Media One Piece (spoilers!)

Isn't this basically a shipping discussion at this point

I think the reason there are no sanji ships is that it's just not fantasy enough. Sanji getting laid is pretty expected and he's already super horny for any hot woman. Just sounds boring.
And yet, somehow he became an okama before meeting Iva. (There's good reason to think Iva restored him to normal). His true nature is the okama way, the only reason he's seemingly so into women is because it was beat into him by Zeff, on his original ship he wasn't around any women at all and by reverse context from his talk with Nami and Enies there was a time when he was fine kicking women. His overdramatization could stem either as a nervous quirk sparked by his sudden parting with Zeff, or an actual love for Nami which given their history seems odd as the only real moment between those two was in Enies
Wait, okamas aren't gay though... Right? I mean a lot of them COULD be, but i'm pretty sure it's a lifestyle not a sexual orientation. And what do you mean "restored him to normal"? From that cover page it seems like hes wearing womens clothing. He didn't turn into a woman. Unless you mean Iva turned him "straight" again? And we all know thats impossible.
Those okama were pretty interested in Sanji and referred to themselves as women. It's a bit inconsistent but I had always thought of okamas as gays. Sanji temporarily becoming an okama was odd to me too though, maybe one of the members on the island had a devil fruit. Iva didn't seem the type to randomly gender morph for his own pleasure so I doubt that the okamas would force the transformation onto Sanji, which makes his reappearance later all the more confusing, I don't care about anyone else (Though Robin and Zoro would allegedly be interesting) but I would like to see an in depth Sanji flash back
Seeing as this is One Piece, i guess i shouldn't be too surprised at the presence of all these SHIPS.

Also...pretty sure Sanji is not gay. Although what happened with him falling in that one okama's arms was pretty odd...but then he comes to shabondy, and even says in english 'I NEED LADY'.

OH YEAH i watched fast 6 today and realised it was oddly similar to one piece. You basically have them as a family (If nakama was a word here that'd be what they used) and they protect members of that family no matter what, take on any odds, etc.
I thought this was pretty cool to share


baby whitebeard pirates. jozu is a little thug stealing food
Cool. I always thought BB as a kid was sooo sad!!! I actually feel bad for him. Oda can tell us so much without any words. It's very coo.

BIG ASS EDIT: Did anyone else notice Whitebeard as a kid??? It's Oda again trying to tell us a whole story in 1 picture like he did with Blackbeard. Whitebeard in that picture looks like a damn bully protecting his stolen items. This is completely different from Old Man WB who had no interest in material jank. Later in life, instead of money and random valuables, his children and the weak of the world would stand behind him.

I want to meet the person or the event hat changed WB so drastically.
i wonder whats happened of whitebeards crew now. is marco their defacto captain now? what have they been doing for the past few years? are they gonna be luffys ally?
i wonder whats happened of whitebeards crew now. is marco their defacto captain now? what have they been doing for the past few years? are they gonna be luffys ally?

Judging by the tidbits Oda has been dropping via Jimbe, Brownbeard, etc, they've been fucked up pretty badly by Blackbeard's crew. Jozu=dead, diamond fruit=Shiliew, Shiliew>Mihawk, Zoro>Shiliew is how things will play out there. Don't know about the others, but I suspect the survivors will join Luffy as allies late in the story.
Where are you getting any of this? Also, why do people want Shiliew to be better than Mihawk? It makes no sense, Zoro's been chasing him his entire life and people want it to go like "nope, you get to fight some guy you've never even heard of and has had really limited exposure instead of the thing that's been hyped up all series."