Project BDSP Heat

Milotic @ Choice Specs
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Recover / Hypnosis


For those who know me, this set is a classic by now. Specs Milotic takes advanage of OU's reliance on defoggers by using competetive, which will give milotic a +2 if any of it's stats is lowered. On top of that, Milotic has great natural bulk, even without investment, which lets it swap into several threats and straighout KO them. It has a respectable base special attack of 100, which lets it deal surprisingly high damage when invested. It has a unique speed tier, as it is surprisingly fast for a bulky water type, which lets it get the jump on many threats such as Dragonite, Mamoswine, adamant Lucario and even most variants of Gliscor! The main use of this Milotic would be on bulky hazard stack teams, where it can abuse an opening made by a defogger and potentially sweep. After a competitive boost, this Milotic can do the unthinkable; 2HKO Blissey. It enjoys coming in on defoggers, as the 2 most common ones (Gliscor and Scizor) are easily OHKO'd after a competitive boost. All things considered, this Milotic does rely on hitting several hydro pumps in a row, as well as not running out of PP. Scald is a secondary offensive move that can potentially bait the opponent into thinking youre a standard Milotic if your cards havent been revealed yet. Without any investment, this Milotic can live a specs draco meteor from Latios, as well as an outrage from Garchomp. Thanks to the immense power of competitive, this Milotic can also OHKO the likes of Tangrowth with hydro pump, as well as 2HKOing unaware Clefable. This set is countered by Rotom-W, as it 4x resits water and couldn't carer about Milotic's ice beams. This is exactly why the last moveslot is reserved for either recover or hypnosis. Hypnosis lets you potentially put asleep the only Pokemon that can counter you, while recover lets Milotic stay alive throughout the game and deny defogging atempts over and over.

-Set by had sweep >:)
Milotic @ Choice Specs
Ability: Competitive
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Recover / Hypnosis


For those who know me, this set is a classic by now. Specs Milotic takes advanage of OU's reliance on defoggers by using competetive, which will give milotic a +2 if any of it's stats is lowered. On top of that, Milotic has great natural bulk, even without investment, which lets it swap into several threats and straighout KO them. It has a respectable base special attack of 100, which lets it deal surprisingly high damage when invested. It has a unique speed tier, as it is surprisingly fast for a bulky water type, which lets it get the jump on many threats such as Dragonite, Mamoswine, adamant Lucario and even most variants of Gliscor! The main use of this Milotic would be on bulky hazard stack teams, where it can abuse an opening made by a defogger and potentially sweep. After a competitive boost, this Milotic can do the unthinkable; 2HKO Blissey. It enjoys coming in on defoggers, as the 2 most common ones (Gliscor and Scizor) are easily OHKO'd after a competitive boost. All things considered, this Milotic does rely on hitting several hydro pumps in a row, as well as not running out of PP. Scald is a secondary offensive move that can potentially bait the opponent into thinking youre a standard Milotic if your cards havent been revealed yet. Without any investment, this Milotic can live a specs draco meteor from Latios, as well as an outrage from Garchomp. Thanks to the immense power of competitive, this Milotic can also OHKO the likes of Tangrowth with hydro pump, as well as 2HKOing unaware Clefable. This set is countered by Rotom-W, as it 4x resits water and couldn't carer about Milotic's ice beams. This is exactly why the last moveslot is reserved for either recover or hypnosis. Hypnosis lets you potentially put asleep the only Pokemon that can counter you, while recover lets Milotic stay alive throughout the game and deny defogging atempts over and over.

-Set by had sweep >:)

I've been running something similar lately but with LO and Recover instead of Specs. So I can switch moves after the competitive boost.
I've been running something similar lately but with LO and Recover instead of Specs. So I can switch moves after the competitive boost.
Running life orb on a bulky pokemon is generally bad id go mystic water, but then you pass up on a few really important KO's, I don't think you even 2HKO clef with pump at that point
Running life orb on a bulky pokemon is generally bad id go mystic water, but then you pass up on a few really important KO's, I don't think you even 2HKO clef with pump at that point

I mean in this case it's not really used for a defensive role. And it has enough natural bulk that it can often tank a lot of hits anyways + this way you can take on a few extra threats by switching moves when other mons switch in.

Also I mean to your own set, it's not a great idea to run non damaging moves on a Choice set aka recover or Hypnosis. As both lead to Milotic being locked into an easily abusable move.
I mean in this case it's not really used for a defensive role. And it has enough natural bulk that it can often tank a lot of hits anyways + this way you can take on a few extra threats by switching moves when other mons switch in.

Also I mean to your own set, it's not a great idea to run non damaging moves on a Choice set aka recover or Hypnosis. As both lead to Milotic being locked into an easily abusable move.
Recover and hypnosis is cuz Milo coverage is bad :) also you aren't that naturally bulky with life orb recoil...
Raichu @ Focus Sash
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fake Out
- Nuzzle/Surf/Grass Knot (ty yonitet)
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt


This is support Raichu, and basically worse BDSP NU Regieleki. Fake Out is for stupid Focus Sash, and chip 'cause why not. Nuzzle can para your opponent and then you can make an easy get away with Volt Switch. Static is there as a "second" worse version of Nuzzle. Surf/Grass Knot is for stuff like Golem where you can use Fake Out and then OHKO it with Surf/Grass Knot to stop rocks from coming up and from it booming on you. And Thunderbolt is for STAB.
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Raichu @ Focus Sash
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fake Out
- Nuzzle/Surf
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt


This is support Raichu, and basically worse BDSP NU Regieleki. Fake Out is for stupid Focus Sash, and chip 'cause why not. Nuzzle can para your opponent and then you can make an easy get away with Volt Switch. Static is there as a "second" worse version of Nuzzle. Surf is for stuff like Golem where you can use Fake Out and then OHKO it with Surf to stop rocks from coming up and from it booming on you. And Thunderbolt is for STAB.
id go with surf/ grass knot as then you can be an effective anti lead against stuff like rhydon and golem
Shaymin @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 44 HP / 160 Def / 252 SpA / 52 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Healing Wish
- Air Slash
- Dazzling Gleam/Energy Ball
- Seed Flare/Energy Ball


This is Scarf Healing Wish Shaymin. It hits hard and can help out its team in a pinch. Healing Wish is for healing your teammates (obviously). Air Slash 'cause it gets bad coverage and to hit opposing Grass-types. Energy Ball is there if you don't trust Seed Flare's accuracy. Dazzling Gleam is for the Dragons in the tier. And Seed Flare is STAB. I haven't played BDSP OU for a hot second, but I made a team before I left with this set helping out its team-namely Staraptor-and other set-up mons.
Team with Feraligatr:
Team with Scizor:
Those teams have E Ball; you can replace it with D Gleam.
Cresselia (F) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 216 HP / 96 Def / 20 SpD / 176 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast / Psychic
- Psycho Shift
- Sleep Talk
- Rest


Cresselia (F) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast / Psychic
- Psycho Shift
- Sleep Talk
- Rest


Pyromaniac Cresselia is an incredibly sturdy and hard to break wall on all fronts. It makes use of flame orb and psycho shift to burn physical attackers, as well as potentially psycho shifting away it's rest onto an opponent, while waking itself up. It uses moonblast as it's primary attacking as nothing is immune to it, as well as it being supereffective against potential dark type switchins like Tyranitar, Weavile and Crawdaunt. The OU set lets it outspeed jolly Crawdaunt, meaning it gets the jump on adamant Tyranitar, Breloom and Azumarill, all of which are valueble physical attackers to pass a burn to. This also works in it's favor as it is usually the end-all-be-all bulky pokemon, meaning that swapping one of those offensive pokemon into it will yield great results (not against this set tho ;P ). The UU set outspeeds adamant Absol, Honchcrow and Metagross, all of which are extremely valuable targets to burn, as they can potentially beat Cresselia thanks to their typing and STABS (which is why moonblast is ran). This set prefers running rest as it's recovery instead of moonlight as rest has much higher PP, and having the abillity to potentially end your 2 turns of rest sleeping by passing your rest onto the opponents pokemon (uncontested by sleep clause). In OU it is a prefect partner for Heatran, as it can cover it's ground weakness thanks to levitate, as well as shield it from fighting type moves, while Heatran can help it with the likes of Scizor and Weavile if in a pinch.
Flygon @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 152 Atk / 104 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Earthquake
- Superpower
- Flamethrower
- Giga Drain


Meet Mixed Flygon! He can OHKO Quagsire after Stealth Rock with Giga Drain. Superpower hits the Ambipom and Ice-types that want to come in. Earthquake is STAB and is good for the bulky steels in the tier. And Flamethrower is for the Bug-types in the tier and Physically defensive Steel-types.
Flygon @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 152 Atk / 104 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Earthquake
- Superpower
- Flamethrower
- Giga Drain


Meet Mixed Flygon! He can OHKO Quagsire after Stealth Rock with Giga Drain. Superpower hits the Ambipom and Ice-types that want to come in. Earthquake is STAB and is good for the bulky steels in the tier. And Flamethrower is for the Bug-types in the tier and Physically defensive Steel-types.
Lmfao that's the set I sent in ps chat like 3 months ago. It also OHKO' Chansey with superpower, as well as 2HKO'ing Umbreon. It's also fire blast to 2HKO Granbull after rocks.
Mothim (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- U-turn
- Aerial Ace
- Lunge
- Energy Ball


Mothim is an intresting pokemon. It has one of the best abillities on an offensive pokemon, as well as well rounded offensive stats. It's only drawback is that it's quite frail and doesn't break many speedtiers. In return, it has the most spammable STAB in the game, in u-turn. Mothim is in direct competition in this role with Scyther, who packs much higher speed and higher physical attack, but is walled a lot easier by rock and steel types, which Mothim can usually break through, or u-turn out of and deal actual significant damage. Thanks to it's abillity, Mothim is able to 2HKO much of the tier, including Skuntank, Rotom-Frost, Lanturn and Dusknoir. This Mothim mainly uses the surprise factor of it's u-turns, as they can deal immense damage to pokemon, as well as potentially KOing.

- Set by Vrooom
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Infernape @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Flare Blitz / Fire Punch
- U-turn / Thunder Punch


Infernape is a pokemon with a rather large movepool, which can allow for a vast amount of movesets, including creative ones like this one. Substitute is excellent after you switch in against a pokemon who wouldn't want to deal with Infernape, like Weavile and Scizor, and overall synergizes well with the set. Focus Punch is the main gimmick here, while Close Combat is by far the preferred STAB, it's Iron Fist ability can boost it to a total of 180 power, and pairs well with Substitute, as it can still hit the opponent even after the Substitute is broken. Flare Blitz is your best Fire STAB, and the recoil isn't to worry much thanks to Leftovers passive healing. Fire Punch can also be used as well, since Iron Fist can boost it to a 90 total power, regardless, Flare Blitz still does more damage. U-turn is excellent to regain momentum, you can use it to pivot after the Substitute is broken against Psychic-types like Alakazam, Starmie, Latias and Latios, allowing a free hit before switching. Thunder Punch could also work, as it can hit Water types like Ferraligatr and Azumarill, as well as Flying types like Togekiss and Staraptor, and it appreciates the Iron Fist boost, but you lose the pivoting momentum that U-turn can provide.
4 HP/ 252 Atk / 252 Spe Evs and Jolly Nature is the way to go, as Jolly allows it to outspeed the like of Staraptor, Garchomp, Shaymin and Jirachi. Leftovers is useful for it's passive healing, as a combination of Substitute and Flare Blitz could drop his health rather quickly. Iron Fist is the must have ability on this set because of Focus Punch, as well as the other punch based moves if you choose to run them.

Alternatives to the set:
Running either Leichi Berry or Salac Berry can be considered, as Substitute and Flare Blitz already lower your health, allowing for a boost in either Attack and Speed depending on berry, but it removes a lot of longevity in return. Adamant Nature can also be use for power, but the speed drop is noticable. a mixed variant with Fire Blast as the Fire STAB can be used, allowing an easier kill on Skarmory, as well as being to hit certain mons harder, such as Glicor and Donphan. Slack Off can be used for far more longevity, a 50% heal can be rather useful in this set, but then you sacrifice either coverage, or a STAB, and both are kinda valuable here.
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Espeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Skill Swap
- Morning Sun

Similar to the Latias set, only with the difference of Skill Swap, which allows me to surprise Unaware users, like Fable or Quagsire, by swapping their ability and finishing off with Stored.
Surprised no one pointed this out, but you beat Unaware Clefable with Stored Power as Unaware stops the boost, but not the BP of Stored Power, so there's no need to Skill Swap:

+6 252 SpA Espeon Stored Power (260 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Unaware Clefable: 462-544 (117.2 - 138%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Surprised no one pointed this out, but you beat Unaware Clefable with Stored Power as Unaware stops the boost, but not the BP of Stored Power, so there's no need to Skill Swap:

+6 252 SpA Espeon Stored Power (260 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Unaware Clefable: 462-544 (117.2 - 138%) -- guaranteed OHKO
That was mentioned in the stored power Latias set :3
Lmfao that's the set I sent in ps chat like 3 months ago. It also OHKO' Chansey with superpower, as well as 2HKO'ing Umbreon. It's also fire blast to 2HKO Granbull after rocks.
Yeah that's where I got it from I had it for a long while finally decided to use it lol
Terror from Beyond (Spiritomb) @ Spell Tag
Ability: Infiltrator
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 56 HP / 188 Atk / 252 SpA / 12 Spe
Quiet Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Hex
- Sucker Punch
- Pain Split
Interesting little Spritomb set designed to whittle down mons
If Tomb still had Toxic i would consider this an effective Stallbreaker

As for EVS, Max Special Attack for as powerful hexes as possible, the 12 speed means it outpaces Steelix, the attack EVs OHKO Rotom after Stealth Rock, and the rest is dumped into HP.
Magnezone @ Zoom Lens / Magnet / Leftovers
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 HP / 24 Def / 132 SpA / 100 SpD / 4 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder / Thunderbolt / Zap Cannon :3
- Flash Cannon
- Volt Switch
- Magnet Rise / Rest


Analytic Magnezone is a treat and a half. It deals immense damage despite not having a choice specs or even full special attack investment. Not being choice locked lets it more easily deal with defensive cores consisting of Gliscor and Heatran. The special defense investment lets it not be 2HKO'd by Latios' surf and Rotom-Washes hydro pump and even defensive Heatran's earth power. The defense investment lets it be more rounded out, and potentially survive Infernape's close combat, even after stealth rocks. Analytic has perfect synergy with zoom lens, as both require a slow bulky Pokemon to run them, like this Magnezone. Incidentally, Magnezone also has access to 2 of the strongest electric type moves, both of which have shaky accuracy. Zoom lens' 20% accuracy boost lets it fire off thunders with the accuracy of fire blast, as well as 60% accurate zap cannons. Thunderbolt can of course also be ran as it provides reliable coverage and lets Magnezone run other items such as leftovers or Life orb. Of course this comes at a cost however; Magnezone sacrifices the ability to trap and eliminate Skarmory and Scizor. Magnet rise lets it safely stay in on ground types like Gliscor and Garchomp. Unlike most Magnezone however, this one is slower than Azumaril, which can be proven fatal, but it is bulky enough to tank a choice band waterfall and OHKO back. Oddly enough, this set checks standard Magnezone as it can threathen a 2HKO with thunder while being 3HKO'd by choice specs thunderbolt. Rest is the recommended move for leftovers sets, as Magnezone staying alive through a game can be extremely useful. Zap cannon is by all means a meme, but it does provide some really good utility as well as insane damage. 100% chance to paralyze on top of a powerful STAB is not much to joke about, even when it comes with a 60% accuracy. Magnet lets you potentially bluff a choice specs, but is mostly there just to provide a needed power boost to thunder.

Infernape @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Flare Blitz / Fire Punch
- U-turn / Thunder Punch


Infernape is a pokemon with a rather large movepool, which can allow for a vast amount of movesets, including creative ones like this one. Substitute is excellent after you switch in against a pokemon who wouldn't want to deal with Infernape, like Weavile and Scizor, and overall synergizes well with the set. Focus Punch is the main gimmick here, while Close Combat is by far the preferred STAB, it's Iron Fist ability can boost it to a total of 180 power, and pairs well with Substitute, as it can still hit the opponent even after the Substitute is broken. Flare Blitz is your best Fire STAB, and the recoil isn't to worry much thanks to Leftovers passive healing, Fire Punch can also be used as well, since Iron Fist can boost it to a 90 total power, regardless, Flare Blitz does more damage. U-turn is excellent to regain momentum, you can use it to pivot after the Substitute is broken against Psychic-types like Alakazam, Starmie, Latias and Latios, allowing a free hit before switching. Thunder Punch could also work, and can hit Water types like Ferraligatr and Azumarill, as well as Flying types like Togekiss and Staraptor, and it appreciates the Iron Fist boost, but you lose the pivoting momentum that U-turn can provide.
4 HP/ 252 Atk / 252 Spe Evs and Jolly Nature is the way to go, as Jolly allows it to outspeed the like of Staraptor, Garchomp, Shaymin and Jirachi. Leftovers is useful for it's passive healing, as a combination of Substitute and Flare Blitz could drop his health rather quickly. Iron Fist is the must have ability on this set because of Focus Punch, as well as the other punch based moves if you choose to run them.

Alternatives to the set:
Running either Leichi Berry or Salac Berry can be considered, as Substitute and Flare Blitz already lower your health, allowing for a boost in either Attack and Speed depending on berry, but it removes a lot of longevity in return. Adamant Nature can also be use for power, but the speed drop is noticable. a mixed variant with Fire Blast as the Fire STAB can be used.
I'd go yawn tbh it has really good synnergy with subpunch
Mothim (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Tinted Lens
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- U-turn
- Aerial Ace
- Lunge
- Energy Ball


Mothim is an intresting pokemon. It has one of the best abillities on an offensive pokemon, as well as well rounded offensive stats. It's only drawback is that it's quite frail and doesn't break many speedtiers. In return, it has the most spammable STAB in the game, in u-turn. Mothim is in direct competition in this role with Scyther, who packs much higher speed and higher physical attack, but is walled a lot easier by rock and steel types, which Mothim can usually break through, or u-turn out of and deal actual significant damage. Thanks to it's abillity, Mothim is able to 2HKO much of the tier, including Skuntank, Rotom-Frost, Lanturn and Dusknoir. This Mothim mainly uses the surprise factor of it's u-turns, as they can deal immense damage to pokemon, as well as potentially KOing.

- Set by Vrooom
Gonna have to emphasize this. The whole tier is sleeping on Mothim, and as a result most players don't expect the little moth guy to pack a punch. Much like the allure and danger of Exploud in RU, the threat of a tinted lens Lunge or a U-Turn to the face will chunk most mons outside of pure defensive walls. You could even switch out the CB for scarf if you want to be able to level with speedy mons which would work nicely for pivot-oriented teams.
Flygon @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 152 Atk / 104 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Earthquake
- Superpower
- Flamethrower
- Giga Drain


Meet Mixed Flygon! He can OHKO Quagsire after Stealth Rock with Giga Drain. Superpower hits the Ambipom and Ice-types that want to come in. Earthquake is STAB and is good for the bulky steels in the tier. And Flamethrower is for the Bug-types in the tier and Physically defensive Steel-types.
superpower seems unecessary here
Ambipom is frail as all get-out, steel types crumble to a STAB EQ, and ice types are shredded by flamethrower/fire blast. I'd run Roost instead.
Other than that, this looks like a really fun set that i kinda wanna try out actually
superpower seems unecessary here
Ambipom is frail as all get-out, steel types crumble to a STAB EQ, and ice types are shredded by flamethrower/fire blast. I'd run Roost instead.
Other than that, this looks like a really fun set that i kinda wanna try out actually
Yonitet: Lmfao that's the set I sent in ps chat like 3 months ago. It also OHKO' Chansey with superpower, as well as 2HKO'ing Umbreon. It's also fire blast to 2HKO Granbull after rocks.
Abomasnow @ Choice Specs
Ability: Snow Warning
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Ice Shard
- Blizzard
- Giga Drain/Energy Ball
- Focus Blast/Water Pulse/Shadow Ball


Just like Vanilluxe in SS UU, this Abomsnow is a Specs Blizzard Wallbreaker. Blizzard is for stupid strong STAB which will never miss with your Hail. Ice Shard is priority for certain situations. Giga Drain for some HP back, or Energy Ball for straight up damage. And Focus Blast is for bulky
Rock/Steel-types or on the predict coming in, Water Pulse can be used if you want to hit stuff like Batiodon or incoming Fire/Rock-types, and Shadow Ball lets you hit Haunter super-effectively along with hitting everything in the tier for at least neutral.