Guys, I found something on Roamer RNG, but it's in Spanish. My Chrome browser can translate it, but it's still pretty hard to read, is there someone that can translate this to a readable kind of English?
Admittedly, my Spanish is a bit rusty, but I’m willing to give it the “old college try.”
Note: comments within ** are my own.
[Tutorial] How to RNG Shiny Roamers (Thundurus and Tornadus)
By Aleborito
Hello everyone, this post is intended to walk you through the process of RNGing Thundurus and Tornadus with a special focus on PID abuse since the MTIVRNG is more than easy to control for these two. I hope this will come in handy.
Here we have a video which clearly shows a shiny Tornadus was registed on my Pokedex through RNG manipulation (this is here only to serve as visual proof that this is possible as recording the entire process would be impossible for me due to my lack of patience XD)
(YOUTUBE video)
This was recorded while playing on my Nintendo DSiXL (after registering the shiny sprite on my Pokedex I saved my progress and switched consoles) *obviously from a DS Phat/Lite*
The first variable to take into account is the weather because as the image below shows, the IVs and the PID of the roaming Pokemon are NOT generated when it flies into the sky, but rather, they are generated when it stops raining.
In the following image, Sequence 1 shows when the roaming Pokemon has just disappeared from the screen, but its specs (IV/PID) have not been generated yet. In contrast, Sequence 4 shows exactly when the roaming Pokemon’s specs are generated:
(image originally posted on smogon) *by Kaphotics, IIRC*
According to this image, the time it takes for the rain to cease is approximately 9 seconds.
The PID advances about 60 frames per second when it is raining, which is why we must take into account that the PID frame will be higher than 540. *others have reported that their SSF was lower due to a lack of “natural” rain on the route on the particular date of their RNG abuse*
Next, we’ll add a margin of approximately 40 frames because there are *wandering* NPCs in the area who advance the PID frame while you walk out of the old woman’s house on Route 7. *I thought they “froze” in awe at the spectacle of a legendary Pokemon…guess not*
Additionally, we’ll add 60 frames because our Initial PID Frame will be between 40 and 60. If you have the latest version *of RNG Reporter or PRNG* you will be able to find the Initial PID Frame for each seed by subtracting 1 (if your Initial PID Frame is 57, then RNG Reporter will predict that it is 56)
Next, I’ll search for a shiny frame no less than 700. *meh, 698 is close enough*
So, now that I have all variables accounted for, I put all the necessary criteria on RNG Reporter’s Time Finder:
(image of his Time Finder results) *He writes within a caption that he has Pokemon Black Version (Spanish), but that sometimes he needs to select the opposite, that is, Pokemon White Version (Spanish)…interesting*
Now, I’ll confirm the PIDRNG and that my Initial PID Frame is 57 (the program lists it as +1)
(image of results on Main Window of RNG Reporter 9.81)
Therefore, I’ll have to calculate the PID frame while it’s raining + my Initial PIDRNG Frame (540 + 57 = 597)
Simultaneously, we’ll have to take into account the *Wandering* NPCs and we can begin to calibrate.
I will only list the calibration attempts which yielded the correct set of IVs. *wrong IVs = wrong seed cause by alternate Timer0*
As you can see, the listed PID Frames generated by RNG Reporter are greater than 620 because when I begin to calibrate by using our estimated frame of 597, the results need to be higher than my estimate.
Attempts / IVs? / Nature / Possible Frame on RNG Reporter
-00 advances / Correct / Hardy / 621
-12 advances / Correct / Relaxed / 633
-13 advances / Correct / Lonely / 634
-36 advances / Correct / Quirky / 656 when it should have been 657
-66 chatters / Correct / Jolly / 686 when it should have been 687
As you can see, there are PID frames that produce a Hardy Nature, which, if they start on Frame 621 and we add 36 Frame advancements to, would result in a final frame of 657. However, this is clearly not the case as “lagging” *due to human error…we’re not precision machines* while rushing through the encounter dialogue or simply having a Wandering NPC move, will ultimately alter our final PID Frame by more than we accounted for. XD If that is the case, simply remedy this by adding/subtracting an advancement/chatter by +/-1 if it didn’t go well the first couple of tries.
Therefore, if my shiny frame is on frame 698 and my estimated “Initial” frame is about 621, I will perform 77 advances.
Well, my process was this:
(image of him saved inside the old lady’s house in Route 7 and exiting thereby triggering the encounter)
Caption 1: Saved my progress here and advanced the frame by viewing a Chattering Chatot’s summary 77 times.
Caption 2: Repeatedly mashing “A” like a madman to rush through the dialogue starting here…
Caption 3: and stopping here.
I kept trying slightly different PID advancements until one yielded my shiny roamer. In the end I wound up advancing 76 frames instead of 77, hehe.
Note: the reason why it is necessary to mash “A” like a madman is to keep our variables (rain drops and Wandering NPCs) to a somewhat controlled state because any “lagging” will obviously generate a higher PID Frame for your roamer.
I hope that this has been helpful and if you think there is anything missing from this post, please feel free to ask any necessary questions. Thanks for reading and a special thanks to AdroMaster for providing the information I initially used.
And that’s about it. All in all, a nice consolidation of information I have already seen on this thread, but it’s nice to see how everyone, no matter the language or location is able to RNG. This even makes me want to give Shiny Roamers RNG a go since verifying if you hit your seed and PID is as simple as looking at the Pokedex entry.
@Tammigo: I’m just happy to give “something” back to the community, no matter how tiny that “something” is.
Notable Addendum:
Conversation between Chaos Element:X and UpsideDownHitmontop about using PID%6 to help determine one’s SSF when RNGing Roamers.
Chaos Element:X: Oh, quick question about PID%6.
I'm using the Windows Calculator... and I wanted to check if I'm doing this correctly: I type in the PID for what could be my starting frame, then I click "mod," "6," and finally, "=", which results in a number.
UpsideDownHitmontop: See
Tesseraction's breeding guide
The characteristic is determined by your frame IVs and what your PID mod 6 is. And the PID should be in decimal of course.
Chaos Element:X: Cool, thanks - found it... now reading... though, all this programmer jargon is a lil scary as I'm trying to comprehend it...
UpsideDownHitmontop: It's not that hard. I'll give you an example. Let's say your seed IVs are 30/31/30/31/31/31. The Pokemon you catch is alert to sounds (speed). If you look at the hexagon in the guide you'll see that the only way to get alert to sounds with those IVs is if you start at Def (2) or speed (3). So you know that your starting PID mod 6 must be 2 or 3.
Now let's say you got somewhat vain (Sp. Def) with those IVs. There's only 1 way you can get somewhat vain and that's if you start at Sp. Def (5) so the PID mod 6 would have to be 5 for it to possibly be the correct starting frame.
Chaos Element:X: Ah! I think I get it! And just to clarify... say, my PID%6 = a stat on the hexagon that is not tied with the max - in this case, I continue moving clockwise on the hexagon until I hit the first stat that ties with the max. Otherwise, if the PID%6 = a stat that ties with the max already, the characteristic will represent it.
I.e., with the 30/31/30/31/31/31 spread you used, if PID%6 = 4, then the characteristic will relate to Sp. Attack (Mischievous)... but, if PID%6 = 0 or 1, then the characteristic will relate to Attack (Likes to thrash about).
(Thanks for all of your help - this will significantly improve my roamer RNGing, which has been a pain for the past 48 hrs.)
Conversation between same users, this time about inconsistencies encountered in PID Frames when mashing “A” rush through Season Intro Screen.
Chaos Element: X: So, if anyone has some free time and would like to help me verify something...
seed: F511BEDFBD02B1B4
TID/SID: 21204 / 18558
Advances: .......................
No Menu Opened................ Brave....... 3
Menu opened; 0 Advances... Modest..... 1
10 Advances...................... Hardy...... 4/5/0
20 Advances...................... Timid....... 4/5/0
30 Advances...................... Brave...... 3
I'm RNGing a Tornadus (in which there's no "natural" weather upon exiting the house)... And
I wanted a second opinion on what the starting frame could be. I thought I found it, but when I tried advancing to my target, I end up with a couple of "outliers" - like, a PID frame that appears to be over 20 frames away from where I should be... Though, I should note, in most cases the frames I land on (from 5 other attempts) seem to be within +/-5 from my target (890).
UpsideDownHitmontop: The pattern seems to indicate that 614 is your starting frame. The only problem is that hardy. The hardy nature with that PID%6 appears 1 after the modest which doesn't seem right.
Why do you list menu opened/not opened? I don't see how opening the menu would affect anything if you didn't do any PID advances. You're saved inside the house, right?
Also post the characteristics instead of the PID%6. If you post the PID%6 then we have to assume that you did it correctly which might not be true.
Make sure you check the IVs each time so that you're not posting natures/characteristics from a missed seed.
Also I know sometimes the seasons change when you exit the house. If that happens you should always let it fade by itself. I find that if you press A to get rid of it, it throws you off by a lot.
Chaos Element: X: Oh, sorry - I was trying to save people the trouble of matching up characteristics... And I saved in the house - which, upon entering the game, as soon as I click "down," will exit the house immediately. I was afraid that dawdling in the house will cause my PID frames to advance on their own. And since it takes a fraction of a second to open the menu and access my Chatots, I thought it could cause a problem... so, without opening the menu, I listed my ultimate limit.
But now that you've mentioned it, I was pressing A to get rid of the season change... which is probably the cause of my inconsistencies. So, I'll try again without pressing through that and see if some consistency appears - but I did est. 615 as my starting frame, so that's a good sign. Now, to try again. XD
Chaos Element: X: It should also be noted that summer has no rain upon exiting the house (months 2,6,10). xD I know Spring and Winter have weather... never tried autumn. -__- I wish I could use a seed without the season changing, but due to some complications, I'm stuck between two icky issues: Either face rain upon exiting the house, or face a season change.
Chaos Element: X: You are a genius! You're definitely right... I'm good to go now - shooting for my target with my next try. I just recalibrated... now my starting frame is 623. with 10 advances, my Tornadus matches the one for frame 633. With 20 advances, my Tornadus matches frame 643. This is the most consistent its been for two days now! I probably could've saved myself SO much time if I wasn't doing that one little thing. XD
To summarize:
- Use the PID%6 method to locate your Roamer’s SSF by using its characteristic as a guiding tool. Convert its possible PID Frame from hexadecimal to decimal (found in RNG Reporter in the top right corner and selecting Performance Options -> PID Display -> Decimal).
- DO NOT mash “A” to rush through the Season Intro Screen if you happen to have one. Doing so will produce inconsistent results (less/more time for the NPCs/Rain to advance the PID Frame).
- Optional: Before heading north to Route 10 after acquiring the final badge and hearing about the storm on Route 7 during your walkthrough, test out some seeds/dates with your wanted Frame 1 Roamer IV spreads in order to confirm whether there is natural rain on Route 7 during that particular date.
- Summer is an optimal season to use when RNGing roamers, according to popular consensus.