International WiFi Tournament -International Challenge- WON BY Cybertron

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Dear James (1825 rating),

I'm so sorry that I roflstomped your cookie cutter goodstuffs team, but I would really appreciate if you didn't disconnect at the end of the battle.

Sincerely, Redtype.

On another note, I had a bad string of loses against japanese players... sigh. Sitting at 1667 now.
Had an extremely epic match last night against none other than Expert Evan. 1-0 loss, gg. Also reached 100 DC's last night :P. Sadly my rating is still below 1600, because of DC's and bad matchups...
I hate people who disconnect when they've lost. I hate even more so people who disconnect just as you're about to enter a really tense and exciting endgame which might go either way. Keep the faith, Misaki! Play out those endgames! You can always DC later =]
To my surprise my 17 game win streak pushed my rating back to 1880+ :D 1882 to be exact. Going to the MGC and a Bucks game today so won't be able to play really but still that's probably 3rd or 4th best so far.

GL to everyone today!

After an ~1890 rating in the Autumn Friendly last year, this is sad. I'm still hovering around 1500.

What's everyone's DC rate? ((Wins+Losses+DCs) / (DCs)) I hope mine isn't too much higher than the average otherwise all those flippin' D/C'ers will have cost me a ranking.

Anyways, my D/C rate is 0.5 or 50%. :( You guys?
Now I'm 23-6-3 and a rating of 1655. I did a couple more battles, which push me to 28-8-4. I don't know the rating yet though. Also I'm taking a break for now.
Maybe the same person as Redtype, but I came across a "James" (1820) and the connection was lost on the first turn...

I'm finishing for today (going out tonight) and probably won't do any more tomorrow, as I expect there will be a lot more disconnecting towards the end...

My records haven't updated, but I think my rating will be around the 1765 sort of area...
Gonna start playing more today, my stuff was updated and here's the results as of Day 2.

Rating: 1666
23-6-7 (Only 1 was at the end of me winning yesterday putting me as the victim of 4 intentional disconnects, my Wi-fi was a bit funky)

I wrote down all my opponents and comments, I'll get around adding those by the end of the Tournament.
Very upset with disconnections right now. If someone disconnects, it should be counted as a loss on their part. It is completely unfair to those who don't disconnect, while Nintendo can solve this problem. Just like in Mario Kart, when you disconnect, or shut off you game, you lose points on your rating. It is completely plausible and the person who got disconnected on should not be punished because of the D/C rate. I'm up to approximately 40 disconnections which isn't that much compared to others.
Couldn't agree with PungentFruit's post more. Up to 67 disconnections now, which is insane. 1928 rating (97-8-67).
Very upset with disconnections right now. If someone disconnects, it should be counted as a loss on their part. It is completely unfair to those who don't disconnect, while Nintendo can solve this problem. Just like in Mario Kart, when you disconnect, or shut off you game, you lose points on your rating. It is completely plausible and the person who got disconnected on should not be punished because of the D/C rate. I'm up to approximately 40 disconnections which isn't that much compared to others.
I'm not sure which Mario Kart game you're talking about but for the Wii version if the disconnect causes it to look like everyone else dropped you actually GAIN rating. Of course there's the normal way where you lose rating.

Dealing with lv 1 Aron like a boss
. Got tense at the end though.
67-28 A very good amount of wins, but a horrible amount of losses.
I think iss and Cybertron will most likely get Top 5.

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