Autumn Friendly 2012

Man I was looking forward to this for a while, but every battle I have is nothing but hax on my opponents side. Its like the Battle Test, and my opponent gets to be the CPU.
Well, getting back on the horse, going to break 1900. When does this end, by the way? I live in GMT -4 (so right now it's quarter-past-noon where I am), so would I be correct in assuming it ends in my time zone at about 8 PM?
Just had battle against Jesse* with a, I believe, a 1755 rating. GG there. That final put me back in the 1700's after nintendo bs of droping my rank by 100 points while i didn't play any game

Edit: Freaking bull crap my opponent dc'd just as rankings were set, they were almost done to.
Fought an 1849, I got haxxed really bad (hydro pump misses, paralysis didn't stop any of his guys, and always hitting myself in confusion).

GG Isra
Sorry in advance to the person I just D/C'd on mid-battle, my bro got mad at me for playing Pokemon at the table and unplugged the wifi.....

With that I likely end my tournament streak with: 22 - 6 - 8

I'm getting disqualified aren't I -.-
If anyone here is Anant with a ranking that looked to be in the 1800's gg and sorry for the hax. That was really close. And then the person dc'd. God dang anant that was stupid dc, just shoulda took the lose (Sorry for rage but that was good game up until the dc during rank sending, and most likely they're not even a member of the site).
If anyone here is Anant with a ranking that looked to be in the 1800's gg and sorry for the hax. That was really close. And then the person dc'd. God dang anant that was stupid dc, just shoulda took the lose (Sorry for rage but that was good game up until the dc during rank sending, and most likely they're not even a member of the site).

yeah, i'm anant; sorry about the d/c, just really mad right now.
*saves a battle video and attempts to upload to check how the hell my FF boosted Heatran's Heat Wave from 177 SpAtk stat in sun OHKOs a Cofagrigus with split damage non-crit* "There was a problem with the battle video"

......does this tournament even have ANY kind of hack check? Pretty obvious that it doesn't. 42-9-14
hey Lemon from Germany, nice DC. That crit hurt you but I would have taken the game anyway, just because your Latios got cuaght off gaurd so badly doesn't mean you should be doing that. At 1810 or so now, might stop but certainly staying above 1800.
Still stuck at 1825 after 5 straight DCs.

My lastest - a 1900+ player who I spent 5 minutes Night Slashing his Recovering Gastrodon. Finally got a critical (not killing him) on the turn he muddy waters, then he DCs.

BW2's DC methods aren't going to be enough. They just need to award the victory to the person still connected to the internet.

Edit - 2 more. 100% DC today - half of them the turn before they're dead. :(

Edit again: Automatch just paired me up with the exact same asshat that DCed from me. So I reset power - fool me twice...
To the player who didn't D/C like many other people in that situation would have done... I have great respect for you. I had to play my luck with Swagger.

And with that I'm done with this competition. 45-9-15 rating 1782. Not going to push my luck like last tournament as I'll end up falling places rather than gain. Here are the videos I recorded from this tournament. Didn't have many entertaining battles this time as a lot of matches were slaughters from either side.

Edit: Battle vid link removed upon request.
I finally break 2000 in possibly my best battle this whole tournament vs mrbopper(rated 1964. I was 1999 at the time), but I forgot to save it ;_;. Now I can only hope bopper saved it. I never used that much brain power ever. Sorry mrbopper for not saving such a excellent match

Well I'll be done until I hear someone breaks 2000.

Im at 94-5, and goodluck to everyone else haha.
Just battled R Inanimate in a pretty good game. I got a communication error as the results were being recorded though so I didn't get to save the battle :/
God damned hackers. Abamasnow does not outspeed Jolly max speed Terrakion even with a choice scarf. I call bullshit.
Jolly Terrakion tops out at 176 speed, while +speed Abomasnow tops out at 123. Add in the speed boost from scarf/Tailwind and that puts it at 184.5 -> 184.

Do stat calcs before you complain about "hackers". At least my complaints are founded on undeniable evidence.
Jolly Terrakion tops out at 176 speed, while +speed Abomasnow tops out at 123. Add in the speed boost from scarf/Tailwind and that puts it at 184.5 -> 184.

Do stat calcs before you complain about "hackers". At least my complaints are founded on undeniable evidence.
Oops. OK, thanks!
No Tailwind, but I guess he could have had a scarf. Is Scarf Abomasnow a thing?

Anyways, I finally got someone to play through without DCing. That's 9 DCs on me, 1 DC by me to a previous DCer, and 1 DC by me to the Abomasnow guy who I apparently owe an apology to. And 1 full battle.

Today's just not my day it seems.
Edit: And AGAIN - for &*^^*&('s sake, if you're going to DC from me, do it when it's clear you have no chance of winning - don't wait until AFTER the final blow, you &*()ers.
Still stuck at 1825 after 5 straight DCs.

My lastest - a 1900+ player who I spent 5 minutes Night Slashing his Recovering Gastrodon. Finally got a critical (not killing him) on the turn he muddy waters, then he DCs.

BW2's DC methods aren't going to be enough. They just need to award the victory to the person still connected to the internet.

Edit - 2 more. 100% DC today - half of them the turn before they're dead. :(

Edit again: Automatch just paired me up with the exact same asshat that DCed from me. So I reset power - fool me twice...


Well, right now I'm somewhere between 1850 and 1860, been a very slow day. One loss set me back 20 points (bringing me to a total of 5 losses out of 62 battles), and then the rest were either D/Cers or players that only gave 0-5 points. Even if I break 1900, I guess I'll never join the ranks of the Smogon elite (sigh).

Here's a video with really good entertainment value, one of the only two good opponents I fought all day: 37-40961-84813

He was a 1790 while I was 1824 iirc. He haxxed me pretty bad at the beginning, but I managed to pull through. Huge respect for him not D/Cing (Btw Cress's last move is Trick Room, but it didn't seem like a good time to use it).

I still wish I had a video of the fight against Oji...that was probably the greatest battle I ever had. I actually felt emotion, man. Will need to write up that warstory later.
OK, playing Chip from Spain or something. He's lead with Cinccino and Suicune and double-tapped my protected Terrakion while i Tailwinded. Then I Beatup him, he's bulletseeding me...

and he disconnects! WTF?

I'm just going to list all the DCing trainers I can as I play. Because this is not cool.
Been crossing back and forth cross 1900 like a sine wave. I get the feeling that I'll probably end this somewhere in the mid 1900s again. One of these days, I should use a team that doesn't always have to require me to play at the top of my game to win my battles, so I can get 2000+ for once in my career.