Mafia vs Village GUZMAfia - Game Over, Team Skull Wins!

Haruno, you can only chronically lie your way through mafia so many times before people wise up.
Nah can't help village being bad I'm
Afraid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'd like to know this inspect who told me you were clean because that doesn't exist
You should already know this. If you're claiming otherwise then you're lying though I'm curious how you'll react when I flip as team skull. Knowing village they'll probably still be bad and ride your dick sadly
there's a chance that haruno's telling the truth. it would essentially mean that twin's mafia and is lying about the inspector contacting him

if that's the case, this alleged inspector should contact someone else and have them plead the case. logs would be helpful
lmao so i guess god himself has to spell shit out for yall.

Essentially I already knew twin was full of shit from the guzma claim n0.

This was further reinforced when von + twin tried their retarded as fuck telling the village to all not lynch so they can prove that neither of them are a mayor? What the fuck does that even prove since that would be NAI. In the case of a mayor, the mayor is essentially cleaned and whoever got fucked in the end doesn't end up implicating shit regardless of their alignment. The fact that village is/was dumb enough to follow him after that is enough reason to put zero faith in village.

Moving on from that, I already hard claimed to several people that my role is simply as long as I can call which faction will kill which faction after all actions go through so say for instance I say a UB kills team skull then said killer/s would be revealed. For obvious reasons I wouldn't pub claim this shit but seeing as how I'm most likely getting myslynched anyways, I see no reason to not say it at this point.

Then knights (sheriff) contacted me saying he already cleaned me n0 since he expected to get results since with my role + mafia's presumed knowledge of who I was. Knights already contacted several others so this is a non factor. I expect him to get killed off 100% since he already claimed to scum!twin anyways.

Another inspector contacted me but seeing as how mafia doesn't seem to know who this person is, I'll refrain from mentioning said person.

Now funnily enough, twin claims that he hasn't received shit from knights but seeing as how twin knew early on that my role was absolutely useless without kills (he constantly brings up the whole why I can't use my role n0 to try and implicate me or some shit) it's more damning than anything that he wants me gone since I'm a threat xd.

Asek also claims that knights doesn't claim that he's a sheriff for not obvious reasons (hint not revealing himself to maf).

So what I see from this is the scum!twin (why the fuck are people even listening to him and riding his dick so much when he's known to be horrid at making decisions + hasn't been cleaned at all) is desperately trying to remove me, and I am not even bothering to try and convince town anymore and rather just letting my flip implicate him + von so they both can get their asses fucked. If there's any questions comments or concerns plz bring them up to US to lead the village. TY
I suggest getting tutored by sam in bullshitting 101.
My flip as team skull immediately implicates you. Or rather you have like 18 something hours before dl so I'm sure you can come up with some bullshit that village will believe when I flip as town since they'll believe anything and ride anyone at this point.