Tournament BLT V: Group Stage Week 2

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won in a fun game.

leggggo Poliwraths!!!
Sad to do this but gotta call act; scheduled for 5 pm est today, it's now 5:50 pm as of writing this. I vmed my opp with my alt name at 5:05 pm thinking maybe they were using one as well, since I searched for them but couldn't find them. Got nothing, and I'm heading to bed now.
ill stuff popped up, but I'll be online for the next few hours and up for battle.
mb for missing the time, I tried to get back before 5:30
Sad to do this but gotta call act; scheduled for 5 pm est today, it's now 5:50 pm as of writing this. I vmed my opp with my alt name at 5:05 pm thinking maybe they were using one as well, since I searched for them but couldn't find them. Got nothing, and I'm heading to bed now.
ill stuff popped up, but I'll be online for the next few hours and up for battle.
mb for missing the time, I tried to get back before 5:30

Ok, so after some time of thinking this issue and the information that was given to me surrounding the issue, I am granting a 24 hours extension on this match alone.

Plas iStockphoto tagging you two due to the game between Sanzy and Sir Slaking as it has not been played yet. Ifthis match is not played by the cut off time, it will be classed as a no game.

Any questions about this please contact me.
Sad to do this but gotta call act; scheduled for 5 pm est today, it's now 5:50 pm as of writing this. I vmed my opp with my alt name at 5:05 pm thinking maybe they were using one as well, since I searched for them but couldn't find them. Got nothing, and I'm heading to bed now.
ill stuff popped up, but I'll be online for the next few hours and up for battle.
mb for missing the time, I tried to get back before 5:30

Ok, so after some time of thinking this issue and the information that was given to me surrounding the issue, I am granting a 24 hours extension on this match alone.

Any questions about this please contact me.

After some further deliberation on this matter, the decision to grant an extension has been overturned and the activity win is being granted to Ark. Reasoning behind this is due to subs being available to replace the player who is not able to make the scheduled time.

Like stated above, if further questions are required, please message me.
After some further deliberation on this matter, the decision to grant an extension has been overturned and the activity win is being granted to Ark. Reasoning behind this is due to subs being available to replace the player who is not able to make the scheduled time.

Like stated above, if further questions are required, please message me.

DarkAngeallenq.q hadn't said anything to us about him being off during the scheduled time, the first thing we heard being that Ark called act. I was asleep myself at that time as it was around midnight for both of Diancies' managers and at least 1 of our subs. An act win should not be given here for the reason given by GXS because of this. We just weren't aware of a possible activity call, nor in a position where we could actually take action and let a sub play this battle.
I think it was the player's fault in the first place. He failed to intimate both his team and his opponent about his unavailability but I think an extension was the best possible solution there but the time frame should be where ark is comfortable.
I also think ark should have contacted someone from their team before just going out and posting activity.
For the record, I gave quite a bit of input on this activity decision. First of all, in a team tournament setting, extensions should not have a reason to exist because of substitutes, standings, and various other reasons. It's either an activity call or a dead game. The only exception tends to be in the finals in order to get the games done, as there tends to not be a hard deadline unless necessary for those. Next, being unaware does not exonerate the team. If the player failed to inform the managers or his opponent beforehand that they wouldn't be there on time (or even the possibility of that), then it's on them. The fact is that Ark was online at the scheduled time while his opponent wasn't swings things heavily in his favour.

A 24-hour extension also doesn't make sense. Whether Ark actually can play during this time is unclear, and if he can't, then what? Do we grant his opponent the act win? For individual tournaments, extensions tend to last three days but even those are limited to cases where both sides put an equal amount of effort into getting it done within the timeframe but just could not. In this case, it's extremely clear Ark put in more effort when he actually showed up at a scheduled time. Btw, the only other reversal of this decision since it didn't get played is a dead game, which would still result in the same team winning, so think of that what you will.
Everything sounds so biased .. I agree that it was Morgan's fault but usually you don't go calling activity like that ( not that it's wrong or anything just unethical) I support the opinion for Morgan or a sub to play at a time when ark's comfortable. The reason all of us are so frantic is because our playoff chances are on the line. It would otherwise always stay as a reminder that we lost to an activity win :(
Everything sounds so biased .. I agree that it was Morgan's fault but usually you don't go calling activity like that ( not that it's wrong or anything just unethical) I support the opinion for Morgan or a sub to play at a time when ark's comfortable. The reason all of us are so frantic is because our playoff chances are on the line. It would otherwise always stay as a reminder that we lost to an activity win :(
This doesn't make sense, your player missed scheduled time while our player isn't, this alone is already an activity win on individual tournament, let alone team tours. Why should we be punished for something your player couldn't do? It's not fair for us since Ark had to wait for more or less 1 hour to get the game done while your player failed to notify your team and your team not being able to sub.
Logically that is correct , but in teamtours you don't usually see someone calling activity unless it's like an extreme emergency and not available elsewhere. As an apology , we are ready to play at a time perfect for ark.
Logically that is correct , but in teamtours you don't usually see someone calling activity unless it's like an extreme emergency and not available elsewhere. As an apology , we are ready to play at a time perfect for ark.
that's where you're wrong, you don't see someone calling activity because the other manager usually sub in players in time. and also, there's a lot of activity cases on team tours like SPL, Snake Draft and WCoP.
Hmm I'm not that experienced too confirm that because the other teamtours I've been have been mainly for fun (not that they were not serious) ,so players are looking forward to get their games done. Also comparing blt to wcop is funny lmao
Let's stop it here , up to gxs
Also I'm sorry if I portrayed myself as rude, I'm just trying to justify my opinion and correct it if needed for the future
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Hmm I'm not that experienced too confirm that because the other teamtours I've been have been mainly for fun , so players are looking forward to get their games done. Also comparing blt to wcop is funny lmao
I'm not really comparing both other than both being a team tournaments, you can always see stuffs from lower tiers PLs too. there's a lot of exampls you can see.

you say you're not that experienced to confirm but you also said
Logically that is correct , but in teamtours you don't usually see someone calling activity unless it's like an extreme emergency and not available elsewhere

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