5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

This is what I've got, so is the frame 128-51?

You aren't going for shiny, correct? Just hit your seed with the synchronizer in front, encounter and hope it gets synced. 50% chance so you can try it multiple times and chances are you'll get the 'mon you want.
Lol, a synchronizer is pretty essential. Also, do you happen to have a copy of either Black or White? If you want to get started with 5th gen RNG abuse, those are the games you want to try.

I did own a copy in the past. But my younger sibling had lost it, :/. Also is it necessary to get all natures with a synchroniser?
I find 5th GEN the hardest I can RNG no issue in 4th. wish RNG could be done in 6th for Zapdos and giveaways


While most stationary and wild capture on 4th Gen are "easy", it should be bannable for people to even mention Pokegen or any cheating/hacking device for gen 5 as it is EXTREMELY simple to RNG. I don't think I even need the RNG Reporter for most of the legends

I did own a copy in the past. But my younger sibling had lost it, :/. Also is it necessary to get all natures with a synchroniser?

You only need one, then you can just breed it with a ditto or something and check for decent natures after a box full of eggs. It will only take you 15 mins
Hi! I'm setting out to capture a shiny Hidden Ability Braviary that appears every Monday on Route 4 in White 2. Is this going to be essentially impossible? I see 3 problems ahead of me:
1) There's a sandstorm in the area which makes the frame advance rapidly.
2) there are NPCs who move randomly that I have already battled, so I cannot stop them from moving.
3) I need to find a seed with a shiny frame that occurs on a Monday.

Am I screwed? Or is there a way to circumvent #s 1 and 2? 3 seems to be just a matter of letting PPRNG run for a while, and hoping one of the seeds occurs on a Monday.
To get rid of the Sandstorm, save your game, set your DS a month back or forward, enter your game again and Sweet Scent. Run from the battle and the Sandstorm will disappear. Now save again and you'll be safe to RNG abuse there. One moving NPC is a peace of cake, everyone can do that if they just have the patience. :) And I am sure you can do this.
Thanks for the vote of confidence :) Unfortunately that trick did not stop the sandstorm. I read something on Gamefaqs I believe that said that this worked in BW1, but was fixed in BW2. I'm not able to use Sweet Scent in a sandstorm.

Edit: I'm using a DS Lite, maybe it works, but only on 3DS or DSi models?
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I always use DS Lite for RNG abuse haha, and it worked for me. Not sure about BW2 though. By the way you should not Sweet Scent (I forgot that doesn't work) but just run around until you encounter a Pokémon. Does that work?
Yeah, I tried just running around and encountering one that way, but it doesn't work :/ Looks like the guy on Gamefaqs was right about it being fixed in BW2 X(
After taking a stab at trying to learn how to RNG again, I suspect that something isn't working for me during the calibration process. I am 99% I did everything right and I was doing it alongside the guide, but every time it never comes up with any seeds. I'm using the latest version and my MAC address is 9C-E6-35-F3-EC-5E. I think that it might have something to do with me using a 2DS instead of a 3DS, but I can't confirm it because my normal DS is unusable at the moment. Since it says that RNG abuse is impossible to do with calibration, I can't do anything at the moment to test it, but I think everything else is working on the program. Does anyone know why it might not be working for me?
I believe (don't quote me on this) the average 2DS parameters were (roughly) the same as the 3DS. In which case, RNG Reporter likely fills in some (expected) ranges for the parameters to fall in for you (min/max Timer0, min/max VCount, etc.).

Unfortunately Firmware update 9.x has changed these quite significantly. I would suggest trying again entering your own values for the ranges (something like 0800–1400 for the Timer0 and 0–FF for VCount). Note: These ranges are large, and you are likely to find multiple results, so it'd be best to write down all the Timer0's which occur, do a few tests, and see if there's a neighbouring* set of results, then lower your parameter ranges and continue calibration along with the guide.

* E.g. if 991 and 993 occur in two separate trials, this is a likely region; whilst 991 and 10FF isn't (too far apart).

Note II: If you haven't updated to firmware 9.x on your 2DS then this is all irrelevant.
Thanks for the suggestion. Sadly though, I just tried it and I still haven't gotten anything. However, to be honest I'm not entirely sure if I'm using Firmware 9.x or not, I know I updated it when the "themes" update came out, but I don't recall doing so after that. I have confirmed I think that it's not a glitch in the program and that it must have something to do with my system or something that I'm doing; I plugged in the values of the example in the guide and it came up with seeds.

Edit: I decided to try it with White instead of White 2 and I got a result! I guess it was something to do with the game then, although White 2 is where I need to RNG.
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I had a quick question. For all intents and purposes regarding RNGReporter, a 3DS XL counts the same as a 3DS, right? I know before there were differences between DS Lite and DSi, but I didn't see anything about XL vs regular 3DS
When setting up my Parameters, I'm not getting a seed listed. Am I inputting something incorrectly? I caught a Kyurem in the Giant ChasmView attachment 29571
Are you remembering to:
1. Leave C-gear off.
2. Not press any buttons until star crash.
3. Remembering to enter the game at exactly 23:18:00 (it's not enough to just set the time to that, you have to enter the game in the time you specified).
Are you remembering to:
1. Leave C-gear off.
2. Not press any buttons until star crash.
3. Remembering to enter the game at exactly 23:18:00 (it's not enough to just set the time to that, you have to enter the game in the time you specified).
I think I might have messed up the 2nd part, thanks. I wasn't sure at what point it was okay to press A. Thanks!
Since I got a new DS Lite, I'm guessing that I'll need to go through all the calibration shenanigans again.

Can anyone confirm before I wipe my old profile settings?
Ok, so I decided to attempt a RNG of Reshiram in W2, but this time on my 3DS. I did everything right, except I had set the clock a minute earlier. So I searched the adjacent seeds and found the seed I had hit instead (First time ever I can find it btw). Anyways, my questions are the following:

1. Do I have to calibrate every time I hard reset after hitting/not hitting a seed?
2. Do I need the exact time in which I hard reset for anything? (The RNG guide says something about keeping that time)

EDIT: I'm not RNGing for shininess or any of that stuff. Only IVs. Not that Reshiram can be shiny anyways...
Ok, so I decided to attempt a RNG of Reshiram in W2, but this time on my 3DS. I did everything right, except I had set the clock a minute earlier. So I searched the adjacent seeds and found the seed I had hit instead (First time ever I can find it btw). Anyways, my questions are the following:

1. Do I have to calibrate every time I hard reset after hitting/not hitting a seed?
2. Do I need the exact time in which I hard reset for anything? (The RNG guide says something about keeping that time)

EDIT: I'm not RNGing for shininess or any of that stuff. Only IVs. Not that Reshiram can be shiny anyways...
1. No.
2. No.
You only need to calibrate once. However, if you find you're consistently hitting a different timer0 to the one you found in calibration, you should search for seeds with that particular timer0.
This might be a silly mistake or me missing something basic but I can't seem to hit my seed. I'm RNGing on an emulator. The Timer0 is 972 for Jap White2, however when I started my game, I kept hitting an adjacent seed with a Timer0 of 971. So I tried changing my parameters to 971 and then I kept hitting a seed with a Timer0 of 972.
This might be a silly mistake or me missing something basic but I can't seem to hit my seed. I'm RNGing on an emulator. The Timer0 is 972 for Jap White2, however when I started my game, I kept hitting an adjacent seed with a Timer0 of 971. So I tried changing my parameters to 971 and then I kept hitting a seed with a Timer0 of 972.
Most likely it's just the Timer0 trolling you, which it often does in BW2. Nothing you can do except to try to be as consistent as possible in your timing and to hope/keep trying.