Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

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Breeding question cause I'm a noob:
I have a female Girafarig with its hidden ability. I want to breed one not only with its hidden ability but with the egg move Mirror Coat.

So I have a Glaceon (male) with the move. Do I just breed the glaceon with the girafarig? Is the hidden ability passed down?
Breeding question cause I'm a noob:
I have a female Girafarig with its hidden ability. I want to breed one not only with its hidden ability but with the egg move Mirror Coat.

So I have a Glaceon (male) with the move. Do I just breed the glaceon with the girafarig? Is the hidden ability passed down?

Yes, but there's no guarantee you'll get the Hidden Ability. But as long as either the mother or father (of the same species) has the hidden ability, the child will have a chance at getting it.
what pokeball for aegislash (purple/black/gold color scheme) I figured Luxury Ball would be the best and i dont even think a lot of 'special balls' are avilable to xy only. what do you think?
what pokeball for aegislash (purple/black/gold color scheme) I figured Luxury Ball would be the best and i dont even think a lot of 'special balls' are avilable to xy only. what do you think?

I generally like to have Ghost and Dark types in a Dusk Ball, but Luxury Balls and Ultra Balls fit well for Aegislash.
yeah i think it fits the 'royal' theme too. new question, are there honedge safaris? ive heard they dont exist but i havent found confirmation
If you use mirror coat and you have light screen up, will this go into the calculation of the damage? If yes, is it better NOT to use light screen if you intend using mirror coat then?
If you use mirror coat and you have light screen up, will this go into the calculation of the damage? If yes, is it better NOT to use light screen if you intend using mirror coat then?

Mirror Coat takes the amount of damage you take and applies double the damage to the opponent. (It's fixed damage; if you took 50 HP damage, the opponent will take 100 damage, no matter what there stats are.)
Light Screen will reduce the damage you take, so of course Mirror Coat will have less damage to deal back to the opponent. Of course, if you need Light Screen just to survive, it might not be a good idea to cut it out. Totally depends on your team. Run some damage calcs to see the kinds of things you can survive and the kind of damage you can deal in return.
For whoever asked:

All Pokemon tested for Hidden Power have shown IV permutations matching up with previous Hidden Power sets. Therefore, we can conclude that Hidden Power Fairy simply does not exist.
Guys, I was 100% sure that weather stones increase the duration of weather setting abilities and moves from 5 to 8 turns, but today I've read posts from several people that they now extend it to 10. Is this correct?
Hi, I just caught Xerneas and wanted to know if it was good enough:

HP 201
ATK 135
DEF 110
SATK 166
SPE 119

I know it's supposed to have perfect Defense IVs but after SRing a bunch of times I finally got perfect SPATK and Speed. Is the lower defense that bad in my Xerneas?

Thanks in advance.
Don't like being the second person in a row to ask about Xerneas IVs but here goes. Just caught this one and was hoping to get some second opinions.

28-29 / 31 / 28-29 / 28-29 / 31 / 31

I was trying to go for one with perfect HP, SAtk and Speed but this one is really tempting me.
For me that's good enough.
My Yveltal goes like this:

31 / 2x / 22-23 / 29-30 / 31 / 31

And I've SRed for more than 12 hours straight.

The best I've got is

31 / 31 / 31 / 10 / 31 /31
The special attack iv is simply a letdown so I didn't keep it.
Is it impossible to breed a viable Hydreigon at this point? It seems you can't get Draco Meteor, Superpower, or Roost on him without move tutor.
Guys, I was 100% sure that weather stones increase the duration of weather setting abilities and moves from 5 to 8 turns, but today I've read posts from several people that they now extend it to 10. Is this correct?
Video evidence says 8

People might be confusing it with when it was first found that they extended it at all, and was first miscounted as 10
Will pokebank accept a "hacked pokemon" if its possible to get it legitimately. I have pokebuilder which I use to get the pokemon I want for black and white OU but i am not sure if pokebank will take them.
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Another mirror coat question. If I have a pokemon with 41 Hp and the opponent deals 120 special damage (I have a focus sash, so it does 40 damage not including overkill), will mirror coat deal 80 damage or 240 damage?
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