Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Soft resetting for a Hasty Hoopa and managed to get this. I realize it's practically flawless and this might be a stupid question but how viable is a Modest nature for Hoopa-C/Hoopa-U (I have not played OU in a long time)? I'm searching around the forums and looking at the stats on Pokemon Showdown and from the looks of it both formes prefer +Speed natures. I feel like I will probably end up keeping it but I'm looking for opinions.

keep, hoopa/hoopa-u is rather slow so I can def see people use it with a scarf.

I have a similar question and I hope you or anyone else can give me some input.

I have a 31/x/31/31/31/31 Diancie that is modest and I don't know if I should keep it or not. It seems like a shame to toss but I want that + speed nature... but I don't want to SR anymore. :p

I would keep your Hoopa since you can use it for the regular form.

Diancie can run a Rock Polish set so that spread+nature is useful.


Soft resetting for a Hasty Hoopa and managed to get this. I realize it's practically flawless and this might be a stupid question but how viable is a Modest nature for Hoopa-C/Hoopa-U (I have not played OU in a long time)? I'm searching around the forums and looking at the stats on Pokemon Showdown and from the looks of it both formes prefer +Speed natures. I feel like I will probably end up keeping it but I'm looking for opinions.
Keep, that is perfect for fully special Assault Vest variants, which although not being the most common certainly is viable to an extent.


Soft resetting for a Hasty Hoopa and managed to get this. I realize it's practically flawless and this might be a stupid question but how viable is a Modest nature for Hoopa-C/Hoopa-U (I have not played OU in a long time)? I'm searching around the forums and looking at the stats on Pokemon Showdown and from the looks of it both formes prefer +Speed natures. I feel like I will probably end up keeping it but I'm looking for opinions.
Definite keep imo.
can somebody please fs capture me a repeat pansear? its the only monkey i dont have

helped by esmeya
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LF female rattled snubbull in premier ball and dream ball. VM me if you have one and we can surely arrange a trade.

EDIT: Also looking for someone to help me transfer 18 bred pokemon in total; from my X - 13 to my Alpha Sapphire and 5 to my Omega Ruby.
EDIT 2: Also looking for extrasensory roselia.
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Based on Thomaz's list there isn't a Bold Zapdos with HP Ice in an Ultra Ball on Smogon, so I'm going to go for that. Unless someone does have one but its not on the list? O.o
There's always a chance that someone didn't want to be on the list, but yeah, from what I remember, there's no perfect Bold Zappy with HP Ice.
I'm going to stay dead soft-resetting for this my frieenddddd.
Fine be that way :(

Unfortunate, but there's already a 31/e/30/31/31/31 HP Ice Raikou thanks to Gothic Togekiss awhile ago I believe and - tennisace's dumb one with 30 speed. If it's for a friend and not for any sort of trade/trade-value you could probably keep it if it's for their personal use, but I wouldn't.
O there's a better HP Ice Raikou now?

I thought the 30/x/30/31/31/31 one I got from rellyms was the best for now....o well 1 HP isn't gonna make me lose games.
Based on Thomaz's list there isn't a Bold Zapdos with HP Ice in an Ultra Ball on Smogon, so I'm going to go for that. Unless someone does have one but its not on the list? O.o

Last time I checked, rufus drumknott was SRing for this for our impending giveaway. Although, I haven't heard of any progress for a while since I've been off the grid for a few weeks. Bold HP Ice Zap is one of my biggest wants though.
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