Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 46 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Oh, I know that. I mean, what would the chain breed process be? My head is kinda spinning, lol.

Get a Nidoran-F, breed it with male Pokémon that know the egg move(s) you want until you get a new Nidoran-F with the egg move(s). (if you want multiple egg moves from different fathers)
Take the newly hatched Nidoran-F with the egg move(s) and breed until you get a Nidoran-M with the egg move(s) you want.

Bulbapedia lists possible fathers for the egg moves.
Get a Nidoran-F, breed it with male Pokémon that know the egg move(s) you want until you get a new Nidoran-F with the egg move(s).
Take the newly hatched Nidoran-F with the egg move(s) and breed until you get a Nidoran-M with the egg move(s) you want.

Bulbapedia lists possible fathers for the egg moves.
See, thats where get I confused. Nidoran-F can't inherit the Nidoran-M exclusive egg moves (which is all of them). :(

You could always...just Sketch the EMs you want with Smeargle... XD

Oh, wow. I'm a bloody idiot, lol. >_<

edit: I actually think thats the only way to get all 4 of those moves on the Nidoran because of the way Nidoran breeding works. :/
See, thats where get confused. Nidoran-F can't inherit the Nidoran-M exclusive egg moves (which is all of them). :(

Oh, wow. I'm a bloody idiot. >_<

In that case, do what MagnusArcanum said and get a male Smeargle with those egg moves and breed it with your Nidoran-F until you get the Nidoran-M you want.
In that case, do what MagnusArcanum said and get a male Smeargle with those egg moves and breed it with your Nidoran-F until you get the Nidoran-M you want.
Yeah, I'll do that! Thanks for all the help everyone. :P

Now I just need to get a good/5IV Smeargle. Only one I seem to have is the SR Legends one. >_<

edit: nvm, apparently I had one in bank
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I don't know if this was ever discussed but upon transferring one of my Pokemon (with the Contest/Hoenn League Ribbons) from my ORAS save to XY, I've discovered that those Ribbons don't appear in their summary...smh o_0

Is this bad...?
Okay, since the one I have was confirmed legal but not guaranteed legit I'm now looking for a legit one. Is there anyone on Smogon that has a confirmed legit Shiny Genesect?
I don't know if this was ever discussed but upon transferring one of my Pokemon (with the Contest/Hoenn League Ribbons) from my ORAS save to XY, I've discovered that those Ribbons don't appear in their summary...smh o_0

Is this bad...?

You can check yourself: just trade the pokemon back. If the ribbons then appear there's nothing bad if they don't still nothing bad since XY didn't have the required free space to be able to add a few things (like so said ribbons, new mega's, ...)
Okay, since the one I have was confirmed legal but not guaranteed legit I'm now looking for a legit one. Is there anyone on Smogon that has a confirmed legit Shiny Genesect?

I have one thats legal but not legit. What i mean is, it was obtained via 'injected wondercard'.

Oh wait lol that's exactly not what you're looking for, I misread :P
I'm fiiinalyyyy playing Alpha Sapphire and I'm SRing Latias por IVs.
According to Metalkind's calculator, I have this:

Latias - #380 (Bold)
HP: 30
Att: 17
Def: 28
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Speed: 31

Possible Hidden Power Types: Ice
Possible Hidden Power Attack Powers: 66

Do I keep SRing or do I take this one and run with it?
If I evolve Shroomish into Breloom before learning Sproe, I won't be able to get it, right?

I'm fiiinalyyyy playing Alpha Sapphire and I'm SRing Latias por IVs.
According to Metalkind's calculator, I have this:

Latias - #380 (Bold)
HP: 30
Att: 17
Def: 28
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Speed: 31

Possible Hidden Power Types: Ice
Possible Hidden Power Attack Powers: 66

Do I keep SRing or do I take this one and run with it?
It's a good reset, but there are better ones out there, if you care about that. =P
I'm fiiinalyyyy playing Alpha Sapphire and I'm SRing Latias por IVs.
According to Metalkind's calculator, I have this:

Copy & Paste Results
Latias - #380 (Bold)
HP: 30
Att: 17
Def: 28
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Speed: 31

Latias - #380 (Bold) : 30 / 17 / 28 / 31 / 31 / 31

Possible Hidden Power Types: Ice
Possible Hidden Power Attack Powers: 66

Do I keep SRing or do I take this one and run with it?
I'd say keep (but i'm quickly satisfied with something)

If I evolve Shroomish into Breloom before learning Sproe, I won't be able to get it, right?
That's correct
ORAS too? As in you also have X/Y? If that's the case, why bother breeding on ORAS at all? You could just do it on XY and use the Battle Institute to check IVs there. Or if you have a few rare candies saved up, you could enter in the progressive stat changes on MetalKid's IV calculator, I find it to be the most comprehensive IV calculator since entering what your stats are at different levels helps narrow the search really easily. If you don't have Rare Candies then you can just battle to raise the level while keeping track of the EVs that you're earning. Here's an example of me using it for my Latias:
I'm just saying there are ways for you do to this on your own without having to rely on other people. Why haven't you bothered to finish ORAS yet but you're breeding flawless stuff anyway? Are Rayquazas even that valuable to SR anymore? I thought there were already great Jolly / Naive ones floating around. May as well catch a trophy one and continue the game imo

edit: forgot the link to the calculator

Your idealist views and suggestions are great for the average player
I'm playing the way I want to play, if I have to rely on things to get it done
then I have to rely on things to get it done but I won't finish my game just
because a handful of people don't want to help someone out with a 2 minute match

No, I don't have X/Y "as well" don't know what kind of troll would actually read it like that, I meant that is exactly the game I have so the fact stated was obviously in conjunction with what I have
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I'm fiiinalyyyy playing Alpha Sapphire and I'm SRing Latias por IVs.
According to Metalkind's calculator, I have this:

Latias - #380 (Bold)
HP: 30
Att: 17
Def: 28
SpA: 31
SpD: 31
Speed: 31

Possible Hidden Power Types: Ice
Possible Hidden Power Attack Powers: 66

Do I keep SRing or do I take this one and run with it?
Toss because your latias nature is bold but you have 28 in defense (plus defense nature) . But it's up to you
Conflicting advise. XD

If I evolve Shroomish into Breloom before learning Sproe, I won't be able to get it, right?

It's a good reset, but there are better ones out there, if you care about that. =P

I'd say keep (but i'm quickly satisfied with something)

That's correct

My cat decided for me. I'm resseting again.

Toss because your latias nature is bold but you have 28 in defense (plus defense nature) . But it's up to you
I'm syncing for Bold.

Moderator edit: Don't double post.
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Your idealist views and suggestions are great for the average player
I'm playing the way I want to play, if I have to rely on things to get it done
then I have to rely on things to get it done but I won't finish my game just
because a handful of people don't want to help someone out with a 2 minute match

No, I don't have X/Y "as well" don't know what kind of troll would actually read it like that, I meant that is exactly the game I have so the fact stated was obviously in conjunction with what I have
No one's telling how you should play your game. And some people may read it the same way cant say did; we're not mind readers who know exactly what you're thinking about. Things can be interpreted differently.

And my interpretation of what you just said - it's like people are just begging you to finish your game. To me you're coming across as like a little toddler who won't finish his food just because no one will give him his toy. If no one is willing to do a match to check your IVs, then find another way. Honestly, I agree with cant say in that there's not really a need to worry about breeding flawless when you have yet to complete the game and get access to the Battle Resort and Battle Institute to make things way easier.

But if you insist on not finishing your game because no one wants to waste their time with an IV battle, I guess you'll just have to...oh, I don't know...not finish your game. That's your choice though, not like your decision affects anyone else.
You do? O.o

How/where did you get it?
Received it in a trade here on smogon, it's a Hasty 6IV one that has been in circulation on different threads, so yea, it's fine.
If I recall correctly, that one has never been confirmed legit, the original obtainer is unknown. The hack check was inconclusive. (I know because I thought about trading for this one once) There is, however, one that is guaranteed legit that is for trade here.
If I recall correctly, that one has never been confirmed legit, the original obtainer is unknown. The hack check was inconclusive. (I know because I thought about trading for this one once) There is, however, one that is guaranteed legit that is for trade here.

Yea, I took it for benefit of the doubt, but the one on Drakero's thread is 100% legit
If I recall correctly, that one has never been confirmed legit, the original obtainer is unknown. The hack check was inconclusive. (I know because I thought about trading for this one once) There is, however, one that is guaranteed legit that is for trade here.
Oh, awesome! Now I just need to find something they'd be willing to trade it for, lol.
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