forced to play normal draft mode because ranked isn't available? SUPPORT GANGPLANK ES ASSIST KING
srsly though i can't believe this works. bot lane pretty much stagnated even though they had superior sustain - i just kept poking them and forcing soraka to spend mana on healing rather than harassing. once we hit six i basically had free assists all around the map with cannon barrage, ended up securing a lot of kills and even stealing red buff at one point which funded my fountain of wards through assist gold and jungling (which was fine with nunu since he doesn't scale particularly well with farm)
then i realised gangplank actually scales into the lategame, so i bought some items to help out the team in shurelyas (double movespeed steroid r0fl) and randuin's (they'll never run away) and our superior mobility + my respectable damage for a support basically rolled every team fight
also gp might be the only support where you have an excuse to buy avarice blade for the gold