League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

TY for all the advice LizardMan !

One thing I want you guys to really think about and analyze before responding with a "no that's bad you should run this."

In terms of olaf, I feel as if he can run a wide variety of summoner spells to still be useful and still have an impact. My personal favorite other summoner spell on olaf top is not flash or ghost, but exhaust.

On the Origin of Exhaust Vs Ghost Vs Flash

Ghost Pros:

- Allows easy chasing for an easier perma-q slow
- Good for escaping as it allows you to zip through waves
- Allows huge movespeed buff towards opposing squishies
- Lower cooldown than flash

Flash Pros:
- Flash can be used for finishers/chasing champs who can move through terrain
- Flash over terrain for escapes
- Good for instant repositioning
- Allows it to be easier to dodge skills
- Flash Q is a flashy finishing move and flash E just makes ya feel good

Exhaust Pros:

- Strong defensive tool in an anti-dive situation, and can be used to whiteknight urself OR an ally.
- Great against bursty champs like zed or riven
- Lower the DPS of auto-focused champs like tryndamere, draven, and most other adcs.
- Synergizes very well with ur passive and allows you to more fully abuse your attack speed steroid
- Allows you to cripple an adc's or any carry's damage output in a teamfight AND allows you be able to catch up to them instead of just being able to catch up to them
- Same cooldown as ghost, notably lower than flash.
- Allows you to win trades you wouldn't normally win in lane

What do you all think about this? If there's anything I missed, please tell me. I believe exhaust is the best (debatable) summ on olaf alongside tp but please redirect me if I'm misguided. Cheers and thanks for all the criticism/advice!
The only time I buy wards is on my first couple of backs in top/mid so I can protect my lead or play safe, or getting 1 pink when I remember. IMO scanner is very wasteful at lower elos because most of the time you don't know where their wards are placed and you don't know why you need to scan a certain area anyway. Yellow trinket is definitely the upgrade to get most of the time unless you are support or ganking often as jungler, and if you remember to upgrade it at 9 and actually use it then it's all you need.

Generally I just use it to keep safer in lane phase, plant deep wards when I wander into their jg, and ward our flanks when everyone groups mid for no reason
unclesam's post on the previous page is p overlooked

it doesn't say anything super groundbreaking but it is all home truth advice that p much everyone should read




so glad that ugly cunt is being revealed for the useless shitstain of a player that he is

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group a is probably one of the hardest groups, i mean if even the wildcard and lms team can fight on par with the second kr team, clg is fucked to begin with

group c/d are way more freelo than group a

group b = na last hope... again <.<

if ur wanting to pick up mid, i highly recommend orianna. she has, in essence, a perfect kit. despite that, she's not particularly a solo q stomp by any means. she's mechanically challenging and requires hella games to understand the complexities of her ball and how to trade and team fight effectively. she does teach you several mechanics that are applicable to several champs (e.g. proper shielding/self-casting) and forces you to ward as she is immobile barring w on self (this can be a positive if u look at it like that), but she can singlehandedly carry team fights and seiges very very well which are two of the biggest factors in controlling a game. if you're moreso interested in pubstomping with a faceroll champ just buy tahm. he's not very mechanically challenging and currently op as fuck in the jungle. if u play him every game u will get silver if u feel as though u are that elo-level of jungler.

don't play sejuani or twitch
Neither TSM nor CLG won a single game after having a week's worth of time to make adjustments with their highly-touted (and paid) coaching staffs.

Let's hope C9's play hasn't similarly fallen off.

if ur wanting to pick up mid, i highly recommend orianna. she has, in essence, a perfect kit. despite that, she's not particularly a solo q stomp by any means. she's mechanically challenging and requires hella games to understand the complexities of her ball and how to trade and team fight effectively. she does teach you several mechanics that are applicable to several champs (e.g. proper shielding/self-casting) and forces you to ward as she is immobile barring w on self (this can be a positive if u look at it like that), but she can singlehandedly carry team fights and seiges very very well which are two of the biggest factors in controlling a game. if you're moreso interested in pubstomping with a faceroll champ just buy tahm. he's not very mechanically challenging and currently op as fuck in the jungle. if u play him every game u will get silver if u feel as though u are that elo-level of jungler.

don't play sejuani or twitch

I said orianna up there ?__?

ok so im bronze. started out s4 but dropped really quickly due to huge lack of game knowledge. Recently, though, I've been taking advice from higher-elo friends/mentors (no not paid) and i've scratched myself up from b4 and am now sitting in b2. I know how to play the game, undeniably more than anyone else in b2 at the moment. One thing is holding me back from getting to silver/possibly gold and I'm hoping you guys can add ur encouragement/2 cents on this.

I have identified my problems and am working on improving them: Huge CS Problems. (many farm-only custom games are to come.) Warding problems (not warding enough, forgetting to upgrade trinkets and buy wards) and tunnel-visioning (It's hard not to as ghost/flash tf lol) and Yasuo (screw that champ, bad matchup for every mid-laner i play)

I am aware of those problems, but I am still able to win games in spite of them. That isn't the problem. The real problem is...

I can't solocarry garbage teams. Unforseen circumstances and this are keeping me back from silver again.

Now before you all call me out for that behavior and attitude seeing as it is very toxic, I'll explain myself. I can play my game perfectly. For instance, a gragas game I had once that's prolly still in my na.op.gg history. a good example of this is a gragas game that i lost in which I went 4/5/23. 82% kda and ecerything looked good. Flash body slams gave lanes easy kills and they capitalized on them very well. The only problem was that our aatrox continually dc'd, our zed afk'd in lane and gave their yas first blood, and bronzies don't know how to A. ADC, B. Teamfight, C. Group and siege.
essentially, I can't play any tanks in ranked because my team can't do something simple like capitalize on a 4-man sejuani ult, and full ap sejuani sadly isn't a thing that I can do on teams without a frontline.

I have recently picked up 2 champions that I have seemed to be doing very well with, though people discourage me from playing them because of "too high a skillcap" or some other bullcrap of that sort. These champs are Syndra and orianna. Syndra moreso than orianna becaue i have to rely less on my team with syndra than i do ori. with orianna I either have to rely on a decent frontliner's positioning in a teamfight or give an ult flash dissonance to become the frontline and help my team pick off really clumped-together teams.

I don't really know at this point though. Can I do something about smite flash trundle adc? Can i do anything about a top-laner who splitpushes at the most inopportune times and doesn't get any turrets/benefits from doing so? Can i do ANYTHING about a duo afk'ing and instantly losing the game for us? can I do anything about a blitzcrank who spends less time playing and more time saying
"f you olaf mother f'er f ur mother you stupid sucker mother f'er" (even though we won that game)

any tips would be appreciated for A.) How I can play tanks and still win B.) how to get a bronze team to do what's necessary to win. C.) How to play around Disconnects other than by instalocking akali in any position so i can solocarry if needed?

Thanks for all the help.

NA buddies Add me @: SteelUragaan
The thing with bronze is that yeah its a "team game" but thats only really applicable at higher elos where one person can shit the pot and the other team capitalizes on it. The best thing that can get you out of bronze is to quite simply carry yourself out. Stop relying on your other members to be decent, meaning that you also only have to not feed and you guys win. Start looking to make plays and force situations that snowball your lead. As a jungler, this means ganking the fuck out of one or two lanes, while still keeping your farm income going, and getting them ahead. Its a domino effect really. If you get your mid laner fed, your mid laner can then roam bot and get bot ahead, or you then don't have to worry about your mid losing 1v1 meaning you can now focus top or something.

Play tanks that are meaningful. If you just play something like Garen without really knowing what you're doing and get kited af, you're basically useless. If you play a Maokai and try to 1v1 a carry because "its soloq i have to carry myself" you're not going to do well. Theres a reason challenger one trick ponies aren't really "tank" players very often, or at the least the most famous ones. Players like Boxbox (Riven), Gosu (mostly famous for vayne), Annie bot (Annie), wingsofdeath (irelia mostly), cowsep (yi) all play snowbally champs that can pretty much solo carry a game. I'm not saying only pick champs like that, or to not play tanks, but the whole thing with playing a tank is knowing that you aren't really meant to carry a game, youre meant to be a meat shield for your other carries. Thats one thing I noticed in bronze when i was there. Everyone there thinks that they are meant to solo carry a game, without really knowing their actual champions strengths. Meaningful tanks basically means things like Gnar, that you can 1v1 if needed (frozen mallet / botrk if your team is ahead, and if not you can stunlock 4 people easily and change a teamfight), or darius, or chogath(?).

literally the best thing you can do to get your team to do something i find is to make friends with one other player. For example, suck their cock so much they are just bound to side with you on shit. If youre adc, that means your support. Your thresh misses every hook bar one that nets you a kill? "Good job thresh, youre so good man, im glad to have you on my team!" If a fight on your team breaks out and your jungler is blaming you for not positioning right, your support is likely to side with you "hey man dont flame, shes doing the best she could there" even if you were complete garbage. This translates to making a baron call and people instinctively want to follow it, especially if 4 people go baron and the one person wants to push inhib or osmething. Pro tip, if a call is made and a majority of the people go to a certain objective, just follow the majority. Its far better to attempt one bad call as a team than it is to split up and not be able to take either objective.

DCs happen dude, theres nothing you can do about it. In fact, I guarantee you that DCs happen far less than you actually think. Theres this form of bias thats like, negative reinforcement or something, where you only really remember the bad shit that happens to you. A game where you lost because you had a DC stands out to you simply because you don't normally get a DC. Thus, those memories start piling up, which leads to the trope that bronze is elo hell bc its full of d/cs and trolls. Theres absolutely nothing you can do about other players other than mute and report and move on, so theres no sense in worrying about them or trying to control them. You should be comfortable in solo q anyway on champions you pikc that you think you can carry with easily, even if theres a dc.

Last thing, I recommend changing your attitude if you want to climb even further and further. League mentality is different than things like other sports (i know you wrestle/d and as someone who used to as well the mentality that "im the best no one is above me" is excellent motivation to further your sport). In league if you think youre the best, you just tilt easier when you lose, and become cocky and arrogant towards teammates. The mentality that " my team holds me back" is a really bad one to get into. When i first started, i played with a friend of mine, whos kinda like you. He jungled, he liked support jungling (oddone fanboy), he was also bronze. He consistently said he was way better than me, when he was bronze 2 and i was bronze 3. We both had the mentality that our teams just sucked, but i eventually realized that the people you play with are at YOUR elo. They are just as good as you. This is honestly what i believe helped me climb to gold 2 (i feel like i dropped bc i stopped believing that and had the better than you mentality). To this day that friend still believes its his team's fault, and he is currently bronze 3 after almost 2 seasons of play. To put them beneath you is simply self denial, and can really prevent you from being open to other good calls (baron becomes a shitty call when other people make it). Most if all tho it just makes you really unfun to play with. At the end of the day having fun is most important, but if all youre worried about is being the best, your mental state starts wearing down and shit (tilt). Honestly just accep that everyone below challenger is shit and has things to work on, and instead of preparing for things your team does (pick akali and just solo carry) focus on stuff you can improve on, like csing, 1v1ing, tp ganks, vision control, micro mechanics on things like zed or kalista, etc.

Most of all tho, just have fun. Find what lets you relax and not worry about stupid stuff. The more you relax the less likely you will tilt, and the less likely you'll rage
Welp, pack it up boiz. NA blows.

Sneaky: Hey Hai, lets reverse sweep our way to worlds, then go 3-0 in groups, then in the round robin lets lose all 4, thus culminating in a reverse sweep!
Hai: That's so troll Sneaky
Sneaky: same
their competition should hopefully be good, though. KT are looking like the favorites on the other half of the bracket, but i don't really care who makes it to finals as long as it's not another SKT 3-0.
didn't we already know that before worlds started

Most people had SKT as favorites but also thought they would have competition from the likes of EDG. What I meant was how much easier their side of the bracket is, ie. If they had to play KT in quarters and EDG in semis, I don't think it would be a free trip for them to finals
Most people had SKT as favorites but also thought they would have competition from the likes of EDG. What I meant was how much easier their side of the bracket is, ie. If they had to play KT in quarters and EDG in semis, I don't think it would be a free trip for them to finals

Do you think EDG would even make it to semis?