Lifestyle physical health/fitness thread

Don't forget that your muscles will naturally get stronger before they start getting bigger. I've noticed my shoulders getting bigger, but that's after almost 6 months using the rowing machine. My workout is more cardio based than strength, but I'm still noticing growth across my shoulders/in my legs.

I'm certainly far fitter than I was, but there is still a long way to go. I'm not really looking to "get big", but just lose some of the fat I've gained through work/bad eating.
I felt like I wasn't getting any bigger until recently. It's been about 10 weeks I believe, doing half GOMAD and hitting the gym 3 times a week. I have progress pictures over the entire time span but I haven't looked at any and won't for another two weeks or so. I can tell there are a few differences though, just because I actually have visible traps and lats which never existed previously.
Just keep at it and you'll start noticing things. Shoulders will probably even out eventually but I'm not one to talk obviously...
89 kg, slowly but surely becoming a beast. Readding deadlifts and squats to my routine, hopefully my hips take it like a boss.

So I've been pretty naughty the last two weeks and have only gone to the gym once.

I'm heading back tonight and I'm going to try and do my full regime that I normally do and maybe a bit extra. Actually have a reason to get back to it now and it should hopefully help me de-stress a bit. Still feel strong/fit at Ultimate Frisbee, but still, feeling a bit of a drop towards the end of the session.
5x5 (success) numbers:
  • 155 lb squat
  • 95 lb bench
  • 105 lb barbell row
  • 145 lb deadlift
  • 60 lb shoulder press
still same spot on the shoulder press as i was when i first posted about it like a month ago, which sucks. Goal is definitely to bust through it next time. Other numbers have been progressing pretty nicely. I've hit failure on every exercise except deadlift at least once.

Posting because I've been feeling pain in my right groin when i squat for about the past week. So naturally I took a video of my form today, but I couldn't see anything wrong with it. Some of you guys (hoping Lee or Stallion can help me out here) are regular pros so i wanted to get a second opinion:

edit: video is sideways. ah well, turn ur computer sideways or something you donger

if it's not my form, then what stretches can i do to fix it? if it is my form, then how can i fix my form and what stretches can i do to fix it?
now im no expert but as someone who lifted for a few years in hs (football/powerlifting) i can see a minor thing wrong that could help. not exactly with the groin pain but with your general form. you seem to be up on the front of your toes when you go down. you should spread your feet to a teeny bit out of shoulder length to keep them firmly planted. for the groin pain you could probably do butterfly stretches and the general standing groin stretch before you work out.
Hey Stratos nobody is spotting you for your squat? It looks like you could go higher, maybe 165 or something and you could push yourself even more if you get a spotter. Now when you squat, don't put your weight on your toes, you want them on your heels. It may feel weird at first but it gives you better balance and lets you work the right parts othe body. I don't know about the groin pain that's probably not from the squatting or your form.

For your shoulder press, if you try to be more explosive then it helps you in your lift. Also, have you tried hang cleans? They are a bit harder than dead lifts but they can help your form, like staying on your heels, working on hip extensions, etc..

Alright guys, this post is a three month update from the first time I stepped in the gym.

I've been drinking half a gallon of milk a day on top of a "normal person" amount of food so I probably hit anywhere from 3000-3500 kcals a day; my maintenance is roughly 2600 kcals according to some calculator online. I've had plenty of days where I just don't have much of an appetite and end up undereating. I never aimed for a huge increase in caloric intake just because bulking/cutting doesn't sound fun and I'd rather build lean(er) mass more slowly. Pretty hard goal but I think I'm doing a decent job. No supplements other than delicious cow milk.

I weighed in at 153 lbs (69 kg) at the beginning and I'm now around 165 lbs (75 kg). I started with SL 5x5 but changed that after a month or so to 4x8 instead. I didn't max out on lifts before starting my routine but I can definitely say my strength has improved significantly. I've been failing a lot recently so I should probably deload and build my way back up again. My weight gain has also plateaued as of the last 3 weeks.

I've been taking progress pictures the whole way through but haven't looked at any til tonight.
Noticeable differences:
-I actually have traps! I started with a long ass pencil neck and it kind of filled in.
-My back and chest are getting a bit wider and the V shape is started to come in a bit. This is cool to see because I've had the typical cross country runner upper body for my entire life.
-My forearms got a lot bigger.
-T shirts fit tighter. I used to have some loose shirts that fit decently now. Some of my shorts also fit tighter and I feel like I'm going to rip them open while bending over or something... I already had pretty big legs/glutes but squats and deadlifts made them grow too.
-My running endurance is terrible. I can still sprint or run a 400m but I don't think I could run a 5k in 25 minutes.
-I'm growing a little bit of a double chin but that's the only place I've noticed any fat buildup.

First couple before pictures, 3 months ago. Pardon the nasty bathroom mirror in my college dorm...



Aaand some pictures I took today. Also cleaned the nasty bathroom mirror today so the water makes some of these look weird. As you can see I feel like I didn't put on too much fat weight. Please ignore the nice sunburn I got for myself today!
Took my standard picture first but I had to flex for you guys of course



Thanks to everyone in here for information, support, and motivation! You all helped me get into the gym for the first time and that was the hardest step.
Wow, great to see so much activity here -- it'd been quite quiet for a while I was wondering where everyone had gone.

Stratos -- form looks good, i have some suggestions but overall its good.

Some pointers though (and again its only from the video, which doesn't represent depth of field well), ensure your feet are about shoulder length apart and slightly pointing out. Your depth was good, getting below 90degrees but I would suggest lowering down slower, get to the bottom and then push UP. So, control it on the way down and not 'explode' but really push on the up and remember to kinda push your hips forward like your pushing your groin forward (i can't think of an appropriate analogy, so use your imagination) and squeeze your glutes, etc. Feels weird at first but you'll get used to it. Also, your head, when your standing look at a point on the wall/mirror about 2 feet above your head and look at it as you go down -- will help you keep that / shape and your shoulders drawn back a bit.

As rural suggested, make sure your weight is on the outside of your feet. I prefer to do my squats and deadlifts barefoot. Socks are too slippery on the olympic platform and barefoot gives you the grip you need AND you will feel it a LOT more (where you're pressing down).

Overall, great job Stratos

CPrime -- great work!! Sounds like your moving towards your goals and doing quite well! I noticed a lot of similar things to you when i first started. I've found lately my gains (arms, chest, lats, and legs) come on a lot easier and the day after a training session clothes feels a little tighter. Annoying really as I bought like 7 new business shirts for work in December and they're getting too tight around my shoulders, chest, back and arms. Which is good, but there goes more $$$ haha.

Moving in to winter here and it's shockingly hard to keep eating clean. I keep reaching for snacks after dinner so i'm going to stock up on almond meal, berries, etc. and use some whey powder to make some dense but low-carb treats for an evening. Anyone got any suggestions?
stratos: #1 I would recommend against doing hang cleans unless you have someone who can teach them to you. without perfect form they're pretty dangerous, and it's hard to get perfect form without someone who knows and is teaching you

#2 echoing the suggestions to spread the floor, mash your heels into the ground as hard as you can, and lower yourself slowly. adding 1 more suggestion: break at the hips before at the knees first i.e. at the start of the movement (from the top), start the sitting with your hips/ass before your knees start to bend

looking good tho. hitting that depth without really moving your lower back much is sick. great job
I'm home for the summer, meaning I don't have gym access unless I get a membership. Today I'm going to go out and get a pull up bar and maybe some 25 lb dumbbells so I can get a decent workout at home. I have some dumbbells already but they're either way too light (5lbs), too light (10 lbs) or pretty damn heavy for me (35 lbs). I can do various exercises like rows, squats, maybe shoulder press, maaaybe curls/tricep extensions and flies, but I think getting some intermediate weights will help me out a lot.
Is dumbbell bench press while laying on the floor a good idea? I can't think of any obvious problems...
I'm home for the summer, meaning I don't have gym access unless I get a membership. Today I'm going to go out and get a pull up bar and maybe some 25 lb dumbbells so I can get a decent workout at home. I have some dumbbells already but they're either way too light (5lbs), too light (10 lbs) or pretty damn heavy for me (35 lbs). I can do various exercises like rows, squats, maybe shoulder press, maaaybe curls/tricep extensions and flies, but I think getting some intermediate weights will help me out a lot.
Is dumbbell bench press while laying on the floor a good idea? I can't think of any obvious problems...

I like bench pressing on the floor, especially since I have a shaky left shoulder. It's also a safe spot if you go heavy cause you can drop the barbell and it won't land on you. It'll be fine!
I'm home for the summer, meaning I don't have gym access unless I get a membership. Today I'm going to go out and get a pull up bar and maybe some 25 lb dumbbells so I can get a decent workout at home. I have some dumbbells already but they're either way too light (5lbs), too light (10 lbs) or pretty damn heavy for me (35 lbs). I can do various exercises like rows, squats, maybe shoulder press, maaaybe curls/tricep extensions and flies, but I think getting some intermediate weights will help me out a lot.
Is dumbbell bench press while laying on the floor a good idea? I can't think of any obvious problems...
Grab two kettle bells at a decent weight (18kg? That's what I use for each arm) and a third monster one like 32kg single one for swings. There are so many activities / circuits you can do with it like swings, snatches, front squats, Turkish get ups, Russian sit ups, crunches, twists, etc. List is endless. I've virtually stopped training arms besides once a week or so where I'll use dumbbells and two benches parallel for dips. I find the increased movement with it has a greater benefit at the end.

May seem odd and at first I was apprehensive to divert my efforts to training with them but they are super versatile. If you want some circuits to do with them let me know... Got about 6 I move between.

On another note I've been training more of a morning lately and I have found that I'm getting much better results. That and really changing the composition of what I eat. Rather than coming back after training and having cereal or porridge or oats or something I'll have a couple of eggs and a piece of lean grass fed steak.

Plenty of steamed veggies and lean meats, nuts, tuna etc and it's having great results!

How's everyone else going?
Yea kettle bells are really cool. One tip forwhen you do swings with them, make sure to extend your hips, that's way more important than your arms pulling the bell up. In fact I'd even take out arm movement, its all in your hips. Another thing is having a bench in front of you, the right height maybe when your legs are 50 or more degrees if you put your foot flat on it. Then get on it and bring your other foot up to your chest while doing sort of a shoulder press with the dumb bells. Get off the bench and alternate feet. Forgot what excercise this is sorry :/
I don't have any kettle bells but I got the dumbbells I wanted along with a pull up bar. I put up the bar in one of the more busy doorways of my parents' house and just do a rep every time I pass through, alternating chin up/hammer grip pull up/wide grip overhand pull up. I also found a camping cooler (esky for MikeAU ) long enough to use for dumbbell benching. I found a couple Youtube workouts that should get me through my summer. I'm gonna have to think of some way to set up an incline bench...

On another note I've been training more of a morning lately and I have found that I'm getting much better results. That and really changing the composition of what I eat. Rather than coming back after training and having cereal or porridge or oats or something I'll have a couple of eggs and a piece of lean grass fed steak.

Plenty of steamed veggies and lean meats, nuts, tuna etc and it's having great results!

Morning is the best time to work out! Nothing like gym/shower to start the day off right. Beats the summer heat here too.



i can definitely see bigger shoulders, bigger pecs (really visible if i turn sideways), and overall tell that i am stronger. My non-elastic shorts don't fit me right anymore, and I have gone from 155 lb (at Christmas, but I'll assume at Spring break too) to 177 lb!!! Ten more pounds would be great but the progress I've already made is something I'm quite proud of.

edit: why does puush turn my pictures sideways when it uploads them :|
haha -- thanks for the translation clarification on the esky, CPrime :P

Sounds like you've got a good set up. Whatever equipment you don't/can't get your hands on over the summer you can probably find some alternatives. I'm travelling around Europe for 6 weeks and the accommodation that has a gym, i'll be going down to do some quick and heavy circuits of a morning. The ones that don't i'll have to improvise. There was a Youtube channel i found a few months ago that basically provides you with exercise alternatives while travelling and you'll be amazed with how functional random objects, suitcases, bed ends, etc can be haha.

Smashed out a heavy session this morning to welcome in the weekend-- almost ready for bed again, haha!
Somalia is, but idk if he's still banned.

Sup bro

Been trying to get back into shape. I went from around 215 pounds down to 144 and I'm at 160ish right now. I try to do something active each day. Go to the gym every other day and on my days off I take walks or play a sport (there's tennis courts 30 seconds away from me!!).

It is a struggle though. Trying to rid yourself of bad habits is not easy, but I figure I have made so much progress already why stop now!
Sup bro

Been trying to get back into shape. I went from around 215 pounds down to 144 and I'm at 160ish right now. I try to do something active each day. Go to the gym every other day and on my days off I take walks or play a sport (there's tennis courts 30 seconds away from me!!).

It is a struggle though. Trying to rid yourself of bad habits is not easy, but I figure I have made so much progress already why stop now!

Long time man.

First step is acknowledging the presence of bad habits, the rest will follow with time and hard work. Keep us all updated!
It honestly just comes down to priorities and goals. Sure Gebrselassie was amazing at 56kg, as were other elites, but is running a sub 26:30 10k your goal? Probably not. If it is, go ahead and start cranking out a fuckton of miles and give up heavy lifting. To be honest I wouldn't even worry about dropping from 80kg. I know plenty of people who run fast around 175 pounds. Just get to the strength you want, do the amount of cardio you think you'll need for your running goals, and let the weight take care of its self.

Worrying too much about racing weight is unfortunately a pitfall that a lot of runners fall into, especially females, and sadly ends up leading to rapid unhealthy weight loss or an eating disorder. (Not that I think you're in danger of this.)

you do bjj too?
Did my first 5km row at resistance level 10 last night (That's the highest setting on a Concept C2) and did 20:12.3 which I am actually really happy with. Last km was 3:52, I usually feel pretty tired at the 3.5km mark, but I felt strong still and kept up the pace (I try to keep to 4:00/km for 20 mins). Forearms were hurting after but my legs felt okay.

Definitely noticed a big improvement over the last month or so... I don't really know what's caused it, but it seems like I've taken a big jump in fitness as opposed to a progressional one which I was expecting. I'll be continuing using the setting 10 for the rower from now on (now I know I can do it, I wasn't expecting to finish the whole 5km at that setting honestly).

Felt a big difference in day to day stuff too. I'm slim, but was generally pretty unfit. Now I'm properly gymming and going to ultimate training, I'm not getting as many aches and stuff as I used too. It's all positive progress.