Media One Piece (spoilers!)

Sanji you are a true fucking player down to your pinky my man.

Rereading this chapter I'm not entirely comfortable with the death smile at the end.
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It would be the kind of completely nonsensical thing that oda loves doing to make pudding hot despite having a butt ugly grandmother, I can see it happening
How do you guys feel about Caesar being the next nakama? He's a scientist, stuck around for quite a while, and has an interesting dynamic with the other strawhats. He would also be the first logia to join the crew and could be a middle of the pack fighter if he were to join. The big three are arguably stronger than him at this point. Oda just needs to flesh out his back story and have a moment where Luffy gains his respect. I mean, he's already assisted with the minkmen and he could help Sanji escape cake island when shit hits the fan.
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How do you guys feel about Caesar being the next nakama? He's a scientist, stuck around for quite a while, and has an interesting dynamic with the other strawhats. He would also be the first logia to join the crew and could be a middle of the pack fighter if he were to join. The big three are arguably stronger than him at this point. Oda just needs to flesh out his back story and have a moment where Luffy gains his respect. I mean, he's already assisted with the minkmen and he could help Sanji escape cake island when shit hits the fan.

Not happening. Caesar isn't a team player and he's wanted too much by the other Yonko to ever be a productive crew member. The only reason he's even compliant is that his heart is in a lockbox thanks to Law. I'm also pretty sure Luffy hates him, doesn't trust him, and wouldn't want to expose his crew to one of Caeser's betrayals.

Crocodile has a better chance of becoming a Straw Hat than Caeser.
You're saying that as if Crocodile was a bad guy anymore. The dude was willing to throw his life away to protect the man who beat him up and ruined all his plans.

I still think Caribou is the best choice for new nakama. The way his character acts and is would create a new dynamic in the way the crew interact with eachother.
You're saying that as if Crocodile was a bad guy anymore. The dude was willing to throw his life away to protect the man who beat him up and ruined all his plans.

I still think Caribou is the best choice for new nakama. The way his character acts and is would create a new dynamic in the way the crew interact with eachother.

Crocodile is one of those characters who falls into the huge middle area OP has where they're not allied with anyone but themselves and will act as necessary to their interests. OP also doesn't really have a hero so much as it has a protagonist, which is good writing and makes the series engaging. The closest thing to evil you have in OP is The World Government / Celestial Dragons and individual Shibukai / Yonko they've empowered. The Navy is largely a neutral actor save that they must pursue Luffy because he's a pirate.

That said I'd rather have Croc on the team if Luffy adds anybody. He brings his own set of leadership skills and intel to the table that most other people don't.
Not happening. Caesar isn't a team player and he's wanted too much by the other Yonko to ever be a productive crew member. The only reason he's even compliant is that his heart is in a lockbox thanks to Law. I'm also pretty sure Luffy hates him, doesn't trust him, and wouldn't want to expose his crew to one of Caeser's betrayals.

Crocodile has a better chance of becoming a Straw Hat than Caeser.

Caesar does have a lot of negatives to his resume and I can't even argue against it. I really think he has some upsides that people tend to overlook.

1. Oda did mention at one point during an interview that the new strawhat would be a past enemy.
2. He can't be an ally member because he has nowhere to go because everyone is after him and his weapons.
3. He has a dream of being the best scientist and surpassing Vegaunk. That's part of the reason why he harms people carelessly.
4. He sort of fits in, shown by a variety of other emotions aside from being a psychopath (embarrassed by chopper, play-fighting with sanji). I can't say the same to other nakama candidates.
5. Caesar could have a potential interest in ancient weapons since he creates his own weapons. Ancient weapons are a huge deal in the entire plot. He also knows the secrets of the SMILE and gas weapons, which is valuable information in the next few arcs.

Overall, his dream of becoming the best scientist was done in a bad way due to bad influences. Let's not forget that robin betrayed many people and didn't care if people died as long as she learned about history and franky stole fortune from luffy and beat up Ussop to build his dream ship. At the end of it all though, luffy saved them and gave them a better way to achieve their dreams, which is something he could do with caesar.
Well given that Oda has said that the last member will be a girl and given that we're at nine (anymore than ten would be silly given the lack of development that Franky and Brooke have been given) I doubt it. He'll probably get a change of heart, or rather forced, but I see him staring behind. On the other hand we're probably about five to seven years from OP being finished, which is kind of neat.

I'm pretty sure on the girl thing on mobile right now but I also might be making that up let me see if I can get a link when on my pc
Did Oda actually say something about the crew having a Logia? I'm guessing with Jinbei being all but guaranteed a logia girl would be fun, just imagine all the things she'll do to Sanji...
What I hadn't actually picked up on before is that Pudding is the 35th daughter. 35th. Some unlucky bastard had to hit that 35 times. Oda is a cruel, cruel man.

Not if Big Mom is actually, like, a Spider Zoan and just lays eggs.

I doubt we will ever see "Big Dad."