Data Battle Tower (For all your Match-Seeking Needs!)

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Accepting Terrador, we must get this finished before pay day gets changed.

EDIT: if someone refs either of these matches, I'll ref any 2v2 or 3v3 battle that isn't triples and has at least a 2 day DQ. I don't have to ref your match if you hate me or don't have a match that needs reffing. It's just a little incentive of sorts.

EDIT2: Subref please. No rounds reffed and it's a 1v1 singles.

Still needs a sub-ref, anyone want some nice, easy RC?
Also Opening up a 4 way brawl:
3 vs 3 vs 3 vs 3
Mon type: BRT under 20 or #of moves under 25
Arena: ???
A location around Mossdeep. A mysterious white stone sits in the center of a large, circular room. Several Pokemon stand in the shadows of the edges to make sure the rock is not disturbed. If the rock is disturbed, there are five possibilities, all equally likely:
1) ???
All you need to know is that no one is likely to make it out alive. The battle ends immediately, the perpetrator getting no counters.
2) The perpetrator gets any item of his choice for the remainder of the battle.
3) The perpetrator is KO'd by a flurry of powerful attacks from the Pokemon in the shadows.
4) The perpetrator is fully restored to full energy, health, and perfect status.
5) The perpetrator gains a permanent +2 in Speed, Attack, Special Attack, Accuracy, Special Defense, Defense, and Evasion (everything that can be boosted).

The stone being disturbed is up to ref disgression. While many details are classified, the guide to the battle can assure you there will be no water source, and there will be no access to the sky or sun. Light will come from... It doesn't matter. Trust me, it'll be there.

First acceptor picks Items.
Second acceptor picks Abilities.
Third acceptor picks moves restricted.

Switch=KO and 36 hour DQ.
(Ref can go to 3 days due to complexity).

Alright, minor Mossdeep spoilers for the win. Beat me in either and I'll tell some of the background behind the arena.

EDIT: Ref gets the information too.

Reffing Redia's 3v3v3v3

A battle that already has a ref! No need to repost it 10 times asking for one.
NFE battle time! (I know, I know. Trust me, I'm almost there.)

3v3 NFE Singles
3 day DQ
5 Rec/5 Chill
Arena: Accepter's choice, with the following stipulation: It cannot be ASB Arena or Unown Soup. Use your imagination, please.

Also, I'll be using two LCs and one middle-stage. Just FYI.
NFE battle time! (I know, I know. Trust me, I'm almost there.)

3v3 NFE Singles
3 day DQ
5 Rec/5 Chill
Arena: Accepter's choice, with the following stipulation: It cannot be ASB Arena or Unown Soup. Use your imagination, please.

Also, I'll be using two LCs and one middle-stage. Just FYI.

I'll take this. Items ON, All Abilities, No Switch.

For the Arena...

Evil Circus: Field Type: Neutral; Complexity: Intense; Format: All

It seemed like a great idea at the time, to go to the circus to have a good old friendly brawl. But then that damn evil Puppet Master came and ruined all the fun. Drat... but the fight must go on! At the end of each round, the Puppet Master will cast a tricky effect, directly attack both pokemon, or summon a wild pokemon to attack and harass the competitors. He cannot be attack directly, but the Puppet Master's attacks can be defended against.

Summary: A traveling circus with an evil Puppet in the background, who will active one of the following effects at the end of each round: Use Wonder Room, use Trick Room, use Magic Room, use a ThunderBolt on all pokemon, use an Ice Beam on all Pokemon, use a Flamethrower on all pokemon, summon a wild Drifblimb to attack, summon a wild Houndoom to attack, or summon a Mr. Mime to attack. Each effect has the same chance of happening (1/9). The puppet master cannot be attacked.

No weather is allowed inside the circus tent, and the ground is dig-able. There are also standard items that you would expect to find in a traveling circus, such as large crates and performing pokemon in cages. I heavily encourage the ref to be creative with the crates and caged pokemon; anything from legendaries to explosives to items.
Also Opening up a 4 way brawl:
3 vs 3 vs 3 vs 3
Mon type: BRT under 20 or #of moves under 25
Arena: ???
A location around Mossdeep. A mysterious white stone sits in the center of a large, circular room. Several Pokemon stand in the shadows of the edges to make sure the rock is not disturbed. If the rock is disturbed, there are five possibilities, all equally likely:
1) ???
All you need to know is that no one is likely to make it out alive. The battle ends immediately, the perpetrator getting no counters.
2) The perpetrator gets any item of his choice for the remainder of the battle.
3) The perpetrator is KO'd by a flurry of powerful attacks from the Pokemon in the shadows.
4) The perpetrator is fully restored to full energy, health, and perfect status.
5) The perpetrator gains a permanent +2 in Speed, Attack, Special Attack, Accuracy, Special Defense, Defense, and Evasion (everything that can be boosted).

The stone being disturbed is up to ref disgression. While many details are classified, the guide to the battle can assure you there will be no water source, and there will be no access to the sky or sun. Light will come from... It doesn't matter. Trust me, it'll be there.

First acceptor picks Items.
Second acceptor picks Abilities.
Third acceptor picks moves restricted.

Switch=KO and 36 hour DQ.
(Ref can go to 3 days due to complexity).

Alright, minor Mossdeep spoilers for the win. Beat me in either and I'll tell some of the background behind the arena.

EDIT: Ref gets the information too.
A battle that already has a ref! No need to repost it 10 times asking for one.

Accepting a spot

NO Items
Also Opening up a 4 way brawl:
3 vs 3 vs 3 vs 3
Mon type: BRT under 20 or #of moves under 25
Arena: ???
A location around Mossdeep. A mysterious white stone sits in the center of a large, circular room. Several Pokemon stand in the shadows of the edges to make sure the rock is not disturbed. If the rock is disturbed, there are five possibilities, all equally likely:
1) ???
All you need to know is that no one is likely to make it out alive. The battle ends immediately, the perpetrator getting no counters.
2) The perpetrator gets any item of his choice for the remainder of the battle.
3) The perpetrator is KO'd by a flurry of powerful attacks from the Pokemon in the shadows.
4) The perpetrator is fully restored to full energy, health, and perfect status.
5) The perpetrator gains a permanent +2 in Speed, Attack, Special Attack, Accuracy, Special Defense, Defense, and Evasion (everything that can be boosted).

The stone being disturbed is up to ref disgression. While many details are classified, the guide to the battle can assure you there will be no water source, and there will be no access to the sky or sun. Light will come from... It doesn't matter. Trust me, it'll be there.

First acceptor picks Items.
Second acceptor picks Abilities.
Third acceptor picks moves restricted.

Switch=KO and 36 hour DQ.
(Ref can go to 3 days due to complexity).

Reffing Redia's 3v3v3v3

So let me get this straight. By "Mon type: BRT under 20 or #of moves under 25," you mean a Pokemon can have a BRT of 20+ or 25+ moves, but not both.

If that is correct than I will take the second spot, and lets go with all abilities.
Open Challunge
1v1 Singles
FE Mons in desperate need of moves only
DQ: 1 Day
Items=on prefarably, for exp share/amulet coin/i don't really care
Arena: ASB Arena
Requesting a challenge:

3v3 NFE Triples
1 Day DQ
1 Recov/1 Chill
Arena: ASB Arena

Temp, I'll drop my grassy field challenge to take you on!

Switch = KO
Items = None
Abilites = All

Also bumping these challenges:

Challenge #1
Battle type: 3v3 Singles
DQ time: 3 days
Restrictions: 2 recoveries/5 chills
Arena: Am I too late for a delicious brew of Unown Soup? =3
The battlers are on a solid platform in the middle of a giant bowl filled with delicious broth. No move restrictions at all, because you can safely go seismetoad on the platform and there is plenty of broth to swampert your enemies with. In the soup, there is one of each letter unown floating in around aimlessly. They are all close enough to pick up, and a battler may use one action each round (they can't just use three unowns) to use any move that begins with that letter. Once an unown is used, it cannot be used again.
Music: Jamiroqual - Virtual Insanity

Challenge #2
Battle type: 3v3 Singles
DQ time: 3 days
Restrictions: 2 recoveries/5 chills
Arena: A cave
The battle takes place deep within a subterranean cave, not unlike Mt. Moon and Union Cave of Pokemon lore. Being an enclosed environment, all weather moves will have no effect. Attacks that require solar/lunar power such as Solarbeam, Moonlight, etc. will still work, however their effects will be harshly reduced (akin to using them in the Rain or Sandstorm). Despite this, there is sufficient, if a bit dim, lighting due to the various iridescent vegetation and gemstones throughout the cave. The cave is also very spacious allowing for free movement, although the various stone structures give plentiful cover should the need arise. Furthermore, it is very sturdy and can withstand strong seismic forces. However, the cave is not indestructible and repeated attempts can cause various levels of structural damage. Should the cave completely collapse, the battle will end and whoever side has more Pokemon left than the other (or which Pokemon have a greater health % at the end of the match) will be declared victor.

As a result of being an subterranean environment, Ground Pokemon are most comfortable here and gain a bonus. What kind of bonus this is up to interpretation to the referee. I also forgot to add the cave also has a small pool nearby for Water Pokemon and Water attacks that need it.
Music: Pokemon GSC - Johto cave music
Because I suck at this, these 2 matches need Subreffing.

Metal Bagon Vs Orcinus Duo 1v1 Link

Ragnarokalex Vs rewindman 1v1 Link

EDIT: TheWolfe, I'll take Challenge #2. =]

Switch = OK
Items = Off
All Abilities

And I'll be using NFE's, please don't overpower me.
Also Opening up a 4 way brawl:
3 vs 3 vs 3 vs 3
Mon type: BRT under 20 or #of moves under 25
Arena: ???
A location around Mossdeep. A mysterious white stone sits in the center of a large, circular room. Several Pokemon stand in the shadows of the edges to make sure the rock is not disturbed. If the rock is disturbed, there are five possibilities, all equally likely:
1) ???
All you need to know is that no one is likely to make it out alive. The battle ends immediately, the perpetrator getting no counters.
2) The perpetrator gets any item of his choice for the remainder of the battle.
3) The perpetrator is KO'd by a flurry of powerful attacks from the Pokemon in the shadows.
4) The perpetrator is fully restored to full energy, health, and perfect status.
5) The perpetrator gains a permanent +2 in Speed, Attack, Special Attack, Accuracy, Special Defense, Defense, and Evasion (everything that can be boosted).

The stone being disturbed is up to ref disgression. While many details are classified, the guide to the battle can assure you there will be no water source, and there will be no access to the sky or sun. Light will come from... It doesn't matter. Trust me, it'll be there.

First acceptor picks Items.
Second acceptor picks Abilities.
Third acceptor picks moves restricted.

Switch=KO and 36 hour DQ.
(Ref can go to 3 days due to complexity).

Alright, minor Mossdeep spoilers for the win. Beat me in either and I'll tell some of the background behind the arena.

EDIT: Ref gets the information too.
A battle that already has a ref! No need to repost it 10 times asking for one.

As far as I see the last acceptor is still needed so I guess I shall accept this.

2 Recoveries / 5 Chills because I'm not evil
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