Fusion Evolution V3 (Voting Phase)

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Parents: Crabminable + Corsola
Shared egg group: Water 3
Offspring name: Crabsola
New type: Water/Fighting
New base stats: 91/103/96/73/91/49
New ability and desc: King Fist (Hustle + Iron Fist) This pokemon punching move does 70 % more damage but have 20% less accuracy.
Notable moves: Ice Punch, Power-Up Punch, Ice Hammer, Close Combat, Superpower, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Drain Punch, Iron Head, Thunder Punch, Rock Blast, Curse, Head Smash, Icicle Spear, Liquidation, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock
Role identification: Crabsola is the king of punching moves. But its claws are so big, it be missing the targets which be standing right in front of it. But when it does hit it, the damage is going to be outstanding. Crabsola work well in trick room as a bulky attacker.

Parents: Wormadam (Trash) + Flygon
Shared egg group: Bug
Offspring name: Flydam
New type: Ground/Bug
New base stats: 80/94/97/84/97/78
New ability and desc: Mind Games (Levitate + Anticipation) When this pokemon switch in, it will shudder if a pokemon have an OHKO move or a Super Effective move. It will be immune to them moves.
Notable moves: Quiver Dance, Sucker Punch, Psychic, Bug Buzz, Iron Head, Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, Gunk Shot, Stealth Rock, Energy Ball, Infestation, Dragon Dance, Rock Slide, Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Earth Power, Defog, Dragon Pulse, Fire Punch, Giga Drain, Outrage, Superpower, Tailwind, Thunder Punch, Boomburst
Role identification: Flydam is an inserting pokemon with its ability. With 5 immunities, this pokemon won’t be hit with any super effective hits. With a pretty wide movepool, and access to both Quiver Dance and Dragon Dance, it may be hard to predict which set this pokemon is.

Parents: Donphan + Wailord
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Wailphan
New type: Ground/Water
New base stats: 140/115/92/85/62/65
New ability and desc: (Sturdy + Oblivious) Both Combined
Notable moves: Z-Splash, Amnesia, Heavy Slam, Curse, Earthquake, Waterfall, Liquidation, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Rapid Spin, Knock Off, Counter, Head Smash, Ice Shard, Play Rough, Rock Polish, Poison Jab, Rock Slide, Gunk Shot, Seed Bomb, Stealth Rock, Superpower
Role identification: Wailphan is a pretty good lead. Can’t be KO in a hit (unless an ability prevents it), can’t be taunted, so it can almost guaranteed rocks. Wailphan have many moves that it can use for offense or defense. With that, it can help cover some areas that it team is weak too.

Parents: Luxray + Walrein
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Wallray
New type: Ice/Electric
New base stats: 105/110/94/105/94/77
New ability and desc: Too Thick (Thick Fat + Intimidate) Both Combined
Notable moves: Crunch, Encore, Ice Fang, Blizzard, Belly Drum, Curse, Aqua Ring, Signal Beam, Yawn, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Frost Breath, Surf, Waterfall, Super Fang, Iron Head, Electric Terrain, Wild Charge, Thunder Fang, Discharge, Fire Fang, Night Slash, Thunderbolt
Role identification: Wallray is a good tank. It have good bulk and mixed attack. Wallray can fill many roles for a team, due to have pretty good versatile. Wallray can learn some good moves. Wallray can even Belly Drum to sweep due to Intimidating the target before coming in.

Parents: Blaziken + Mamoswine
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Blazeiswine
New type: Fire/Ice
New base stats: 105/135/85/100/75/90
New ability and desc: Burning Cloak (Blaze + Snow Cloak) Both Combined
Notable moves: High Jump Kick, Flame Charge, Bulk Up, Brave Bird, Sky Uppercut, Flare Blitz, Agility, Night Slash, Earthquake, Sword Dance, Stone Edge/Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Fire Punch, Knock Off, Ice Fang, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Icicle Crash, Icicle Spear, Stealth Rock, Iron Head
Role identification: Blazeiswine is a good pokemon. With many good moves, good stats, and access to boost them, this pokemon could leave a dent in your team. Too bad it can’t switch too many times if rocks is on the floor.If you don’t have hazard control, this pokemon will just fall over if it keep trying to switch in.

Parents: Mega Blaziken + Mamoswine
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Mega Blazeiswine
New type: Fire/Ice
New base stats: 105/175/95/120/85/110
New ability and desc: Speed Boost
Notable moves: Same as Base
Role identification: The Mega is a god. With base 175 attack and access to speed boost, it can easily fight its way through teams, especially if it have a chance to set up.
For Wallray, you should just have it take 1/2 the damage from physical attacks. It sounds broken, but two things.
1. No good recovery.
2. It’s an Ice-type.
what is the slates?
A slate is just when you submit new fusions. Before you do anything, right now you can only use egg group fusions, non-hidden abilities and primary types. Look back on the last page for legal submissions. Next slate will be back to normal, so wait until other people submit in V4 before you submit.
Food for thought: what's the point of making a rule about putting all your submissions in a single post if half of the people quote themselves, essentially making double-posts for their fusions?
Food for thought: what's the point of making a rule about putting all your submissions in a single post if half of the people quote themselves, essentially making double-posts for their fusions?
It's mostly so that we know where everything is basically.

Also, turns out I'm not going to be home when voting would open, so I'm going to open voting in an hour and 45 minutes (4:30 EST).
Because that's not the point of that rule. The point is to have all a user's submissions in one place to make voting and stuff easier (if i'm remembering correctly).
Not sure how that makes it easier. Mods have to link to less posts I guess? But the site gives the link if you click on the post number, and then you just have to paste it on the hyperlink button and you get the hyperlinked text. Listing down voting options is very easy already (from a PC anyway).
Raticate / Raticate-Alola
Persian / Persian-Alola
Goodra / Kommo-o
Walrein / Luxray
Blaziken / Mamoswine
Tyranitar / Haxorus
Sunflora / Ludicolo
Medicham / Hawlucha
Hypno / Pangoro
Florges / Audino
Corsola / Stunfisk
Lapras / Rhyperior
Lickilicky / Avalugg
Lucario / Granbull
Lopunny / Alakazam
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Drampa / Lapras
Arcanine / Slaking
Ambipom / Excadrill
Hypno / Pangoro
Swalot / Mimikyu
Togekiss / Oricorio-Sensu
Milotic / Gorebyss
Florges / Audino
Bouffalant / Mienshao
Crustle / Klefki
Goodra / Kommo-o
Walrein / Luxray
Gastrodon / Reuniclus
Persian / Persian-Alola
Octillery / Toxapex
Scizor / Drapion

Credit to KirbyRider1337
Exeggutor / Exeggutor-Alola
Raticate / Raticate-Alola
Vaporeon / Wailord
Flareon / Wailord
Froslass / Raichu-Alola
Lopunny / Alakazam

Blaziken / Floatzel
Luxray / Miltank
Corsola / Stunfisk
Scizor / Drapion

Haxorus / Tyranitar
Beheeyem / Lucario
Cofagrigus / Mimikyu

Hippowdon / Stoutland
Abomasnow / Comfey
Porygon-Z / Cofagrigus
Drampa / Lapras

Milotic / Azumarill
Volbeat / Accelgor
Slowbro / Slowking
Palossand / Eelektross
Medicham / Hawlucha
Walrein / Araquanid
Abomasnow / Tangrowth
Arcanine / Slaking

Ambipom / Excadrill
Lucario / Lopunny
Azumarill / Swampert
Milotic / Kingdra
Charizard / Tyranitar

Altaria / Noivern
Araquanid / Forretress
Tangrowth / Bellossom
Archeops / Barbaracle
Granbull / Luxray
Persian-Alola / Delibird

Persian / Persian-Alola
Lucario / Granbull
Samurott / Lycanroc-Dusk
Cloyster / Kabutops
Octillery / Toxapex
Flygon / Pinsir
Incineroar / Stoutland
Alakazam / Beheeyem

Hypno / Pangoro
Swalot / Mimikyu
Slaking / Weavile
Togekiss / Oricorio-Sensu
Milotic / Gorebyss
Florges / Audino
Bouffalant / Mienshao
Ribombee / Yanmega

Goodra / Kommo-o
Gyarados / Scrafty
Lapras / Rhyperior
Lickilicky / Avalugg
Wigglytuff / Roserade
Armaldo / Cloyster
Kingdra / Sceptile

Crustle / Klefki
Gastrodon / Reuniclus

Hitmontop / Hypno

Simisage / Mienshao
Simisear / Mienshao
Simipour / Mienshao

Leavanny / Araquanid
Slaking / Lucario
Venusaur / Meganium
Sunflora / Ludicolo
Primeape / Ursaring
Blastoise / Milotic
Crawdaunt / Relicanth
Drapion / Barbaracle

Corsola / Cradily
Palossand / Gastrodon

Trevenant / Muk
Arbok / Mienshao
Toxicroak / Infernape
Luxray / Lucario

Crabominable / Corsola
Flygon / Wormadam
Wailord / Donphan
Walrein / Luxray
Blaziken / Mamoswine
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Forretress / Araquanid (Forry needs a fusion)
Hypno / Pangoro (120 Base Power Mach Punches sound fun)
Cloyster / Armaldo (Just a really neat blend of mons)
Goodra / Kommo-O (Two of the most underrated psuedos unite)
Octillery / Toxapex (Successful Octillery fusion? Also an offensive Toxapex fusion? where do I sign)
Archeops / Barbaracle (Lets unite the impossible pair)
Tangrowth / Bellossom (See Forraqua but x10)
Persian-Alola / Delibird ('Tis the season and all)
Drampa / Lapras ( I'd totally see these things breeding)
Mienshao / Arbok (Mienshao needs friends)
Toxicroak / Infernape (Neato)
Wailord / Flareon (Only Eeveelord fusion that is worth it)
Togekiss / Oricorio-Sensu (I'm a guy, but Girl Power)
Blaziken / Floatzel (I'm all in it for viable Floatzel stuff)
Scizor / Drapion (Drapion also needs fusions)
Goodra / Kommo-o
Cloyster / Armaldo
Lapras / Rhyperior
Persian / Persian-Alola
Walrein / Luxray
Corsola / Stunfisk
Togekiss / Oricorio-Sensu
Crustle / Klefki
Octillery / Toxapex
Scizor / Drapion
Blaziken / Floatzel
Florges / Audino
Volbeat / Accelgor
Arcanine / Slaking

Arbok / Mienshao
(Mienshao needs friends)
ĹReserving Monkeys / Meinshao, Marowak / Alolan Marowak (wow this is like a meme now)


I was using the wrong ability this whole time!
Parents: Simisage, Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Simienshao-Sage
New type: Grass / Fighting
New base stats:
80 / 121 / 71 / 106 / 71 / 112
New ability and desc: Berry Regen (Gluttony + Regenerator; This Pokémon eats its held berry at full health or less (happens on switchin too) and afterwards, regens 1/3 of its HP. When this Pokémon switches out, it gains its most recently consumed berry back and gains 1/3 HP back.)
Notable moves: Return, Fake Out, Feint, Drain Punch, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Seed Bomb, Bullet Seed, Crunch, Knock Off, Nature Power, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Taunt
Role identification:

I think it was a berry good idea
Parents: Simisear, Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Simienshao-Sear
New type: Fire / Fighting
New base stats:
80 / 121 / 71 / 106 / 71 / 112
New ability and desc: Berry Regen (Gluttony + Regenerator; This Pokémon eats its held berry at full health or less (happens on switchin too) and afterwards, regens 1/3 of its HP. When this Pokémon switches out, it gains its most recently consumed berry back and gains 1/3 HP back.)
Notable moves: Return, Fake Out, Feint, Drain Punch, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Crunch, Knock Off, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Grass Knot, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Taunt
Role identification:

I broke the berry-er this time around huh?
Parents: Simipour, Mienshao
Shared egg group: Field
Offspring name: Simienshao-Pour
New type: Water / Fighting
New base stats:
80 / 121 / 71 / 106 / 71 / 112
New ability and desc: Berry Regen (Gluttony + Regenerator; This Pokémon eats its held berry at full health or less (happens on switchin too) and afterwards, regens 1/3 of its HP. When this Pokémon switches out, it gains its most recently consumed berry back and gains 1/3 HP back.)
Notable moves: Return, Fake Out, Feint, Drain Punch, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, Poison Jab, Gunk Shot, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Waterfall, Ice Punch, Crunch, Knock Off, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Scald, Hydro Pump, Grass Knot, Ice Beam, Swords Dance, Nasty Plot, Taunt
Role identification:
Raticate / Raticate-Alola (Keep the prime coming)
Persian / Persian-Alola (FakeSpeed on steroids)
Goodra / Kommo-o
(Fusing pseudos is such a nice idea)
Octillery / Toxapex (I just love Octillery. Can it get a fusion?)
Lucario / Granbull (160 base Atk with Adaps and great offensive type)
Altaria / Noivern
Araquanid / Fortress
Tangrowth / Bellossom
Archeops / Barbaracle
Granbull / Luxray
Persian-Alola / Delibird (Show them how to say goodbye :^))
Mylotic / Gorebyss (Tanky Attackers are amazing)
Audino / Florges (Audino fusion, insta point)
Ambipom / Excadrill (I just love how easly this thing gets speed, and even Bulldoze helps that)
Milotic / Kingdra (Kingdra but made for FE)
Scizor / Drapion (SV 1)
Blaziken / Floatzel (SV 2)
Audino / Florges
Octillery / Toxapex (O C T I L L E R Y B O I S)
Crustle / Klefki
Simipour / Mienshao
Persian / Persian-Alola
Hypno / Pangoro
Hypno / Hitmontop
Lopunny / Alakazam
(I've voted for this like 80 times now, it still hasn't won?)
Persian-Alola / Delibird
Reuniclus / Gastrodon
Walrein / Luxray
Araquanid / Forretress
Altaria / Noivern
Scizor / Drapion
Slowbro / Slowking
Persian / Persian-Alola
Hypno / Pangoro
Lickilicky / Avalugg
Crustle / Klefki
Gastrodon / Reuniclus
Sunflora / Ludicolo
Corsola / Cradily
Arbok / Mienshao

Reviloja753 You voted for Volbeat / Accelgor twice :P
Walrein / Luxray- SV
Blaziken / Mamoswine- SV
Crabominable / Corsola- SV
Blaziken / Floatzel
Bouffalant / Mienshao
Corsola + Cradily
Porygon-Z + Cofagrigus
Slowbro + Slowking
  1. Ambipom/Excadrill
  2. Lucario/Granbull
  3. Hypno/Pangoro
  4. Scizor/Drapion
  5. Drampa/Lapras
  6. Blaziken/Floatzel
  7. Tyranitar/Haxorus
  8. Blaziken/Mamoswine
  9. Octillery/Toxapex
  10. Goodra/Kommo-o
  11. Audino/Florges
  12. Arcanine/Slaking
  13. Loppuny/Alakazam
  14. Lapras/Rhyperior
  15. Noivern/Altaria
Hypno / Pangoro
Scizor / Drapion
Florges / Audino
Walrein / Luxray
Persian / Persian-Alola
Octillery / Toxapex
Goodra / Kommo-o
Altaria / Noivern
Blaziken / Floatzel
Crustle / Klefki
Arbok / Mienshao
Lucario / Granbull
Arcanine / Slaking
Gastrodon / Reuniclus
Persian-Alola / Delibird
Blaziken / Mamoswine
Togekiss / Oricorio-Sensu
Ambipom / Excadrill
Drampa / Lapras
Forretress / Araquanid
Corsola / Cradily
Toxicroak / Infernape
Cloyster / Armaldo
Lickilicky / Avalugg
Lopunny / Alakazam
Here are the votes! I'm ending voting in 24 hours, so get to it!
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Arbok/Mienshao SV
Toxicroak/Infernape SV
Trevenant/Muk SV
(I submitted this in V2)
Hypno / Pangoro
Volbeat / Accelgor (SV 1)
Arcanine / Slaking (SV 2)
Lickilicky / Avalugg
Walrein / Luxray
Wigglytuff / Roserade
Toxicroak / Infernape
Cloyster / Armaldo
Scizor / Drapion
Altaria / Noivern (So simple yet so busted, it's a work of art)
Porygon-Z / Cofagrigus
Gastrodon / Reuniclus
Corsola / Cradily
Leavanny / Araquanid

Honorable mention to Octillery / Toxapex. I was initially going to vote for it but the ability is 'too creative'. I can understand where the effect comes from, but the extra poisoning is unnecessary imo. Maybe next time
altaria/noivern (reminds me of my old days of mnm boom bursting with alteranite noivern)
Leavanny/Araquanid(Leavanny is awesome)
Porygon-Z/Cofadrigus(Z is my favorite pokemon :o)
Voting is closed! I would have done a special thing like I used to, but I honestly don't have the energy to right now. However, I will post sets for stuff later, so there's that.

Anyway, here are the final winners of Fusion Evolution V3!

Hypno / Pangoro
Scizor / Drapion
Florges / Audino
Walrein / Luxray
Persian / Persian-Alola
Octillery / Toxapex
Goodra / Kommo-o
Altaria / Noivern
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