The World Cup of Pokémon 2019 - Quarterfinals

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the holy trinity of tiebreak back at it again

unlucky we couldnt finally make it, best of luck to LA in the rest of the tournament, so happy to see friends from long time doing so well

I would like to say a few words to my little brother Trosko ; I have had the luck to see you grow as a player from the beginning, I am super proud of you and how you have been able to demonstrate in SPL and WcoP that you are the best new gens player in the forum alongside bro fist, your records, plays, teambuilding and knowledge of this game are from another dimension

rooting for germany now i guess, It's always super good seeing East winning the whole thing because they are the best but ugh, I need that blue trophy on Conflict and Steve so bad

see you all again in spl, peace
unlucky we couldnt finally make it, best of luck to LA in the rest of the tournament, so happy to see friends from long time doing so well

I would like to say a few words to my little brother Trosko ; I have had the luck to see you grow as a player from the beginning, I am super proud of you and how you have been able to demonstrate in SPL and WcoP that you are the best new gens player in the forum alongside bro fist, your records, plays, teambuilding and knowledge of this game are from another dimension

rooting for germany now i guess, It's always super good seeing East winning the whole thing because they are the best but ugh, I need that blue trophy on Conflict and Steve so bad

see you all again in spl, peace

REIK, I'm not gay but , I love you my friend, thanks for your wishes.

unlucky we couldnt finally make it, best of luck to LA in the rest of the tournament, so happy to see friends from long time doing so well

I would like to say a few words to my little brother Trosko ; I have had the luck to see you grow as a player from the beginning, I am super proud of you and how you have been able to demonstrate in SPL and WcoP that you are the best new gens player in the forum alongside bro fist, your records, plays, teambuilding and knowledge of this game are from another dimension

rooting for germany now i guess, It's always super good seeing East winning the whole thing because they are the best but ugh, I need that blue trophy on Conflict and Steve so bad

see you all again in spl, peace
ggs east you guys have been the kings of this tournament for half a decade and it's amazing that your undefeated streak lasted as long as it did, nothing but respect to you all and I doubt a feat like that will ever be matched on smogon

good thing we lost that tiebreak to spain though

ggs to West, you guys were better than us this series and deserved it. Major props to Lavos and lax for quite the successful run this year thus far together. I'm looking forward to some revenge next year, but gl in the remainder of the tournament this year.

Thanks to all of my friends on NE for another fun season, regardless of the end result. Anyone giving John or BKC shit for losing a couple games is ridiculous. These dudes are some of the best out there and they just ran into some strong opposition. Happens to the best of us. Star you'll get your chip soon enough bro.
I lost to lax, gg

I really want to apologize to my teammates for performing the worst I have in forever when you guys needed me the most, especially to those new to the team this year, you all deserved better.

I'd also like to mention how much I appreciate anyone who has ever reached out and gone out of their way to say something nice throughout this whole thing, that stuff goes a longer way than you guys know.

And lastly, I want to wish West good luck moving forward. As obnoxious as some of you can be, I can't deny how strong you are as competitors; this win was well-earned.

See ya'll when I see ya'll.
Congrats West, you’re a hell of a team. Forcing NE to tiebreak two years in a row is feat in itself (and winning one is even bigger) and you’ve got some guys that definitely deserve the trophy. Good luck in the rest.

Shoutouts to Gilbert arenas for being absolutely dominant in ADV OU this year and this tournament, couldn’t have asked for a better replacement.

And lastly

Updated Kanto

Gotta ask dude, what’s your problem with Northeast? We carried your ass to a trophy last year and all you’ve done since is bash us, root against us, and be a team cancer since. You’ve got the trophy next to your name and all you seem to do is hate on those responsible for it.
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