Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

In 9.94 as long as you set the generation method and encounter type correctly you only need to get to 1 frame before the one listed. There are no so-called monster frames. Of course you have to account for the roamer advancing a frame for each one.
I don't think it's accounted for because the monster frame for them depends on if there are other roamers roaming, so it could be different.
Okay. If there are no other roamers the monster frame stays 5, yes?
So, my frame is 14, it would be 14-5=9?

Okay. I just wanted to make sure, because I still had to use the monster frame for Giratina in the Distortion World so I wanted to make sure.
Oh, you're talking about Cress/Mesprit. Yeah that's right, 9 advancements. On RNG Reporter you can't set the encounter type for method 1 to "Cress/Mesprit" so you have to do the calcs your self. But for Method J/K it accounts for everything, I'm pretty sure.

So yes, 9 advancements once you hit your seed! :)
Okay. If there are no other roamers the monster frame stays 5, yes?
So, my frame is 14, it would be 14-5=9?

Okay. I just wanted to make sure, because I still had to use the monster frame for Giratina in the Distortion World so I wanted to make sure.

Oh I thought you were talking about something else actually... Yeah you have to get to earlier frames for those two as RNG reporter doesn't account for those.
I assume that the "Egg Pickup Time" is when you press "A" to dismiss the Day-Care Man's "Take good care of it" message (just like in Emerald), right? What about the "Egg Held Time" though; what am I supposed to do with that?
I assume that the "Egg Pickup Time" is when you press "A" to dismiss the Day-Care Man's "Take good care of it" message (just like in Emerald), right? What about the "Egg Held Time" though; what am I supposed to do with that?
Deposit the parents, walk 254 steps, and save. Take the 255th step on the frame needed for egg held time (walking in the direction the PC is facing takes 16 frames from pressing the button to taking the egg PID half).
Deposit the parents, walk 254 steps, and save. Take the 255th step on the frame needed for egg held time (walking in the direction the PC is facing takes 16 frames from pressing the button to taking the egg PID half).
Well I know that an egg isn't always generated after 255 steps; will one definitely be generated at that point if I hit the frame that RNG Reporter gives me?

So, I take my 255th step as the egg held timer expires, then without saving in between, collect the egg (dismiss the dialogue with the Day-Care Man) when the egg pickup timer expires? That means the difficulty/luck of a breeding project in R/S is basically the square of the difficulty/luck of a breeding project in Emerald since you have to hit the right 1/60th of a second twice, and then still can't verify whether or not you did until hatching the egg, right?
Well I know that an egg isn't always generated after 255 steps; will one definitely be generated at that point if I hit the frame that RNG Reporter gives me?

So, I take my 255th step as the egg held timer expires, then without saving in between, collect the egg (dismiss the dialogue with the Day-Care Man) when the egg pickup timer expires? That means the difficulty/luck of a breeding project in R/S is basically the square of the difficulty/luck of a breeding project in Emerald since you have to hit the right 1/60th of a second twice, and then still can't verify whether or not you did until hatching the egg, right?

Yeah, if you hit the right frame the egg will be generated.

And, all of that seems correct. The process looks annoying, so gl.
Well I know that an egg isn't always generated after 255 steps; will one definitely be generated at that point if I hit the frame that RNG Reporter gives me?

So, I take my 255th step as the egg held timer expires, then without saving in between, collect the egg (dismiss the dialogue with the Day-Care Man) when the egg pickup timer expires? That means the difficulty/luck of a breeding project in R/S is basically the square of the difficulty/luck of a breeding project in Emerald since you have to hit the right 1/60th of a second twice, and then still can't verify whether or not you did until hatching the egg, right?
No. You're breeding in R/S right? I don't know what steps you've taken, so I'll just give you a quick run-through of the way I usually do this:

  1. Calibrate the time needed to generate the egg using Spinda.
  2. Calibrate the time needed to pick up the egg using Spinda.
  3. Attempt to hit the egg held frame using the actual parents to set the first PID half and SAVE.
  4. Attempt to hit the egg pick-up frame, hatch the egg, and check its IVs and nature. (Do NOT save unless you have your target)
  5. Use the PID half of the pick-up frame, the nature of the hatched pokemon, its ability, and its gender to determine the first PID half.
  6. If the set PID half is wrong, reset, decline the egg and repeat steps 3-5. If it is correct, then reset and repeat step 4. If the IVs and PID are correct, then congratulations. SAVE.
You need to reset between setting the first PID half and attempting to hit the egg pick-up frame.
No. You're breeding in R/S right? I don't know what steps you've taken, so I'll just give you a quick run-through of the way I usually do this:

  1. Calibrate the time needed to generate the egg using Spinda.
  2. Calibrate the time needed to pick up the egg using Spinda.
  3. Attempt to hit the egg held frame using the actual parents to set the first PID half and SAVE.
  4. Attempt to hit the egg pick-up frame, hatch the egg, and check its IVs and nature. (Do NOT save unless you have your target)
  5. Use the PID half of the pick-up frame, the nature of the hatched pokemon, its ability, and its gender to determine the first PID half.
  6. If the set PID half is wrong, reset, decline the egg and repeat steps 3-5. If it is correct, then reset and repeat step 4. If the IVs and PID are correct, then congratulations. SAVE.
You need to reset between setting the first PID half and attempting to hit the egg pick-up frame.
Thanks for the outline. I haven't actually done anything yet. So I have to use the Spinda Painter for this too (I thought it was just Emerald)? Figuring out the exact spots on a Spinda sounds very difficult...

What exactly do you mean in step 5? Given the nature/gender/ability/IVs of my baby, how can I find the first half of the PID (and accordingly determine whether or not I hit my target egg pick-up frame)?
Hi I'm just after bit of help/advice on a question about new required lead cute charm column in rng 9.94 reporter. I'm on platinum cart doing rng of stationary legend. I have found a seed 8a150268 on frame 108 pid 00000011 hp water 70
It says cute charm (female) method j stationary pokemon quiet nature. Does this mean if i have a cute charm ability male pokemon with a quiet nature then the target pokemon will have a quiet nature? As haven't found synchable quiet seed hp water. I'm not sure cute charm pokemon will make seed quiet or is cute charm column to do with shinyness? thanks for any help
Hi I'm just after bit of help/advice on a question about new required lead cute charm column in rng 9.94 reporter. I'm on platinum cart doing rng of stationary legend. I have found a seed 8a150268 on frame 108 pid 00000011 hp water 70
It says cute charm (female) method j stationary pokemon quiet nature. Does this mean if i have a cute charm ability male pokemon with a quiet nature then the target pokemon will have a quiet nature? As haven't found synchable quiet seed hp water. I'm not sure cute charm pokemon will make seed quiet or is cute charm column to do with shinyness? thanks for any help

None of the above.
You need a Pokemon with the ability synchronize. Cute Charm is only for the gender.
Thanks for the outline. I haven't actually done anything yet. So I have to use the Spinda Painter for this too (I thought it was just Emerald)? Figuring out the exact spots on a Spinda sounds very difficult...

What exactly do you mean in step 5? Given the nature/gender/ability/IVs of my baby, how can I find the first half of the PID (and accordingly determine whether or not I hit my target egg pick-up frame)?

I keep forgetting which half of the PID is generated when but both halves affect the nature due to hexadecimal numbers not being evenly divisible by 25.
Thanks for the outline. I haven't actually done anything yet. So I have to use the Spinda Painter for this too (I thought it was just Emerald)? Figuring out the exact spots on a Spinda sounds very difficult...

What exactly do you mean in step 5? Given the nature/gender/ability/IVs of my baby, how can I find the first half of the PID (and accordingly determine whether or not I hit my target egg pick-up frame)?
A guide on this would be pretty helpful wouldn't it? :)

When the old man first has the egg, the second half of the PID is set. To answer your question about whether or not the old man will have the egg, read this post. With this half set, the baby's gender and ability will always be the same, so you can have an idea of what frame you hit by eliminating the the frames that you couldn't have hit.

The first half of the PID and the IVs are set once you pick up the egg. When you find the IV frame you hit, look at the PID of that frame. The second half of the PID will be the first half of the baby's PID. Use this half to test the PID halves you may have hit when the old man first held the egg (combine the halves and see if the nature it yields matches that of the baby's).

It's not perfect, I know, but if you calibrated with Spinda properly, it should be doable.

Edit: I'm writing this based on my experience from breeding with the older version of RNG reporter. I haven't looked at the new one's R/S breeding tools.
So I was trying to show my friend how to hatch a shiny egg in his heartgold game. We calculated his delay is 503 however there was nothing that used that frame. I opened the zomg timer, and I'm very confused about how it works. I've used it before when my delay was 493, and the delay I had to hit was 493 and seconds were both 14. So what I did for him is put his delay in as 503 and set the target as 797 (seconds both 14) and the results weren't even in the time finder. As far as I know you reset at the first timer and press continue at the 2nd timer. What I don't get is how does his calibrated delay at all affect the the time for the target delay? I don't see how your average affects how long you need to wait at the continue screen, please help. Also in an unrelated issue, how do I catch a flawless ditto?
A guide on this would be pretty helpful wouldn't it? :)

When the old man first has the egg, the second half of the PID is set. To answer your question about whether or not the old man will have the egg, read this post. With this half set, the baby's gender and ability will always be the same, so you can have an idea of what frame you hit by eliminating the the frames that you couldn't have hit.

The first half of the PID and the IVs are set once you pick up the egg. When you find the IV frame you hit, look at the PID of that frame. The second half of the PID will be the first half of the baby's PID. Use this half to test the PID halves you may have hit when the old man first held the egg (combine the halves and see if the nature it yields matches that of the baby's).

It's not perfect, I know, but if you calibrated with Spinda properly, it should be doable.

Edit: I'm writing this based on my experience from breeding with the older version of RNG reporter. I haven't looked at the new one's R/S breeding tools.
Yeah, a guide would be very useful! The R/S breeding feature seems to have been added to RNG Reporter without much explanation. I'm not sure exactly when the R/S Shiny Egg Time Finder feature was added, so it may or may not have been available to you. Once you check your IVs, what lists (Methods) do you look for those IVs under, and after taking the second part of the PID from that list, what list do you look at to determine whether or not you hit your target egg held frame?

Also, by the bold text, you're saying that the second half of the PID from the IV frame is the part of the PID that is generated first (yet will remain the second half of the number), correct?

Sorry for all the questions... this whole R/S egg thing is new to me :)
Yeah, a guide would be very useful! The R/S breeding feature seems to have been added to RNG Reporter without much explanation. I'm not sure exactly when the R/S Shiny Egg Time Finder feature was added, so it may or may not have been available to you. Once you check your IVs, what lists (Methods) do you look for those IVs under, and after taking the second part of the PID from that list, what list do you look at to determine whether or not you hit your target egg held frame?

Also, by the bold text, you're saying that the second half of the PID from the IV frame is the part of the PID that is generated first (yet will remain the second half of the number), correct?

Sorry for all the questions... this whole R/S egg thing is new to me :)
If the PID of the egg held frame is xxxxaaaa and the PID of the IV frame is xxxxbbbb, the PID of the egg will be bbbbaaax, where aaax is aaaa+1 (sorry, forgot to mention that).

You check the IVs using method 1, and the inheritance through HGSS breeding. The inheritance frame will be 3 ahead of the IV frame in alternate inheritance, and 4 ahead with Splits and Non-splits, only Splits will use method 4 for the IVs. There's no way to tell which method your egg was generated through, so you'll have to check them all. It's tedious, but it shouldn't be too hard if you can narrow down the IVs.
If the PID of the egg held frame is xxxxaaaa and the PID of the IV frame is xxxxbbbb, the PID of the egg will be bbbbaaax, where aaax is aaaa+1 (sorry, forgot to mention that).

You check the IVs using method 1, and the inheritance through HGSS breeding. The inheritance frame will be 3 ahead of the IV frame in alternate inheritance, and 4 ahead with Splits and Non-splits, only Splits will use method 4 for the IVs. There's no way to tell which method your egg was generated through, so you'll have to check them all. It's tedious, but it shouldn't be too hard if you can narrow down the IVs.
Ugh, this is complicated! Perhaps I'll try it though... thanks for your help. Is using the Spinda Painter as difficult as it sounds?
Is using the Spinda Painter as difficult as it sounds?

When I used Spinda Painter to find my calibration value for Emerald, it didn't work. Idk if it was just me (I probably wasn't exact, but Imo it's hard to get it exactly), but instead of using Spinda painter I transferred the Spinda to DPPtHGSS and uploaded it to Pokecheck to get the exact PID. I think that's much easier :P
Ugh, this is complicated! Perhaps I'll try it though... thanks for your help. Is using the Spinda Painter as difficult as it sounds?
It does get complicated, and not to mention tedious, but Spinda painter isn't really that bad. Spinda's ear spots are determined by the second half of the PID and its eye spots are determined by the first half. So when you're calibrating for the egg held frame, you only need to worry about the ear spots.

To try to match up the spots, I usually look at the borders of the spots, the size of the spot that's within the actual sprite, and the location of the spot relative to facial features. I also noticed that the bottom row of pixels on the right ear spot is shifted by one pixel (can't remember if its to the right or left) so don't let that throw you off.
Thanks PoJ and GoldenBanana for your replies. I see that for regular inheritance (not split or alternate), the first flawless physical spread in R/S occurs substantially sooner than in Emerald (frame 3090 in R/S; frame 15117 in Emerald). I'm guessing it's still an easier project in Emerald (just using an Everstone and saving in front of an egg with my desired nature/ability; I don't care about shininess in this case), correct? If so, then is there really any point to breeding in R/S when you can breed in Emerald?
Breeding in Emerald is much easier than in R/S. The only reason to breed in R/S is if you don't have Emerald, or you want a challenge.