Gen VII: Pokemon Sun and Moon Discussion MKII

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Just you fuckers WAIT until this absolute menace gets to use an attacking move!!!

No one will be safe.

I really hope that it needs to be an attack move to be able to use a Z-move not because of Wobb mind you (however, I'd like its gimmick to remain intact as well) but because it will help reduce the coverage that Z-moves provide as well as making it to get odder more worthwhile coverage that you "didn't" have before you have to run a weaker move. Like, having to run incinerate instead of Will-o-wisp. (random example not even sure if it applies to a pokemon) but from this you can see how a status move can in general be much more useful over all even after being used for a Z-move then a weak move that is pretty much there just for the one time super move.
Poor Arceus though! He could have any type he wants, but he can't use a Z-Power and Plate to change his type and get the STAB at the same time!

If he didn't already want to send Rayquaza to the Distortion World yet, he sure does now! His fury must be divine, hahaha!!!
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I really hope that it needs to be an attack move to be able to use a Z-move not because of Wobb mind you (however, I'd like its gimmick to remain intact as well) but because it will help reduce the coverage that Z-moves provide as well as making it to get odder more worthwhile coverage that you "didn't" have before you have to run a weaker move. Like, having to run incinerate instead of Will-o-wisp. (random example not even sure if it applies to a pokemon) but from this you can see how a status move can in general be much more useful over all even after being used for a Z-move then a weak move that is pretty much there just for the one time super move.

Wobby would still get Fighting type and Psychic type coverage since neither Counter nor Mirror Coat are in the Status category.
General thoughts on the new Pokemon and forms:

Alola Exeggutor: I always loved exuggutor due to its decent design, stats, and movepool. However, with each passing generation, it just seemed to be getting worse and worse despite getting large movepool buffs. Hopefully Exeggutor's Alola form gives it a new lease on life. Design-wise, I think Alola Exeggutor is pretty good due to it displaying more palm tree-like qualities than its original form, while still keeping its charm. Its new typing is only slightly better defensively than regular Exeggutor due to having fewer resistences in exchange for fewer weaknesses. Offensively, Exeggutor's typing is a lot better. Like with Psychic STAB, Dragon STAB compliments Exeggutor's grass-typing nicely due to hitting most Grass resist neutrally or super effectively. However, Dragon STAB is much harder to switch in too than psychic type STAB due to the much higher BP of Dragon-type moves and the typing in general having fewer resistances. Hopefully Exeggutor learns moves like Outrage and Dragon Pulse naturally to match its new typing. Regardless of how good it turns out, I'm definitely using Exeggutor on my In game team.

Alola Sandslash: Sandslash is one of those Pokemon I always wanted to use, but I usually refrained myself from doing so due to so many better ground-types existing. However, with its Alola form's new typing, I feel it may be worth looking into again. Design wise, I think Alola Sandslash looks great. Its more icicle like quails and clearer body look really nice. I also love how Alola Sandshrew's head looks like an igloo. Its new typing seems to be better defensively. While Alola Sandslash does have 2 crippling 4x weaknesses to Fire and Fighting in addition to a weaknesses to ground, it also comes with 8 pretty good resistences and 1 immunity. Offensively its typing is also good, probably better than vanilla Sandslash due to Ice having much better coverage than Ground overall. Hopefully Sandslash also gets to keep EQ due to the combination of Ice and Ground having few resistances. Also hoping that Sandslash gets Ice Shard to patch up its supposedly lowered speed.

Alola Ninetales: Never really liked Ninetales despite its excellent movepool so I never used it in game. Alola Ninetales genuinely seems much more interesting than default Ninetales so I may give it another shot. Its new design genuinely looks amazing. It looks so much more majestic, yet menacing than default Ninetales due to its new blue eyes and snow colored fur. I believe it was inspired by one of the earlier mystery Dungeon games where you encounter a Ninetales on a snowy mountain. Its typing defensively seems to be worse than default Ninetales. While it does gain some notable immunities/resistances to Dragon and Dark, it gains some major weaknesses as well, such as a 4x weakness to Steel in addition to fire and poison weaknesses while also maintaining its SR weakness. Offensively, I feel Alola Ninetales's typing is overall much better than vanilla Ninetales, though its STAB combination is pretty redundant. Hoping that Gamefreak lets Ninetales keep Heat Wave or Flamethrower to deal with Steel types.

Oricorio: Really like how this Pokemon changes its typing to match its Dancing Style. I personally really like the sensu form much more than the other forms due to its Ghost typing, but thats just me. I think that its ability could give it a ton of potential against the numerous setup sweepers that Utilize moves like quiver or Dragon Dance, but it will need to have some really good stats in order to make use of these dance moves effects.

Minor: As a person who was a fan of the Zen Mode mechanic in the gen 5 games, I think I will enjoy using these Pokemon in ingame battles. I'm not a huge fan of its design however, though I like how it loses its astroid covering in order to become a star. If Zen Mode Darmanitan is anything to go by, I doubt it will have competitive use.

Gumshoos: While Yungoos beared only a minor resemblance to Trump, this Pokemon looks like it was flat out inspired by him, from that Haircut, to its battle animations, to its general posture. Personally, I really like that its much more patient than its pre-evolution. It reminds me of how adults are generally more patient than when they were children. Since its an early game rodent, I doubt that I will be using him at all.

Fomantis and Lurantis: As a huge fan of the first Mantis Pokemon, Scyther, I'm really glad that we are getting another one. Lurantis's design looks much more natural than Scyther due to its covered eyes. Its unique arm posture also makes it look very similar to mienshao. It looks much more feminine than Scyther, most likely due to its Pink coloration. Judging by its overview trailer and design, it seems as if this mon will be a physical attacker. Really hoping that its signature move, solar blade is a one turn charge move as opposed to a 2-turn charge move like solar beam. Really looking forward to using this mon in game.

Mudbray: Not much to say about this apart from the fact that its snout and color scheme looks similar to hippopotas.
12 14 15 pages? Damn it, GF, can't you post something when I'm awake?
Anyway, my initial reactions before I read the massive amounts of replies:

Alola forms:
Wow, Delta Species have finally invaded the real game. Cool.
One thing I've been thinking is that maybe the starters and Rockruff could have Alola forms and that's their secret, but I don't know. Part of me doubts it, but I felt like throwing that out there.
Side note: this still doesn't prove that Megas are going at way. Worst case scenario is that we get no new Megas, only Alola forms, but we keep the already existing ones. Also, getting rid of Megas for Alola forms would be bad since you could combine them by giving Alola forms to Pokémon who can Mega Evolve and giving them a different Mega. Could be cool.

They made Exeggutor even weirder. And Grass/Dragon? Really? And Frisk?
Also, it's only a matter of time before someone Photoshops Exeggutor-A's neck to even more ridiculous heights.

Vulpix-A and Ninetales-A:
Well, this was more drastic than I thought it was going to be after Exeggutor. This complete reversal of type is very cool (pun intended), though Ice/Fairy is going to hurt, though it would be an amazing offensive type if they increase Speed and Special Attack (and we know that Alola form stats can be different). Pity it has Snow Cloak as an ability instead of something more useful.
Also, Vulpix-A is even cuter, I've always loved Shiny Ninetales, and I absolutely adore the concept of snow foxes, so I love their designs.

Sandshrew-A and Sandslash-A:
Hmm...while both of them are cute, Ice/Steel and dropped Speed implies that it will be yet ANOTHER bulky Ice-type.

New Pokémon:
Again, this seems to be the best Generation for Pokémon designs.

I really like all four forms of it and how each is a different type, with their signature move changing depending on the form. Also, if it has good enough stats, Dancer will be a terrific ability, making able to switch in on set-up 'mons.


An interesting design and a cool gimmick. Could be a potentially good set up mon.

Formantis and Lurantis:
They're okay. Also, physical Solar Beam is now a thing.

I was actually thinking about a donkey 'mon since I'm trying to work on a fun Farm team, though it being the evolution to Mudsdale is not something I expected. It's very cute.

It's a detective? What? I do like its pose.

Hmph, still no Gen VII Water-types I like.

So it's like what many of us thought: a once-per-battle super move for each type. And it looks like it takes up the item slot, making it a successor to Gems and an evolution on the elemental Hyper Beams.
Also, I love the name BLOOM DOOM!

Island Challenge:
Well, this is a big surprise, but it does seem to disprove the Chinese leak. Yeah, there aren't Gym Leaders, but we aren't forming a league, just doing something different. I'm excited to see how it is will work. Also, the idea that wild Pokémon can call on others is an interesting concept. I also like the designs for the Trial Captains.

It seems like the Eon Flute was a test run for a way to replace (or supplement) HMs. And I can't say that I mind.

Okay, I think I've given all of my initial reactions, let's move on.

35 foot tall half a ton dragon-type exeggutor

You couldn't make this shit up if you tried. They basically took the old Mega Vanilluxe fake leak from X & Y and turned it into a real Pokemon. I love it, it's absolutely hilarious.

Well, Exeggutor now looks MORE like a palm tree at least. But at what cost? AT WHAT COST?
Your sanity. there a good, Chthulu Mythos based nickname for Exeggutor-A? just going to blow shit up to the sun and moon.
There, I fixed it.



So... final starter evolutions confirmed?
At least I like the Rowlet design.

So, more or less, the removal of the importance of HMs? And the rocks that create artificial boudaries that have plagued us for years?
No, the rocks will still be there. It's just that you don't need the HM on a team member.

If there are megas I will be shocked, but this Z power sounds interesting.

I'm so worried that they won't buff the Sinnoh or Johto starters in anyway. (Z power doesn't work on them since they're Alola exclusive) Maybe they'll be a chimchar or cyndaquil event like Blaziken in XY? I really hope they don't forget about them. :(
They never once said that Z-Moves are exclusive to Alola Pokémon. You assume too much.
Dude it's Pikachu what do you expect. The information at the site says it's for Pokemon in the Alola region.
And all Pokémon in Sun and Moon (caught, bred, or transferred from Generation VI) are in the Alola region.

So functionally, Z-moves are essentially "Mega moves". But read this...

Key Items for Z-Moves

The Z-Ring fits on a Trainer’s arm, and Z-Crystals are set into it. If a Pokémon holds the same variety of Z-Crystal, the two will be able to resonate with one another. Crystals that correspond to each Pokémon type have been found in the Alola region.

According to the in-universe flavor, you need to keep a crystal in your bracelet, AND have your Pokemon hold an identical crystal, so they can match up and do the move. But if you remember from gen 6, a "Key Stone" was a thing that the characters wore to match up with the Pokemon's held Mega Stone. The player characters wore these in a bracelet as well.

Is it possible that you would have to choose between having a Mega or a Z-move on your team, because your character can only store 1 item in their bracelet at once? Or will they throw out the flavor logic and let you do both (maybe like the XY NPCs who stored their keystones in other jewelry not on their arms)?
I could see that happening.

Mega Rayquaza can still hold an item. So it can Mega Evolve and use a Z-Move? WELP.

As if it wasn't broken before...

Dammit, I knew I was forgetting something.

In other news: Alolan Exeggutor's fourth head is... kind of cute?
The real cute part of this picture is the little girl in the bottom right corner, holding a Rowlet, sitting next to a Togedemaru eating some berry, with a Cutiefly on her hat. She seems very happy.

Another Pokémon in field means it dances with your Pokemon well. Double quiver dance, double swords. This in triple should awesome.
Holy Sith! Thank Arceus that Shell Smash isn't also a Dance move!

Ok the Exeggutor in that image (the main one) looks like its plotting something. Also a shame it has...that design. Just...what is that thing? Please, burn it with fire.
No, freeze it with Ice! It's x4 Super Effective!

One thing I wanted to add. If new forms can only be hatched in the new region, and if the only way to get the old forms is via pokebank, then that should confirm that the VGC will allow old version pokemon, otherwise the original forms will never be allowed.
When they say that the only way to get some of the old forms is through Pokémon Bank, it's like saying that the only way to get version exclusives is to trade: you can still breed new ones.

hype hype hype hype

maths guy here with some base HP stats! (credit to smogon's calculator for helping me with this)

Minior (Rock/Flying) has 55-72 base HP
Fomantis (Grass) has 25-42 base HP
Lurantis (Grass, evo of ^) has 55-71 base HP
long Eggy - normally 95 base HP, now 91-107
Vulpix - normally 38, now 27-43
Ninetails - normally 73, now 63-78
^all of those are in range of the normal base HP

tl;dr - Alolan forms most likely have the same base stats as their regular forms.*

*obviously this is speculation
Maybe BST, but Sandshrew-A and Sandslash-A have been confirmed to be slower.

Wait, Shedinja'd.

But I can say for sure that I won't be surprised if Pokémon Sun and Moon are the most disappointing thing since my son...
Harry S. Plinkett said:
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was the most disappointing thing since my son.

Oh that's true, that's true. I bet anything Alolan Ninetales will get Snow Warning in place of Drought.
That would be awesome!


As someone who hates Rowlet with a passion, this gif pleases me.
How can you hate Rowlet, you insane psychopath?

It's Gulpin!

This is a Dracaena Draco Yuccas or dragon palm.
DRAGON palm.
Alolan Exeggutor is the best thing in generations.


Game Freak is too good at this.

So one of the rumors (that just gained some credibility this morning) states that the new forms are only accessible when you bring those Pokemon from previous game versions. When the VC games were released they specifically mentioned that you can transfer G1 Pokemon to Sun and Moon. Maybe the Pokemon from those VC ports are the only ones that change form? That would be devious.
They said the opposite (some old forms are only accessible through Bank).

This nearly killed me I was laughing so hard.
Luckily, the leaks that the designs came from did say Fire/Dark, so let's cling to that, shall we?

For Hidden Power I'm pretty sure it counts as a Normal type Move, else the whole system is stupid.
I have a feeling this is what will happen.

I honestly see this Z boost as amazing in VGC since it's only 4 mons (but protect against a z boost, that would suck lol) but in OU....I just don't see sacking an item would be good for anybody in the long run, I can only see it on tanks who don't need an item like Hippowdon and maybe defensive Landorus-T. It wouldn't be anything more but a lure for everything else.
Clearly you weren't around for Gems in Generation V.

I also made that failed assumption.

Anyways, I think it would work the following way:

Let's pick this as an example:

You battle with it normally until you decide to activate the crystal:

Then you use the move and then your set takes its initial form again, and until the end of the battle.

Otherwise I can't see how the "must be able to know a move of the same type as the Z-Crystal" will work. It kind of looks like it overwrites the required move until it's used.
I think it would more likely but a big, flashing button similar to Mega Evolution and just does the move and then goes away. The "must be able to know a move of the same type" is just a balancing tool.


Just you fuckers WAIT until this absolute menace gets to use an attacking move!!!

No one will be safe.

Confirmed: Ice Breaker (or whatever ice move is called) Donphan. Look out Dragon Types Donphan is comin' for ya!

Barely even know where to begin with these revelations.

I'll start with Alolan Sandshrew. It's adorable how it's head looks like an igloo. Love the Sandslash design too. Sandslash was the first mon I ever got to L100. I can dig this.

I'm also looking forward to seeing if these means new breed moves for the non-Alolan formes or cross-breeding. Like, I still envision A-Slash being able to use Dig and EQ, but maybe it can learn Icicle Crash from breeding now, while A-Sandslash can learn Sand Tomb from breeding.

I like Vulpix and Ninetales too. It's a complete change from Fire over to Ice, which is pretty cool and gives us an indication of how broad this new Pokemon Forme thing can go.

Tall Exeggutor is tall.

Z-Moves seem to me like they'll be about the power of pre-nerf Explosion without the mon fainting. They're clearly intended to all be damaging moves, and it looks like they have room for crazy versatility. This helps those Pokemon that have really explansive movepools but are otherwise mediocre. Like say... Donphan. Or all the Normal mons that get elemental everything.

Oh btw. Fairies are dead (except Klefki/Mawile) because everything carrying Toxic can nuke them now - unless it has to be a damaging move in which case they're mostly safe. I hope it does include support moves or moves of the Pokemon's type, just so you can run Thunder Wave and still be able to break out the Z-Move for STAB when the need arises. Z-Moves seem tailor-made to lure in threats and catch them by surprise. Bloom Doom Fire types seem like they'll be the order of the day. Oh btw if these run off the highest attack, Kyu-B will get a single physical Ice attack per game. Still a lot we don't know about these, but lots of potential.

The hype is very real.
I really love Ninetales-A. It looks absolutely majestic, for one. Two, Ice/Fairy: Because Fuck Dragons, amirite? Exeggutor, though...I don't dislike it, but I find it more hilarious than really good.

Also, the Alola Vulpix and Sandshrew lines are weak to their normal formes. On the other hand, crossing fingers for shared egg moves or TMs, because then Vulpix gets a Fire move to roast any cheeky Steels coming in. (But why do they both have Snow Cloak? No Snow Warning or Ice Body?)

We have supermoves (single-use only; must hold a special item and have a move of the same type). Do they break Protect? If not, let the mindgames begin.

The island captains are sort of Gyms. I feel like this change is more of a gradual transition away from Gyms, rather than losing them altogether.
I remember the same exact argument back in XY. I swear I remember it. "Idk this mega evolution thingy... hmm... 6v6 singles OU is a extremely competitive format, I don't see people sacking the item to gain some raw power. How strong the mega evolution is gonna be? Better than the same Pokémon with a CBand? I don't see it".

Then, mega evolutions happened.
I remember the same exact argument back in XY. I swear I remember it. "Idk this mega evolution thingy... hmm... 6v6 singles OU is a extremely competitive format, I don't see people sacking the item to gain some raw power. How strong the mega evolution is gonna be? Better than the same Pokémon with a CBand? I don't see it".

Then, mega evolutions happened.
I don't know anybody who argued that. Stat boosts for Pokemon like Charizard and Mega Mawile is insane and everybody knew it would be better than an item because the stat boosts sound insane, we knew Mega Mawile got huge power.

This is just a buffed up gem move, will they be used? Yes. But it's a move you use once rather at the cost of an important item than a permanent stat and ability buff. This actually might not be used on every team.
Oh this news just keeps getting better-relooking at the trailer, Ride Pokemon may mark the final nail in the coffin for HM moves, as some mons seem to fill those roles already(Tauros=Strength, Mudsdale=Rock Climb, Charizard=Fly etc.)
I remember the same exact argument back in XY. I swear I remember it. "Idk this mega evolution thingy... hmm... 6v6 singles OU is a extremely competitive format, I don't see people sacking the item to gain some raw power. How strong the mega evolution is gonna be? Better than the same Pokémon with a CBand? I don't see it".

Then, mega evolutions happened.

Back then, we didn't know how powerful Kangaskhan, Gengar, Lucario, and Mawile would be when they were first leaked, even with their abilities announced, so we had no way to tell that they would absolutely break the metagame. Same thing with Salamence, and especially Rayquaza since nobody would of ever guessed that all it needed was Dragon Ascent to evolve.

Besides, I would personally rather Mega Evolve due to the long-term effects of doing so. I can't see Z-Moves having more than one PP, so as soon as your Opponent uses Protect or Substitute, your super nuke is gone and you're item is wasted. This makes it no better than moves such as Roar of Time and Explosion.
I remember the same exact argument back in XY. I swear I remember it. "Idk this mega evolution thingy... hmm... 6v6 singles OU is a extremely competitive format, I don't see people sacking the item to gain some raw power. How strong the mega evolution is gonna be? Better than the same Pokémon with a CBand? I don't see it".

Then, mega evolutions happened.
Mega Evos had +100 BST and amazing abilities. They gave us the two most powerful unboosted physical mons in the entire game (M. Medicham + M. Mawile, whose Atk stats are maxed at 656 and 678 respectively).

Z-Moves is like, boosted Gen V's gems, but in a controlled state. Not quite the same comparison, since it's something we've already dealt with.
I wonder where the ice forms are going to be located. I don't remember any snowy areas on the islands and you'd think it be pretty warm on Alola being based off of Hawaii, maybe it's a seasonal thing.
Z-moves can either be a super good adition to competitive play or a very stupid one. What is its priority? Does it always ohko? In the video pikachu ohkos a ground type pokemon, is that because he picked a gem that allows you to bypass ground immunity?

Edit: forget the last question, pikachu actually ohkoed ice sandshrew.
So the leak we got earlier seems correct, as they really called Oricorio's existence, they(kinda) called Gumshoos, called the new forms and they called the no gyms. I'm honestly believing that as truth. Something that got me very interested is that they say all these people from past gens and that the SS Anne is gonna be in the game. If you remember, in HGSS the SS Aqua took you from Johto to Kanto and back. I'm wondering if perhaps the SS Anne could take you to Kalos. I mean its very possible with all the information about Zygarde. I honestly would not be shocked if Sun and Moon pulls a Gold and Silver.
So the leak we got earlier seems correct, as they really called Oricorio's existence, they(kinda) called Gumshoos, called the new forms and they called the no gyms. I'm honestly believing that as truth. Something that got me very interested is that they say all these people from past gens and that the SS Anne is gonna be in the game. If you remember, in HGSS the SS Aqua took you from Johto to Kanto and back. I'm wondering if perhaps the SS Anne could take you to Kalos. I mean its very possible with all the information about Zygarde. I honestly would not be shocked if Sun and Moon pulls a Gold and Silver.
True, but they got all the new forms wrong.
Am I the only one absolutely in love with Exeggutor-A?
Like, I just adore how absolutely stupid and silly it is. It's the same reason Klefki is my favourite Pokémon; I don't look at it seriously, because it's clearly not meant to be taken seriously. It's stupid and I love that it's stupid. I love it when GF does things like this.
Am I the only one absolutely in love with Exeggutor-A?
Like, I just adore how absolutely stupid and silly it is. It's the same reason Klefki is my favourite Pokémon; I don't look at it seriously, because it's clearly not meant to be taken seriously. It's stupid and I love that it's stupid. I love it when GF does things like this.

You had me at Exeggutor-A. You lost me at Klefki.

Pfff... Kurona comparing Exeggod to Klefki and shit... >.>
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