Ask a simple question, get a simple answer - mark 18 (READ THE OP)

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Do both Pokemon have to be holding an item for trick to work? Say my opponent has a held item but I don't and I use Trick, would I still get my opponent's item, and vice versa? I'm contemplating Trick's potential in-game to maybe snag some good items from other Trainers' Pokemon.

EDIT: Never mind got the answer!
Right, hello everyone. As I'm still a little new to finding the right places to post the right questions/answers, I recently PM'd Peterko with a few questions and the last one he said to come here and ask it, so I shall now.

I have recently jumped back into Pokemon about a few weeks ago when I got laid off from my job, so with my spare time, I decided to re-play my old advance games and decided on buying all 3 of the new games. Don't ask why I buy all three, but that's not the point. Moving on. Now, I just finished beating the E4 and moving on with in-game stuff before I go onto Wi-Fi battling. Since I like to complete my games before competitive battles, I make sure I'm good to go everywhere within the game, so that way I can be able to get what I need and not do it in a haste later on when I need it and I haven't got to that part in the game.

The main question of this novel of a post is that, I have started to breed Pokemon I have PP'd over from previous games into my D/P/P games. Now, I'm up-to-date with all the basic things for Pokemon, nature, IV's, EV's, as I remember all those when playing the old games and reading up articles on here. What my question is, is that, I recently bred my Venusaur with a Ditto, and I got my Lv. 1 Bulbasaur, hatched it already of course, and I was going to see what it's IV's were. So I went on by to Psypokes to use their IV calculator. Now, I got the stats of my Lv. 1 Bulbasuar and entered in the basic things it asked for: Name, Nature, Level, EV's, and stats. Since it's a newly bred Pokemon, I filled it all in except for the EV sections since it has none yet. Now, the problem is, in about 4/6 categories of the IV calculator it said "Invalid stat, please re-enter" and I'm thinking to myself, "I entered in the right stats and nature and all, but why is it not working?" So what I'm scratching my noggin about is, do I have to level up my newly bred Pokemon to a certain level (Lv. 5/Lv. 10 etc) to get an online IV calculator to give me the correct IV's of my newly bred Pokemon, or do I use some other method? Also, and kindly saying this, please do not give me any links to any other IV calculator sites, as that's not the answer I want. I've used both Metalkids and Psypokes IV calculator, and it seems to have gave me similiar problems. So the big question is, and again, do I level up my Pokemon to a specific level (Lv. 5/Lv. 10) to get an IV calculator to give me correct IV ratings, or do I use some other kind of method?

If that can be answered, and I'm sure it can be, as this is a simple question, and hope to get a simple answer in return, or even a answer at all. It does state in big bold letters to use Google for this kind of thing, and I'm sure I can find it through Google, but it'd take me to a million other forums, and since this one has far more intelligent people and since I'm already signed up to these forums, I'd rather ask it here, and get to checking IV's already. So thanks in advance and hello to all in Smogon members. - Aether Nexus
Yes, you do need to level up to work out your little Bulbasaur's IVs. I had the same problem with my Piplup. Also, congrats on breeding another starter.
Edit: Another quick question, I want to give my Lucario Crunch and Bullet Punch, but they are both egg moves, If I teach them both to smeargle and then breed, will I get them both?



Yeah, at level 1 the stats limited to tell anything. For a ballpark estimate level 25 is a good-base number, though Metalkid's calculator can use level-ups to obtain accurate IVs (input stats each level). Remember that if you train it in the wild to record its EVs.
I can't release my Onix in Platinum! Why? When I try to release it, it goes away as normal BUT then quickly comes back saying "Onix came back! Was it worried about you?"
I can't release my Onix in Platinum! Why? When I try to release it, it goes away as normal BUT then quickly comes back saying "Onix came back! Was it worried about you?"

It must be your only Pokemon that knows a particular HM. Delete the HM or teach it to another Pokemon and then try to release it again.
I just finished a Battle on PBR that I really enjoyed, but due to the nature of the battle, I am not sure of the excact damage dealt, and was wondering if this was important for a War Story, as I would really like to write one about that match.
How do I have a LV 100 battle with someone sitting right next to me?

How do I get Bullet Punch on a Scizor? (Platinum isn't released in the UK yet and I am not getting it, I will just stick with Pearl)
As cool as Scizor is, he's far too OU for me, but I might train one anyway one day.

Sorry, I'm really new to Pokemon outside of random fun battles. So explain it like you're talking to a six year old.

Thanks alot, look forward to responce.

Is it true that if you know your SID (and ID, obv.), and something terrible happens to your Diamond game, you can still rescue your Pokémon from Ranch by editing another game/savefile to match the IDs...?
or is it simply impossible to retrieve Pokémon from Ranch if your savefile gets deleted? D:

I do not have a problem with losing my Pokémon atm, but a lot of games around me have been corrupting/deleting, and whatnot; I just want to be safe. ^^;
and I think a good way to be safe is to clone your prized Pokés, storing them in Ranch, but only if you can get them back, obviously. >>;

Thanks. n___n

Can anybody give me a rundown of what you actually do on shoddy battle. I have just downloaded it, but have no idea what to do with it.
Dragon Dance + Pursuit is illegal on Tyranitar, yes? (in case I decide in game that I wanted a DD Tyranitar but at the last second decide I want it to be a CBer instead.)
How do I have a LV 100 battle with someone sitting right next to me?
As far as I know, you can only do this by using WiFi or having the Pokémon already at level 100.

How do I get Bullet Punch on a Scizor? (Platinum isn't released in the UK yet and I am not getting it, I will just stick with Pearl)
You will need Platinum to do this, or at least have someone with Platinum do this. You need to get a Scizor and a Heart Scale, go to a house in southwest Pastoria, and talk to the man inside. He will offer to teach moves to Pokémon for a Heart Scale. Find Bullet Punch on Scizor's lists of moves.


My question:
In Diamond / Pearl, this website can give you custom PC box backgrounds. My question is, is there a way to use this for Platinum as well? I tried a bit with it, but it doesn't seem to work.
I can't release my Onix in Platinum! Why? When I try to release it, it goes away as normal BUT then quickly comes back saying "Onix came back! Was it worried about you?"

I believe the problem is that your Steelix loves you too much. It's friendship level with you must be very high. I've had that happen before with about 3 Pokemon, and I sent them all to another Pokemon game that was going to be restarted and just let them go with the restart with the game. No clue on how to get rid of them in-game, unless it's the Pokemon some trainer wants to trade with you in-game.
Yes, you do need to level up to work out your little Bulbasaur's IVs. I had the same problem with my Piplup. Also, congrats on breeding another starter.

Right, but what level? Because if I can get all my bred Pokemon to a certain level (Say level 5/10) then I can get a quick result and move onto training it or SR'ing the game to get something better if the IV's are not what I wanted. And thanks.

Yeah, at level 1 the stats limited to tell anything. For a ballpark estimate level 25 is a good-base number, though Metalkid's calculator can use level-ups to obtain accurate IVs (input stats each level). Remember that if you train it in the wild to record its EVs.

So then once I get a new Egg hatched Pokemon, to check it's IV's, best bet would be to level it up to Lv.25 for best results on an IV calculator? Hm, seems kind of tough without the use of a lot of Rare Candies, and leveling it up to that level without gaining any EV's. Can I do this at a lower level, much lower? Say, Lv.5/Lv.10? I'm sure I can get them up to that. If I can't, then I'll level it up to 25, check it's IV's, then just restart.
Right, but what level? Because if I can get all my bred Pokemon to a certain level (Say level 5/10) then I can get a quick result and move onto training it or SR'ing the game to get something better if the IV's are not what I wanted. And thanks.

So then once I get a new Egg hatched Pokemon, to check it's IV's, best bet would be to level it up to Lv.25 for best results on an IV calculator? Hm, seems kind of tough without the use of a lot of Rare Candies, and leveling it up to that level without gaining any EV's. Can I do this at a lower level, much lower? Say, Lv.5/Lv.10? I'm sure I can get them up to that. If I can't, then I'll level it up to 25, check it's IV's, then just restart.

That depends on how accurate you want the result to be. Usually lv. 25 gives you quite accurate results. I suggest you to use Metalkid's IV calc.
Note that you have to insert the stats for each level requested by the program, not only lv. 25 or so stat.
Also, don't double post, edit your last post next time.

Is it true that if you know your SID (and ID, obv.), and something terrible happens to your Diamond game, you can still rescue your Pokémon from Ranch by editing another game/savefile to match the IDs...?
or is it simply impossible to retrieve Pokémon from Ranch if your savefile gets deleted? D:

I do not have a problem with losing my Pokémon atm, but a lot of games around me have been corrupting/deleting, and whatnot; I just want to be safe. ^^;
and I think a good way to be safe is to clone your prized Pokés, storing them in Ranch, but only if you can get them back, obviously. >>;

Thanks. n___n


hmanyone? ^^
Actually, when I check IVs, I usually just stick them in the daycare until level 15 because I can then work out if the IVs are usable.
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