up onto the platform is all.
sometimes when im waiting for the subway i think what would happen if i fell on the tracks and the subway hit me or if it hit my leg only or some other body part. i have no desire to die or lose a limb, but the stray thought invades my mind out of morbid curiosity and it kinda frightens me.

sometimes when i'm waiting for the subway a crazy old guy comes up in some kind of motorized wheelchair yells "FUCK YOU" and starts running over my friends :(
<umbreon_dan> Find out how many people wank to you. See the most wanked to people. Get mutual wank alerts from potential interests.
<~cookie> o-O
<@McGrrr> wat
<makiri> umbreon_dan would be into that

<~cookie> WAIT A SEC
<~cookie> oh god scary
<~cookie> i typed my name in
<~cookie> it found my facebook picture
well one time i had a dream that i went into labor and gave birth to fatecrashers. then i raised baby fate but one day we went to the park and i misplaced him and this was terrifying because it meant i had failed in my duty as a parent

there was this one time when i read snorlaxe's post

I am highly tempted to bring the fatecrasher post "who needs you" into this thread if it were not for the fact I'm on an ipad
This one time in high school, I was coming home from pep band (yeah I know), and I was really worn out. So, naturally, I decided to crash and veg out on the couch. I was minding my own business, watching TV, when all of the sudden, A FRIGGIN JUMPING SPIDER lands between my boobs!!(my shirt was relatively low-cut). I screamed, ran to the bathroom, tore off my shirt, and looked everywhere for the spider, but it was nowhere to be found. The spider remains free to this day. And that is the story of how I got sexually assaulted by a spider O.o