SPOILERS! Wonder Trades

Wait, people NAME their Pokemon based on IVs? That just seems stupid considering you have 6 markings you can use on every Pokemon. The markings are even searchable in the PC, making it very easy to find the correct Pokemon with specific IV-spreads.

I've traded away a lot of reject Joltik, Abra, Gastly and Dratini, but I only seem to get crap. Other than crap I have gotten Protean Froakie, HA Fletchling and adamant huge power Marill with Belly Drum+Aqua Jet. But none of those Pokemon are useful to me, since I already have them (near) flawless.

Well there's no good way to mark that the Pokemon has 30 or 0 of a certain IV, which is still useful. I just named some of my ditto 30 [stat] so I know what they have for Hidden Power breeding. Though, I don't see the point of naming the Pokemon something specific for 31's.

I traded a lot of my breeding rejects for a bunch of other breeding rejects. One of which was a 4IV Japanese Clauncher that my brother used to get a 31/1/31/31/31/22 shiny one.
I think Wonder Trade is perfect for the breeders of this Gen.
Of course, throwing out your spitbacks for others is great and all; giving you a headstart on other breeding projects you might want to do whilst also giving you a better shot at the lotto; but I feel a more useful feature has been implemented by Nintendo to help us breeders on our way.

With Pokémiles, I can now trade away my boxes (Upon boxes, upon boxes) of reject 4IV spitbacks, and in return gain points with which I can buy Rare Candies online. These can then be used to level up the 'chosen' Pokémon of the aforementioned project post EV training, before I can start it all over again.

The circle of life, in Pokémon.
Breeding is so much easier. I've been tossing out my Mawile spit backs and gotten two 3 IV Froakies back - one male and one female. I had planned on doing that breeding project eventually, but now it just moved up to the next slot.

I never got the hang of RNG abuse, and really, because of that, I dumped many, many hours into trying to breed just a few competitive Pokemon through luck. I love this gen.
I wonder traded 11 of my reject breeding project mons and got some pretty good stuff. Most of it is level 1 and freshly bred, though not all of it for good IVs apparently. Notable things I got:

Jolly Poison Heal Shroomish with 31 HP/Atk
Modest Eevee with 31 Spe and Wish/Yawn
Skill Link Minccino - bad stats though
FS-caught Adamant Fraxure with 31 Atk/Def and "outstanding" overall
Electrike and Beldum - bad stats, but I didn't have either before (I have X)
Definitely the best things I've gotten so far are an Adamant Scyther spitback and a Adamant Marill spitback. I've gotten quite a few Protean Froakies, but I don't really care about those (#greninjaisoverrated).
so far the only awesome thing i've gotten is a female venipede spitback with toxic spikes, courtesy of japan. oh, and a fletchling. i was too lazy to go hunt one down and evolve it for a flame body + fly pokemon (and forgot i had one boxed) but it fell into my lap and you can't really say no to that.
I'm sending numbered Gibles out ther. If you receive them, just take care of my babies. They all have from one to three Perfect IVs among HP, ATK, DEF and SPE, and I'm doing eggs until I have one with all four of them. I have a gible with SpA and SpD as perfect stats, so I want to use them to give me my perfect Garchomp.

And today I did some good deeds at passing down gravelers and haunters \o/
Got a 5iv timid icy snow vivillon named Tiptron from someone called TotallyTim.
Edit: got also a Zygarde earlier today, and a mewtwo yesterday.
A friend of mine who just doesn't like Xerneas wonder traded his away. Some people just don't care and don't feel the need to keep them for trade fodder.
I just re-obtained my first gible I sent off in wonder trade. I literally saw the gible come in, saw the nickname and lol'd because I thought it was someone who had similar naming taste to me, and it turned out having my in game name and ID. I was really shocked. And in other news I've profited one Timid Level 1 Protean Froakie, and a Tyrogue (notable because I spent all weekend searching, and just friended someone with Tyrogue safari, then I obtained one lol).
im breeding bulletproof chespin so ill be sending those out soon. I haven't gotten much luck with my wondertrading thus far though. ive gotten some breeding spitbacks but nothing that was iv bred (I dfont do it either so I don't mind to much) but ive filled so much of my pokedex from it like I just got a dragalge
I tried Wonder Trading for the first time yesterday, trading away a box full of Ponyta and Charmeleon that I got from a friend's Safari. I didn't get anything noteworthy, but I did get a few Pokemon that I didn't have in my Pokedex. The best one I got was probably a Jolly Sniper Drapion and the worst ones would be two level 3 Bunnelby. I'll try trading everything again later today and see what happens.
In the Wonder Trade, I managed to get a Japanese Honedge with a Brave Nature and had Max Def and SpDef as well as 0 Speed IVs. So I bred with it and eventually got this:

Brave Nature. 31/31/31/24/27/0 IVs!
I've gotten a Quint Perfect Timid Frisk Noibat (only missing Attack, which it doesn't care about) and a Quint Perfect Hasty Lightning Rod FEMALE Pichu with Volt Tackle (only missing Defense). I have also gotten a female Bulbasaur, a Fennekin, a speed boost Torchic (not the event one, bred), several Eevees and several Vivillon patterns I was missing.
I got a 4-perfect outstanding female adamant Absol that was used for breeding. I traded a female Gooey Goomy for it, I hope the person appreciated it! I'm always a little bummed when I trade my 3/4-perfect female HA mons for early route fodder, though. Not because I got ripped off, but because I feel like they won't appreciate what they got.

Oh and I traded a Noibat for a Noibat. Awkward. Well, mine was better, so they definitely got the better deal.
I got a 4-perfect outstanding female adamant Absol that was used for breeding. I traded a female Gooey Goomy for it, I hope the person appreciated it! I'm always a little bummed when I trade my 3/4-perfect female HA mons for early route fodder, though. Not because I got ripped off, but because I feel like they won't appreciate what they got.

Oh and I traded a Noibat for a Noibat. Awkward. Well, mine was better, so they definitely got the better deal.

I know what you mean. I looked for the user in my acquaintances after I got the Quint-Perfect Pichu, and he wasn't there. Which means someone else just passed the Pichu along without knowing what they were doing >_>
It seems that Wonder Trades are getting much more better from both sides! I got some quirky but decent Pokemon right now- ranging from Snorlax to Vespiquen to Marill. I traded my all of my spare Charmanders (and i think it took me over 5 hours to find an Adamant one, heh.)
I'm legitimately afraid of Wonder Trading my Squirtles due to that talk of WT being the source of Bad Eggs. It seems no one here has gotten one yet, however...?

Think it's time to spread the Kee/Maranga Aura Sphere love, then.
Is there any way to get rid of those mysterious bad eggs anyhow other than sending them right back into WT to throw them at another unfortunate individual?
I heard about keeping it isolated in an empty box on the PC.. but I don't feel like risking it.
I'm legitimately afraid of Wonder Trading my Squirtles due to that talk of WT being the source of Bad Eggs. It seems no one here has gotten one yet, however...?

Seems to be just rumours circulating, most likely told as a horror story to try and prevent people from hacking the 3DS. I'd put absolutely no stock into it, and let it go the way of "Mew under the truck".