Fusion Evolution V3 (Voting Phase)

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Parents: Thundurus-Therian / Regirock
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Thunderock
New type: Electric.png Rock.png
New base stats: 80 / 115 / 135 / 115 / 100 / 75 (+13 Atk | +16 Sp. Atk | +1 HP | +10 Sp. Def)
New ability and desc: Volt Absorb + Clear Body = Impurity Draining: Absorbs Electric-Type moves and any kind of external way of lowering this mon's stats to heal 25% HP (Absorbs Sticky Web upon entry. Absorbs any move that may lower this mon's stats)
Notable moves: Thunderbolt, Ancient Power, Wild Charge, Stone Edge, Flash Cannon, Psychic, Sludge Bomb, Earthquake, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch
Role identification: Decently good mixed tank. It's big advantage is being able to absorb a lot of moves like Earth Power, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Trop Kick and more. It makes up for it's average Sp. Def by absorbing a lot of Special moves (Some of which it would be weak to). You get to pick which offensive side you want to play as, which is always nice. Also, IT REMOVES STICKY WEB. That is gorgeous!


Parents: Landorus-Therian / Regice
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Landice
New type: Ground.png Ice.png
New base stats: 104 / 97 / 95 / 122 / 140 / 70 (+20 HP | +20 Sp. Atk)
New ability and desc: Intimidate + Clear Body = Impurity Punishment: Upon switch-in, lowers foe's Attack stat by one stage. Cannot have it's stat lowered by external means. Any attempt at lowering this pokémon's stats will make the foes' attack stat go down by one stage
Notable moves: Ice Beam, Earth Power, Sludge Bomb, Flash Cannon, Thunderbolt
Role identification: Somewhat bulky special attacker. Actually, really bulky. 104/140 special with Intimidate to boot, and it can then gain another intimidate if the foe tries to lower your stats. Offensive wise, it has a pretty ok type. Ice Beam and Earth Power can get you covered easly.


Parents: Tornadus-Therian / Registeel
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Tornasteel
New type: Flying.png Steel.png
New base stats: 93 / 90 / 120 / 110 / 120 / 85 (+5 Def | +18 Sp Atk | +3 Atk | +14 HP)
New ability and desc: Regenerator + Clear Body = Impurity Regain: Regens 33% HP when switching out. Any attempt at lowering this mon's status will fail and instead heal it by 33% (Regens HP after taking the move)
Notable moves: Roost, Flash Cannon, Hurricane, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt
Role identification: Really good tank. This reminds me of M.A.G. in some ways - Same typing and simillar stats across the board. Tornasteel's biggest advantage is that it can regain a lot of HP pretty easly, all it needs to do is switch out, or be hit by something like Psychic, and it will have 1/3 of it's max HP back. It can use Assault Vest offensive sets as well.


Parents: Deoxys-Speed / Regirock
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Derockys-Speed
New type: Rock.png Psychic.png
New base stats: 65 / 117 / 145 / 72 / 105 / 125 (+20 Atk | +10 Sp. Def | +10 Speed)
New ability and desc: Pressure + Clear Body = Smooth Pressure: Opponent's stat drops are doubled. This mon cannot have it's stats lowered by external means.
Notable moves: Stealth Rock, Spikes, Zen Headbutt, Stone Edge
Role identification: Fast lead. That's kind of it. It's Deoxys-S but with good defenses.


Parents: Deoxys-Attack / Regice
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Deiceys-Attack
New type: Ice.png Psychic.png
New base stats: 65 / 115 / 80 / 140 / 110 / 120 (+20 Def | +20 Speed)
New ability and desc: Pressure + Clear Body = Smooth Pressure: Opponent's stat drops are doubled. This mon cannot have it's stats lowered by external means.
Notable moves: Ice Beam, Psyshock, Psychic, Elemental Punches, Superpower, Earthquake, Flash Cannon, Explosion
Role identification: Somewhat fast mixed attacker. And look, it even has good Special Defense! This thing has a pretty fine coverage. Actually, it has very random moves like Flash Cannon and the Elemental Punches. When using this thing, you can be pretty unpredictable


Parents: Deoxys-Defense / Registeel
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Desteelys-Defense
New type: Steel.png Psychic.png
New base stats: 85 / 80 / 155 / 84 / 155 / 70 (+8 Atk | +12 Sp. Atk | +20 HP)
New ability and desc: Pressure + Clear Body = Smooth Pressure: Opponent's stat drops are doubled. This mon cannot have it's stats lowered by external means.
Notable moves: Cosmic Power, Recover, Stealth Rocks, Thunder Wave, Seismic Toss
Role identification: Wall, I guess. Steel/Psychic isn't the worst thing ever afterall. It has recover and can further boost defenses with Cosmic Power.



Parents: Regigigas | Inkay
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Regink
New type: Normal.png Dark.png
New base stats:
91 | 107 | 86 | 58 | 86 | 82 (+10 HP| +15 Sp. Def | +5 Def | +10 Speed)
New ability and desc: Slow Start + Contrary = Quick Start: On switch-in, this Pokemon's Attack and Speed are 1.5x for 5 turns.
Notable moves: Return, Earthquake, Knock Off
Role identification: Strong as hell physical attacker. It's stats are meh at first but it then activates the ability and gains basically Scarf AND Band. At the least it finds a hard time when it comes to opportunities to switch in, and has no priority, but it is still a hella strong monster.


Parents: Regirock|Shiinotic
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Reshiirotick
New type: Grass.png Rock.png
New base stats: 90 | 72 | 140 | 70 | 120 | 60 (+20 HP | +20 Sp. Def)
New ability and desc: Rain Dish + Clear Body = Weak Dish: Regens HP every turn depending on which stage it's most lowered stat is at.

1 Stage = 5%
2 Stages = 10%
3 Stages = 15%
4 Stages = 20%
5 Stages = 25%
6 Stages = 30%

Note that it doesn't matter which stat, or how many are lowered, just at which stage the lowest one is. So having -1 Attack -3 Speed or just -3 Sp Atk doesn't matter, it'll regen 15% since the lowest is on the third stage

Notable moves: Spore, Strength Sap, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Thunder Wave, Seismic Toss, Curse
Role identification: Wall that can abuse curse a lot. Grass/Rock, oddly enough, isn't a bad defensive typing, even tho pure Rock and pure Grass are horrid ones. It's sets may be very predictable and it is very passive, but Strength Sap can prevent at the least some setting-up, Spore can put foes to sleep easly, Leech Seed is Leech Seed (Even tho with so many recovery options you might not need it). There isn't that much to say about it, just run a Curse set and watch foes struggle to take you down as you recover a lot of HP per turn and boost your defense, and attack so you can get free from being a sitting duck.
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Shared egg group:
Offspring name:
New type:
New base stats:
New ability and desc:
Notable moves:
Role identification:

Parents: Thundurus-Therian/Regirock
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Thunderock
New type: Electric/Steel
New base stats: 79 / 102 / 135 / 97 / 90 / 75
New ability and desc: Quick wip cause my PC is lagging
Notable moves:
Role identification:

Shared egg group:
Offspring name:
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Notable moves:
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New ability and desc:
Notable moves:
Role identification:


I'll do Regirock/Shiinotic and Regigigas/Inkay
you really like regis, don't you?
New Submissions

DNA Donors: Illumise / Xerneas
Offspring name: Illeas
New Type: Bug / Fairy
Base Stats: 95 / 105 / 85 / 106 / 91 / 112 (+16 Atk, +4 SpA, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Ionic Aura (Prankster + Fairy Aura) - While the user is active, all Fairy-type moves are boosted by a factor of 4/3 and have +1 priority.
Notable Moves:
Moonblast, Play Rough, Geomancy, Charm, Moonlight
Megahorn, U-turn, Close Combat, Zen Headbutt, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Rock Slide
Bug Buzz, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic / Psyshock, Shadow Ball
Encore, Roost, Thunder Wave, Aromatherapy, Ingrain, Wish
Role Identification: Mixed attacker with decent coverage alongside priority STAB, recovery, Attack reduction, and even Geomancy. Even though it's most likely to be a special sweeper (especially considering it has no way of boosting its Attack), don't overlook the physical side of its movepool, especially since Megahorn is its strongest STAB.

DNA Donors: Volbeat / Yveltal
Offspring name: Beatal
New Type: Bug / Dark
Base Stats: 95 / 106 / 85 / 105 / 91 / 112 (+4 Atk, +16 SpA, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Flux Aura (Prankster + Dark Aura) - While the user is active, all Dark-type moves are boosted by a factor of 4/3 and have +1 priority.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Foul Play, Dark Pulse, Snarl, Taunt, Torment, Hone Claws
U-turn, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Rock Slide
Bug Buzz, Focus Blast, Hurricane / Oblivion Wing, Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Heat Wave, Psychic
Tail Glow, Roost
Role Identification: Hmm...not the worst. Boosted priority Foul Play is a nice way to deal heavy damage to rogue physical attackers. Its offensive repertoire, alongside Hone Claws for the physical side and Tail Glow for the special side, lets it deal plenty of damage by itself.

DNA Donors: Cresselia / Mandibuzz
Offspring name: Crezz
New Type: Psychic / Dark
Base Stats: 115 / 67 / 122 / 85 / 122 / 82 (+10 Def, +20 SpA, +10 SpD)
New ability and desc: Lunar Plumage (Levitate + Big Pecks) - The user is immune to moves that can externally lower the user's Defense. (Moves affected: Crunch, Crush Claw, Fire Lash, Iron Tail, Leer, Liquidation, Razor Shell, Rock Smash, Screech, Shadow Bone, Tail Whip, Tickle)
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, U-turn
Dark Pulse, Psychic / Psyshock, Moonblast, Heat Wave, Ice Beam
Roost, Defog, Lunar Dance, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Whirlwind, Nasty Plot, Trick Room
Role Identification: Bulky Defogger with an odd typing, set of immunities, and movepool.
EDIT: Crezz's Ability has been changed.
EDIT 2: For some reason, the "DNA Donors" and "New Type" responses were in the wrong order. Minor fix.


DNA Donors: Darkrai / Braviary
Offspring name: Darkiva
New Type: Dark / Flying
Base Stats: 85 / 111 / 82 / 111 / 82 / 122 (+5 Atk, +15 SpA, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Dream Fuel (Bad Dreams + Defiant) - At the end of every turn, the user gains +1 Attack for every sleeping opponent on the field.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Superpower / Drain Punch, Poison Jab, U-turn
Dark Pulse, Air Slash, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Heat Wave
(Z-)Hypnosis, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Tailwind, Roost, Defog
Role Identification: What side will it attack on? Physical with Swords Dance and/or Z-Hypnosis to take better advantage of its Ability? Special with Nasty Plot for better coverage? Mixed for the best of both worlds? You decide.

Parents: Gourgeist-Super / Muk-Alola
Shared egg group: Amorphous
Offspring name: Gourkola
New type: Ghost / Dark
New base stats: 105 / 112 / 108 / 71 / 97 / 62 | 555 BST
New ability and desc: Junk Collector (Pickup + Power of Alchemy) - If the user switches in after an allied Pokémon faints, then the user gains the effect of the item that the fainted Pokémon was holding, alongside the effect of the user's item.
Notable moves:
Knock Off, Pursuit, Shadow Sneak, Iron Head, Brick Break
(Z-)Trick-or-Treat, Synthesis, Leech Seed, Will-O-Wisp
Role Identification: This thing is kinda weird. The idea behind it was being similar to Pika Xreme's Entrant (Entei + Trevenant) submission, except it makes use of Z-Trick-or-Treat, and in conjunction with Pursuit no less. In addition, its bulk is not too shabby, its physical prowess is usable, it has decent utility, and it has Synthesis for recovery. Oh, and did I mention that it can effectively have two items at once?
EDIT 2: Forget Hypnock (for now); I have a better idea.

DNA Donors: Victini / Camerupt
Offspring name: Victerupt
New Type: Psychic / Fire
Base Stats: 85 / 120 / 95 / 102 / 97 / 70 (+20 Atk, +10 Def, +10 SpD) | 569 BST
New ability and desc: Stalwart Support (Victory Star + Solid Rock) - While the user is on the field, it and its allies take 75% less damage from super-effective attacks.
Notable Moves: clicking the Mega Evolution button
Role Identification: Cameruptite holder.


Mega Evolution: Mega Victerupt
Type: Psychic / Fire
Base Stats: 85 / 140 / 125 / 142 / 127 / 50 (+20 Atk, +30 Def, +40 Atk, +30 SpD, -20 Spe) | 669 BST
Ability: Sheer Force
Notable Moves:
Flare Blitz / V-create, Zen Headbutt, Bolt Strike, Earthquake, Iron Head, Rock Slide, U-turn
Blue Flare, Psychic, Energy Ball, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Glaciate, Dazzling Gleam, Ancient Power
Trick Room, Growth, Stealth Rock, Will-O-Wisp, Taunt, Yawn
Role Identification: Trick Room tank with a colorful movepool chock-full of attacks boosted by Sheer Force.


DNA Donors: Zekrom / Marowak
Offspring name: Kromork
New Type: Electric / Ground
Base Stats: 80 / 115 / 115 / 101 / 101 / 80 (+16 SpA, +11 SpD, +13 Spe) | 592 BST
New ability and desc: Tera Armor (Teravolt + Battle Armor) - Moves targeting this Pokémon are unaffected by the Ability of the move user.
Notable Moves:
Bolt Strike, Bonemerang, Stone Edge, Knock Off
Volt Switch, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Focus Blast
Stealth Rock, Roost, Tailwind
Role Identification: Not-so-balanced tank with weird typing, decent coverage, and an Ability that helps its survivability. (Also, its name is intentionally a palindrome. :toast:)

DNA Donors: Tangrowth / Nihilego
Offspring name: Tango
New Type: Grass / Rock
Base Stats: 107 / 79 / 97 / 127 / 101 / 79 (+3 HP, +3 Atk, +11 Def, +9 SpA, +11 SpD, +3 Spe) | 590 BST
New ability and desc: Dance Partner (Regenerator + Beast Boost) - If the user switches out, then the user recovers 1/3 HP, and its replacement gets a Beast Boost (factoring in the stats of the replacement, not the user).
Notable Moves:
Knock Off
Giga Drain, Power Gem, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Psyshock
Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Sleep Powder, Toxic Spikes, Synthesis
Role Identification: Specially offensive pivot that can keep itself healthy and support its teammates in one Ability.
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Guys, I'm scared that I broke the Fusion Evolution meta with this sub. Can someone tell me if it's broke? Cause fire and water variants are gonna come soon. Are the immunities pushing it?

A trio idea I think is genie-us.
Parents: Simisage, Landorus
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Simorus-Sage
New type: Grass / Ground
New base stats:
82 / 111 / 76 / 126 (+20) / 71 / 121 (+20)
New ability and desc: Grassy Sand Force (Overgrow + Sand Force; Boosts the power of Grass-Type and Ground-Type moves by 1.5× and Doubles the power of Rock-Type moves (additional boost to Rock because Sandstorm is a Rock-Type weather). These boosts have an additional 1.3× multiplier in sandstorms or if the Pokémon is below 1/3 of Hp, and the Pokémon is immune to moves of the Grass, Ground, Rock, and Steel-Types.)
Notable moves: Focus Blast, Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Hidden Power Rock, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Psychic, Return, Low Kick, Superpower, Gunk Shot, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Outrage, Knock Off, Crunch, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Rock Polish, Stealth Rock
Role identification: an offensive sweeper which can work on both sides of the spectrum. On the physical side, it can use Seed Bomb and Earthquake as STABs, and uses Stone Edge as amazing coverage. On the special side, the Ground STAB is marginally lower, but Energy Ball and Leaf Storm make up for it. Though it has no special Rock move, nothing like a good old Rock-Type Hidden Power to fix that up, and it still hits decently hard. If you aren't satisfied with its output, it can boost with one of Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, or Rock Polish. It even has immunities to switch into as well, and if you can get it into sandstorm, then watch it snowball everythig.
Someone help me...
Hey guys! Sorry if I was absent in this period, but I've been very busy with university and stuff. I'll begin to contribute again now on.
My subs:


DNA Donors: Zekrom / Banette
Offspring name: Zekrette
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 82
Atk 140 (+8)
Def 100 (+8)
SpA 107 (+6)
SpD 81
Spe 95 (+18)
BST 605
New ability and desc: Short Curcuit (Teravolt + Frisk) - Holder's moves ignore opponent's ability and item.
Notable Moves:
: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw, Fusion Bolt, Bolt Strike, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Pursuit, Knock Off, Gunk Shot, Zen Headbutt
: Thunder Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Roost, Destiny Bond, Curse, Disable, Taunt, Trick


DNA Donors: Zekrom / Mega Banette
Offspring name: Mega Zekrette
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 84
Atk 190
Def 110
SpA 115
SpD 101
Spe 105
BST 605
New ability and desc: Prankster
Notable Moves:
: Shadow Sneak, Shadow Claw, Fusion Bolt, Bolt Strike, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Crunch, Sucker Punch, Pursuit, Knock Off, Gunk Shot, Zen Headbutt
: Thunder Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Roost, Destiny Bond, Curse, Disable, Taunt, Trick
Role Identification: WIP

DNA Donors: Piloswine / Giratina Origin Form
Offspring name: Giraswine
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 125
Atk 130 (+20)
Def 100 (+10)
SpA 90
SpD 90 (+10)
Spe 70
BST 605
New ability and desc: Tundra (Thick Fat + Levitate) - Holder is immune to Ground-, Ice- and Fire-type moves.
Notable Moves:
: Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Ice Fang, Shadow Sneak, Shadow Force, Shadow Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Superpower, Knock Off, Iron Head, Aqua Tail, Dragon Tail, Dragon Claw
: Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Destiny Bond, Defog, Stealth Rock, Pain Split, Tailwind, Light Screen, Reflect
Role Identification: 5 immunities, nice bulkiness, unique type in FE, STAB priorities and Shadow Force... Giraswine is HUGE! Use it as a tank or a TR sweeper (I know 70 base speed isn't very low, but is much higher than most FEs), or give it a Scarf and sweep. It has a very wide coverage, including EdgeQuake, and a lot of utility moves like status spreading, SR and Defog.

DNA Donors: Lunala / Masquerain
Offspring name: Lunarain
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 103
Atk 86
Def 90 (+15)
SpA 135 (+17)
SpD 100 (+6)
Spe 90 (+2)
BST 604
New ability and desc: Lunar Reflection (Shadow Shield + Masquerain) - When at full HP, holder takes halve of the damage from attacks; if the holder receives direct damage by a move while at full HP, one of opponent's attacking stats is lowered by one, in base of the category of the move that hits it: Attack if physical, Special Attack if special.
Notable Moves:
: U-turn, Lunge, Shadow Claw, Quick Attack, Aqua Jet
: Moongeist Beam, Night Shade, Shadow Ball, Bug Buzz, Signal Beam, Scald, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Psychic, Psyshock, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, Air Slash, Giga Drain
: Quiver Dance, Calm Mind, Roost, Moonlight, Sticky Web, Tailwind, Thunder Wave, Will-O-Wisp
Role Identification: WIP

Parents: Hydreigon / Sceptile
Shared egg group: Dragon
Offspring name: Sceptigon
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 91
Atk 105
Def 82
SpA 125
SpD 97
Spe 119
BST 619
New ability and desc: Ballast (Levitate + Unburden) - After the holder loses its item or is hit by a Ground-type move, its Speed is doubled; this bonus applies only 1 time and lasts until the holder switches out (just like Flash Fire); gives immunity to Ground-type moves.
Notable moves:
: Pursuit, Crunch, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, U-turn, Earthquake, Thunder Punch, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Dragon Tail
: Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Dark Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Surf, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast
: Agility, Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Roost, Synthesis, Quick Guard, Detect, Taunt


Parents: Hydreigon / Mega Sceptile
Shared egg group: Dragon
Offspring name: Sceptigon
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 91
Atk 130
Def 92
SpA 165
SpD 97
Spe 144
BST 719
New ability and desc: Lighting Rod
Notable moves:
: Pursuit, Crunch, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, U-turn, Earthquake, Thunder Punch, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Dragon Tail
: Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Dark Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Surf, Earth Power, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast
: Agility, Swords Dance, Thunder Wave, Roost, Synthesis, Quick Guard, Detect, Taunt
Role Identification: WIP

Parents: Granbull / Krookodile
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Krookobull
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 109
Atk 133
Def 92
SpA 77
SpD 80
Spe 83
BST 572
New ability and desc: Intimidate (+15 to all stats)
Notable moves:
: Play Rough, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Crunch, Knock Off, Pursuit, Superpower, Close Combat, Power-Up Punch, Shadow Claw, Aqua Tail, Super Fang
: Bulk Up, Home Claws, Stealth Rock, Taunt
Role Identification: WIP

DNA Donors: Therian Thundurus / Alolan Golem
Offspring name: Thundulem-Alorian
New Type:

Base Stats:
HP 80 (+1)
Atk 120 (+8)
Def 100
SpA 120 (+20)
SpD 75 (+3)
Spe 80 (+7)
BST 575
New ability and desc: Electrolyte (Volt Absorb + Galvanize) - Normal-type moves used by the holder become Electric-type; every time the holder is hit by an Electric-type move, it doesn't receive damage and the power of Electric-type move is boosted by +30% each time.
Notable Moves:
: Thrash, Double Edge, Explosion, Thunder Punch, Wild Charge, Stone Edge, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Ice Punch, Crunch, Knock Off, Hammer Arm, Heavy Slam (100 BP)
: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Discharge, Volt Switch, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon
: Nasty Plot, Stealth Rocks, Thunder Wave, Taunt, Bulk Up, Agility/Rock Polish/Autotomize
Role Identification: Dunno, just an experiment. It didn't even turn out very well.
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I'm kinda struggling with making a Pressure + Clear Body ability. Anyone have suggestions?
Pressure + Sturdy/Ice Body/Light Metal also works

Parents: Regigigas/Spinda
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Spindas
New type: Normal
New base stats: 95 (+10)/130 (+20)/85/70/85/90 (+10)
New ability and desc: Instant Speed (Slow Start+Contrary) - Spindas' speed doubles for the first 5 turns of the battle.
Notable moves: Knock Off, Return, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Substitute, Drain Punch, Aerial Ace, Brick Break, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Retaliate, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt, Trick Room, Sucker Punch, Baton Pass, Work Up, Copycat, Encore, Power-Up Punch, Psycho Cut, Rock Slide, Wish
Role Identification: For the first five turns of the battle, it'll have a blistering 180 speed. Good luck.

Actually, that's not how stat doubling works. It doubles the actual stat. With base 90 univested you have 216 speed, so it would become 432 speed (198 univested base)


Spore and V-Create are both amazing moves, so here's something that can effectively use them together!
Parents: Breloom + Victini
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Brelini
New type: Grass/Fire
New base stats: 80/135/90/80/80/105 (570) (+20 Atk, +20 Speed)
New ability and desc: Star Power (Technician + Victory Star): Moves at or under 60 BP power 1.5x. Moves at or under 90 accuracy power 1.1x. These boosts stack. All moves accuracy 1.5x.
Notable moves: Bullet Seed, Flare Blitz, V-Create, Spore, (Z-)Celebrate, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Bolt Strike, Iron Tail
Role identification: Able to both put enemies to sleep with Spore and rip them apart with its powerful attacks, Brelini is a force to be reckoned with. Stone Edge is it best coverage move so it can hit opposing Fire-types.

Sample Sets:

Brelini @ Focus Sash
Ability: Star Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spore
- V-Create
- Bullet Seed
- Stone Edge

Spore + V-Create attacker. Spore and Focus Sash can buy Brelini turns to use V-Create, oh and it also has other moves.

Brelini @ Normalium Z
Ability: Star Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Celebrate
- Bullet Seed
- Flare Blitz
- Stone Edge / Spore

Z-Celebrate. Given that it's a setup set, V-Create would be counterproductive.

Brelini @ Choice Band
Ability: Star Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- V-Create
- Bullet Seed
- Stone Edge
- Bolt Strike

banded v-create


It may seem like a wall at first, but don't be fooled...
Parents: Aegislash + Meloetta
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Aetta(-Aria)
New type: Ghost/Normal
New base stats: 80/63/133/89/159/75 (599) (+20 Defense, +20 Special Defense)
New ability and desc: Serene Stance (Stance Change + Serene Grace): As Aetta-Aria: Changes to Aetta-Blade before attacking. Enemies cannot land secondary effects.
Notable moves: Heal Bell? Calm Mind? also see Aetta-Blade
Role identification: For switching in.

Parents: Aegislash-Blade + Meloetta-Pirouette
Offspring name: Aetta-Blade
New type: Ghost/Fighting
New base stats: 80/75/89/133/63/159 (applies Pirouette then Blade in case you're wondering)
New ability and desc: Serene Stance: As Aetta-Blade: Changes to Aetta-Aria when using King's Shield or after using Relic Song. User's moves have their secondary effect chances doubled.
Notable moves: Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, King's Shield, Flash Cannon, Relic Song, Psychic, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Dazzling Gleam, Energy Ball
Role identification: Dangerous sweeper with great speed and an excellent offensive typing, as well as a more defensive form just in case. Sadly, Focus Blast is its best Fighting STAB, but it's still more than worth it.

Sample Set:

Aetta @ Fightinium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Serene Stance
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Calm Mind
- filler


[21:00:31] @ Pika Xreme: i was struggling to think of a role desc for absoko and I just wrote [21:00:33] @ Pika Xreme: "here he is! WRYYYYYYYYY" [21:00:40] @ Pika Xreme: I don't know why
Parents: Absol + Tapu Koko
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Absoko
New type: Dark/Fairy
New base stats: 67/142/72/85/67/122 (555) (+20 Atk, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Dark Surge (Justified + Electric Surge): Summons Dark Terrain - basically Electric Terrain, but it boosts Dark-type moves instead.
Notable moves: Knock Off, Play Rough, Sucker Punch, U-turn, Brave Bird, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Megahorn, X-Scissor, Zen Headbutt
Role identification: Powerful sweeper that summons a unique terrain. Thanks to Dark Terrain it has some of the most powerful Dark moves in the game! Definitely worth using on your team.

Parents: Absol-Mega + Tapu Koko
Offspring name: Absoko-Mega
New type: Dark/Fairy
New base stats: 67/162/72/125/67/162 (655)
New ability and desc: Magic Bounce
Notable moves: see base
Role identification: i can't even think of a reason to use this over base



A tanky behemoth that exploits its poor type with an incredible ability.
Parents: Avalugg + Rhyperior
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Avaperior
New type: Ice/Rock
New base stats: 115/138/167/59/60/44 (583)
New ability and desc: Solid Ice (Sturdy + Solid Rock): This Pokemon cannot be KO'd in one hit, and takes 1/4 (25%) damage from super-effective moves.
Notable moves: Recover, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Avalanche, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Rapid Spin, Stealth Rock, Curse, Roar / Dragon Tail, Mirror Coat, assorted pointless coverage
Role identification: With incredible physical bulk and good Attack, it's clear that Avaperior is a tank through and through. Its ability will, in most situations, protect it from super-effective moves. It's also a dual hazard setter and remover. However, it's special bulk isn't too hot...

Sample Set:
Avaperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Solid Ice
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Recover
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge

hazards set.

Avaperior @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Solid Ice
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Recover
- Stone Edge / Rock Slide
- Avalanche / Ice Punch
- Earthquake

offense set???? Solid Ice lets it safely switch in to super-effective moves which is cool.


270 BP Volt Tackle.
Parents: Raichu + Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Raishao
New type: Electric/Fighting
New base stats: 72/117/67/102/80/117 (555)
New ability and desc: Overdrive (Static + Reckless): Any moves with recoil/crash damage or a paralysis chance do 1.5x (1.2 + 30%) damage. These boosts stack. Takes 30% of the normal recoil/crash damage when it uses a recoil/crash move.
Notable moves: Volt Tackle, High Jump Kick, Double-Edge, Extreme Speed, Knock Off, (Z-)Celebrate/Happy Hour/Hold Hands
Role identification: 270 BP Volt Tackle should speak for itself.

Sample Set:
Raishao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Overdrive
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Volt Tackle
- High Jump Kick
- filler
- filler


Parents: Mimikyu + Zygarde
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Zyzikyu
New type: Fairy/Ground
New base stats: 81/115/100/65/100/115 (576) (+20 Attack, +20 Speed)
New base stats (Complete): 189/115/100/75/100/105 (684)
New ability and desc: Construct Cloak (Disguise + Power Construct): Disguise effects + upon disguise being busted, turns into Complete Form.
Notable moves: Thousand Arrows, Play Rough, Swords Dance, Coil, Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Glare, Will-o-Wisp
Role identification: Setup sweeper with basically perfect neutral STAB coverage (unless someone makes a Fairy-immune that resists Arrows).

Sample Set:
Zyzikyu @ Leftovers
Ability: Construct Cloak
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Play Rough
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Dance


spiky shenanigans
Parents: Klefki + Ferrothorn
Shared egg group: Mineral
Offspring name: Ferroki
New type: Steel/Fairy
New base stats: 75/97/121/77/111/57 (538)
New ability and desc: Tricky Barbs (Prankster + Iron Barbs): Status moves have +1 priority. If an opponent makes contact with a Pokemon with Tricky Barbs, they take 1/8th of their max HP in damage. If an opponent is hit by a status move from a Pokemon with Tricky Barbs*, they take 1/16th of their max HP in damage.
Notable moves: Leech Seed, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Reflect, Light Screen, Magnet Rise, Play Rough, Knock Off, Foul Play, Nature Power
Role identification: Same old Ferrothorn shenanigans with priority, or maybe same old Klefki shenanigans with more bulk? Smack silly any Dark-types trying to block you using your Fairy STAB!

*Even if they are immune, even if the immunity is to Prankster derivatives a whole. Does not work with field-targeting moves such as weather and hazards.

Ferroki @ Leftovers
Ability: Tricky Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful nature
- Leech Seed
- Spikes / Stealth Rock
- Thunder Wave
- Play Rough


280 BP Boomburst
Parents: Noivern + Noctowl
Shared egg group: Flying
Offspring name: Noctvern
New type: Flying/Normal
New base stats: 102/70/75/101/98/106 (552)
New ability and desc: Infiltrator's Lens (Infiltrator + Tinted Lens): Ignores substitutes, screens and Mist. If a move would already do one of those, it does double damage.
Notable moves: Boomburst, brick break i guess?????
Role identification: 280 BP Boomburst, or in other words the special counterpart to Raishao.
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Spore and V-Create are both amazing moves, so here's something that can effectively use them together!
Parents: Breloom + Victini
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Brelini
New type: Grass/Fire
New base stats: 80/135/90/80/80/105 (570) (+20 Atk, +20 Speed)
New ability and desc: Star Power: Moves at or under 60 BP power 1.5x. Moves at or under 90 accuracy power 1.1x. These boosts stack. All moves accuracy 1.5x.
Notable moves: Bullet Seed, Flare Blitz, V-Create, Spore, (Z-)Celebrate, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Bolt Strike, Iron Tail
Role identification: Able to both put enemies to sleep with Spore and rip them apart with its powerful attacks, Brelini is a force to be reckoned with. Stone Edge is it best coverage move so it can hit opposing Fire-types.

Sample Sets:

Brelini @ Focus Sash
Ability: Star Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spore
- V-Create
- Bullet Seed
- Stone Edge

Spore + V-Create attacker. Spore and Focus Sash can buy Brelini turns to use V-Create, oh and it also has other moves.

Brelini @ Normalium Z
Ability: Star Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Celebrate
- Bullet Seed
- Flare Blitz
- Stone Edge / Spore

Z-Celebrate. Given that it's a setup set, V-Create would be counterproductive.

Brelini @ Choice Band
Ability: Star Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- V-Create
- Bullet Seed
- Stone Edge
- Bolt Strike

banded v-create


It may seem like a wall at first, but don't be fooled...
Parents: Aegislash + Meloetta
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Aetta(-Aria)
New type: Ghost/Normal
New base stats: 80/63/133/89/159/75 (599) (+20 Defense, +20 Special Defense)
New ability and desc: Serene Stance (Stance Change + Serene Grace): As Aetta-Aria: Changes to Aetta-Blade before attacking. Enemies cannot land secondary effects.
Notable moves: Heal Bell? Calm Mind? also see Aetta-Blade
Role identification: For switching in.

Parents: Aegislash-Blade + Meloetta-Pirouette
Offspring name: Aetta-Blade
New type: Ghost/Fighting
New base stats: 80/75/89/133/63/159 (applies Pirouette then Blade in case you're wondering)
New ability and desc: Serene Stance: As Aetta-Blade: Changes to Aetta-Aria when using King's Shield or after using Relic Song. User's moves have their secondary effect chances doubled.
Notable moves: Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, King's Shield, Flash Cannon, Relic Song, Psychic, Psyshock, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Dazzling Gleam, Energy Ball
Role identification: Dangerous sweeper with great speed and an excellent offensive typing, as well as a more defensive form just in case. Sadly, Focus Blast is its best Fighting STAB, but it's still more than worth it.

Sample Set:

Aetta @ Fightinium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Serene Stance
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Calm Mind
- filler



A tanky behemoth that exploits its poor type with an incredible ability.
Parents: Avalugg + Rhyperior
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Avaperior
New type: Ice/Rock
New base stats: 115/138/167/59/60/44 (583)
New ability and desc: Solid Ice (Sturdy + Solid Rock): This Pokemon cannot be KO'd in one hit, and takes 1/4 (25%) damage from super-effective moves.
Notable moves: Recover, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Avalanche, Ice Punch, Earthquake, Rapid Spin, Stealth Rock, Curse, Roar / Dragon Tail, Mirror Coat, assorted pointless coverage
Role identification: With incredible physical bulk and good Attack, it's clear that Avaperior is a tank through and through. Its ability will, in most situations, protect it from super-effective moves. It's also a dual hazard setter and remover. However, it's special bulk isn't too hot...

Sample Set:
Avaperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Solid Ice
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Recover
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge

hazards set.

Avaperior @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Solid Ice
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Recover
- Stone Edge / Rock Slide
- Avalanche / Ice Punch
- Earthquake

offense set???? Solid Ice lets it safely switch in to super-effective moves which is cool.


270 BP Volt Tackle.
Parents: Raichu + Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Raishao
New type: Electric/Fighting
New base stats: 72/117/67/102/80/117 (555)
New ability and desc: Overdrive (Static + Reckless): Any moves with recoil/crash damage or a paralysis chance do 1.5x damage. These boosts stack. When a Pokemon with Overdrive would take recoil/crash damage, it instead attempts to paralyze itself*.
Notable moves: Volt Tackle, High Jump Kick, Double-Edge, Extreme Speed, Knock Off, (Z-)Celebrate/Happy Hour/Hold Hands
Role identification: 270 BP Volt Tackle should speak for itself.

*Taking into account immunities, so Raishao has no negative effect to its recoil moves unless it is no longer Electric-type.

Sample Set:
Raishao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Overdrive
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Volt Tackle
- High Jump Kick
- filler
- filler

Shared egg group:
Offspring name:
New type:
New base stats:
New ability and desc:
Notable moves:
Role identification:
how is raishao not overpowered?
i suggest making it take 30% of the normal recoil but not no recoil at all.
A couple of paired fusions for you today out of excitement for Stranger Things tomorrow:


A glacier of refuse that refuses to die
Parents: Glalie and Garbodor
Egg Group: Mineral
Name: Glaciodor
Type: Ice/Poison
Base Stats: 90 / 97 / 91 / 80 / 91 / 87 [BST537]
New Ability: (Ice Body+Weak Armor) Survival Drive - Reduces damage taken from Physical attacks by 1/8 the user's maximum HP. When hit by a Physical attack, Speed is increased by one combat stage.
Notable Moves: Gunk Shot, Clear Smog, Toxic Spikes, Infestation, Rock Polish, Haze, Curse, Rock Blast, Spikes, Ice Shard, Crunch, Earthquake, Gyro Ball, Taunt, Avalanche, Toxic, Pain Split, Substitute
Role Identification: A deceptively tough Pokemon that wants to wait before Mega Evolving. With max HP investment, Glaciodor has 48 damage reduction on every physical hit, and one such hit brings it to 130 base speed. So switch it in on a less threatening attack and decide if you want to lay hazards, boost up more, trap and wear down the target, or what.

Mega Glaciodor
New Base Stats: 90/137/91/120/91/107
Ability: Refrigerate
Newly Notable Moves: Acid Spray, Sludge Wave, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Freeze-dry, Icy Wind, Hex, Shadow Ball, Headbutt, Return, Weather Ball, Body Slam, Explosion
Role Identification: Now we've got options for Ice STAB, a reasonable speed, and the offensive stats to back them up. A more standard attacker designed to capitalize on decisions made in the base form.


A ghostly gardener with the sun in her eyes
Parents: Cherrim and Froslass
Egg Group: Fairy
Name: Froscher
Type: Grass/Ghost
Base Stats: 80 / 80 / 80 / 93 / 84 / 107 [BST524]
Base Stats (Evergreen Forme): 80 / 80 / 120 / 139 / 84 / 107
New Ability: (Snow Cloak+Flower Gift) Evergreen - During Hail and Harsh Sunlight, the user' defense and special attack are multiplied by 1.5x and the user is immune to Hail damage. Additionally, its moves with beneficial effects in Harsh Sunlight or Hail are always used as if in their best conditions as long as either weather is active.
Notable Moves: Destiny Bond, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Aurora Veil, Will-o-Wisp, Aromatherapy, Sunny Day, Hail, Swords Dance, Healing Wish, Substitute, Leech Seed, Growth, Morning Sun, Icy Wind, Shadow Ball, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Hex, Solar Beam, Dazzling Gleam, Weather Ball, Ice Shard
Role Identification: Froscher is a consistent lead and cleaner for weather teams. It has access to fire-type Weather Ball, Solar Beam, Growth, and Morning Sun in Hail and 100% accurate Blizzards and Aurora Veil in Sun!


A deep-sea tentacle stealing your skill
Parents: Cradily and Tentacruel
Egg Group: Water 3
Name: Cruelily
Type: Water/Grass
Base Stats: 93 / 85 / 91 / 90 / 123 / 81 [BST563]
New Ability: (Storm Drain+Clear Body) Essence Thief - This Pokemon's moves that drain HP also steal 1 stage of Special Attack from the target.
Notable Moves: Giga Drain, Ancient Power, Gastro Acid, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Infestation, Toxic, Rock Polish, Substitute, Stealth Rock, Recover, Curse, Hex, Hydro Pump, Toxic Spikes, Rapid Spin, Venoshock, Surf, Ice Beam, Dazzling Gleam, Knock Off, Haze
Role Identification: Special Tank, with options to dismantle key targets and remove hazards and boosts.


A well-armored foe; one shot needs to kill
Parents: Armaldo and Cloyster
Egg Group: Water 3
Name: Armos
Type: Rock/Water
Base Stats: 72 / 120 / 150 / 87 / 72 / 67 [BST568]
New Ability: (Skill Link+Battle Armor) Deflector Shield - After taking damage, the user is immune to damage for the rest of the turn.
Notable Moves: X-Scissor, Rock Blast, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Razor Shell, Avalanche, Rock Polish, Swords Dance, Aqua Jet, Smart Strike, Poison Jab, Knock Off, Rapid Spin, Shell Smash, Toxic Spikes, Spikes, Aqua Ring
Role Identification: That immunity covers direct and indirect damage, so for instance hazards mean paying some HP to ignore that attack you're switching into and getting hit means no Toxic damage this turn. It's a solid bulky physical Pokemon that can boost, lead, spin, and potentially wallbreak.
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Noticed that everything i make is illegal (i hate ma life)

After years of searching, i've finally found the perfect partner for Sigilyph...
Parents: Sigilyph & Volcanion
Shared egg group: DNA (FINALLY)
Offspring name: Volcano Emblem
New type: Flying/Fire
New base stats:
80 (+4) Hp/85 (+1) Atk/100 Def/130 (+13) SpA/94 (+9) SpD/100 (+14) Spe=585 BST (+40)
New ability and desc: Magic Sponge (Magic Guard + Water Absorb)->
The Pokémon only takes damage from attacks. If indirect damage or a water-type attack is used on it, it will health 25% of its life instead.
Notable moves:
Air Slash, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Overheat, Ice Beam, Steam Eruption, Earth Power, Scald, Focus Miss Blast, Heat Wave, Sludge Bomb & Wave, Psychic, Pshyshock, Stored Power, Energy ball, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Air Cutter, Charge Beam, Shock Wave.
-Physical: Flare Blitz, Flame Charge, Earthquake, Superpower, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, EXPLOSION, Aerial Ace, Zen Headbutt.
-Status: Roost, Calm Mind, Cosmic Power, Haze, Thunder Wave, Magic Coat.
Role identification: ALL OUT ATTACKER. Seriously, this thing has a HUGE movepool and a great 130 SpA, making it a really difficult 'mon to switch-into. It also has a great defensive typing on flying/fire in wich, thanks to magic sponge, no longer has to care about Stealth Rocks, Life Orb damage and Water-type Attacks, all with reliable recovery on Roost.

Ampharos finally gets tail glow ...
Parents: Ampharos & Manaphy
Shared egg group: DNA
Offspring name: Amphy
New type: Water/Electric
New base stats:
97 (+2) Hp/90 (+2) Atk/95 (+2) Def/120 (+12) SpA/95 SpD/100 (+22) Spe=595 BST
New ability and desc: Rain Charge (Plus + Hydration)->
Boosts the SpA of the user by 50% and cures status under rain.
Notable moves:
Surf, Scald, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Ice Beam, Discharge, Focus Miss Blast, Psychic, Power Gem, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Dazzling Gleam.
-Physical: Waterfall, Wild Charge, Knock Off, Bulldoze, Fire and Thunder Punch.
-Status: TAIL GLOW BOYS, Rain Dance, Calm Mind, Heal Bell, Thunder Wave, Agility.
Role identification: Oh boi, this thing will hurt. With access to both Tail Glow and Agility, Amphy is going to be able to destroy almost anything not called Chansey or Dialcatty. It also has lots of coverage options to abuse for not being hard walled easily.It also has a good defensive typing, leaving it with only 2 weaknesses. And then we have the Mega...


Parents: Manaphy & Ampharos (Mega)
Shared egg group:
Offspring name: Amphy-Mega
New type: Water/Dragon
New base stats:
97 Hp/110 (+20) Atk/115 (+20) Def/170 (+50) SpA/115 (+20)/90 (-10) Spe=695 BST (+100)
New ability and desc:
Mold Breaker
Notable moves:
The same as above + Dragon Pulse and Outrage.
Role identification: A fatter and stronger Amphy. If normal one hitted hard, this one just destroys EVERYTHING after a tail glow. It also has a decent defensive typing as the regular form.

Parents: Bronzong & Cofagrigus
Shared egg group:
Offspring name: Tlalot's Sarcophagus
New type: Steel/Ghost
New base stats:
80 Hp (+13)/70 Atk/131 Def/110 SpA (+23)/131 SpD (+20)/36 Spe (+4)=558 BST (+60)
New ability and desc: Ethereal (Levitate + Mummy)->
When a Pokémon with this Ability is hit by a move which the Pokemon is inmune or a move that makes contact, the Ability of the attacking Pokémon will become Mummy. The Pokémon is inmune to all Ground-Type attacks and all contact moves.
Notable moves:
Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Hex, Psychic, Psyshock, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Future Sight, Extrasensory, Dark Pulse, Infestation.
-Physical: Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, EXPLOSION, Rock Slide.
-Status: Will-O-Wisp, Nasty Plot, Pain Split, Trick Room, Calm Mind, Light Screen and Reflect.
Role identification: Well, let's see: Great mixed defenses, good utility movepool, a REALLY annoying ability...Wow, this guy right here has all the tools to be an incredibly annoying 'mon. Oh it also has 4 inmunities and an inmunity to ALL contact moves, wich means that it's inmune to both Knock Off and Pursuit, wich absolutely hates. Also, if you're stupid enough to attack this guy with those attacks, you'll gain an useless ability on Mummy.
PD: The name of Tlalot's Sarcophagus is based on the fact that the face of Bronzong is the Aztec God Tlalot's one.
Thoughts on these ?
Thoughts on these ?
you can only add up to 20 of one stat for DNA fusions so Amphy is illegal, although easily fixable.
also you round decimals down not up :P
any ability which makes things immune to contact moves is banned for being too OP and that last fusion takes that to a whole new level, remove that part.
they're cool ideas otherwise
you can only add up to 20 of one stat for DNA fusions so Amphy is illegal, although easily fixable.
also you round decimals down not up :P
any ability which makes things immune to contact moves is banned for being too OP and that last fusion takes that to a whole new level, remove that part.
they're cool ideas otherwise
Fixed: Now Ethereal is a mix between heatproof and Mummy
Ability shouldn't make it immune to those things. Rock type boost shouldn't be doubled, it should match the others.
I'll keep the Grass immunity (the immunity comes from the fact that Sand Force makes a Pokemon immune to sandstorms and the other ability involves moves of the Grass-Type) and remove the others. Rock-Type boost will be appropriately lowered (I made that at 9:30 PM by the way) and a Steel-Type boost will be added (cause it felt arbitrary to leave that type out when I look at it now.)

New Submissions

DNA Donors: Illumise / Xerneas
Offspring name: Illeas
New Type: Bug / Fairy
Base Stats: 95 / 105 / 85 / 106 / 91 / 112 (+16 Atk, +4 SpA, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Ionic Aura (Prankster + Fairy Aura) - While the user is active, all Fairy-type moves are boosted by a factor of 4/3 and have +1 priority.
Notable Moves:
Moonblast, Play Rough, Geomancy, Charm, Moonlight
Megahorn, U-turn, Close Combat, Zen Headbutt, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Rock Slide
Bug Buzz, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic / Psyshock, Shadow Ball
Encore, Roost, Thunder Wave, Aromatherapy, Ingrain, Wish
Role Identification: Mixed attacker with decent coverage alongside priority STAB, recovery, Attack reduction, and even Geomancy. Even though it's most likely to be a special sweeper (especially considering it has no way of boosting its Attack), don't overlook the physical side of its movepool, especially since Megahorn is its strongest STAB.

DNA Donors: Volbeat / Yveltal
Offspring name: Beatal
New Type: Bug / Dark
Base Stats: 95 / 106 / 85 / 105 / 91 / 112 (+4 Atk, +16 SpA, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Flux Aura (Prankster + Dark Aura) - While the user is active, all Dark-type moves are boosted by a factor of 4/3 and have +1 priority.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Foul Play, Dark Pulse, Snarl, Taunt, Torment, Hone Claws
U-turn, Zen Headbutt, Brick Break, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Rock Slide
Bug Buzz, Focus Blast, Hurricane / Oblivion Wing, Thunderbolt, Dazzling Gleam, Heat Wave, Psychic
Tail Glow, Roost
Role Identification: Hmm...not the worst. Boosted priority Foul Play is a nice way to deal heavy damage to rogue physical attackers. Its offensive repertoire, alongside Hone Claws for the physical side and Tail Glow for the special side, lets it deal plenty of damage by itself.

DNA Donors: Mandibuzz / Cresselia
Offspring name: Crezz
New Type: Dark / Psychic
Base Stats: 115 / 67 / 122 / 85 / 122 / 82 (+10 Def, +20 SpA, +10 SpD)
New ability and desc: Brittle Armor (Weak Armor + Levitate) - If the user survives an opponent's physical attack, then the user's Defense is lowered by 1 stage, but a layer of Spikes is set up on the opponent's side.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, U-turn
Dark Pulse, Psychic / Psyshock, Moonblast, Heat Wave, Ice Beam
Roost, Defog, Lunar Dance, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Whirlwind, Nasty Plot, Trick Room
Role Identification: This thing can set hazards without a hazard-related move. It's also decently bulky and has plenty of utility. However, it has subpar offensive prowess, is weak to Fairy, and is quad weak to Bug.

DNA Donors: Darkrai / Braviary
Offspring name: Darkiva
New Type: Dark / Flying
Base Stats: 85 / 111 / 82 / 111 / 82 / 122 (+5 Atk, +15 SpA, +20 Spe)
New ability and desc: Dream Fuel (Bad Dreams + Defiant) - At the end of every turn, the user gains +1 Attack for every sleeping opponent on the field.
Notable Moves:
Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Brave Bird, Superpower / Drain Punch, Poison Jab, U-turn
Dark Pulse, Air Slash, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Heat Wave
(Z-)Hypnosis, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Tailwind, Roost, Defog
Role Identification: What side will it attack on? Physical with Swords Dance and/or Z-Hypnosis to take better advantage of its Ability? Special with Nasty Plot for better coverage? Mixed for the best of both worlds? You decide.

Parents: Gourgeist-Super / Muk-Alola
Shared egg group: Amorphous
Offspring name: Gourkola
New type: Ghost / Dark
New base stats: 105 / 112 / 108 / 71 / 97 / 62 | 555 BST
New ability and desc: Junk Collector (Pickup + Power of Alchemy) - If the user switches in after an allied Pokémon faints, then the user gains the effect of the item that the fainted Pokémon was holding, alongside the effect of the user's item.
Notable moves:
Knock Off, Pursuit, Shadow Sneak, Iron Head, Brick Break
(Z-)Trick-or-Treat, Synthesis, Leech Seed, Will-O-Wisp
Role Identification: This thing is kinda weird. The idea behind it was being similar to Pika Xreme's Entrant (Entei + Trevenant) submission, except it makes use of Z-Trick-or-Treat, and in conjunction with Pursuit no less. In addition, its bulk is not too shabby, its physical prowess is usable, it has decent utility, and it has Synthesis for recovery. Oh, and did I mention that it can effectively have two items at once?


DNA Donors: Zekrom / Marowak
Offspring name: Kromork
New Type: Electric / Ground
Base Stats: 80 / 115 / 115 / 101 / 101 / 80 (+16 SpA, +11 SpD, +13 Spe) | 592 BST
New ability and desc: Tera Armor (Teravolt + Battle Armor) - Moves targeting this Pokémon are unaffected by the Ability of the move user.
Notable Moves:
Bolt Strike, Bonemerang, Stone Edge, Knock Off
Volt Switch, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Focus Blast
Stealth Rock, Roost, Tailwind
Role Identification: Not-so-balanced tank with weird typing, decent coverage, and an Ability that helps its survivability. (Also, its name is intentionally a palindrome. :toast:)

DNA Donors: Tangrowth / Nihilego
Offspring name: Tango
New Type: Grass / Rock
Base Stats: 107 / 79 / 97 / 127 / 101 / 79 (+3 HP, +3 Atk, +11 Def, +9 SpA, +11 SpD, +3 Spe) | 590 BST
New ability and desc: Dance Partner (Regenerator + Beast Boost) - If the user switches out, then the user recovers 1/3 HP, and its replacement gets a Beast Boost (factoring in the stats of the replacement, not the user).
Notable Moves:
Knock Off
Giga Drain, Power Gem, Focus Blast, Thunderbolt, Psyshock
Leech Seed, Stealth Rock, Sleep Powder, Toxic Spikes, Synthesis
Role Identification: Specially offensive pivot that can keep itself healthy and support its teammates in one Ability.

DNA Donors: Hypno / Regirock
Offspring name: Hypnock
New Type: Psychic / Rock
Base Stats: 102 / 86 / 135 / 61 / 127 / 58 (+20 HP, +20 SpD) | 569 BST
New ability and desc: Wary (Forewarn + Sturdy) - If the user is hit by an opposing Pokémon's strongest attack and would get KO'd, the user instead survives with 1 HP.
Notable Moves:
Seismic Toss, Foul Play, Rock Tomb, Body Slam
Stealth Rock, Baton Pass, Wish
Role Identification: Defensive pivot that can Wish pass, set up Stealth Rock, and whittle at the opposition with Seismic Toss and/or Foul Play. Discourages offensive threats from using their number one attacking move to do all their dirty work.
Crezz's ability setting spikes seems like way too much of a stretch imo
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