
  • Make Raikou and Entei's event moves (Aura Sphere, Espeed) compatable outside of the crappy natures.
  • give Vibrava and Flygon Arena Trap. Why does Trapinch get it but nothing else in the line?
Vibrava: No, it'll become Sheer Force / Tinted Lens, as will Flygon.
  • Give Rotom-Wash Scald, Rotom-Mow Giga Drain, Rotom-Fridge Ice Beam, Rotom-Fan Aeroblast(Really just for the sake of giving them all a new STAB), and Rotom-Heat Flamethrower.
Rotom-Wash will not be getting Scald, too good, it may get Surf instead, the others are fine, but -Fan will learn Hurricane instead.
  • Give Gyarados and Ttar Knock Off. They're pretty much the only relevant dark types that don't.
I already did give Tyranitar Knock Off, and Gyarados doesn't make much sense. I don't really like this change much.
  • Make Delphox's typing Fire/Fairy. I really don't see why the fuck Gamefreak made a new type and a fairy looking Starter and didn't make it fairy.
Delphox is a wizard, so anything but Psychic doesn't make sense. I'm giving it Moonblast, Thunderbolt, and Aura Sphere soon though!
  • Make a 100% accurate Physical Rock move. For fuck sake relying on stone miss is annoying
I'll come up with something later.
  • Give Gogoat a Grassy Terrain version of Fluxuation (Cultivation maybe?)
Hmm, sure.
I'll probably suggest more later this is all I can think of atm
Just thought of something: Where's Water/Dragon Gyarados and/or Megados?

Gyarados is based off of a Japanese wind sock as well, and yes it has Dragon mythology, but I like Water / Flying more. I just don't see this change as justified, but will make it if others want it as well.
When do we get coil dratini :I I think that dratini and dragonair being dragons is good enough ha justification for them to get coil gg zygarde go back to your cave also speaking of zygarde make aura break immune to aura sphere its a small change but one I feel has flavor.
When do we get coil dratini :I I think that dratini and dragonair being dragons is good enough ha justification for them to get coil gg zygarde go back to your cave also speaking of zygarde make aura break immune to aura sphere its a small change but one I feel has flavor.
I can see Aura Break making Zygarde immune to any moves powered up by Mega Launcher, just for added viability.
What about a physical version of Hidden Power? Perhaps Hidden Strength could work as the name. It's annoying to see some physical attackers lacking coverage, and special attackers seem to get the long end of the stick in terms of coverage because of HP. You ever wanted a Fighting-type move on Talonflame, or a Fire-type move on Haxorus? Me too. Speaking of Hidden Power, make it and Hidden Strength 70 power again.
What about a physical version of Hidden Power? Perhaps Hidden Strength could work as the name. It's annoying to see some physical attackers lacking coverage, and special attackers seem to get the long end of the stick in terms of coverage because of HP. You ever wanted a Fighting-type move on Talonflame, or a Fire-type move on Haxorus? Me too. Speaking of Hidden Power, make it and Hidden Strength 70 power again.
IF this happens kyube=uber its basically ice punch-5 power also seems kinda hard to code but what do I know about coding absolutely nothing. Other then that I fully agree with this.
IF this happens kyube=uber its basically ice punch-5 power also seems kinda hard to code but what do I know about coding absolutely nothing. Other then that I fully agree with this.
Well I saw some other moves made here such as Crux and Paleolithic Flux, so I thought I might as well take a crack at it and make another move.
What about a physical version of Hidden Power? Perhaps Hidden Strength could work as the name. It's annoying to see some physical attackers lacking coverage, and special attackers seem to get the long end of the stick in terms of coverage because of HP. You ever wanted a Fighting-type move on Talonflame, or a Fire-type move on Haxorus? Me too. Speaking of Hidden Power, make it and Hidden Strength 70 power again.
Replace Secret Power with this or it doesn't happen
Big Announcement
I'm sure many of you have wanted a physical Hidden Power and now, guess what? I'm rejecting the idea. Just kidding, don't fret! I'll be adding a new move: Hidden Force. Hidden Force will be exactly like Hidden Power, but Physical instead of Special. Also, both will be buffed back up to 70 base power! This opens up so many great things like Hidden Force Ground Scizor and Hidden Force Ice Aegislash. And, to too off the cake, there will be a new Hidden Power Fairy and a new Hidden Force Fairy. How will this work? Well, I don't exactly know yet, but it will happen. I need suggestions on this, and before anyone suggests it I will NOT be scrapping the IV system. What I was thinking, was a Pokemon with all IVs being 31 will now have Fairy instead of Dark, we'll see. Finally, I will be adding a council to this mod so that I don't have to watch it all the time and approve / decline suggestions! This'll be announced later tonight if they agree! Stay tuned!
Big Announcement
I'm sure many of you have wanted a physical Hidden Power and now, guess what? I'm rejecting the idea. Just kidding, don't fret! I'll be adding a new move: Hidden Force. Hidden Force will be exactly like Hidden Power, but Physical instead of Special. Also, both will be buffed back up to 70 base power! This opens up so many great things like Hidden Force Ground Scizor and Hidden Force Ice Aegislash. And, to too off the cake, there will be a new Hidden Power Fairy and a new Hidden Force Fairy. How will this work? Well, I don't exactly know yet, but it will happen. I need suggestions on this, and before anyone suggests it I will NOT be scrapping the IV system. What I was thinking, was a Pokemon with all IVs being 31 will now have Fairy instead of Dark, we'll see. Finally, I will be adding a council to this mod so that I don't have to watch it all the time and approve / decline suggestions! This'll be announced later tonight if they agree! Stay tuned!
I'd love to join this council you speak of, but idk how joining works.
Big Announcement
I'm sure many of you have wanted a physical Hidden Power and now, guess what? I'm rejecting the idea. Just kidding, don't fret! I'll be adding a new move: Hidden Force. Hidden Force will be exactly like Hidden Power, but Physical instead of Special. Also, both will be buffed back up to 70 base power! This opens up so many great things like Hidden Force Ground Scizor and Hidden Force Ice Aegislash. And, to too off the cake, there will be a new Hidden Power Fairy and a new Hidden Force Fairy. How will this work? Well, I don't exactly know yet, but it will happen. I need suggestions on this, and before anyone suggests it I will NOT be scrapping the IV system. What I was thinking, was a Pokemon with all IVs being 31 will now have Fairy instead of Dark, we'll see. Finally, I will be adding a council to this mod so that I don't have to watch it all the time and approve / decline suggestions! This'll be announced later tonight if they agree! Stay tuned!

Hidden Force Scizor stronk threat, able to use Tech Hidden Force (although now it has to play with its IVs, it's not too bad since the main drop is in Special Attack for base 59 iirc). Also justification council stronk
The Justification Council
Hello everybody! I'm happy to announce we officially have a 'Justification Council', this council will consist of users I trust and users I know will make the right decisions. I can't exactly run this thread all by myself, so I've invited these members to be a part of this council. Welcome, the Council:
These council members have been given access by me to do the following:
  • Accept ideas
  • Reject ideas
  • Submit move ideas
They will be allowed to accept ideas and let me know to add them to the OP, or reject them if they feel they are unjust. I'm going to only allow these members to submit move ideas, as I don't really feel all moves will be just and I trust them to only add reasonable moves and ideas! Starting from this post on, they partially run the thread alongside me! That's all, have a nice day!

P.S. If you feel you are deserving of being added to this council, please PM me! I'm happy to add new members as long as I see fit!
I'd like to see Entei naturally learning Flare Blitz. I know about the event, but Flareon got it through level up this gen, and Flareon becomes Entei, so why doesn't Entei get it by level up as well? Trollfreak, that's why.


Time for some (actual) suggestion now (rather than mostly consistency suggestions :p)
  • 15.png
    Beedrill now gets Insectate as its Hidden Ability (Sniper becomes a normal ability)
  • 15.png
    Beedrill now learns Megahorn through Level-Up
I love all these suggestions, except these two. Beedrill should not replace Swarm, as bees swarm, it's perfectly logical, although Sniper could be replaced, I'm just not digging it. And where's its horn? It would be a great buff, but I don't see the flavor in it.

Isn't Ghost/Normal a way better typing for Missy?
Not only it gives Boomburst STAB, but it also makes Mismagius a good counter to Gengar.

Also, I considered Misdreavus/Mismagius beheaded humans as well as ghosts and banshees, and humans sound pretty normal to me.

Ghost / Fairy looks obvious but Ghost / Normal should be considered.
In any case, the Missy family should not stay pure Ghost whatever suggestion is chosen.

No, as already stated, / Fairy makes more sense really.

A special variant of Moxie for Pyroar would be nice to have. Seeing something with 68 Attack and Moxie doesn't sit well with me.

Err no, this is cool, it's just that it would be really strong, with its Speed stat and access to Boomburst, a Specs set can rip apart OU, for instance:
+1 252 SpA Choice Specs Pyroar Boomburst vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Eviolite Chansey: 289-342 (41 - 48.5%) -- 74.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Yeah, it'd be awesome, but just way too strong.

Thundurus is classified as the Bolt Strike pokemon in the Pokedex. Guess which move it doesn't learn?


When do we get coil dratini :I I think that dratini and dragonair being dragons is good enough ha justification for them to get coil gg zygarde go back to your cave also speaking of zygarde make aura break immune to aura sphere its a small change but one I feel has flavor.

Added, but no Coil Dragonite, it will have to evolve with it.
I love all these suggestions, except these two. Beedrill should not replace Swarm, as bees swarm, it's perfectly logical, although Sniper could be replaced, I'm just not digging it. And where's its horn? It would be a great buff, but I don't see the flavor in it.

Yea I meant to replace Sniper, not Swarm. My bad.

Also, the justification for Megahorn is that if Escav can get away with having its javelin hand as a horn, then I don't see why Beedrill can't get away with having its drill being a horn. Attack Order might be a neat idea, both flavor-wise and competitively, but I would like to see Megahorn on it.

also everyone is changing their name i feel left out ;___;
Gyarados is based off of a Japanese wind sock as well, and yes it has Dragon mythology, but I like Water / Flying more. I just don't see this change as justified, but will make it if others want it as well.
You don't think the primary basis for the Pokemon is enough to justify the typing? And why is it that you like Water/Flying more?
You don't think the primary basis for the Pokemon is enough to justify the typing? And why is it that you like Water/Flying more?

I guess it does make sense, but not for Mega Gyarados if anything, it appears visually to be more Dark-type than Dragon-type, and I like Water / Flying more because I think Water / Dragon is nerfing it, it now loses an immunity to Ground-type, along with its awesome resistances to Bug-, Steel-, and Fighting-type moves, rather than being weak to Fairy- and Dragon-, with now only having three resistances in Steel-, Fire-, and Water-type resistances. It's not bad per say, but Water / Flying is just better. I guess if more people agree on this change, I'll make it, but I need a lot of good reasoning because I'm very iffy on this.
It also loses both of its other weaknesses, one being a double weakness and the other being a Stealth Rock weakness. Offensively, it gains Dragon STAB, of which the combination of Water/Dragon is resisted by only six Pokemon, three of which aren't OU viable (the six are Azumarill, Empoleon, Ferrothorn, Whimsicott, Lilligant, and Dragonite). Said Dragon STAB also takes care of opposing Dragons that it outspeeds, which is all of them except Scarfchomp and Scarfmence at +1, leaving it with effectively one weakness to Fairy. It gets better coverage with either Earthquake or Ice Fang with that combo than it does using both of them and Waterfall.

Besides, you made Torkoal Fire/Rock, why are you concerned about viability?
You make very valid points, but now I've changed my opinions, it's almost broken, as Gyarados-M is A+ with it's typing as it is and with that good of a typing I'm unsure what to do.

Fire / Rock isn't that bad:

That's a lot of great resistances and a few unfortunate weaknesses, but it's better than pure Fire IMO.
Dark fits perfectly on Gyarados-Mega, after all Gyarados is well known for its ferocious and punishing rage(a trait it shares with another Dark type Pokémon, Tyranitar). The Pokédex refers to it as the Atrocious Pokémon, and iirc the name Gyarados itself or parts of it means "massacre" or something similar in Japanese. It even gets Crunch now!

Moreover, the gimmick of Mega-Gyarados is the radical change of secondary type, which means you must get the right moment to megaevolve, and thus even confuse your opponents. Making both normal and Mega Gyarados Dragon types would cancel a great part of why Mega Gyarados is so strong, awesome and fun to use.
I think that what makes people think badly of fire rock is because macargo is the only actual fire rock and to be quite blunt it sucks ass. Torkoal is not macargo so yeah stop hating on fire rock.
Gonna give this a go cause there's nothing else to do lol.

  • Rampardos needs to have the ability Rock Head by some means, i mean Head Smash is sort of its signature move (flavorwise not actually what learns it), and just looking at its head itself it should be obvious why it needs Rock Head lol. Also, take a look at its pokedex entry from BW:
If two were to smash their heads together, their foot-thick skulls would keep them from fainting.

sounds like Rock Head to me.

  • Hariyama should learn Drain Punch. There's really no reason for it not to and its stat spread fits the move perfectly, Hariyama just finds itself screwed over in the competitive enviornment even in the lower tiers thanks to its STABs either being counterproductive with its stat spread (CC) or too weak (Force Palm). This is really well deserved.

  • Druddigon should have the ability Tough Claws. You gotta admit those claws are pretty prominent, and multiples of Druddigon's pokedex entries mention it using its sharp claws to catch prey, makes more sense than Tough Claws Barbaracle at least. Tough Claws is compatible with the vast majority of Druddigon's viable physical movepool too, so it isn't really exclusively for flavor.

  • Accelgor's Hidden Ability should be Dry Skin. The vast majority of its Pokedex entries ingame mention that Accelgor gets weakened when it dries out, and that it wraps a moist membrane around itself to keep this from happening. This is pretty much exactly how the ability Dry Skin works, the pokemon regains health when moist and gets weakened when it dries out, i don't really understand why it doesnt have dry skin in the first place tbh. Unburden is just overkill on accelgor anyway lol.

  • Zangoose should learn the move cut. Not really a serious suggestion for obvious reasons but come on .-.

  • Honedge and Doublade should have the ability Hyper Cutter instead of No Guard. I honestly don't see why either Pokemon has it. Outside of Head Smash, the least accurate move either of them has competitive or not is the 85% accurate metal sound..... If anything No Guard actually hurts these two more than it helps them. I mean i guess theres flavor, but Hyper Cutter fits just as well flavorwise, if not better, and has some actual if not minor usage to both Pokemon (blocking intimidate is cool).
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