International Wi-Fi Tournament - Autumn Friendly [OVER - Rankings Released Nov. 1st]

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To be honest, I actually agree with the D/C tracker tracking the amount of d/cs you get (in a row or every other min. hr. etc.) assumption. If it's true then I'm sure that a lot of people who don't d/c but received d/cs from their opponents will be pissed off if they find themselves DQd.

I guess I'm lucky to get 12-15 D/Cs out of the whole tourney if it's true that the D/C tracker works that way.

But they seriously need to upgrade their hack filter, like adding a filter for specific Pokemon with popular and specific illegal move sets >:/
I ranked 35th, and the highest ranked Canadian player. While looking at my ranking, there's a large number of recognizable Smogoners ranked around the 35-60 range (between about 1890 and 1915 rating).

I also kind of find it a bit funny how a lot of players in the topic complained about Mexican or Spanish players Disconnecting, and there just so happens to be a lot of Mexican and Spanish players in the top 20 or so. Along with some other people who are known for disconnects. Where as someone like Cybertron who took his losses, but would have still made 2nd Place anyways, was booted.

There's a lot of room for improvement here.
YEEEEEEEEEES¡¡¡¡ I wiiiin ¡¡¡¡ It's EASYY¡¡¡ :P

We are STROOONG¡¡ Spain¡¡¡¡ Spanish Army = 1º and 2º Place :P

I got 314th place with a rating of 1716. My peak would have gotten me to the top 150 or so, but no problem.

I hate to say what everyone else already has, but MY GOD THE D/Cers. I'd love to see another competition like this, but it could have been handled better.
3140 people had a ranking of 1501 or better, meaning the other 7000 or so either never played, got d/c'ed too many times, or took their losses well.

I'm surprised I'm in the top 2200 considering the fact that I only "won" one battle. Heck, as it seems, players who were D/C'ed against were DQ'ed (Cybertron). I guess this only applies to higher ranked players, because I wasn't DQ'ed despite the fact I was DQ'ed on 8 times to one win.

Congratulations to Unreality for being the second most honest player :)
OK, I finally got home and here are my views on this.

First of all, congrats to all the players on the list, especially Rukario and 7014gree. Two great players and friends of mine, who I had the honor to play throughout the tournament. Well done to you two, along with everyone else who played in the tournament. A lot of great names in the list. Good job to Ruben and Flash too, we had a couple of good games there too.

Second of all, I want to point out that I've probably played the most games out of anyone who competed in this competition. I was sick that weekend, and stayed home rather than going out with friends and left my DS on the entire time and battled basically every day of the tournament. This also means I've probably had the most disconnections out of anyone... I didn't properly record them, but I want to say I had around 120. Maybe more. On the first day, I had only 1 disconnection, and that was an accidental one against soul_survivor (in which had the win) because my mom shut off my DS. Afterwards, it was crazy. People disconnected every other game to protect their 1700+ ratings, and climbing up seemed impossible. I started Sunday with like a 1960+ rating, dropped down to almost below 1900, and slowly worked my way up to my 2050+ rating, beating (and losing) to a ton of opponents that I know are class VGC Players in real life. At one point, I was getting literally 1 win for every 10 disconnections, and I was getting really frustrated about this.

As for disconnections on my side: I won't lie, it has disconnected because on my side several times. My Wi-Fi isn't that shaky, but whenever I walk into another room with my DS, my game immediately drops the connection. I think R Inanimate can vouch for me on this: I beat him, but my game disconnected before the game/records were counted. This happened a bunch of times in team preview, and maybe 2-3 times when I lost and I truly apologize for that.

I don't mind that much that I am not on the list, because I know that I did well enough to be 2nd. What I hope people don't think is that I disconnected a lot to get my way there, and I hope you all know that I didn't. I took my losses against everyone fair and square (7014gree, MattJ, TR_Jesse, and several others that don't even have online accounts can vouch for me on this).

I don't know how Pokemon DQ'd players like me. I had around 10 DC's on my side (to my knowledge). Maybe this is the reason I was disqualified. I'm not trying to make excuses or anything, but my brother got a new case for his DS over the weekend and this seemed to weaken the connection significantly, and after it DC'd a bunch of times, I took it off just to be safe. I just hope people don't actually think I disconnected to get where I did.

Thanks for the tournament TCPi, it was fun. It's just a bit disheartening to know that I don't even get any recognition for doing well, especially when I actually spent so much time on this and took it a bit seriously.


EDIT: And honestly, I'd rather them include everyone then DQ people who DC'd. Seeing how I know a lot of players on this list have disconnected at least once (Ruben disconnected against me after I beat him. Accidental or not, it was still a DC. All my disconnections were accidental, but guess who didn't end up being included?) :(
Congratulations RubeNCB92! the autumn (un)friendly champion.

Well I'm glad I at least made 37th with my 1912 rating which had stood since it ended, so no disconnection bonuses were in my favor there.

Ruben, get any trophy avatars for your win?
We've all had our fair share of disconnections, whether it be intentional or not.

Ask anyone in the top 10 if they disconnected on purpose even once and they'll say yes. I disconnected around ~5 times just because of bullshit losses.

Anyway, I agree with Cybertron. It's very dissuading to put in so much time and get disconnected on. It almost makes you feel like never playing these tournaments again.

Of course, people like Cybertron will keep coming back because they are dedicated players who always give it their all. And of course, people like those constant disconnectors will also return and the circle of life continues.

Bottom line, Nintendo needs a better "DC detector".
"Bullshit luck," is a completely legitimate excuse for disconnecting by the way. I didn't sign up to play a luck-based game.

Anyhoo, ranked 134 for two days worth of play. Had fun, but it's a shame that people who cared enough to ladder climb got DQ'ed.
"Bullshit luck," is a completely legitimate excuse for disconnecting by the way. I didn't sign up to play a luck-based game.

It wasn't an excuse. It was my reason for disconnecting. I'm not saying it was right, but spending 20 battles getting 1-3 points each in a course of over 2 hours gaining about 30-60 points then getting a loss due to hax and losing 30 points is not worth it.

I'm sure others thought the same thing but some are stronger than others and can resist the urge to disconnect. It wasn't right by any means, however.
Ask anyone in the top 10 if they disconnected on purpose even once and they'll say yes. I disconnected around ~5 times just because of bullshit losses.
I would love to see how you can prove how I disconnected. I am very insulted by this.

I got a fuckload of hax in loads of my battles. In about 1/10 battles, there would be crit making it 4-3 turn 1 or a rock slide miss stopping a sweep, but I was good enough to work past that and go on to win. Even if I didn't win, I was mature enough and had enough respect for other competitors to take the loss. On the last day I was in 1990+ about 3 times, but got haxed out down to my eventual finishing place at 1975 or sometihng.

someone who came top 64 or something i cant be arsed double checking in a random regional i can understand needing to dc to get top 10. but in my case and many others, no, speak for yourself

i dont see why you have any right to discredit anyone in the top 10 without any evidence, but i wont rage properly so i dont get another infraction
lmfao at DAZ being #2 and Cybertron was dq'd. What a joke of a tournament.

Ranked 366, I don't really care. It was fun.
I also liked the part where I beat the #1 and #2 player and never got any points from either battle. This was when I was at a low 2000 rating. Nice!
If he dc'd more than me is not my fault. I DC'D 4 times. He said 10. So where is the problem?
Edit: yeah, and I beated ryuzaki 1 time on PO and she is better than me ;) I don`t want problems. It's just a friendly tournament. Good luck everybody, hope to see you in worlds ^^
I never justified anything. Like many others out there, I disconnected. That's what I'm saying. Albeit a low number of disconnections on my part, I did disconnect.

7014gree, I'm sorry then that I offended you. I should have said top 5. My bad.
If he dc'd more than me is not my fault. I DC'D 4 times. He said 10. So where is the problem?
Edit: yeah, and I beated ryuzaki 1 time on PO and she is better than me ;) I don`t want problems. It's just a friendly tournament. Good luck everybody, hope to see you in worlds ^^

Are you serious right now? :evan:

So if you beat me at Worlds I can DC right? It's just a friendly tournament right?
That's strange. I was DCed on a ton and I wasn't DQed. With all of the DCers, I'm surprised I made the top 100, much less 47. Congrats to Ruben, and I hope to do better than this at the worlds :D!
So since you didn't justify it, you admit that you cheated in order to reach your ranking.

Sure, why not. When you put it like that. But if that's the way you want to put it, then ~90% of the players in the tournament also "cheated" to reach their ranking.
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