Pet Mod [Gen 8] Perfect Galar

Roomtour in < 30 minutes! If you want to do some last minute building keep in mind that rn there's a weird but thankfully purely visual bug where some mons show up as illegal in builder but they should still be allowed if they're on the usable mons list on the sheet

EDIT: Based Scoopapa quickly fixed the issue! Everything should appear correct now
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Another roomtour come and gone, and once again it was a fun time for everyone involved!! After observing the meta slowly but surely develop I think its time for some stuff to be changed once more... but not necessarily for the better.

Slate #13: Nerf These

We still got a few things that need to be toned down, so why not let the community do it this time?


Even though its gotten a few adjustments already that in theory make it more well-rounded and less overwhelming, Spectrier has shown that it is still just as good if not better than in standard. Grim Neigh may be technically nerfed but it still has its own very powerful applications, and more importantly it still has the absurd statline and new tools in Astral Barrage and Giga Drain.


On the other hand Cinderace has yet to receive any changes, which is a problem as its Cinderace and as such a bit too strong and versatile in its current state, especially with Dynamax giving it even more opportunities.


Finally, let's see if we can nerf Arena Trap/Shadow Tag to make them actually fun and not uncompetitive garbage in OU singles. Tweaking the individual users is optional but recommended.
Pokémon: Spectrier
Statline: 90 HP / 100 Atk / 60 Def / 110 SpA / 100 SpD / 130 Speed | 580 BST
Reasoning: Make it so that Spectrier does not completely overshadow Gengar but rather give it a distinction niche over it; faster, specially bulkier but nowhere as hard hitting. The absurd official statline is by far the biggest problem about Spectrier, especially since there is only Dark-type that can resist Ghost and Normal being immune to it.

Pokémon: Cinderace
Statline: 80 HP / 106 Atk / 70 Def / 85 SpA / 70 SpD / 119 Speed | 530 BST
Removed Move: Sucker Punch (applied to all of the Scorbunny line as well)
Changed Ability: Libero - Adds a secondary type to the user before using the move. If the user already have a secondary type, replace that type with the one that matches the move.
Reasoning: Cinderace comes off as too good in too many things, especially as far as Libero is concerned. While the Ability maintain the constant STAB function, it now have to worry about getting hit with Water-type, Ground-type (unless Bounce is used) and Rock-type, giving much more consistent weaknesses. I also remove Sucker Punch so that it have to deal with Priority moves instead of screwing them over. It still have U-Turn, but overall, it have to contend with being more careful with its weaknesses with no more being able to cheese with constant type swapping shenanigan.

:dugtrio: :gothitelle: :wobbuffet:
Arena Trap + Shadow Tag
Arena Trap Change
: Prevent opposing Ground-type Pokémon from switching out.
Shadow Tag Change: Prevent opposing Psychic-type Pokémon from switching out.
Reasoning: Make these Abilities useful without being uncompetitively unhealthy. For example, Dugtrio can have a guaranteed revenge kill against a sand-less Excadrill, Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and rain-less Siesmitoad, but cannot trap anything else. Same goes for Psychic-type trapping Gothitelle and Wobbuffet. Speaking off Wobbuffet...

Pokémon: Wobbuffet
Statline: 190 HP / 33 Atk / 68 Def / 33 SpA / 68 SpD / 33 Speed | 425 BST
Removed Move: Destiny Bond
Reasoning: With a somewhat better bulk, Wobbuffet will make a better use of Counter and Mirror Coat, and Encore that will force a switch out. Be warned, as Wobbuffet is still passive otherwise, which means it cannot do much against walls except abusing Encore (which can backfire if letting them spamming Recover for example). With the "more specific but more fun" Shadow Tag, though, it will spell any Psychic-type to their doom if the opponent doesn't take it out first.
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Stats: 100 / 85 / 60 / 135 / 120 / 110
Movepool Changes: Loses Giga Drain, Nasty Plot
Ability Change: Grim Neigh: Restores 1/16 HP if attacking a burned foe.
Reasoning: As pointed out on Discord, Spectrier's design seems to incentivize its limited movepool by giving it access to lots of cool tricks. Removing Nasty Plot actually encourages it to play with these tricks. It's bulky, but has lost its great speed tier. It's designed to encourage the use of its Hex sets, playing with its now strongest stab and getting HP recovery. It plays really well with Substitute support because the subs just keep going, letting it spread status from behind the sub.

Arena Trap: As long as a terrain is active, the opposing Pokemon can't escape if it is affected by a terrain.
Reasoning: Terrains are the closest we have to actual 'arenas', and it limits how Dugtrio can be used by restricting it's use to a small window instead of 'whenever'.

Shadow Tag: Prevents the use of switching moves (Volt Switch, U-turn, Teleport, Parting Shot, Baton Pass)
Reasoning: These moves are dumb so might as well provide some counterplay. This is really good for Gothitelle since it's weak to U-Turn.
Stats: 110 / 85 / 60 / 145 / 80 / 100
Movepool Changes: Remove Nasty Plot, Rework Astral Barrage (Single-target, 30 BP, hits 4 times; 3 if used by Spectrier)

Ghorse still hits super hard, but the speed drop allows for a lot more offensive counterplay, meaning that it has to take advantage of its slightly-improved bulk and ability in order to get the job done. The Astral Barrage change fits with the idea of sending “small ghosts” at the target and nerfs its damage potential, making Hex worth considering again. However, it notably does a better job against Substitutes, allowing Spectrier to take full advantage of its support movepool. The removal of Nasty Plot slows setup and helps Gengar to stand out, forcing Ghorse to instead use Calm Mind if it wants to boost.

Libero Change: Now activates after a move is used.

For those of you who don’t know football, the libero plays a defensive position. I don’t know why they decided to give that to Cinderace when it’s categorized as the Striker Pokemon, a completely different position (this is the case in Japanese as well), but I digress. Cinderace was already good with Blaze, and gaining STAB on everything’s what really put it over the top, so I just removed autoSTAB. The type change is now mostly useful for defensive mixups, which fits the name way better than its current effect. If you’re spamming a move you’ll get STAB on the second hit which is makes it harder to wall, but it’s a lot easier to switch into, which, on its own, should be enough to keep Ace balanced.
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Pokémon: Spectrier
Stats: 100 HP / 95 Atk / 60 Def / 115 SpA / 80 SpD / 130 Speed | 580 BST
Grim Neigh: Sound Moves become Ghost-type
Astral Barrage: 95 BP for solo horse - Ballistic Move
Moves: -Giga Drain
Reasoning: Pretty much take away the insane power and give it a useless ability (Snarl FTW). It also takes a lot more from Foul Play now. Bulletproof pokemon are immune now, too. Astral Barrage is approximately as strong as base Spectier's Shadow Ball, but without the hax chance.

Pokémon: Cinderace
Move changes: Pyro Ball no longer has a chance to burn.
Ability Changes: Libero - User can absorb one ballistic move, taking no damage and applying a +1 priority affect to its next ballistic move. Effect is reset upon using said ballistic move or switching out.
Reasoning: Loses Libero, gains something fun but situational instead.

Pokémon: Dugtrio
Stats: 65 / 110 / 60 / 50 / 90 / 120 | 495 BST
Movepool: +Parting Shot, Knock Off
Ability Changes: Arena Trap - Your team's entry hazards affect pokemon switching out.
Reasoning: It now has a normal BST and can punish switches rather than preventing them. Knock Off incoming pokemon's Boots to make the most of your ability. Sort of a gimmicky mon for use on hazard stacking teams. Or you can just Final Gambit.

Shadow Tag - User resists Ghost-type moves, overriding any type interaction.
Stats: 70 / 55 / 65 / 105 / 170 / 65 | 530 BST
Moves: +Wish +Mystical Fire
Reasoning: Allows Gothitelle to function as a Special Wall with the niche of resisting Ghost. Things are still tough for a mono-Psychic type with both versions of Slowking competing with it. It has a decent-but-not-great mix of support options in Wish, Thunder Wave, Heal Bell, and Trick Room. However, it can stonewall many special attackers including Gengar and Spectrier, which should be a nice niche for it.

Moves: +Block, +Teleport
Reasoning: I don't really know about Wobby but this way it can capitalize on some 50/50s and bring in some allies for free.
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Shadow Tag: Also permanently traps the user upon activation. The user cannot escape this self-trap by Shed Shell or pivoting moves (think Ingrain but without healing)
Description: The ultimate risk-reward, the effect is still extraordinarily powerful but one wrong move and you're now playing 5-6, or even giving a deadly sweeper set-up fodder.


Arena Trap: Only traps Pokemon that weigh 330 pounds or more.
Description: Less all-encompassing while still giving you cool targets like Melmetal, Terrakion, Tyranitar and Registeel.
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  1. Samtendo
  2. Scoopapa
  3. Tapler

  1. Scoopapa
  2. Tapler
  3. Samtendo

  1. Scoopapa
  2. Yung Dramps
  3. Ema Skye

  1. Scoopapa
  2. Yung Dramps
  3. Ema Skye
Stats: 110 / 85 / 60 / 145 / 80 / 100
Movepool Changes: Remove Nasty Plot, Rework Astral Barrage (Single-target, 30 BP, hits 4 times; 3 if used by Spectrier)

Ghorse still hits super hard, but the speed drop allows for a lot more offensive counterplay, meaning that it has to take advantage of its slightly-improved bulk and ability in order to get the job done. The Astral Barrage change fits with the idea of sending “small ghosts” at the target and nerfs its damage potential, making Hex worth considering again. However, it notably does a better job against Substitutes, allowing Spectrier to take full advantage of its support movepool. The removal of Nasty Plot slows setup and helps Gengar to stand out, forcing Ghorse to instead use Calm Mind if it wants to boost.

Libero Change: Now activates after a move is used.

For those of you who don’t know football, the libero plays a defensive position. I don’t know why they decided to give that to Cinderace when it’s categorized as the Striker Pokemon, a completely different position (this is the case in Japanese as well), but I digress. Cinderace was already good with Blaze, and gaining STAB on everything’s what really put it over the top, so I just removed autoSTAB. The type change is now mostly useful for defensive mixups, which fits the name way better than its current effect. If you’re spamming a move you’ll get STAB on the second hit which is makes it harder to wall, but it’s a lot easier to switch into, which, on its own, should be enough to keep Ace balanced.


Shadow Tag: Also permanently traps the user upon activation. The user cannot escape this self-trap by Shed Shell or pivoting moves (think Ingrain but without healing)
Description: The ultimate risk-reward, the effect is still extraordinarily powerful but one wrong move and you're now playing 5-6, or even giving a deadly sweeper set-up fodder.


Arena Trap: Only traps Pokemon that weigh 330 pounds or more.
Description: Less all-encompassing while still giving you cool targets like Melmetal, Terrakion, Tyranitar and Registeel.

These are your winners, ladies and gentlemen.

Tapler 6
Ema Skye 5
Samtendo 3
Scoopapa 2

Tapler 8
Scoopapa 6
Samtendo 3

Shadow Tag
Yung Dramps 8
Scoopapa 3
Ema Skye 3

Arena Trap
Yung Dramps 5
Ema Skye 4
Scoopapa 3
Aight, so I've made the executive decision to roll back some changes

-Jungle Healing is being reverted back to how it is in vanilla. When making this change I did not consider that Zarude already has Synthesis and that this move actually does have some applications on Bulk Up sets

-I'm also rescinding Slowking-Galar's stat changes and the addition of Recover. These feel super arbitrary, needless and if current OU is anything to go by it does not need a buff to these areas. Curious Medicine change will stay in place tho
Rime Time!

Pokemon Name: Mr. Rime
Role: Team Support, Spinning, Pivot
Stat Changes (If Any): 80/75/85/110/100/70 (+10 Def, -10 Atk)
Ability Changes (If Any): -Tangled Feet, +Refrigerate
Movepool Changes (If Any): Teleport, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Rime already has a cool utility movepool, but it's, strangly, geared toward an offensive role with it removing screens. -ate Spinning is unique, letting it spin against everything. Future Sight+Teleport also lets it support offensive allies after it removes hazards. The final move could be TWave/Toxic for status, Encore to force a switch, Taunt to break stall, Heal Bell to remove status or even Healing Wish if it's job is done. Hyper Voice also gives it strong Ice STAB if it wants an attack for a final move.

Pokemon Name: Runerigus
Role: Disruption
Stat Changes: 78/100/145/50/105/36 (+20 HP, +5 Atk, +6 Spe) [514 BST]
Ability Changes: Wandering Spirit - Swaps abilities on entry.
Movepool Changes: Spikes, Shore Up, Toxic
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Ability negation isn't seen in this mod, so Runerigus is immediately unique. Shutting down abilities like Magic Guard and Regenerator allows it to be a check to a lot of otherwise difficult-to-check Pokemon (mfw your Clefable takes Poison damage or your Toxapex doesn't heal on exit). Speed increase is just so it naturally outspeeds Pex to force the switch.
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Pokémon Name: Stunfisk-Galar
Role: Trapper, Terrain Abuser
Stat Changes (If Any): 109/101/109/66/84/52 (+20 Attack, +10 Defense, +20 Speed)
Original Stunfisk Stat Changes: 109/66/84/101/109/52 (+20 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +20 Speed)
Ability Changes (If Any): +Strong Jaw, +Unnerve
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Psychic Fang
Snap Trap Change: Become Steel-type. 40 BP. Matches the type of the terrain, such as Grass on Grassy Terrain, Psychic on Psychic Terrain, Electric on Electric Terrain and Fairy on Misty Terrain, and doubles Power if any of these terrains is active.
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Simply capitalizing on its signature move, Snap Trap, be it through Mimicry or Strong Jaw, more likely the latter due to Psychic Fang coverage against Fighting-type and an effective 150 BP on a terrain for Snap Trap.


Pokémon Name: Mr. Rime
Role: Spinner, Set Up Sweeper
Stat Changes (If Any): 80/75/75/110/100/95 (-10 Attack, +25 Speed)
Ability Changes (If Any): Screen Cleaner modified.
Screen Cleaner: Only removes opponent’s screens upon switch-in. Prevent the opponent from summoning Reflect, Light Screen or Aurora Veil.
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Teleport, Dark Pulse
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Mr. Rime already has a great movepool, only problem is its typing and slow speed which held it so much. With an increased speed to capitalize Rapid Spin better and Focus Blast’s more acceptable accuracy, Mr. Rime can pose more of a threat than before.
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Pokémon: Stunfisk-Galar
Modified Stats: 119 / 101 / 99 / 66 / 84 / 32 (+10 HP, +20 Atk)
Movepool Additions: +Flip Turn
+10 HP, +20 SpA, +Flip Turn

These exactly match the changes to Stunfisk-G except for the mirrored attacking stat, and allow Stunfisk to use its unique typing to its advantage as a nice fat pivot that punishes VoltTurn thanks to a combination of Electric immunity and Static.

Snap Trap - Steel-type, no longer traps, summons Sharp Spikes (the GMax Steelsurge hazard) on hit.

A bulky pivot that is defined by Snap Trap, allowing it to provide a nearly unique benefit to team without costing your Dynamax.
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Pokémon Name: Runerigus
Role: Physical Wall
Stat Changes (If Any): 58/110/155/50/115/30 (+15 Attack, +10 Defense, +10 Special Defense)
Ability Changes (If Any): N/A
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Pain Split, +Toxic, +Encore, +Moonlight
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: It's typing is not common in the metagame, and thanks to its unique tools like Will O Wisp and a strong secondary option in Poltergeist, it carves a niche as a formidable Bulky Ground.

Pokémon Name: Mr. Rime
Role: Hazard Control
Stat Changes (If Any): N/A
Ability Changes (If Any): *Screen Cleaner
*Sets a Defog effect upon switch in, but also clears screens on its own side.
Movepool Changes (If Any): N/A
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: It's new version of Screen Cleaner us it's undeniable niche as instant hazard control. With this tool Mr. Rime can control the momentum of the game at any moment. To keep it balanced, I made the ability also clear away your own set up Screens, as to not make it an invaluable asset for HO. Even still, Mr. Rime is a solid pick of a Pokémon for teams that can't bother to fit hazard control.

Pokémon Name: Stunfisk-Galar
Role: Hazard Setter, Trapper, Physical Tank
Stat Changes (If Any): 119/98/99/66/84/32 (+10 HP, +17 Atk)
Ability Changes (If Any): *Mimicry / Limber | HA: Strong Jaw
*Changes the primary typing of the user to match the existing Terrain.
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Iron Head, +Thunder Fang, +Ice Fang, +Psychic Fang, +Spikes, *Snap Trap
*45 BP. Same effects as in standard, but in addition to this, doubles strength while in a Terrain.
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Stunfisk-Galar is a cool Pokémon. It traps stuff with its signature move Snap Trap (actually worth using now) and thanks to is ability can swap up it's typing on various Terrains while still being a solid Pokémon overall, and is actually pretty solid ANTI Terrain thanks to resisting the STABs of all of the Terrain users (sans Tapu Fini's Scald) with its new and improved Mimicry. (Like it's supposed to match the terrain, but at the end if the day it's still a metal trap yk).
Pokemon Name: Stunfisk-Galar
Role: Defensive Trapper
Stat Changes (If Any):
10996 (+15)109 (+10)6694 (+10)32
BST: 506 (Base form gains +10 Special Attack, +15 Special Defense, +10 Defense)
Ability Changes (If Any): Mimicry
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Iron Head, +Snap Trap, +Flip Turn (Base form gets Flip Turn)
Snap Trap is now base Steel type, which makes sense and also changes type in terrain.
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: I personally like Stunfisk-G's design on bear traps plus the original flounder design, which fit well with each other. I ran some calcs to see how well it takes and deals certain moves, and the results are below. Snap Trap is now a good move to use in conjunction with terrain, such as pairing Stunfisk with Tapu Koko to get an Electric-Type Snap Trap to deal with water types.
252 Atk Landorus-Therian Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Stunfisk-Galar: 240-284 (56.8 - 67.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Hawlucha Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Stunfisk-Galar: 234-276 (55.4 - 65.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
176 SpA Slowking-Galar Scald vs. 252 HP / 8 SpD Stunfisk-Galar: 154-182 (36.4 - 43.1%) -- 98.2% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+1 252 SpA Volcarona Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 208 SpD Stunfisk-Galar: 390-458 (92.4 - 108.5%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
52 Atk Stunfisk-Galar Rock Slide vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Volcarona: 312-368 (100.3 - 118.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Stunfisk-Galar Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Slowking-Galar: 354-416 (89.8 - 105.5%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
Pokémon Name: Runerigus
Role: Physical Wall, Roadblock
Stat Changes: 88(+30)/95/145/50/105/30
Ability Changes (If Any): Wondering Spirit/Perish Body/Sturdy
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Shadow Sneak, Coil, Recover, Glare, Topsy-Turvy
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Designed to able to counter and prevent mons from sweeping.

Pokémon Name: Mr. Rime
Role: Hazard Control, Sweeper
Type: Ice/Fairy
Stat Changes: 80/110/75/70/100/85
Ability Changes (If Any): Screen Cleaner/Technician/Dancer
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Swords dance, play rough, Icicle Crash
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Strong physical ice sweeper with unique support abilities.

Pokémon Name: Stunfisk-Galar
Role: Hazard Setter, Trapper, Physical Tank
Stat Changes (If Any): 109/91(+10)/99/86(+20)/84/32
Ability Changes (If Any): Mimicry/Strong Jaw/Prankster
Movepool Changes (If Any): +Electric Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Gyro Ball, Nature Power
*Snap Trap
*Physical terrain pulse but a fang move
What sets this Pokemon apart from ones with similar roles?: Can set up and take advantage of any terrain.
Mistakes were made on my part, time to vote, usual rules.

As a refresher since it's been 5000 years: Use a format like this

Stunfisk-Galar: 1st pick, 2nd pick, 3rd pick
Runerigus: 1st pick, 2nd pick, 3rd pick
Mr. Rime: 1st pick, 2nd pick, 3rd pick