Pokémon Medicham

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Baton Pass is a "delayed" switch, you switch after your opponent switches so you can respond. It's a poor man's version of Volt Switch/U-Turn.
Uhh I get that. I didn't ask what the benefit of Baton pass was in general. Take a look at other recent posts, or at least the one I quoted... we are talking about Medicham vs Aegislash, and the other user suggests using Baton Pass to help against Aegislash.

So my question is why/how Baton Pass offers any benefit in that situation. It's just a waste of a move slot. You outspeed Aegis anyway, and you risk dying to the rare Shadow Sneak. It just seems like a really bad play across the board.
Uhh I get that. I didn't ask what the benefit of Baton pass was in general. Take a look at other recent posts, or at least the one I quoted... we are talking about Medicham vs Aegislash, and the other user suggests using Baton Pass to help against Aegislash.

So my question is why/how Baton Pass offers any benefit in that situation. It's just a waste of a move slot. You outspeed Aegis anyway, and you risk dying to the rare Shadow Sneak. It just seems like a really bad play across the board.
You are supposed to use it when you think Aegi is coming. Plus if you don't have Fire Punch you can't beat it.
I absolutely love MegaCham. I run a standard physical sweeper build (Adamant, 252 Atk & Spe, etc.), and my moveset is:

- Drain Punch
- It's very rare that I ever need the additional power of Hi Jump Kick, and with Medicham's lousy
defenses, any healing is a godsend.
- Ice Punch
- Great coverage move. There's nothing like surprising a Hydreigon or Garchomp with this one for an
- Bullet Punch
- Priority attacks with the highest attack stat in the game are, obviously, really awesome. MegaCham
makes a great revenge killer for an opponent that's close to dying.
- Fake Out
- Unless I'm facing a ghost, this is always my first attack. It allows me to not be hit when I have
standard Medicham stats, and is also a sort of scouting move. If it hits for half of their health, which isn't especially unheard of, I just finish off with Bullet Punch.

In online matches, I almost always lead my team with Mega Medicham, and it has worked out for me fantastically. If it weren't for my undying love for Blaziken, this guy would probably be my favorite Pokemon, but as it is, it has to just be my favorite of this generation.

Of course, I'm always open to improving. If any of you have ideas on how I can improve, let me know.
I absolutely love MegaCham. I run a standard physical sweeper build (Adamant, 252 Atk & Spe, etc.), and my moveset is:

- Drain Punch
- It's very rare that I ever need the additional power of Hi Jump Kick, and with Medicham's lousy
defenses, any healing is a godsend.
- Ice Punch
- Great coverage move. There's nothing like surprising a Hydreigon or Garchomp with this one for an
- Bullet Punch
- Priority attacks with the highest attack stat in the game are, obviously, really awesome. MegaCham
makes a great revenge killer for an opponent that's close to dying.
- Fake Out
- Unless I'm facing a ghost, this is always my first attack. It allows me to not be hit when I have
standard Medicham stats, and is also a sort of scouting move. If it hits for half of their health, which isn't especially unheard of, I just finish off with Bullet Punch.

In online matches, I almost always lead my team with Mega Medicham, and it has worked out for me fantastically. If it weren't for my undying love for Blaziken, this guy would probably be my favorite Pokemon, but as it is, it has to just be my favorite of this generation.

Of course, I'm always open to improving. If any of you have ideas on how I can improve, let me know.
Drain Punch is pointless because if you're taking damage with Mega Medicham's defenses, you're usually dead. It's also not strong enough to one-shot things that are hit neutrally by it while Medicham's High Jump Kick is the strongest non-boosted attack in the game.

Garchomp outspeeds you unless your opponents are doing something stupid like running Adamant. It's good for Gliscors and Landorus-T, however.

I believe we've established earlier in this thread that Bullet Punch without STAB is kind of shit on Medicham, but I could be wrong.

Fake Out is horrible in Singles and wastes a coverage slot you absolutely need on Mega Medicham.
Drain Punch is pointless because if you're taking damage with Mega Medicham's defenses, you're usually dead. It's also not strong enough to one-shot things that are hit neutrally by it while Medicham's High Jump Kick is the strongest non-boosted attack in the game.

Garchomp outspeeds you unless your opponents are doing something stupid like running Adamant. It's good for Gliscors and Landorus-T, however.

I believe we've established earlier in this thread that Bullet Punch without STAB is kind of shit on Medicham, but I could be wrong.

Fake Out is horrible in Singles and wastes a coverage slot you absolutely need on Mega Medicham.

I know, I really shouldn't be here, but I still am Cx
Anyway, I run a mega medi with sub+drain punch. Mega medi can't take a hit to save it's life, so it'll be subbing whenever it can. To make as many subs as possible, I like to heal up whenever I can with drain punch. Blissey is a godsend when it comes to this, as you can heal a ass ton of HP, and if it switches, you'll get a free turn to set up a sub. Drain punch can also negate rocky helmet and iron barb and rough skin damage if need be.

IMO I don't think drain punch will get much use outside of the substitute set.
Throw me in the camp endorsing Drain Punch over HJK. I've used it for a while and it's great. It allows you to recover off the HP lost from Substitute, and keeps your opponent from abusing HJK with Protect or [ghost pokemon].Some players that don't have a remaining answer to Medi also try to just wear it down with random things, like Ferrothorn, rocky Helmet, etc... Drain Punch negates that kind of play.

And I don't think it's accurate to say Medicham dies to everything. It survives quite a few unboosted (no choice item) attacks.
Throw me in the camp endorsing Drain Punch over HJK. I've used it for a while and it's great. It allows you to recover off the HP lost from Substitute, and keeps your opponent from abusing HJK with Protect or [ghost pokemon].Some players that don't have a remaining answer to Medi also try to just wear it down with random things, like Ferrothorn, rocky Helmet, etc... Drain Punch negates that kind of play.

And I don't think it's accurate to say Medicham dies to everything. It survives quite a few unboosted (no choice item) attacks.

Well, it has lived a couple of draco meteors sometimes... can't remember from what though... maybe mega garchomp iirc?
Drain Punch is pointless because if you're taking damage with Mega Medicham's defenses, you're usually dead. It's also not strong enough to one-shot things that are hit neutrally by it while Medicham's High Jump Kick is the strongest non-boosted attack in the game.

Garchomp outspeeds you unless your opponents are doing something stupid like running Adamant. It's good for Gliscors and Landorus-T, however.

I believe we've established earlier in this thread that Bullet Punch without STAB is kind of shit on Medicham, but I could be wrong.

Fake Out is horrible in Singles and wastes a coverage slot you absolutely need on Mega Medicham.
While HJK does hit harder, it's honestly not all that often that Medicham is OHKO'd. With 60/85/85 defenses, he can usually take a hit or two, as long as they're not especially strong, and Drain Punch fixes that up nicely.

As for Fake Out, I'm honestly surprised that you think it's a waste of a slot. How is a +3 priority move that allows for a safe transition to Mega not a good use? It also breaks Sturdy and Focus Sash and, at the very least, scares low-defense sweepers.

Of course, I'm not a professional player and don't tend to encounter professional teams, as most of my fighting is random online matches.
While HJK does hit harder, it's honestly not all that often that Medicham is OHKO'd. With 60/85/85 defenses, he can usually take a hit or two, as long as they're not especially strong, and Drain Punch fixes that up nicely.

As for Fake Out, I'm honestly surprised that you think it's a waste of a slot. How is a +3 priority move that allows for a safe transition to Mega not a good use? It also breaks Sturdy and Focus Sash and, at the very least, scares low-defense sweepers.

Of course, I'm not a professional player and don't tend to encounter professional teams, as most of my fighting is random online matches.

To add onto that, fake out+bullet punch can really mess up frail sweepers that rely on their focus sash, such as Alakazam, weavile, and the odd gengar/greninja, while also working as an efficient anti lead.
Then again, I don't use it, so I'm not sure Cx I've only ever ran Fake out on mega medi once, and it did decently, until someone suggested I run an elemental punch instead for coverage. I can honestly say it really helped more.
To add onto that, fake out+bullet punch can really mess up frail sweepers that rely on their focus sash, such as Alakazam, weavile, and the odd gengar/greninja, while also working as an efficient anti lead.
Then again, I don't use it, so I'm not sure Cx I've only ever ran Fake out on mega medi once, and it did decently, until someone suggested I run an elemental punch instead for coverage. I can honestly say it really helped more.
Gengar is immune to Fake Out and Greninja will resist Bullet Punch if it used Hydro Pump before or if it just got in and hasn't attacked yet (and it WILL OHKO you). Also, you're wasting precious coverage by running both at the same time.
Fake Out is utter garbage, tbh. Trading in a valuable coverage move or utility for a base 40 power attack with zero coverage AND can only be used turn one is terrible, plus it just offers free chances to switch in a check.

-1 252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Drain Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Landorus-T: 75-88 (19.6 - 23%) -- possible 6HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Landorus-T: 129-152 (33.7 - 39.7%) -- 28.1% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
-1 252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Fake Out vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Landorus-T: 53-63 (13.8 - 16.4%) -- possible 9HKO after Leftovers recovery

Is it really that hard to find something that you can outrun and force out to mega on instead of running Fake Out? Its not like Medicham has Deoxys-A levels of defense, it can take a hit or two at the very least.

Bullet Punch offers almost the same thing as Fake Out, but at least it gets coverage on Fairies and can clean up mons that survive with 10% or so, so it's viable against offensive teams at the very least.
Fake Out really is completely and utterly useless.

I don't really like Bullet Punch too much either. Psycho Cut (Or Drain Punch/HJK, in the case of Mawile) always does more against fairies, and the only fairy that you even want priority against is Azumarill, since otherwise you risk dying to ITS priority: Aqua Jet - but it's dual typing makes its neutral to Steel anyway. I don't really see much of a benefit to Bullet Punch, overall.

imo the only two sets worth using are the one with 2 STABs and 2 element punches (or Poison Jab), or the one with Substitute, 2 STABs, and 1 element punch.

I've tried both Bulk Up and Recover in the fourth slot: neither idea proved to have any merit.
A resisted High Jump Kick hits harder than a super effective Bullet Punch, by the way.
252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 208-246 (52.7 - 62.4%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 251-296 (63.7 - 75.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Fake Out is a good option...what it does is gives you a free Mega Evolution and can finish off, or at least chunk at faster foes.
A resisted High Jump Kick hits harder than a super effective Bullet Punch, by the way.
252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Bullet Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 208-246 (52.7 - 62.4%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Sylveon: 251-296 (63.7 - 75.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Lmao I calced against Togekiss.

Fake Out is a good option...what it does is gives you a free Mega Evolution and can finish off, or at least chunk at faster foes.
If by free you mean your opponent gets a free switch in, yeah, its not a good option. You really can't finish off anything unless you switch in to something that's already weak, since you can't attack then finish with Fake Out.

Seriously, the only mon that should run Fake Out is Ambipom. Everything else loses out on coverage, a moveslot, and hands out nearly free switch ins.

Also, what's between 80 and 100 speed that requires Fake Out to protect yourself? Mega Garchomp and Kyurem Black are the only ones I'm thinking you'd want to take on, since Rotom W is defensive or Scarf, and Excadrill usually runs Scarf or is Sand Rushing with TTar, and seeing as Lando-T is one of your checks in the first place you've got two fairly rare mons that might be worth running Fake Out for. Outside of that, Bullet Punch outclasses it.
Lmao I calced against Togekiss.

If by free you mean your opponent gets a free switch in, yeah, its not a good option. You really can't finish off anything unless you switch in to something that's already weak, since you can't attack then finish with Fake Out.

Seriously, the only mon that should run Fake Out is Ambipom. Everything else loses out on coverage, a moveslot, and hands out nearly free switch ins.

Also, what's between 80 and 100 speed that requires Fake Out to protect yourself? Mega Garchomp and Kyurem Black are the only ones I'm thinking you'd want to take on, since Rotom W is defensive or Scarf, and Excadrill usually runs Scarf or is Sand Rushing with TTar, and seeing as Lando-T is one of your checks in the first place you've got two fairly rare mons that might be worth running Fake Out for. Outside of that, Bullet Punch outclasses it.
There's an obvious difference. Obviously a guaranteed MEvo at any point is useful. You can pull off your evolution under basically any circumstances which is extremely useful, and you get very useful extra chip damage as well that can actually let you chip off sweepers in various scenarios, potentially saving you games (has for me before). You don't have to use Fake Out every time you come in, but is a versatile move that can be used in multiple scenarios. Bullet Punch is complete and utter ass. Fake Out was supported by basically the entire QC for the analysis for a reason.
does anybody have any experience with a set of: Drain Punch / Psycho Cut / Fire Punch / Ice Punch ? I know u could use Hi Jump Kick and Zen Headbutte over DPunch/PCut, but the reliability imo is great and it still allows him to manhandle most of a stall team besides quaggy who isn't 2HKO'd but can be taken care of on the switch with hazards up. Chansey, Venu, Sylveon, Skarmory, Heatran all don't like either switching in or having to come in after a KO...that said does anyone have any ideas on what kind of team style Mega Medi fits best on? I've been playing him extensively over the last couple of days, and I started him on a stall team where he seemed to function excellently as both a cleaner and wall breaker. I changed a few mons around to make it more offensively inclined, and he still did well, but the more offensive of a team I began to make, the lest Mega Medi had a chance to shine. I finally threw him on a Deo D HO team and I really didn't like him in that environment. So, any thoughts on what style of team/team members Mega Medi appreciates? The only constant mon I included on my testing teams was Bisharp, in order to pursuit trap Aegi and the Latis in case Mega Medi couldn't catch them on the switch with the appropriate coverage move.
There's an obvious difference. Obviously a guaranteed MEvo at any point is useful. You can pull off your evolution under basically any circumstances which is extremely useful, and you get very useful extra chip damage as well that can actually let you chip off sweepers in various scenarios, potentially saving you games (has for me before). You don't have to use Fake Out every time you come in, but is a versatile move that can be used in multiple scenarios. Bullet Punch is complete and utter ass. Fake Out was supported by basically the entire QC for the analysis for a reason.
With that logic, Protect is an equally good move, since it also guarantees mega and allows you to scout out your opponent's moveset as well.

Megacham doesn't need chip damage, its job is to put giant holes in whatever it can so that something else can clean up afterwards with priority or ridiculous speed, so chunking other fast stuff shouldn't be an issue in the first place.

Giving up a moveslot for the ability to deal chip damage off something that you'll need to switch out of next turn is bleh, and finishing off a weakened mon is situational and can be replaced by any decent revenge killer. What you have left is a move that guarantees a mega on anything, but can be replaced by coverage, Baton Pass, Substitute, or Drain Punch, and letting Medicham mega on things it can actually force out and deal with after it megas too, since you still aren't handling those faster threats afterwards unless you're sitting behind a sub.

Just checked prelim dex, Fuzznip, Alexwolf, and TRC. have all nixed Fake Out for similar reasons to above. I understand this was a while ago, but the fact that its still a secondary slash behind Substitute says enough to me. Unless you've got a pastebin of some behind-the-scenes QC chat or something similar, I'm still thinking that running something else in the last slot is the better option here.
With that logic, Protect is an equally good move, since it also guarantees mega and allows you to scout out your opponent's moveset as well.

Megacham doesn't need chip damage, its job is to put giant holes in whatever it can so that something else can clean up afterwards with priority or ridiculous speed, so chunking other fast stuff shouldn't be an issue in the first place.

Giving up a moveslot for the ability to deal chip damage off something that you'll need to switch out of next turn is bleh, and finishing off a weakened mon is situational and can be replaced by any decent revenge killer. What you have left is a move that guarantees a mega on anything, but can be replaced by coverage, Baton Pass, Substitute, or Drain Punch, and letting Medicham mega on things it can actually force out and deal with after it megas too, since you still aren't handling those faster threats afterwards unless you're sitting behind a sub.

Just checked prelim dex, Fuzznip, Alexwolf, and TRC. have all nixed Fake Out for similar reasons to above. I understand this was a while ago, but the fact that its still a secondary slash behind Substitute says enough to me. Unless you've got a pastebin of some behind-the-scenes QC chat or something similar, I'm still thinking that running something else in the last slot is the better option here.
Out of those moves, Sub is the only one worth using. Protect is obviously worse because it doesn't do damage, that's just stupid. You're undervaluing that chip damage immensely. I've won games using Megacham and lost games facing it because Fake Out could clutch KOs and stop sweeps for me. It also gives you a prediction-free option in any scenario, and with the extra damage it does help wear foes out. You ignore an offensive matchup where stuff like doing 30-35% to threats that don't resist it, or even 40ish% if you run Adamant, can be very significant in both threatening the opponent and knocking off faster foes. Bullet Punch does not have the guaranteed MEvo, flinch, and added priority of Fake Out that make it so useful, and is resisted by Keldeo and Thundurus - two very prominent threats. It really does nothing at all. Oh and Drain Punch is silly, it misses a lot of that great wallbreaking capability which is just ehh overall, and Drain Punch + HJK is lol. Baton Pass just seems inferior to running Sub and smashing the new thing that comes in. I see Sub, Fake Out, and maybe an extra punch as viable options for the last slot.

(btw if you actually read the thread it was decided including with the recc of cbb to reinclude it)
Out of those moves, Sub is the only one worth using. Protect is obviously worse because it doesn't do damage, that's just stupid. You're undervaluing that chip damage immensely. I've won games using Megacham and lost games facing it because Fake Out could clutch KOs and stop sweeps for me. It also gives you a prediction-free option in any scenario, and with the extra damage it does help wear foes out. You ignore an offensive matchup where stuff like doing 30-35% to threats that don't resist it, or even 40ish% if you run Adamant, can be very significant in both threatening the opponent and knocking off faster foes. Bullet Punch does not have the guaranteed MEvo, flinch, and added priority of Fake Out that make it so useful, and is resisted by Keldeo and Thundurus - two very prominent threats. It really does nothing at all. Oh and Drain Punch is silly, it misses a lot of that great wallbreaking capability which is just ehh overall, and Drain Punch + HJK is lol. Baton Pass just seems inferior to running Sub and smashing the new thing that comes in. I see Sub, Fake Out, and maybe an extra punch as viable options for the last slot.

(btw if you actually read the thread it was decided including with the recc of cbb to reinclude it)
I'm not actually advocating Protect, lol, I'm saying that the free mega argument applies to that as well, plus it has other applications (also not doing Bullet Punch any more, @ Karxrida has already shown that's not a good option either).

You have a point on Keldeo and Thundurus. I've been looking at full out wallbreaking more than your general team (yaaaay tunnel vision), I guess Fake Out has much more utility against offensive teams than I imagined. I still don't like it, mind you, it doesn't help you actually break down counters or anything and is still bait for a switch in, but it's got uses against fast offensive teams that outrun Medicham, so at least it isn't dead weight if you can't find anywhere to get it in.

As for DP, Baton Pass, etc, its just stuff that has been talked about recently and has been well received, so... yeah.

Anyways, I appreciate you explaining what's what here. Sorry if I came off as a bit of a jackass :p
There's an obvious difference. Obviously a guaranteed MEvo at any point is useful. You can pull off your evolution under basically any circumstances which is extremely useful, and you get very useful extra chip damage as well that can actually let you chip off sweepers in various scenarios, potentially saving you games (has for me before). You don't have to use Fake Out every time you come in, but is a versatile move that can be used in multiple scenarios. Bullet Punch is complete and utter ass. Fake Out was supported by basically the entire QC for the analysis for a reason.

Medicham only gains 20 base speed. There is a very narrow class of Pokemon within that range of 80-100 base Speed. Even narrower a class that actually runs max speed, and even narrower a class of OU pokemon. I hate to be redundant, but that class gets even more narrow when you limit it to Pokemon that are actually running max speed (eliminate some zapdos, most gliscor, most rotom) and stand to ohko medicham (eliminate the rest of gliscor, rotom, and all physical lucario)

And falling back on your QC peeps is not a valid reason/support for your argument. That's basically "they agree with me so we must be correct." It's entirely possible for multiple people to be incorrect. Ask Celebi.

Of course a guaranteed Mega is useful, but the Mega is guaranteed anyway, and you've yet to present any evidence or a specific scenario that suggests otherwise. What is going to kill you without Fake Out, and be outsped after the Mega? I'm very curious of this hypothetical threat you clearly have in mind.

Meanwhile, here's a more list of things you can and will be bringing Medicham out against (depending on the moveset), in actual OU play, here in the real world:


And here's a list of things likely to switch on you (either immediately, or after a sac'd pkmn), assuming you force a switch:


Obviously I'm forgetting a couple things in both lists, but the OU tier is not particularly deep. Please tell me how Fake Out helps against any of these Pokemon?

And feel free to name other OU Pokemon that Fake Out (and the 20 point increase to Base Speed) becomes consequential against, if you think of any.
Medicham only gains 20 base speed. There is a very narrow class of Pokemon within that range of 80-100 base Speed. Even narrower a class that actually runs max speed, and even narrower a class of OU pokemon. I hate to be redundant, but that class gets even more narrow when you limit it to Pokemon that are actually running max speed (eliminate some zapdos, most gliscor, most rotom) and stand to ohko medicham (eliminate the rest of gliscor, rotom, and all physical lucario)

And falling back on your QC peeps is not a valid reason/support for your argument. That's basically "they agree with me so we must be correct." It's entirely possible for multiple people to be incorrect. Ask Celebi.

Of course a guaranteed Mega is useful, but the Mega is guaranteed anyway, and you've yet to present any evidence or a specific scenario that suggests otherwise. What is going to kill you without Fake Out, and be outsped after the Mega? I'm very curious of this hypothetical threat you clearly have in mind.

Meanwhile, here's a more list of things you can and will be bringing Medicham out against (depending on the moveset), in actual OU play, here in the real world:


And here's a list of things likely to switch on you (either immediately, or after a sac'd pkmn), assuming you force a switch:


Obviously I'm forgetting a couple things in both lists, but the OU tier is not particularly deep. Please tell me how Fake Out helps against any of these Pokemon?

And feel free to name other OU Pokemon that Fake Out (and the 20 point increase to Base Speed) becomes consequential against, if you think of any.
I would like to point out that standard Rotom-W will always live a High Jump Kick, Fake Out + High Jump Kick is not a guaranteed 2HKO (but it comes ridiculously close), and Volt Switch will always break your Sub.

Bisharp is pretty much a crapshot since it will always break your Sub and if it has ANY boosts (which is likely if you're coming in after something died) it will one-shot you with Sucker Punch. Trying to outplay the Sucker Punches with Subbing is pretty much just luck if they suspect anything.
Bullet Punch>Fake Out, I said that before
Fake out is only good in Inverse battles/vgc/double battles.

Medicham isn't made out to be a revenge killer; it's a wallbreaker.

(252 Atk Pure Power Mega Medicham Bullet Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Terrakion: 160-190 (49.5 - 58.8%) -- 98.8% chance to 2HKO - keep in mind, that's a SUPER EFFECTIVE hit)

This weak priority isn't revenge-killing anything and is a waste of a moveslot on something that loves having Aegislash coverage or Substitute.
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