ORAS General Discussion - Mark 2 - Spoilers Inside

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It confirms that they had, at the very least, not yet implemented their teams at that point in the game. There are several other placeholders like that, as I understand it, and they all use a level five Zigzagoon. Something like this is not as crucial as a hidden mega, but it does imply that they either copied a prior version, or actively removed information later on, which is more of a step towards information that was not included, rather than towards everything being included already.
And that sort of thing would imply, for instance, the Move Tutor List may not be completed in this build?
And that sort of thing would imply, for instance, the Move Tutor List may not be completed in this build?

Yes it would, I take the unfinished trainers as the build is complete Storywise (and Map wise)but, things like the level 5 Zigzagoons may have been used to test each battle works as it should (Trainers eyes meet and battle, or you having to talk to said trainer). First trainer in the game has a level 5 Zigzagoon after all (Not including rival) so therefore they copied his data and pasted it for every single trainer, and then edited once they confirmed the battles were working correctly. And therefore there are many unfinished things in the data, I would imagine Tutors, Learnsets and other such non-necessities to make the game would be last in their mind, the move tutor list existing would basically be there so they could test the move tutor works.
Yes it would, I take the unfinished trainers as the build is complete Storywise (and Map wise)but, things like the level 5 Zigzagoons may have been used to test each battle works as it should (Trainers eyes meet and battle, or you having to talk to said trainer). First trainer in the game has a level 5 Zigzagoon after all (Not including rival) so therefore they copied his data and pasted it for every single trainer, and then edited once they confirmed the battles were working correctly. And therefore there are many unfinished things in the data, I would imagine Tutors, Learnsets and other such non-necessities to make the game would be last in their mind, the move tutor list existing would basically be there so they could test the move tutor works.
Mm. And Megas would need to have all their data to make the game work, right? So if any are left out it's deliberate.
But new Megas don't have to have their stats completely correct, right?
The event is that you're given a serial code which gives you the Eo Ticket. You'll be told to talk with your father who takes you to a boat that'll take you to Southern Island. On Southern Island you'll find the other Eon Duo and be able to catch it.
And if i can't get the serial code because the store isn't in my country? I will not be able to get the lati twins and the mega ston?
Mm. And Megas would need to have all their data to make the game work, right? So if any are left out it's deliberate.
But new Megas don't have to have their stats completely correct, right?
Correct, I think any additional megas would have been left out. Hoopa according to Nintendo/Gamefreak has not been discovered yet, so leaving it in the data was thought to not really matter I'd imagine.
And if i can't get the serial code because the store isn't in my country? I will not be able to get the lati twins and the mega ston?

It's possible. GameFreak does a lot of Japan-only events, so it wouldn't be unusual for some countries to not be able to participate in an event. For example, the Pokemon Scrap stuff Serebii talked about today. As far as we know, that's Japan-only right now.
This was the HMs list from the day two dump though
HM01 Cut
HM02 Fly
HM03 Surf
HM04 Strength
HM05 Waterfall
HM06 Rock Smash*
99% sure it was updated later to include Dive. If not, I'd suggest that that TM/HM list is unfinished because there's no way they won't have Dive.
I'd assume it was left in for the same reason they left in Mega Latis in XY.
Which is I don't know.

Well, as it stands, Latias and Latios (and Blaziken) are going to be the only ORAS Megas who will be compatible with X and Y, so the significance, whatever it may be, will probably be there. It's possible that it could relate to Soaring, but if that were actually the case, I would find that it would be more likely for Z than X or Y.

Speaking of Soaring, it kind of feels to me like this might be an experiment to determine the validity of removing the need for Fly as an HM. Soaring provides much more functionality than Flying, both in control, and in the locations that we can access, but it seems like it will be far later in the game than Fortree. As it is, for ORAS at least, we won't be compelled to carry a flier around, which is definitely a plus.
99% sure it was updated later to include Dive. If not, I'd suggest that that TM/HM list is unfinished because there's no way they won't have Dive.
Hmm that's how it stands in the dump right now. But I've been known to not have idea what I'm talking about. However, I do agree with you in that if the HM is not there than the list must be outdated (which would further back up the theory that the tutors may be different/more megas/etc)
The return of rock smash makes me sad, I try not to carry TM slaves so I can use a team of 6 but nothing is benefited by Rock Smash. Also, Hoopa's apparently leaked design looks much cooler then it's regular so I can get behind it

Also Pinsir learns Double Hit now, and Girafarig Nasty Plot. How fun :]
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Hmm that's how it stands in the dump right now. But I've been known to not have idea what I'm talking about. However, I do agree with you in that if the HM is not there than the list must be outdated (which would further back up the theory that the tutors may be different/more megas/etc)
There are 7 HMs listed in the movepool pastebin. Flash is no longer an HM, meaning Dive is represented.
I should probably start deleting posts containing misinformation; they encourage pointless discussions like this one.

EDIT: Added an index of sorts to the research thread so it is easier to find correct information.
Was kinda wondering that myself, thank you
Just took a quick glance at Mega Gallade's stats again. Makes me so sad Megawaifu got shafted; if only she could have that speed and defence

Talking of which... anyone think it's possible some of XY's Mega Stones - not counting Blazikenite - will be obtainable in ORAS? Even just a few, like Gardevoirite and Manectite which directly connect to Hoenn. Especially Mawilite considering it's counterpart's Mega Stone'll be in the game; I'd even expect Mawilite to be in Omega Ruby and Sableite to be in Alpha Sapphire, or vice versa.
Be scared people, be very scared.

Magma Leader Maxie - 271
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)

Aqua Leader Archie - 266
Pokemon: 1
Zigzagoon (Lv. 5)

The two Leaders are simply terrifying.

Exactly! First time you battle them they use a Level 5 Zigzagoon, making you think they're not a threat. Then, next time you battle after you written them off, BOOM! Mega Sharpedo/Camerupt! You ain't prepared and they sweep your entire, unprepared team! GG.

About that card thing... jeeeeeeeesus. Shaymin here I come

If we get it. And if they do bring it over you'll probably need to buy the TCG cards as that's the only Pokemon merch they really sell anywhere else en masse.

And if i can't get the serial code because the store isn't in my country? I will not be able to get the lati twins and the mega ston?

Depends on how they do it. The ORAS Demo shows that it might not be a bad idea to sing up for a Pokemon Trainer account an accept merchandise news since the newsletter might start giving out event serial codes.

Speaking of Soaring, it kind of feels to me like this might be an experiment to determine the validity of removing the need for Fly as an HM. Soaring provides much more functionality than Flying, both in control, and in the locations that we can access, but it seems like it will be far later in the game than Fortree. As it is, for ORAS at least, we won't be compelled to carry a flier around, which is definitely a plus.

They'd never get rid of fly, if anything if they like the Soaring mechanic that much they could just implement it into Fly. Sadly I think this is just a special feature just because the Eon Duo are in these games. With that said, though that means we can't fly around Sinnoh, since the Eon Duo were in BW2 maybe that means we can fly around Unova! :D
They'd never get rid of fly, if anything if they like the Soaring mechanic that much they could just implement it into Fly. Sadly I think this is just a special feature just because the Eon Duo are in these games. With that said, though that means we can't fly around Sinnoh, since the Eon Duo were in BW2 maybe that means we can fly around Unova! :D
They were also in HGSS. God, even though soaring would never happen for this since HGSS is a remake and they apparently don't remake remakes, just imagining soaring through different regions is beautiful
Talking of which... anyone think it's possible some of XY's Mega Stones - not counting Blazikenite - will be obtainable in ORAS? Even just a few, like Gardevoirite and Manectite which directly connect to Hoenn. Especially Mawilite considering it's counterpart's Mega Stone'll be in the game; I'd even expect Mawilite to be in Omega Ruby and Sableite to be in Alpha Sapphire, or vice versa.

I'd be very surprised if you couldn't get at least a few of the pre-existing Mega Stones in ORAS without trading.
  • Swampert-M Stats: 100/150/110/95/110/70 Type: Water/Ground
  • Sceptile-M Stats: 70/110/75/145/85/145 Type: Grass/Dragon
  • Sableye-M Stats: 50/85/125/85/115/20 Type: Dark/Ghost
  • Altaria-M Stats: 75/110/110/110/105/80 Type: Dragon/Fairy
  • Gallade-M Stats: 68/165/95/65/115/110 Type: Psychic/Fighting
  • Audino-M Stats: 103/60/126/80/126/50 Type: Normal/Fairy
  • Sharpedo-M Stats: 70/140/70/110/65/105 Type: Water/Dark
  • Slowbro-M Stats: 95/75/180/130/80/30 Type: Water/Psychic
  • Steelix-M Stats: 75/125/230/55/95/30 Type: Steel/Ground
  • Pidgeot-M Stats: 83/80/80/135/80/121 Type: Normal/Flying
  • Glalie-M Stats: 80/120/80/120/80/100 Type: Ice/Ice
  • Diancie-M Stats: 50/160/110/160/110/110 Type: Rock/Fairy
  • Metagross-M Stats: 80/145/150/105/110/110 Type: Steel/Psychic
  • Kyogre-P Stats: 100/150/90/180/160/90 Type: Water/Water
  • Groudon-P Stats: 100/180/160/150/90/90 Type: Ground/Fire
  • Rayquaza-M Stats: 105/180/100/180/100/115 Type: Dragon/Flying
  • Camerupt-M Stats: 70/120/100/145/105/20 Type: Fire/Ground
  • Lopunny-M Stats: 65/136/94/54/96/135 Type: Normal/Fighting
  • Salamence-M Stats: 95/145/130/120/90/120 Type: Dragon/Flying
  • Beedrill-M Stats: 65/150/40/15/80/145 Type: Bug/Poison
Note: Please make a Mega Crobat. Please. ;[
  • Gyarados learns Crunch
  • Girafarig learns Nasty Plot
  • Altaria learns Disarming Voice
  • Pinsir learns Double Hit
  • Lopunny learns Hi Jump Kick
  • Huntail, Gorebyss learn Coil
  • Milotic learns Coil and Disarming Voice
  • Crawdaunt learns Razor Shell
The complete Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Egg Moves list is here.

The complete Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Move Tutor TMs list is here.

There is a picture of the new form/mega evolution of Hoopa?

Project Pokemon discovered not only the existence of a new Hoopa but the base stats of the revealed Mega Pokemon. And, unfortunately, they found no other Megas in the demo.

Possible: "Hoopa-? Stats: 80/160/60/170/130/80 Type: Psychic/Dark”
They'd never get rid of fly, if anything if they like the Soaring mechanic that much they could just implement it into Fly. Sadly I think this is just a special feature just because the Eon Duo are in these games. With that said, though that means we can't fly around Sinnoh, since the Eon Duo were in BW2 maybe that means we can fly around Unova! :D

It's not like this is the first game to use the soar mechanic either, the Ranger games beat us to the punch (and even used Lati@s). Just the first mainstream one to use it.
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