Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Whoops, didn't see that you responded until I'd already gone through with it! I won :D Thanks though!

Another question: Is there still a thread where people post recent achievements/breeds/captures/etc.? It seems like there used to be one.

They got rid of that thread years ago because it didn't really serve a purpose. It was pretty cool, though.
I want to restart Moon but don't feel like can can restart without catching the second Celesteela and I don't like catching Pokemon for myself unless they're in a Matching Ball. So I'm looking for someone to trade me a Buzzwole for it or a Friend Ball in return for one of my Jhoto Balls. (But I'd be willing to trade for other Jhoto Balls that I'm not offering too.)

Looking for: Jhoto Balls that I'm not offering (Preferably a Friend Ball) and someone to catch me an Adamant Repeat Ball Buzzwole named Smashet.
For Trade: A Fast, Level, or Moon Ball (Your choice) for another Jhoto Ball and a Celesteela with the Name Nature and Ball of your choice for the Buzzwole.
I got a comment i made on monotype removed and i dont know why. All i asked was consideration for unbanning or to suspect a pokemon for grass mons and i got an infraction. WTF?
I have two Pheromosas to catch and no idea what to do with them, and want fairly good Sun-exclusive UBs. Any chance these issues can resolve each other?

And a way out there request: Anyone who's been here for ages have any info from my ancient (Platinum-era) trade thread? I want to look back at what I had there but the thread's LONG gone.
Guys! Question about Breeding swap, I got my shiny Karp and I can swap the parents now, but my question is, can I trade or access to the bank to get more mons?? does the chain resets if I do that?? thx in advance!
Can help with all of them (maybe not Mag, idk if I have an extra magmarizer on me. I think so) Also got you that HA Murkrow on gen 6 and forgot to tell you, lol.

Bueno. Let me know when you're ready to trade, and what you'd like for the Murkrow, if anything.
Does someone have a Timid Kartana with 18-21 Atk IVs? (Nothing else matters)

I would offer up to 2 Pokemon from my trade thread. If you would take this as a Soft Reset Project I would offer more.
Looking for an adamant nicknameable Buzzwole. Offering a shiny in return.(Stufful Heatmor Yanma Sneasel Fennekin Cranidos Magikarp Sandile Numel Venipede Cacnea) Apart from Stufful they are all gen 6 so if you need a move tutor on it I will add it. PM me for more details on them.

Also looking for Friend ball Weedle Gen 6 only(because of move tutors) offering other bank mons in unique balls don't know atop of my head right now but pm me for more details.
It's impossible to find a HA Snivy in a Friend Ball because the Island Scan doesn't have the HA and you can't SOS chain.
It's not. Due to Gen VII mechanics if you have a female Snivy with contrary and a male Snivy in a friend ball you can obtain a contrary snivy in a friend ball. I think it's a 50% chance to inherit either of the parents' ball if they are the same species not 100% sure on the odds but it's definitely possible.
Looking for a Friend ball HA Timid Snivy! Please PM me

I just got a female Japanese Snivy from the GTS that fits your description: Contrary (HA) and bred in a Friend Ball.
It also already has 4 egg moves: Glare, Iron Tail, Magical Leaf and Mirror Coat and 31 IVs in SpA, SpD and Spe.
I'm going to breed one for myself and then I'd be willing to give you the aforementioned Japanese female Snivy for free.

Edit: I successfully bred some for myself. Feel free to message me whenever you got time and I'll trade you the Japanese one.

Let me know what you think.
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I just got a female Japanese Snivy from the GTS that fits your description: Contrary (HA) and bred in a Friend Ball.
It also already has 4 egg moves: Glare, Iron Tail, Magical Leaf and Mirror Coat and 31 IVs in SpA, SpD and Spe.
I'm going to breed one for myself and then I'd be willing to give you the aforementioned Japanese female Snivy for free.

Let me know what you think.
May I request a spitback of this as well?
It's not. Due to Gen VII mechanics if you have a female Snivy with contrary and a male Snivy in a friend ball you can obtain a contrary snivy in a friend ball. I think it's a 50% chance to inherit either of the parents' ball if they are the same species not 100% sure on the odds but it's definitely possible.
Oh didn't know that thanks.

Looking for an Adamant Lando-T. Willing to trade to breedables for it.
Are move tutor moves passable by breeding? I'm pretty sure they're not but just to confirm

Tauros and the Judge function makes breeding so much easier in Gen VII compared to Gen VI so I'd rather breed there haha
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