League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

People told me Xerath was bad...


I respectfully disagree.
i had a lucian game in hexakill where for the most part my mechanics were pretty damn good except twice in the game i accidentally E'd in the complete wrong direction in a teamfight

it's moments like these that make me realize that i could probably hit high diamond if i really applied myself but my mechanics just aren't there yet

also, caitlyn players, when you play vs. a blitz, is it possible to net the hook? played cait in a normal game the other day and the only way for me to dodge hook with net was to pre-empt it - that is, if i netted while he was throwing the hook out, the wind-up time would be too much and i'd get caught in the animation. is my ping just too high, or is it just not possible to net away from hook?
also, caitlyn players, when you play vs. a blitz, is it possible to net the hook? played cait in a normal game the other day and the only way for me to dodge hook with net was to pre-empt it - that is, if i netted while he was throwing the hook out, the wind-up time would be too much and i'd get caught in the animation. is my ping just too high, or is it just not possible to net away from hook?
I'm a blitz player. Grab speed is quicker than her e speed, so you need to net to the side WHEN YOU SEE GRAB ANIMATION. If you try to predict against a good Blitz he'll just bait out your e and hook you after.
Jeb4's teachings of Fiora were really useful to me. Just went 26-7-11 in a Hexakill game with her. Made a few mistakes which caused me to die 3 times though. Although yeah, Fiora is a lot better than her reputation suggests. Who cares if she doesn't have an escape. That only means you *need* to kill them.

Edit:The mouse and internet problems being fixed helped a ton too!

Support Maokai though. People worry about mana problems when it's not mana problems it's mana management.

Also for the record I started Doran's Shield. Sold it later because I was planning on building Froheart but then spent the gold on Captain's boots instead so we could have harder engages.
Of course nobody has mana problems with Coin + Chalice items.

All the things wrong with biln gas picture:

Jungle Pantheon
Sunfire Cape
Ruby Sightstone
Lich Bane Morgana
Double Tear Kog
you're ten games under .500 ololol

Reminds me of that game I was 9/0 on Gangplank after a midgame quadra kill and still lost. :[
I actually didn't have coin until mid-lategame. I bought it because we needed Talisman for getting in and out of situations.
ahahahaahahahaha why

edit: this is in response to marin banning anivia not tank or ad j4

edit2 but in response to j4: ad op in soloq
edit3 pd is a waste get black cleaver zz
edit4: banshee's veil op
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I have. I personally love him. He's got very high damage potential, and his R is just a bundle of fun, especially on teams that pack up. He's best built, in my experience, with mana regen and CDR over flat AP. Overall, though, if you like mages, I'd recommend him. His mobility leaves a bit to be desired, but his damage is incredible.
I have. I personally love him. He's got very high damage potential, and his R is just a bundle of fun, especially on teams that pack up. He's best built, in my experience, with mana regen and CDR over flat AP. Overall, though, if you like mages, I'd recommend him. His mobility leaves a bit to be desired, but his damage is incredible.

But would you say he's just an underpowered Xerath? Or the complete opposite?
I've never personally played Xerath, so I can't say for sure. But from the times I've seen Xerath, I'd say no. Vel'Koz is pretty unique.
Haven't played a ton of Vel'koz yet, but imo Xerath has better poke but worse burst while Vel'koz has better burst but worse (harder to land) poke.

Still, one cycle of Vel'koz's spells at level 3 with only about 40 AP (runes + Ring + masteries) can easily do ~400 damage, and if he hits a combo at level 6 you can 100-0 someone instantly. Champs with gap closers will be an issue, especially someone like Talon whose teleport makes your E hard to usefully land.

I love Vel'koz's lack of mana issues though, his base costs are low enough that he can abuse his spells in lane and doesn't really require an Athene's or a Tear to be useful throughout the entire game. I've been going Morello's -> Rabadon's -> Void Staff -> Liandry's, though supposedly the extra magic pen from Liandry's is way more useful early game and the MR from a Chalice/Athene's will help you survive in lane.

Also Vel'koz's Q mechanic is the most fun skillshot in the game (though his laser is pretty awesome too)
Bought the battlecast bundle because he's an eyeball!!! Also, shouldn't his heavy true damage discourage a hasty %pen purchase?
The general school of thought is "High AP ratios, rush AP; low AP ratios, rush %Pen" but I don't think it applies to Vel'koz. Rushing CDR as your first item lets you activate his passive even more often. I think the extra mana regen from Athene's is unnecessary, and Morello's is cheaper and has a great passive if you don't need the MR (but, quite frankly, for most mid lanes you'll need the MR).