Sword & Shield **Official news only** DLC Crown Tundra 22nd October

There’s a difference between me forcing you to buy it and just correcting a (still untrue) appeal to emotion
Dude, since when am I talking to you personally? I've been stating arguments about why people would object to Gamefreak's decisions
you wanna know my personal opinion? here it is:
I said:
I invested 3000~ hours raising my pokemon; you tell me to buy a game where I cannot use them there you can fuck right off
the rest I might or might not agree with but are arguments I have seen people use, also appeal to emotion is not what you think it is

you wanna argue with me about other people arguments for whatever reason take it to PMs

back on topic, why did you make a bikini outfit for a possible 11 year old girl in freaking England of all places Gamefreak? Why?
back in alola it could be possibly justified and even there it would be gratuitous
England is know for being rainy and cold
just why?
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the rest I might or might not agree with but are arguments I have seen people use, also appeal to emotion is not what you think it is
Excuse me for assuming that quoting my post is a personal response to me?

And yes,
I think Kyle of Easy Allies said it best:

"Instead of dogs [pokemon] are fish now, yeah I love you Herbie but you'll be dead in like two weeks"

if you make features that encourage attachment to your pokemon people will be upset when you take those pokemon away
and if you'll take those pokemon away shortly you discourage making attachments to begin with; Nintendogs wasn't a yearly release for a reason

in related news, depending on the species "fish" can live up to 30 years, treat your fish with care and don't give one to a child they're delicate pets
This is an appeal to emotion. There’s no factual backing to saying that pokemon are being deleted, ripped away from your hands and incinerated, etc. Shelving and deletion are 2 different things and construing one as the other is a fallacy. But if we want to be anal about it I guess it is equivocation moreso than appeal to emotion. Not gonna respond beyond this because there’s not much more to discuss, as your position has been made and I’m just defending myself from the last response in a vacuum (no relation to mons at all).

Also are they still saying the Trainers are 11? Cuz 11 year olds don’t look like that
why did you make a bikini outfit for a possible 11 year old girl in freaking England of all places Gamefreak? Why?
back in alola it could be possibly justified and even there it would be gratuitous
England is know for being rainy and cold
just why?
So uhhh, what's the japanese equivalent to the FBI again?
I have couldn't said it better. That said I'm still saying it, but worse than you did.

Reasons not to get this game list in order revealed

1: You need to pay for online.
2: [REDACTED] (Which is why I'm waiting for the third versions or a patch)
3: Exhaustion Beam/Do or Die translated to Steel Beam
4: Possibly being put on the FBI and/or Japanese FBI Watch List and completely agreeing with their decision to put you there.
Edit: When I heard bikini, I thought the worst because I didn't know about unrevealing bikinis. I'm actually okay with it after seeing what it looks like.

So... Um, how about some less disturbing controversal stuff?

I thought Alcremie was slightly more interesting more when I saw the "Mint" version in the background, but when I found out the amount of mix and match it could have, it became my second favorite Pokemon of the generation. I think my favorite one is strawberry banana with blueberries... I just had lunch and I'm suddenly hungry again... Usually it's easy to speculate on shinies because there's so many options, but this time it's the other away around. I'd guess they'd be "unflavored" white or a luxurious gold, but those are both normal colors. Black would be my other guess, but black whipped cream sounds disgusting. Maybe the eyes and toppings turn gold? Wait... *Checks the Gigantamax Wedding Cake* We've seen Alcremie will every decoration there except the stars... That would be a pretty major difference for a shiny, but kind of funny because of how unsubtle it is.
Edit: Or shiny could be chocolate. I'm speculating way too much about this...

Stupid looking seaguls or pelicans remind me of Finding Nemo, so guess what word I think whenever I see Cramorant. Mine! One weird thought I have is I think there's a small chance that the fish in its beak might not be a Pokemon. It probably is though. Maybe I just want there to be normal animals so eating meat doesn't mean eating Pokemon...

BTW, I'd just like to let you know that the fish Cramorant spits is a Baby Barracuda.
By the way, the next time The mod formerly known as Cobraroll looses a bet, can he change his pic to a Barracuda?
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Also are they still saying the Trainers are 11? Cuz 11 year olds don’t look like that
I suppose if they're mature enough to enslave and command gods of elements, dimensional masters, Light incarnate, Literal god himself Arceus, they probably are mature enough to wear a bikini.

......jokes aside, I think I have given up lately in any hope of lack of weird fanservice in Japanese games. Even a weeb like me has seen questionable clothing decisions at this point in last year games.

If the game gets released with it, it means whoever does the rating in Japan doesn't think there's anything wrong with it. Peace to that I guess.
Curious that both Flying types revealed have it as their primary typing, and these are only the 2nd and 3rd Pokemon ever to be Flying/xx. Is GF finally shifting away from relegating Flying as a secondary typing? Could that lead to more pure Flying types in the future (and less Normal/Flying)? Or will be eventually reach Flying/Normal?
back on topic, why did you make a bikini outfit for a possible 11 year old girl in freaking England of all places Gamefreak? Why?
back in alola it could be possibly justified and even there it would be gratuitous
England is know for being rainy and cold
just why?
First off, I agree with Leonard, there’s no way she’s 11. Which isn’t better, it’s still weird if she’s 14, only now we get the added “oh, they might say she’s 11 but she looks older, so it’s fine” element to deal with in online debates.
Second, yeah, this seems awkward. I suspect they’re making all the gym leader outfits unlockable, which is cool, except this one in particular is skimpier than would normally be seen in an E game even on an adult(we all saw how the internet reacted to Nessa). Why make it if you know it will end up on a child? Wetsuits are a thing, as are burkinis and the LZR-style suits. Stick Nessa in one of those and all the problems go away.
I still can’t get over that girls have a much larger variety of customization once again, why can’t guys and girls have the same hairstyle options, why can’t we change face eyes mouth and nose shape, come on GF it’s 2019, you can do better.

Did I miss something? Where was it ever stated or shown that girls have more options than guys?
It's just a Bikini. On a kid. We shouldn't even be having this conversation. Kids can wear bikinis without weird people sexualizing them.

To be fair, it would be a lot less controversial if people in the thread said it was Nessa's outfit instead of a bikini.

I just opened the thread to check if Nintendo had released something on the direct and the first thing I saw was: "Customization stuff was announced, kid got a bikini!"

In other news, they're really taking their time to reveal the starter evos, aren't they?
In other news, they're really taking their time to reveal the starter evos, aren't they?

I’m starting to think that we’ll get the middle evolutions around the end of September/early October and the final evos in the final to semi-final trailer (so late Oct./early Nov.)

There are only 69 days left till release, and starter Pokémon always generate a lot of hype and organic marketing so they may be saving the reveals right up to the end.

Another thing to consider is that Pokémon Masters is going through a heavy promotion cycle right now, so it’s in The Pokémon Company’s best (profit) interest to let this campaign die down a bit naturally before promoting another game.
To be fair, it would be a lot less controversial if people in the thread said it was Nessa's outfit instead of a bikini.

I just opened the thread to check if Nintendo had released something on the direct and the first thing I saw was: "Customization stuff was announced, kid got a bikini!"

In other news, they're really taking their time to reveal the starter evos, aren't they?
For SM, we got the starters evo in October or late September iirc.
Can't wait for the Fire/Fighting Scorbunny evo. I'm sure they'll do some cool stuff with Sobble and Grookey too. Only a little more than two months left, time sure flies.
I'm glad I kind of waited to post anything as we got more info about Alcremie's forms. Anyway, for a change of pace, I'll start with responses (don't have much to say about the new Pokemon since, you guessed it, new JAPE is being made and my opinions are there). I'm also going to do something different where responses I feel should be read I'll leave out of spoiler boxes while ones I'm just having fun or responding to someone specifically I'll keep in a spoiler box to not make my post HUGE. Though in the end I may put my whole post in a spoiler box anyway if it does end up huge and I don't want to look like a page hog:

LMAO authentic British experience with Indian cooking as a key part

Yes, all funny... except I remembered a post made by Leader Wallace in the Unpopular Opinions thread that is making me concerned about that.

While the post talks a lot about GF's design methodology, the part this curry making in a UK region reminds me that GF isn't fully embracing the culture the region is being based on (this time being the UK). You know how Kalos and Alola had a TON of tourist locations and characters that at points it almost overshadowed the French and Hawaiian culture influences? While GF likes basing regions on other locations and they certainly do their research, at the same time their experience is one of a tourist and not of a person who actually lives there (infact we don't even see characters who are annoyed with all the tourist stuff, everyone just accepts it happily). Not only that, but there's also plenty of Japanese culture stuff shoved in, Unova and Alola had this issue where out of the blue you have this very Japanese location/thing (Alola had some justification for it though Unova it just stood out). But to get to the point you start to wonder are you actually getting the experience of having a character that exists in these locations or are you just seeing the facades?

Going back to the curry, while curry is Indian food it's something that has been heavily adopted by Japan. Whenever they have characters in manga or anime or Japanese video games having a camp out one of the food they're likely to be cooking is curry. Like, why aren't we just making a basic stew? From what I can tell it would work just the same way, just what the end result item would more just be a bowl of soup than how curry is served. It's not a stew because GF is stubborn in their way and that includes their cultural viewpoint. In Japanese cookouts you make curry, therefore in Galar you make curry even if the UK they don't (now, I'm not from the UK so I don't know if that's true, but I'm going to take a wild guess that it isn't but please feel free to correct me). It makes me worried if we'll once again have another facade region, UK-based on the surface but that's all we'll ever see and not get an idea how living in that region is like. The tourist side of things, not the civilian side of things.

Infact, makes me wonder if that's the reason why they had James Turner be Art Director. Don't get me wrong, I think James Turner is fully qualified for the position... BUT, had he not been British, would they have made him Art Director? Infact would they even had gone out of their way of hired an experienced graphics designer from the UK? Probably not, they didn't for Gen 5, 6, & 7. So in that regard I think we're lucky James Turner was in the right place at the right time to add some legitimacy to the art direction. Though even then he's still under the orders of the Game Director and other higher ups in GF; he may have input but he probably doesn't have final say.

Polteageist, the Ghost typed Tea Pokemon. Looks like this was the Pokemon that was seen very briefly in the previous video.

No, they still don't look alike. If they are related the Pokemon that Rose sent out may be an evolution. However by the shape of Rose's Pokemon it looks like an elephant so probably not:

The ability specifically mentioned using Surf and Dive, which makes me interested in seeing if we're getting a early Surf TM or it's actually going to learn it naturally

I'm going to guess it probably learns Dive early as it's not as powerful as Surf (yes, it's 80 Power, but has that one turn charge up).

Town Map has its own spot for some reason.

I actually like that! Now that we no longer have a bottom screen they can't have the map constantly on screen somewhere (though, with them having a wider screen to work with, maybe a mini-map on the top left corner wouldn't be a bad idea; but that's not the case here). So we got to go back to the old opening the Town Map, looking at it, and then putting it back. Now true that's what a shortcut menu is for, though I also appreciate the convenience of having it right there on the start menu when I open it up. And depending on how they do the shortcut menu (please make it like Gen V's where it's just a list) and what items they'll have you want to put on the shortcut menu could make it so you may not want Town Map on the shortcut.

I also quite love the "trainer cards": aside from the collectible nature in-game with the NPCs, I think they look both adorable and also a neat way to customize your "trainer pose" in similar way to the battle poses of SM/USUM.

View attachment 193712


League Cards look neat, kind of like the Promotional Videos but, in my opinion, better as they're more simple as it's just a static image instead of having to make sure the video plays out as you want it to. I noticed that Leon's card is signed so does that mean we'll also be able to put our signature on our card? Probably not (or they'll have a way to construct a signature with approved graphics).

That'll also mean a chance for more goroawase! Let's see, Victor is 94 which means... flexing? Lol. Gloria's 227 means nothing, if you'll remember it was the number the player used before because it's Pokemon's birthday, February 27. HOWEVER, since we'll be getting other characters cards like Hop (who we see in the trailer is 189 which means "Quickly" (according to rough translations), makes sense for him we may have a batch more yet to discover (Marnie's, Bede's, etc.).

I wonder what the curry does, if it's just the new pokebeans or if they have some other mechanic we would have to cook to get advantage like the pokeblocks for contests :smogthink:

Healing, raising Friendship (and probably Affinity & lowering Hunger if those stats are back), and giving Experience. Wouldn't be surprised if certain dishes also increases EVs and status ailments. Though other than that don't know what else they could do. Would be neat if it raised IVs but, HAHA, good luck with that. But apparently they came up with more than 100 curry you can make.

Though I noticed one of the ingredient items are sausages. So, GF, what are the sausages made of?

(rant incoming)
So, they’ve shown flashes of the trainer customization. I’m going to focus on one option, but I’m sure this is true of everything. They showed us both male and female hairstyles:
Notice anything? It’s 2019, why are they STILL giving guys and girls different haircuts? Hair is hair, let people grow it however they want. This is the 3rd generation with customization, and GF is still stuck on guys getting a half-dozen variants on “short” while girls can choose anything from pigtails to a L’Oreal commercial as long as it’s past their chin.
They’re putting forth MORE effort to create completely different options for guys and girls, and making it less customizable in the process. Do better, GF.

Yeah, I noticed that. *heavy sigh*

And I bet you that the male hairstyles would look perfectly normal on the girl and a batch of the girls would look perfectly fine on the boys. As for the "girly" hairstyles being available for the boys, those are probably where the hang up is (JUST TO NOTE, I have no problem with it). While GF likes to make jokes about a character being the other gender than their appearance, they don't seem to like giving players the option to readily show gender identity that isn't straight. While one can argue that's maybe because the player character is a kid plus that's not the point of adventure, they then do stuff like this with customization. Giving the boys very little while putting a LOT more effort into the girls. For male players who really want to customize themselves, they very well play as the girl just so they have all the additional options which surely would include some that'll also dress them up as a guy.

If this is such an issue with GF, then how about this as a solution: don't even ask if the player is a boy or girl anymore. Instead, the player is a single androgynous figure. We're obviously asked what gender pronouns we prefer (masculine, feminine, and maybe throw in non-binary) but let the player character where any clothes they want or have any hairstyle they want. Works perfectly fine in Animal Crossing, so it won't be an issue in Pokemon!

Polteageist BETTER evolve into a Ghost/Rock type, I like its design a fair bit and that'd be cool to see. Cramorant is... ok? Gulp Missile might be neat. Probably gonna have ass SpA and have to rely on Dive for physical Water STAB as such, I just feel it's gonna happen

Since Polteageist is possessing the tea and not the pot I think if it would be change Type upon evolving (though not sure what it would evolve into, maybe a whole tea set and be made up of multiple spirits possessing teacups?) it would be Water-type. However since it's not Water-type right now it'll probably just remain Ghost.

For Cramorant, due to how it's Ability works, I think it'll actually have decent/good Attack & Special Attack, however it'll have low Defense & Special Defense, and it better have HIGH Speed (like at min 100 if not more). Since Gulp Missile, at least at the moment, sounds like it only works with Dive and Surf you don't want to make one offense stat worse than the other otherwise you're essentially limiting the move option down to own (but if they were to do that I would prefer it having a higher Special Attack, though there's cases to make for a Physical Water-type like then having it learn Aqua Jet). As for it having high Speed, since without if first using Dive or Surf it might as well have no Ability so it needs to be attacking first. In my mind what would probably be best for Cramorant would be making it a sweeper which, if it attacked first, will then potentially be able to punish an opponent for attacking it. Of course this would also mean Gulp Missile would need to do a decent amount of damage to be a attack deterrent. There's a lot working against Cramorant (not limited to a Typing that has major weaknesses) so its stats need to be finely adjusted to at the very least give it a niche it can work with.

We have enough Water/Flying Pokémon at the moment, but I believe this is the first time we have a Flying/Water combination. While I'm not too excited about the new bird, at least it's somewhat different from other Water/Flying Pkm. Wonder how much damage it deals, is it as much as Iron Barbs? Speaking of its new ability, it would be nice to see it on other Pkm (maybe under different names), such as Rhyperiour who is said to throw Geodudes, I believe.

As for Polteageist, to be honest, I did not expect a ghost at all. All the time, I thought it would be some kind of an elephant, but a ghost? That's a pleasant surprise, and it could make some sense in hindsight, especially when you think of djinis.

On the trainer customization, looks like you have quite the variation. Make-up and eyebrows are a nice new addition. Wonder if make-up is only for girls.

What move would Rhyperior (or Alolan Golem if you remember it does the same thing) would they use to have a Geodude get loaded up? Rock Blast & Rock Wrecker?

The mysterious Pokemon Rose sent out looks different.

Female only because only fat male hooligans where make-up:

(also only fat male hooligans can have mohawks)

View attachment 193711

I just wanted to say this is adorable.
(Also, we did get the confirmation that all eevolutions are present, so there's going to be a way to get Glaceon and Leafeon in game as usual)


Being serious, I have this sneaking suspicion that if you want a Leafeon you're going to have to wait till that mushroom place and for Glaceon that arctic location in the later half of the game... you know what, at this point GF, just make them evolve using a Leaf Stone and Ice Stone. You obviously don't want an early ice location and Leafeon and Glaceon are the ONLY Pokemon who evolve via Moss Rock/Icy Rock. Umbreon, Espeon, and Sylveon are fine as is, but Leafeon's and Glaceon's evo method just isn't worth carrying over if it means you get them WAY later than the other Eeveelutions.

Also for what matters, the trailer confirms the presence of Ditto in the game.

Not that we *really* needed a confirmation due to its necessity for Breeding, but we have it.

If it also wasn't a Gen I Pokemon I wouldn't put it pass GF to leave it out. Apparently they (or at least Masuda) are now upset people do a lot of breeding to get the Pokemon they want (then maybe you should remove IVs or able to increase them simpler!) which I take as them not really caring if including/excluding a Pokemon would affect breeding. Heck, we may very well come to a few situation where a Pokemon will not be able to get a certain Egg Move in Sword & Shield because the Pokemon it gets the Egg Move from isn't available in the Galar Dex. I wonder if Breeding hadn't become such a major mechanic in the core series if they would have removed it either now or some point before...

the tragic part is that there's a very british tale that has an animal wich would make a better teapot pokemon

Heck, instead of the Fire Starter being a bunny they could have made a separate Pokemon that's based on the March Hare & Mad Hatter (though now I'm re-imagining that above image with a Galarian Weezing as the Mad Hatter, Scorbunny as March Hair, and Polteageist as the Dormouse, lol).

Man yeah, there's such a rich amount of folklore and literature that GF could be reaching into for Pokemon designs for Galar that's UK based. We'll have to see, like they do have Corviknight which is based on the Black Knight and possible the Ravens of the London Tower but that's a bit subtle.

1) We finally got to see what "Town" is, which while not really related to this discussion, at least looks somewhat interesting though not as polished as what people thought. The fact I could see similar quirks as Pokemon games (repetitive/unrefined animations for example) makes me at least feel they didn't really lower Pokemon quality to get working on their new game, as honestly they do seem to share the same quirks and perks as far as the graphics go.

2) We finally got to see Pokemon Camp, which is supposed to have required completely new animations built from scratch, and which should have been the main reason for deciding to not include everything as every single pokemon (with each form) would have required to be Camp-compatible.

1) Yeah, seeing more Little Town Hero (which I'll shorten to LTH) has given me some more things to think about. Particularly that it doesn't look as polished as the Pokemon games. Now, I can tell from all the emotive expressions and animations characters have that this is certainly someone's passion project (namely someone on top who decided to split their workforce to make it). But still I can't help but think, for all those who are thinking GF is trying to find another franchise to build themselves around, that THIS is what they're going to do that with? Now I think LTH is probably going to do well... but then I thought about LTH 2. LTH has the support that it's from the makers of Pokemon behind it, but LTH 2 can't stand on that same pedestal. It would be standing on the pedestal that LTH makes. And this goes back to LTH not looking as polished as a Pokemon game, if they wanted it to be a franchise to rely on wouldn't they be going all out on it? It makes me wonder if either we're all wrong and LTH is maybe just a one-off game they're making to play with a new idea that doesn't fit in the Pokemon series. And, if you'll allow my cynical side to take over a bit here, also makes me wonder if this is GF's attempt to not do better than they're used to doing.
Little Town Hero has no expectations. It's a new IP, it can look anyway it wants and you either accept it or don't. So could LTH also be an excuse from GF to not improve their graphics by making a new IP? But in that case, what about AFTER LTH? If the reason for LTH is so they don't have to improve their graphics then that means there won't be a LTH 2 but rather another new IP.
What I'm trying to get at here is that I don't think LTH is meant to be "GF's Savior", it more feels like GF is trying to reject/ignore their criticisms. It makes me even question if GF's higher-ups even wants to have a massive franchise on their hand. They made this idea they had and it became super popular and for a time things were great... but we're now moving onto 20 years of that same thing. And though they've tried to do their other ideas within that franchise, at some point the legacy of the franchise makes implementing new ideas harder and the more of the older content you have to keep in even though you no longer have an interest in them. And also with each new version they have to keep making it better which means working on improving themselves and their company... which they also have no interest in doing. GF's higher ups just want to make games, and while they may like the idea of a franchise they don't want the work that comes with maintaining a franchise.
At least that's where my mind went. I can be completely wrong. But from all that I've seen and heard that's my conclusion. Really has little to do with LTH to be honest, will probably be a good game. But I'm more interested to see what is done after it.

2) While Pokemon Camp has new animations it also re-uses a lot of the older animations from Amie/Refresh, particularly when the Pokemon is jumping around excitedly. And while it does look like a major feature (something they should had presented earlier), is it where most of the development time went? I don't think so. First, most of the development time (which, let me remind you, would have been between 1 and 2 years assuming they started work during the time Let's Go was wrapping up) would go into making the region itself. The locations, the people, scripting and making assets for the story, etc.. Next up would be the Pokemon, including Dynamaxing. Then would come all the extra features like Pokemon Camp and Poke Jobs. I'm still standing by my opinion the main reason they chopped the National Dex is because of the Dyanamax feature. They're making separate models for the giant Pokemon, that would not only take up extra time they could use to make new animations but also take up memory space. Now certainly chopping the dex would give them time to make more animations... but also would be hiring temporary animators (and also not splitting their offices to make a passion project game *points above* ).
I'm not going to let GF have an excuse. They don't deserve it. The GF higher-ups have shown to be irresponsible with managing their time, workforce resources, and programming.

I'm just gonna go ahead and say it

"Who the F--- cares about camp? Pokemon is about catching and battling"

Mind you I don't actually agree with that sentiment, I actually like Amie and actively wish that contests, movies even musicals where back
but in all my years watching both invested and casual fans, I'm thinking that like 90% of all people don't really bother with side activities, so Gamefreak's efforts to improve this part of their games seems... misguided

To the players who think this feature is needed (I know not you, Rapti, you're just playing devil's advocate which I think it a good thing to bring up), I say to those players they can go eat the spiciest curry.

Because being able to play with your Pokemon was something the franchise needed for a LONG time. We finally got it in Gen VI with Amie which was a good start, but this expands the idea by letting you go to other player's campsites and having all of you play with each other's Pokemon. Nothing I saw I would say is misguided, it's the right step for the "playing with your Pokemon" side of things.

But that said, you and Karxrida are also right. They put the time into giving new animation for playing with your Pokemon which you'll do probably once every half hour to an hour (most likely after important story events/battles), but yet they didn't make/improve animations for during battle which you're doing 90% of the time? As I said above, if you're that tight on time why didn't you hire temporary animators? They don't even need to be in the office, they could even be on the other side of the world. Well, I say that, but Japan probably has companies who sole purpose is to provide temporary workforce so GF probably wouldn't have needed to look far.

If there was anything that needed to be cut I would say it's the presentation of the Dynamax feature. Infact they could still have had big Pokemon by just upscaling the normal models by just enough they're big but not so big you can see jaggies. But nope, GF wanted kaiju-sized Pokemon (which, hey, they also could have had but just for the Gigantamax Pokemon, it would have made those Pokemon even feel more special) so needed new models to smooth out the texture (though even then I think there's probably a way for the game to smooth out the texture of an upscaled model). But in addition to hiring temporary animators they could also hire temporary programmers so they can stop brute force coding.

This made me think of something. Assuming that all/most of the Kanto mons make it in (because kanto) and that Galar has at least 80 new Pokémon (which is fair, I think), then we would be looking at at least a Pokédex of 400, so far. So we’re probably looking at around ~45% of the total (assuming 900 after Galar) Pokemon being in the game. I don’t think that’s too bad, and with that number only being able to grow I wonder if we maybe we overreacted a bit.

Eh, I would at least like above 75-80%. Because excluding 50-40% is still enough where many underdog favorites can be lost in. And yes, I said underdog favorites, because we did overreact a bit as they were obviously going to include all the favorite Pokemon that sell merchandise. If any favorite Pokemon was being excluded it would be your underdog favorites, those mons you like for one reason or another but wouldn't bring with you to a battling competition. Like, for example, has Dunsparce been confirmed back? I think fans of those Pokemons have the most to be worried about (along with fans of Starters or Legendaries/Mythicals; obvious Pokemons to cut).

RANDOM THOUGHT: I just thought of something. The original Pokemon Stadium for Japan didn't have all the Pokemon at the time. No, they only had the fully evolved Pokemon plus Pikachu (later they would make a Stadium 2 which would then see an international release as our original Pokemon Stadium). Since then that hasn't happened againt except in side series with no connectivity to the core series. But now that we have this dex split happening, what would you say to the idea of them including just the final stage of a Pokemon (or the final two stages) and excluding them from breeding? I came up with this thought since I mentioned past gen Starters would be obvious ones to chop... yet Leon has a Charizard. But what if only Charizard was in the game, not Charmander nor Charmeleon? It's an "exotic" Pokemon, a Pokemon you can't get its other evolutionary family for and the Nursery isn't trained in breeding so would refuse to take it.

Also, mysterious Pokemon statues in the city where you face Nessa. My personal view is that it's either a form change of Zacian and Zamazenta, or it's that 3rd legendary that's been practically confirmed by now.


Are these from a screenshot or video? They look strange for statues, like one looks to be in a looking motion.

Speaking of things that would be interesting to carry over from Let's Go, the updated Teleport is at the top of the list for me.

Wouldn't mind if they had a Madam Celadon expy somewhere. Also would like them to keep the Coach Trainers (or the Route Leaders/Kahuna from SM & USUM). The TM List was also pretty good, needed improvements here and there but since it was only half the size of other TM lists that easily could be fixed.

At this point I'm wondering if they're just not going to say anything about Impidimp until the game releases.

Turns out Impidimp was the Mew-expy Mythical Pokemon of this gen and it being in the demo was an accident. But instead of changing it into a normal mon and designing (or re-assigning) a better looking Pokemon to be the Mythical they're just gonna instead pretend Impidimp doesn't exist until it's release event and never talk about why it was in the Demo again.

In other news, I can see the statue being an Impdimp evo (didn’t someone on here predict it to have a gargoyle like final evo?).

*Raised hand* Impidimp's tongue sticking out reminded me of grotesques (or gargoyles).

Allow me to be annoying and give a context on why I think that pokemon not having dedicated animations for stuff like Tackle or Double Kick is a reasonable design choice.

Well I'm not asking for every Physical move to have an accurate representation, what I'm asking is for them to do the moves like they did in Battle Revolution. I want the Physical attacker to either 1) run up to the opponent and do their attack or 2) do a POV camera where we're seeing what the target Pokemon would be seeing: the attacker running up to them and attacking. I get not all moves can have special animations, want I'm asking for it being fooled to thinking my Pokemon is actually having contact.

Also I don't think it would be too much to ask Special attacker to maybe have a few special animations to show how they do at least their STAB moves. Like instead of Charizard roaring and a fire materialize generally in front of it have Charizard spewing flames when it does a special Fire-type move. Show Blastoise shooting water from its cannons.

Anyone noticed the wild Machoke they show off Cramorant against has Knock Off despite not learning it via level-up normally?

Knock Off given to more mons naturally to offset the need for move tutors? that could be c00l

While it would be cool, I also think they gave it Knock Off to show that Gulp Missile doesn't work by having Cramorant "hold" the fish it picked up as an item. It shows Cramorant is in a different form with the fish being the additional element that is what Gulp Missile is working with. This means Cramorant can hold a normal item and you don't have to worry about not being able to use Gulp Missile.

back on topic, why did you make a bikini outfit for a possible 11 year old girl in freaking England of all places Gamefreak? Why?
back in alola it could be possibly justified and even there it would be gratuitous
England is know for being rainy and cold
just why?

I didn't recall seeing a bikini outfit for the playable girl character.

Also you're complaint about them putting a prepubescent teen in a bikini is because England is cold and rainy and not that they're sexualizing a minor?

EDIT: Wait, you mean the Water-type Gym's uniform? Does that count as a bikini? When I was in junior high school/high school and went over to see my extended family (cousins/aunts/uncles/grandma) who live out on long island during the Summer, whenever we went to the pool my younger cousins wore similar swimming suits and they were around the age and younger than the perceived age of the player character (who looks to be older than 11, like maybe 15?).

Also don't forget Galar is based on all the UK, not just England. England is on the very top of the map. Geographically speaking (and taking into account Galar is the UK flipped upside down) the player would be Scottish. Thinking about it, Galar is the biggest example of "region crunch" as it fits the entirety of the UK in one region (England, Scotland, Wales(?)) into one region while Unova was only New York (and parts of New Jersey), Kalos was France, and the Japanese based regions were based on one/two regions in Japan.

When was the last time you saw someone wearing a bikini in the middle of jolly ol' England?

Does England not have beaches? The Water-type Gym is right on the shore.

AND caught up. Later today, at night, or tomorrow I'll look through the trailer & site again to see if I have anything else to add. I purposely skipped talking about Alcremie's alternate forms as I wanted to talk about them separately.