Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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So while I was out, I received the Eon Ticket via Streetpass, but I'm having a few problems acquiring it in-game. Here's what happened:

1. I opened up my save file and received a StreetPass notification from BuzzNav saying to go to the nearest Pokemon Center to claim the Eon Ticket.
2. Between the time I received the notification and went to the Pokemon Center, I soft-resetted my game.
3. Upon resuming my game, the StreetPass notification was gone. When I went to the Pokemon Center, there was no girl to pickup the Eon Ticket.

The questions I have are: a) Do I need to be at a certain point in the game to obtain the Eon Ticket (I'm only 3 badges in)? b) Is the Eon Ticket from this particular StreetPass no longer obtainable? c) If that is the case, will I be able to receive the Eon Ticket from another StreetPass?

Thanks in advance for your help.
I'm pretty sure you can receive the ticket at any point in the game once you at least have BuzzNav. If you soft-reset before saving the game after receiving it from StreetPass, you no longer have it, but you should be able to obtain it again... eventually.

Granted, I got mine via the serial code that ran a few months ago, so I'm only guessing on how the StreetPass received version behaves. You might also want to get any Mystery Gift SR projects out of the way first on this version, as it might not show up as a proper Wonder Card that can be moved up ahead of any others with unclaimed gifts. (just get the ticket, you don't need to talk to Norman right away)
So I've got a couple of Each Apricorn balls, I was wondering which interesting breeding projects I could make of those? So not something done and redone, like a friend ball Larvitar, etc :) (I'm playing Soul Silver so please mind the exclusives ^^)

Thank you! :)
Could u do Friend Ball No Gaurd Machop? It matches its shiny :)
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yea, also i think repeat is better for mean and angry pokemon. flareon almost seems like a high strung showdog haha
Is there a shiny M-Ray gif? I can't find it in the link in the first post of the thread.
Pokeballs that would suit Accelgor?

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