League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??


forced to play normal draft mode because ranked isn't available? SUPPORT GANGPLANK ES ASSIST KING

srsly though i can't believe this works. bot lane pretty much stagnated even though they had superior sustain - i just kept poking them and forcing soraka to spend mana on healing rather than harassing. once we hit six i basically had free assists all around the map with cannon barrage, ended up securing a lot of kills and even stealing red buff at one point which funded my fountain of wards through assist gold and jungling (which was fine with nunu since he doesn't scale particularly well with farm)

then i realised gangplank actually scales into the lategame, so i bought some items to help out the team in shurelyas (double movespeed steroid r0fl) and randuin's (they'll never run away) and our superior mobility + my respectable damage for a support basically rolled every team fight

also gp might be the only support where you have an excuse to buy avarice blade for the gold
So I after looking at the stats on Riven's passive, I've realized that its the best passive ever. Why? She's a Trinity Force. I'd even go as far as to say that they made her manaless and without a use for AP just so that people would build Sheen on her. Her base AD is also awful low.

Still, makes me wonder how she'd fare with a Triforce anyway.
So I after looking at the stats on Riven's passive, I've realized that its the best passive ever. Why? She's a Trinity Force. I'd even go as far as to say that they made her manaless and without a use for AP just so that people would build Sheen on her. Her base AD is also awful low.

Still, makes me wonder how she'd fare with a Triforce anyway.
triforce seems good on her. the synergy is quite obvious but idk how it works in practice

best passive ever is a bit of an overstatement though. have you SEEN poppy? also gangplank, jax, corki, irelia, etc.
triforce seems good on her. the synergy is quite obvious but idk how it works in practice

My friend on Triforce on Riven :

The text he sent me said:
Triforce is 4000 gold and only gives 150 damage every two seconds and 30 AD
As opposed to 3300 for 2 BF Swords where you get an additional 60 damage on your spells and 90 damage on all AAs
And 12 more AD with ult
My friend on Triforce on Riven :
Triforce is 4000 gold and only gives 150 damage every two seconds and 30 AD

Noobs say that about every character that takes a Triforce (not saying your friend is a noob, but I've heard this argument before). And the counter argument is always "three easy payments of good items, health, movement speed, attack speed, 150 extra is not to be balked at and almost doubles her passive".

I still stand by it being the best passive ever, and I didn't even mean yet. I can't imagine a more powerful passive that doesn't break the game.

Simply put, Triforce is a powerful enough passive that it makes certain characters. Riven's passive is better than Triforce, in that it doesn't have a 2 second CD and stacks up to 3 times.
my main problem with triforce on riven (and indeed, a lot of champions who people are using it on now) is that it is not as cost effective as you might think. riven is one of the only champions who does not deal any magic damage, and has zero ap scaling. she doesn't use mana, she doesn't use ap, she doesn't autoattack enough for the attack speed to be even remotely useful, and crit is also ineffective itemisation in comparison to flat ad

pretty much you buy the triforce because it is a glorified sheen proc, and not for any other reason. riven does a good enough job of sticking to targets (especially with red) that the passive slow from phage and the items it builds into is pretty much negligible. i wouldn't buy triforce on riven at all, i'd opt for a bloodthirster or last whisper
I discovered a new meta today, solo mid Garen. My team paired up in twos after I had chosen Garen, and decided to force me into mid lane. Luckily for me, the opposing Ashe promptly walked into mid, walked past me in to the brush, and then fought me head on while I was spinning her face in, so I went 16-3 in the end, with 90% of my team's kills, and my team kept feeding their Pantheon to the point where he became unkillable and impossibly strong, and then our Morde started feeding them on purpose. For some reason. Fun times in solo queue
So I've really gotten into this game, I'm Level 10 but I dislike how slowly the leveling is going. >_<

I mostly play a laning Nunu, but I hear he's a good jungler so I'm trying to research how exactly to do that effectively.

I just love tucking into the brush and ulting 3 champs chasing me. XD

<3 Nunu
So I've really gotten into this game, I'm Level 10 but I dislike how slowly the leveling is going. >_<

I mostly play a laning Nunu, but I hear he's a good jungler so I'm trying to research how exactly to do that effectively.

I just love tucking into the brush and ulting 3 champs chasing me. XD

<3 Nunu
Nunu kinda sucks for jungling, but jungling is an important part of the game. and if you want to get into it, you should try Warwick. He is one of the more straightforward jungers, and even after his nerf, he is one of the few junglers who can work without special runes and masteries, making him ideal for someone like you who does not have access to those lv20 runes
imo nunu is easy and he can counter jungle well. His iceball is annoying as heck. warwick is nice but i always find it hard to gank someone pre6. someone teach me?

@drcrashmd just be aware that around your level (10) jungling is almost non existant since you don't have enough runes/masteries to make it effective. Also, at that level a lot of the newer players expect duo lanes at top and bottom and will blame you if they fall apart if they can't handle 2 enemies.
imo nunu is easy and he can counter jungle well. His iceball is annoying as heck. warwick is nice but i always find it hard to gank someone pre6. someone teach me?

if you've read my guide you'll see that I strongly oppose a pre6 gank as Warwick. you should focus on hitting your small camps as soon as they come up
^I've read it but I hate not ganking whilst jungling with red. I feel bad.

although the only junglers I have played are Fiddlesticks and Tryndamere and they aren't the type that jungle straight to 6
imo nunu is easy and he can counter jungle well. His iceball is annoying as heck. warwick is nice but i always find it hard to gank someone pre6. someone teach me?

@drcrashmd just be aware that around your level (10) jungling is almost non existant since you don't have enough runes/masteries to make it effective. Also, at that level a lot of the newer players expect duo lanes at top and bottom and will blame you if they fall apart if they can't handle 2 enemies.

Nunu got his ass nerfed to the point where he is a pretty low-tier jungler. He just isn't useful to a team if he isn't super good at counter-jungling or ganking, and unless you feel that you are that good, it's really a better idea to just use one of the high junglers, like Warwick, Trundle, or Nocturne.
tiers matter a lot at level 10

better make sure you can recite elementz list in your sleep

He's just not that great anymore. If you can do well with him, by all means, do so. If not, definitely go with someone like Lee Sin or Nocturne or Fiddles etc...it's just a matter of Nunu not being the best jungler for a lower level player.
nunu is 450 ip though so he should be played as a jungler for the lower level players. Also as far as I recall he is good at counterjungling which is a 'tactic' that would mean a lot if newer players pick it up early

also, just noticed that riven is getting buffed

Base Stats
Attack Speed per level increased to 3.5 from 2.9
Base Armor increased to 15 from 12
Broken Wings bonus attack damage ratio increased to 0.7 from 0.6.
Ki Shout cast time decreased to 0.25 from 0.5
Shield increased to 60/90/120/150/180 from 40/70/100/130/160.
Cooldown decreased to 10/9/8/7/6 from 11/10/9/8/7.
Wind Slash
Cast time decreased to 0.25 from 0.5
Missile speed increased by 10% to 2200 from 2000.

was this needed? I didn't see any problems with her and she fared decent especially in 3v3. She's annoying as hell too
I don't currently jungle I mean, I just heard Nunu was a good jungler and thought I ought to read up on it. Was that from a bygone day? :x

Either way, I still find him really fun as a laner, and my K/D is often pretty good, if at least even, and I usually get a plethora of assists no matter what. My last two games were 14/3 and 8/3.