Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I'm still looking for a female reckless Starly! I'll take a male too, but a female is preferable. A premier ball or something would be nice too. Don't care about the IVs; I don't mind having to breed from scratch. Have breeding spitbacks to offer in return.
Thanks a ton, and the right nature and egg moves and everything. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

Now just need a Freezedry Lapras really! A Starly with Double-Edge would also be appreciated if anyone has it. I do have a bunch of different Pokemon to trade.
Thanks a ton, and the right nature and egg moves and everything. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.

Now just need a Freezedry Lapras really! A Starly with Double-Edge would also be appreciated if anyone has it. I do have a bunch of different Pokemon to trade.
I'm not sure if you want it, but I have a flawless(ish) female Lapras with EM's (Including Freeze-Dry) and in a moon ball. However it has the wrong ability (Shell Arm).
I'm not sure if you want it, but I have a flawless(ish) female Lapras with EM's (Including Freeze-Dry) and in a moon ball. However it has the wrong ability (Shell Arm).
I would love it. I can capsule the ability if the offspring don't have Water Absorb, not looking for Hidden Ability. Anything you'd like in return? I have quite a few extras from breeding projects
I would love it. I can capsule the ability if the offspring don't have Water Absorb, not looking for Hidden Ability. Anything you'd like in return? I have quite a few extras from breeding projects
No I'm good, send me whatever you want to get rid of. Just stick something on the GTS asking for a lvl 1 Female Lapras
Need some more opinions on possble Hidden Power pokes to add to my trade thread as I have run out of ideas.

Just trying to get as much done before Gen 7 rolls around and since I have SOOOO much free time after my internship is done for the day.

The following includes what I currently have and Sondero 's suggestions I liked:

Fire Bulbasaur
Grass Charmander
Ground, Grass, and Ice Pidgey
Ice Vulpix
Fire and Ground Oddish
Ghost Meowth
Ice and Fire Abra
Fire, Grass, and Ice Magnemite
Grass and Ice Voltorb
Fire Exeggcute
Fire and Ice Tangela
Fire Horsea
Fire Staryu
Fire Lapras
Fire, Ground, Ice, Grass, and Fighting Eevee
Grass Omanyte
Grass Cyndaquil
Fire and Grass Chinchou
Ice Pichu
Grass and Fighting Houndour
Grass Elekid
Grass and Ice Magby
Fire and Ice Treecko
Ice Torchic
Ice Electrike
Fire Roselia
Grass Wailmer
Grass and Ice Numel
Grass Feebas
Grass Clamperl
Ice Chimchar
Grass and Fighting Taillow
Fighting Drifloon
Fire and Rock Cherubi
Grass and Fighting Chatot
Ice, Grass, and Fire Rotom
Fire, Ground, and Rock Snivy
Grass Blitzle
Fire, Ice and Rock Petilil
Fighting Yamask
Fire and Ice Gothita
Ground Vanillite
Fire Foongus
Ice Tynamo
Ground and Fighting Elgyem
Ice and Fighting Litwick
Ground Shelmet
Ground and Ice Larvesta
Fire Froakie
Ice and Rock Pansage
Grass and Ice Litleo
Fire Flabebe
Ice Helioptile
Fire Skrelp
Need some more opinions on possble Hidden Power pokes to add to my trade thread as I have run out of ideas.

Just trying to get as much done before Gen 7 rolls around and since I have SOOOO much free time after my internship is done for the day.

The following includes what I currently have and Sondero 's suggestions I liked:

HP Ice Ghastly
HP Ground Scatterbug
HP Ice Joltik
I'm still looking for a female reckless Starly! I'll take a male too, but a female is preferable. A premier ball or something would be nice too. Don't care about the IVs; I don't mind having to breed from scratch. Have breeding spitbacks to offer in return.

I have a female Starly with Reckless in a Premier Ball as well as in a Timer Ball. Any specific nature/moves you may want? Can easily breed for them and female is no problem. Not really looking for anything specific in return as I don't know what I really want right now lol.
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Hello! Wondering if there is anyone with a Keldeo they would trade me (legit event or cloned, does not matter)? I'm trying to collect the Swords of Justice quartet - I have the other three. I know it's a long shot to ask on the Smogon forums, but just thought I'd try.
Was wondering if someone with a Dark Friend Safari with Crawdaunt in it could add me please? I only have a boring pokeball Adaptability daunt, would like to breed one in a Dive ball.
I'm looking for someone who can offer a mild Kyurem with very good or perfect IVs. I can offer a couple of legitimately caught legendaries or bred pokemon with perfect IVs and HPs.
Was wondering if someone with a Dark Friend Safari with Crawdaunt in it could add me please? I only have a boring pokeball Adaptability daunt, would like to breed one in a Dive ball.
I don't have the Friend Safari, but I could catch you a Dive Ball Female HA Corphish for free, if you're interested. My FC is in my Signature.

Edit: Just caught one.
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Hi everyone. I'm looking for an Adamant Landorus, pentagon or not, it is for the Battle maison. I have a couple of legendaries that I sred myself, and also some shinies. Although not too much to be honest. Thank you.
Is there any better way to lower EVs than the extremely obscure berries? I need a lot of Hondew and some Tamato berries, but only have one of each... I planted them but it's going to take forever that way.
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